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VWER 21st May - Mark Childs "Choose your reality"

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The regular Virtual Worlds Education Roundtable (VWER) session on Thursday 21st May 2020 (12 noon SL time - 1pm) will be "Choose your reality", led by Mark Childs (Gann McGann in Second Life). It will be in voice (with transcription) and text chat at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/229/26/22 All are welcome.

Virtual reality, virtual worlds, videoconferencing, text conferencing, the physical world. They all have their pros and cons, what do we think they are, and can we improve on them?
Over the past few months, the Rumpus research group at the Openn University Institute of Educational Research has been having their meetings in a variety of different environments. A creative suite in Milton Keynes, the OU island in Second Life, Engage on the Oculus Quest, Teams, Zoom, Adobe Connect. A recent blog post discusses some of these experiences, with a focus on are they fun? http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/rumpus/index.php/2020/05/12/fun-in-different-platforms/
In this sesssion we’ll continue this exploration. We’ll be talking about our experiences of different platforms in terms of
Accessibility/cost (can we get to it)
Usability (how easy to use is it once we’re there)
Fun v. awkwardness
For each of the five types of platforms listed above we’ll be asking. What are your experiences? How would you rank it on a scale of 1 to 5. Are there any more categories? Are the any more realities? If there’s time, we’ll end on a discussion of how we might actually synthesise these to create something better.

The picture shows Mark in in the Bodleian, in EngageVR
VWER when and where: The VIRTUAL WORLDS EDUCATION ROUNDTABLE meetings start at 12 noon SLT on Thursdays on Infolit iSchool in Second Life. We meet at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Infolit%20iSchool/229/26/22


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