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Hello, Everyone in Second Life Land i'm a new second life user just created  my account yesterday and i'm in dire need of some assistance from anyone with. Customizing my Avi i'm a previous IMVU user and to tell you that i'm overwhelmed would be an understatement i've spent at least almost $80 on this game and have gotten nowhere. So I've decided to ask for some help from anyone who is very experienced with second life specifically the newer version if it comes down to i'll even cashapp you $50 to help me. I know that's desperate but, i'm out of options here i have no clue how to navigate this game just started learning how to transport yesterday bought a few items i have no idea how to use them PLEASE HELP!!!!!

 Not Found-Amy skin bronze ( Genus)

Not Found-Lia skin bronze (Genus)

Legacy- Mesh body

Lelutka Erin head

Omega system kit


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15 minutes ago, Polyhymnia3 said:

Hello, Everyone in Second Life Land i'm a new second life user just created  my account yesterday and i'm in dire need of some assistance from anyone with. Customizing my Avi i'm a previous IMVU user and to tell you that i'm overwhelmed would be an understatement i've spent at least almost $80 on this game and have gotten nowhere. So I've decided to ask for some help from anyone who is very experienced with second life specifically the newer version if it comes down to i'll even cashapp you $50 to help me. I know that's desperate but, i'm out of options here i have no clue how to navigate this game just started learning how to transport yesterday bought a few items i have no idea how to use them PLEASE HELP!!!!!

 Not Found-Amy skin bronze ( Genus)

Not Found-Lia skin bronze (Genus)

Legacy- Mesh body

Lelutka Erin head

Omega system kit


Yes, it can seem overwhelming at first! But fear not, it's not insoluble. And, although you certainly can find "stylists" and others in-world whom you can pay to put together your look, the people here will be delighted to help for free!

One problem I immediately see here is that the two skins you've bought are made for a brand of head (Genus) that you don't own. So they won't work on your Lelutka head. You also don't seem to have a body skin (most usually, skins for heads and body are separate).

You don't say which Omega kit you bought. These are generally for one particular make -- so, Omega for Genus, Lelukta, etc.: they will allow you to apply Omega compatible skin, tattoo, makeup, and clothing appliers to the particular body, head, hands and feet for which they are made.

I'm going to suggest that you take a bit of a deep breath, and stop buying for the time being. Almost all of these things should be available in free demo versions, so you can try things out before you drop large amounts of money on them. You can shop for these either at in-world stores, or on the Second Life Marketplace (online shopping: it will deliver things to your avatar when you buy them through the web page, but you have to be logged-in in-world to receive them).

You've got a mesh head now, and a mesh body, and that's a great start; both should come with default skins that undoubtedly will not match. So, your next step should be to start searching for head and body skins that 1) are made for, or compatible with, your Legacy body and Lelutka head, and 2) match, because they come from the same maker and are of the same tone, or are made by a third party but use the same tones as the maker of the other skin that you are trying. Not Found should have both head skins for Lelutka and body skins that work for Legacy (both are fairly popular makers in SL), so look there first for things you like the look of, and demo them in the same tone.

There are two ways of putting on skins these days -- appliers, which is the older method, and uses a HUD that paints the skins on to the body and head (and, where separate, onto hands and feet), or "Bakes on Mesh" (BOM, as it is usually abbreviated), which are "layers" you wear over your mesh body and head almost like clothing. BOM is newish, but increasingly well supported, and much easier to use, generally: I'd suggest that you go this route.

You're going to also want to buy hair and, of course, clothes. Clothing is also generally made for particular bodies (in your case, Legacy), while hair usually (but not always) should work with any hair. Again, demo everything to make sure it looks good, and it works, before you buy it.

Others will be along, I'm sure, with additional support, but start by shopping for a skin for your head that is made for Lelutka, and demoing it, along with the corresponding skin tone for a Legacy body (although, with a BOM body skin, it may not be necessary to find one that is specific to Legacy).

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How to do things in SL is anything but intuitive.

Fortunately there are a duodecagazillion tutorials on every aspect of SL. YouTube is the fastest and least painful way to learn. However... watch more than one video per subject.

I suggest you filter for recent tutorials. It will still be a challenge because BOM (Bakes On Mesh) has recently changed the way we dress a mesh body. I suggest you avoid Appiers (and older way) and stick with BOM (a recent change) and system layers (the original way). That will make more sense as you watch the videos.

There are multiple interfaces (viewers) for Second Life. There is the default viewer made by Linden Lab the owner/operators of SL. Other brands offer other viewers. The Firestorm team provides the Firestorm Viewer and in-world classes on how to use it. AFAIK, that is the only viewer maker that provides classes. Join the Firestorm Support group (in-world) to get 24x7 help. Use in-world viewer search to find the group and join it.

There is a lot to learn about SL. There is also a lot you can do. There are people making their RL living from their SL businesses. Land barons used to make 7-figure incomes. In 2019 users took US$60 million out of the game. There are amazing possibilities.


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   Some good suggestions already - but following videos and blogs can sometimes be confusing as well, if you need 'live' help where you can ask questions along the way, feel free to send me a poke in-world.

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Thank you all so much for the amazing responses. I'll try to follow some of the things you suggested i guess it's harder because i'm more of a hands on learner so i guess  learn by examples YouTube will probably be the best thing but, the people that do make YouTube tutorials. Usually make them for people who are already familiar with SL so they use language or talk about stores or products that i haven't even heard of until i watched the video. But, i really do appreciate all the responses so far i'm loving the community it's very welcoming.




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3 hours ago, Polyhymnia3 said:

 i'm out of options here i have no clue how to navigate this game just started learning how to transport yesterday bought a few items


I think the title of the thread alone is a good idea, others are often better at the details scene then me, but my advice I always give newer residents is sort through the library avatars, that would be located in your inventory to get a good idea of the foundation legacy system avatars workings.

be sure to check out other viewers that might help make things easier for you once you get settled more.

I also always recommend this blog for helpful tips to optimize your SL Experience. and this youtuber as well

Welcome to Second Life!..have a slice of warm Welcome Pie!.....Enjoy!😘


Forum WP 512X.png

Edited by Sassy Kenin
Added Linkie
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You could, if you wanted, leave the avatar you already have until you know more about how to do things, And follow the steps in these videos below to make a 'free' avatar (just carry a couple of L$'s with you as some items cost 1L$ to buy but it's repaid immediatly).
Doing this will show/teach you a lot of things about what's needed and required when dealing with avatar's in this world and won't cost a fortune!  Watch the vid's then click "show more" underneath them, that'll provide the links to the places you get all the components from. If already in world, copy and paste them in the your viewer's search bar. If not in the game, just click them and the loading screen will open with that links region in the "start from" box and it'll load you directly to the store needed.
(The free catwa head is available on the marketplace now until the 24th I believe. Watch the 2nd "update" video for that. Also, the video goes off the free 'Ebody' but the equally free 'Lucybody' is much better as you can wear Maitreya clothes with it whereas Ebody clothes are harder to come by. Type "Lucybody" in the in world search bar, go to the store and click on the "midnight madness" board for the body. Once 350 people have hit it, the body will be delivered to you. If you want to use that body for bakes on mesh (BoM)...you'll have to buy the converter from the same store down the right hand side for I think 195L$'s.)

Edit: If watching these vid's from here, then they don't show the "show more" option needed for the links. Click the 'YouTube' "watch on YouTube" part bottom right of the vid's action bar.



Edited by Dano Seale
Required info
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Strawberry Singh stopped adding to her YouTube videos last year, when she was hired by LL, though there is lots of good basic info still on it. She still has her blog, but again, does not post on it often. She did post a update on April 15.  https://strawberrysingh.com/2020/04/15/first-linden-rezday/

There is a link there, to LL youtube, and she does have a couple of new videos on it.

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21 hours ago, Polyhymnia3 said:

Thank you all so much for the amazing responses. I'll try to follow some of the things you suggested i guess it's harder because i'm more of a hands on learner so i guess  learn by examples YouTube will probably be the best thing but, the people that do make YouTube tutorials. Usually make them for people who are already familiar with SL so they use language or talk about stores or products that i haven't even heard of until i watched the video. But, i really do appreciate all the responses so far i'm loving the community it's very welcoming.




Also, feel free to IM me as well 🙂 I’m at the physical office this morning, but I should be inworld by 3 PM SLT at the latest... possibly by 2 🙂

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5 hours ago, Hawthorne Gray said:

Where is a good resource to find out the basics?

A week or so on YouTube really helped me and is probably your best bet. My main ones watched were 'Naria Panthar' and 'Strawberry Singh's back catalog's but there are many. As  a guy, (or 'non-gender specific') you can probably profit from looking up @Skell Dagger's blogs (don't have a link right now sorry.).

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4 hours ago, Dano Seale said:

A week or so on YouTube really helped me and is probably your best bet. My main ones watched were 'Naria Panthar' and 'Strawberry Singh's back catalog's but there are many. As  a guy, (or 'non-gender specific') you can probably profit from looking up @Skell Dagger's blogs (don't have a link right now sorry.).


I appreciate your reply Dano. I'll def check the Dagger Blog out - I prefer reading to watching videos by a long shot. I suppose I need to open up my own topic to get more replies. Not a veteran forum user.

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1 hour ago, Hawthorne Gray said:

I appreciate your reply Dano. I'll def check the Dagger Blog out - I prefer reading to watching videos by a long shot. I suppose I need to open up my own topic to get more replies. Not a veteran forum user.

I know you don't like videos, but I link to one from Gamer Sean. I like this video, because he says nothing. It is just background music I can mute. So I do not need to hear all this: Hiii you guys! So I... (10 minutes boring talk about uninteresting things) Uuh you guys so... ah, eh, sorry about that, let me find this again ... uuuh (mumble unintelligible)... uh ah ehem, so back to this... mumble...


I know he sells the shape, but no one really need to buy it. He is kind and list everything he is using if you click "Show more" under the video. If you maximize the video and pause it to see details, you get enough info there to use another shape or your own.

This is his newest video, and he is using BOM. That is short for Bakes on Mesh, and it means that the skin and other layers like tattoo and clothes is baked on the mesh avatar and visible. This is different from hiding the default avatar and using appliers on onion shells that cover the mesh body parts. For us oldbies that are used to adding layers, this is easy to use. Plus that we get freedom to use up to 66 layers instead of a few applier slots.

EDITED TO ADD: If you use other mesh parts than just this one, the HUD is different and you may have to turn on BOM, or buy a BOM relay before BOM works... some very small brands does not support BOM....

Remember to use demos first. All mesh heads and bodies has demos. No matter if you fall for a head you see in a video, try it on first!


Edited by Marianne Little
edits + changed his to this
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Wow 1st post on the forums! 😋

  Hey Polyhymnia3, 

  As someone who extremely new as well I just want say, I feel your pain. I don’t think I’ve had quite as much trouble navigating the game as you seem to have but I agree it is all a little overwhelming! :) My best advice is patience and do not be afraid to ask for help! Perhaps I’ve been lucky?! I have met and been helped by so many people so far. Stick with it and use the resources available... it’s all there, however daunting it may seem! 
  Stick with it and good luck! 
 (A fellow “newb”)🤪

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1 hour ago, animats said:

Somebody into SL clothing should organize a "how to get dressed" class at Oxbridge Caledon, with models and demos. It would be popular.

   I have thought about making a guide about it somewhere, but since my photo guide here on the forums fell off the first page I thought it might not be the best place to post it. I'd might be up for doing something in-world instead, buuut probably not at Oxbridge on account of the whole 'being banned due to paranoia and slander' thing.

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7 hours ago, animats said:

Somebody into SL clothing should organize a "how to get dressed" class at Oxbridge Caledon, with models and demos. It would be popular.

Caledon Oxbridge started something in 2014, but I have not seen them release anything new: http://www.caledonoxbridge.org/guardian/2014/08/02/avatars-reload/

It helps newbies get rid of a mesh starter avatar. Today, I think LL gives us the avatar with a tablet and big hat (females) by default.

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A bit of a side topic here, but just a word of caution here if you are new... beware of scammers. Though scammers have been around for years, I've noticed that there seems to be recent  activity with unsolicited offers of free Catwa & LeLutka heads. I was sent an offer of the free Catwa Freya head while shopping at a clothing store a couple days ago. The senders profile said it was a Catwa bot, which I highly doubt. Yesterday, I saw people chatting in the LeLutka group channel saying that someone was offering a free gift head from them as well. I haven't even seen any news that LeLutka has a free head at this time. Though I've never experienced it myself, I've heard that free gifts can be scripted to drain your supply of lindens. Just be careful and enjoy this new world. Welcome to SL.

Edited by Dementia Obviate
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1 hour ago, Dementia Obviate said:

I've heard that free gifts can be scripted to drain your supply of lindens.

Only if you answer Yes to the 'Can I take money?' pop-up.  Or click a link and go to a scam website and enter you SL credentials.

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