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SECONDLIFE is AWESOME … but it tends to get a bad wrap!  Some people in RL have come to think of it as a place for freaks & pervs, because it is, to them … ALL ABOUT the ('Pixel') SEX!! 

NOT EVERYONE that comes to SECONDLIFE (SL)  is focused on 'pixel sex'.  There are people who come to SL with a plan; they come for purely creative and intellectual pursuits; people who form relationships that are based upon sameness in goals, attitude, thought and spirit.  Their goals are broad and more productive and, overall, mutually beneficial for everyone in the SL Community, no matter what role or fantasy others choose to engage in. These individuals, the "Realistic Dreamers", they look to make their Virtual Life (VL) benefit, not only their VL and Real Life (RL); but also the VL and RL of 'everyone connected to and/or supportive of' these "Realistic Dreamers".  These "Realistic Dreamers" are focused on making their SL pay for itself through their creativity; and their success in achieving these efforts, often times, also build/fuel the economy of our VL's.  How?  and Who are these "Realistic Dreamers", you might ask?

The "Realistic Dreamers" are every resident that provides any of the quality homes, goods, services, products, textures, events, fashions, scripts, sims, regions, etc. … that we enjoy!  In supporting them, we support ourselves; we help make it possible for them to expand their efforts to be even more creative and, in enabling them to  extend their goal of increased productivity, they can extend, to those of us who have the interest, the opportunity of employment within their ventures as part of their team(s). 

So I see Second Life, it's potential to be a place of productivity … rather than over sexuality!  Yeah, … it's true, the "Realistic Dreamers" are human and may have needs too; but NOT ALL are DRIVEN by it!  Had they spent most of their time 'in the bed' rather than at the drawing board or 'more time chasing tail' than 'actually chasing their dreams' … we'd still be trying to make our own 'prim clothing', still be living in 'Flintstone looking homes', walking like ducks … and 'emoting sex' rather than using animations!  So hat's off to the "Realistic Dreamers" that got our VL's off to a more 'Realistic' existence!!  Thank you for FOCUSING more on your personal "Realistic" dreams than your dreams of your (sexual) passion.  Nevertheless, for some, in addition to their goals, yes, … for some there is a need for companionship … and that is private, … as well as okay; and I am sure' …, or I'd like to believe, that … 'that is as well and discretely done, as their other objectives!  For it has been said:  "All work and NO play … (makes for a very dull and uneventful existence)!  I get it, ...but here, again … this is entirely personal.  NO JUDGEMENTS!

I began my journey through SL in 2008, … and it has taken me all this time to finally arrive as one desirous of being a "Realistic Dreamer". I will share more about my new found direction later.  Right now, I want to take a break to thank you, … so 'Thank YOU' for having read this far.  If I haven't bored you to death already, I hope you will follow me … as I continue to share what I have observed and come to (better) understand about SL and other Virtual Worlds; but my focus here will mainly be Second Life.  Thank you again … until next time … 'stay well, stay safe and stay productive!' - Joleene Constantine-Solare (aka, littlebittieone resident).

Edgerley -EvanStone Heights, 07102018_008.png

Edited by LittleBittieOne
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1 hour ago, LittleBittieOne said:

a place for freaks & pervs, because it is, to them … ALL ABOUT the ('Pixel') SEX!! 


1 hour ago, LittleBittieOne said:


There are ways to state what you're looking for without judging others, and that is exactly what you're doing even as you say you aren't. 

You may be surprised at how many of your realistic dreamers are freaks and pervs and have driven many of the advances in SL in order to make it a more "realistic experience". 

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2 hours ago, LittleBittieOne said:

SECONDLIFE is AWESOME … but it tends to get a bad wrap!  Some people in RL have come to think of it as a place for freaks & pervs, because it is, to them … ALL ABOUT the ('Pixel') SEX!! 

NOT EVERYONE that comes to SECONDLIFE (SL)  is focused on 'pixel sex'.  There are people who come to SL with a plan; they come for purely creative and intellectual pursuits; people who form relationships that are based upon sameness in goals, attitude, thought and spirit.  Their goals are broad and more productive and, overall, mutually beneficial for everyone in the SL Community, no matter what role or fantasy others choose to engage in. These individuals, the "Realistic Dreamers", they look to make their Virtual Life (VL) benefit, not only their VL and Real Life (RL); but also the VL and RL of 'everyone connected to and/or supportive of' these "Realistic Dreamers".  These "Realistic Dreamers" are focused on making their SL pay for itself through their creativity; and their success in achieving these efforts, often times, also build/fuel the economy of our VL's.  How?  and Who are these "Realistic Dreamers", you might ask?

The "Realistic Dreamers" are every resident that provides any of the quality homes, goods, services, products, textures, events, fashions, scripts, sims, regions, etc. … that we enjoy!  In supporting them, we support ourselves; we help make it possible for them to expand their efforts to be even more creative and, in enabling them to  extend their goal of increased productivity, they can extend, to those of us who have the interest, the opportunity of employment within their ventures as part of their team(s). 

So I see Second Life, it's potential to be a place of productivity … rather than over sexuality!  Yeah, … it's true, the "Realistic Dreamers" are human and may have needs too; but NOT ALL are DRIVEN by it!  Had they spent most of their time 'in the bed' rather than at the drawing board or 'more time chasing tail' than 'actually chasing their dreams' … we'd still be trying to make our own 'prim clothing', still be living in 'Flintstone looking homes', walking like ducks … and 'emoting sex' rather than using animations!  So hat's off to the "Realistic Dreamers" that got our VL's off to a more 'Realistic' existence!!  Thank you for FOCUSING more on your personal "Realistic" dreams than your dreams of your (sexual) passion.  Nevertheless, for some, in addition to their goals, yes, … for some there is a need for companionship … and that is private, … as well as okay; and I am sure' …, or I'd like to believe, that … 'that is as well and discretely done, as their other objectives!  For it has been said:  "All work and NO play … (makes for a very dull and uneventful existence)!  I get it, ...but here, again … this is entirely personal.  NO JUDGEMENTS!

I began my journey through SL in 2008, … and it has taken me all this time to finally arrive as one desirous of being a "Realistic Dreamer". I will share more about my new found direction later.  Right now, I want to take a break to thank you, … so 'Thank YOU' for having read this far.  If I haven't bored you to death already, I hope you will follow me … as I continue to share what I have observed and come to (better) understand about SL and other Virtual Worlds; but my focus here will mainly be Second Life.  Thank you again … until next time … 'stay well, stay safe and stay productive!' - Joleene Constantine-Solare (aka, littlebittieone resident).

Edgerley -EvanStone Heights, 07102018_008.png


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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:


There are ways to state what you're looking for without judging others, and that is exactly what you're doing even as you say you aren't. 

You may be surprised at how many of your realistic dreamers are freaks and pervs and have driven many of the advances in SL in order to make it a more "realistic experience". 

no judgement but they can still post their feeling that they're being pushed side...well don't go! let them tell their side then you tell you tell yous!

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11 minutes ago, BeautifulXu said:

no judgement but they can still post their feeling that they're being pushed side...well don't go! let them tell their side then you tell you tell yous!

She did tell her side, and I commented on it. That's how forums work. 

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14 minutes ago, BeautifulXu said:

and if they got a lot to tell, it might be longer than one comment. 

fertilizer is stinky but it makes the plants grow!

I seriously can’t tell if you’re a troll or there’s just a weird language barrier even though apparently you’re a “Chinese black Native American from New York”. 😂😂😂

You remind me of charliezzz

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2 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:


Ok … a totally light hearted piece has set fire to the bushes!  And I am totally confused.  I know … I have heard about TROLLS before; people for whatever reason, go after people who post … idk … ANYTHING!!    Though this is NOT the feed back that I was hoping for, it's what I am getting … go figure!  Anyway!!  'Stay well, stay safe!"


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2 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

@Beth Macbain

Did not mean to offend YOU nor anyone else …. but I truly doubt there would have been any other way to express myself that would have presented itself to you any more favorably!  'Stay well, stay safe!'



Edited by LittleBittieOne
For Clarification to Beth Macbain ...
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I took on this particular piece as a journal or story.  Did not expect that anyone would turn it into a debate about 'words' … just me relating things about ME as I have experienced them in SL and from my own point of view; and fortunately, ... I picked up a few readers who seem to be taking it all a bit harshly.  

Sorry …. no harm intended, … but I am not even done yet!  🙂  Just getting started!  Maybe you'd like to unfollow me, because at some point … I am going to simply stop apologizing as I go on; but thank you for your readership and participation!  Knowing that I am not getting across to some readers, … that is appreciated; but either we will come to an understanding that 'this is more about me than you' or not!  Some flexibility in our understanding, then, would be key!

Thank you again, … 'stay well, stay safe!'

Edited by LittleBittieOne
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3 hours ago, LittleBittieOne said:

I took on this particular piece as a journal or story.  Did not expect that anyone would turn it into a debate about 'words'

Um. What? Just, what? on so many levels. So, you wrote a story/journal using words, and you don't think words, your words in particular are worth talking about? Then why post? "To share ideas?" Um, those ideas are presented as those pesky words again. So. What?

3 hours ago, LittleBittieOne said:

but I am not even done yet!  🙂  Just getting started! 

That sounds like a spam threat. Just sayin'.


3 hours ago, LittleBittieOne said:

Maybe you'd like to unfollow me, because at some point

I don't think you know how the Forum works. As far as anyone "following" you, I just looked at your profile and it would appear that approximately zero are following you. Some people have *read* your posts, and as far as I can tell no one is taking you seriously, and all are failing to see this great revelation of which you write--with words.


3 hours ago, LittleBittieOne said:

Knowing that I am not getting across to some readers

I think you mean "any" readers.


3 hours ago, LittleBittieOne said:

Knowing that I am not getting across to some readers, … that is appreciated; but either we will come to an understanding that 'this is more about me than you' or not!  Some flexibility in our understanding, then, would be key!

If this is more about you than us, then... why post? Flexibility in "our" understanding? LoL, what? A little self-awareness might be nice.

As far as I can tell from your original words (yes, those pesky words again): You think that some people show up in SL just for (gasp) le pixel sex! Uh huh. Alert the media. This has been discussed to death since about 2003. And fwiw, if you want to be taken seriously, those pesky words matter. It isn't bad wrap, it is bad rap. What you wrote refers to a leaky burrito. 

But then you give us the big, alert the media, news that some people come into SL for other things. Again, this is obvious and has been discussed to death since 2003. Giving the group a special title like "Realistic Dreamers" is just... so what? It means nothing. It is just some term you made up to describe people who do stuff in SL. Btw, hate to tell you this, but created stuff to enable pixel sex is probably the largest generator of $L. 

So, you don't think any of those productive dreamers ever has pixel sex too? Hahahahahaha. 

The two things are not mutually exclusive.

It is clear you have a little bit of a problem regarding sexuality, and have a little too much concern for what other people do or don't do.

You have not espoused anything new, anything exciting, anything thought-worthy here. Yippee for the continuations, though...

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5 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

really like the “stay well, stay safe” in scare quotes, though. It’s a fabulously passive-aggressive way to say “get sick and die” without actually saying it.

”Stay well, stay safe!” 😇

Speaking of passive-aggressive... What do you suppose littlebittieone refers to? Asking for a friend.

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@LittleBittieOne I don't want to belittle your efforts, but I don't think you understand what a forum is, and you don't seem to get that this is Second Life's Forum, and the people reading and posting in here already know all about SL.

So what does the title of your blurb, essay, epistle, whatever, have to do with your blurb?  Seeking him?  All you said was the cliche "Sl is all about sex" is not true. Then you romanticize the notion of doing something other than sex, which I gather has something to do with making and selling things which you've labeled "realistic dreaming" and confessed that it's taken you 12 years to arrive at the point where you want to do something other than sex and be a "realistic dreamer" yourself. Then you thanked us for reading  and something about to be continued....(and by the way the right way to make an ellipsis is three dots and a period, in other words 4 dots, which should follow directly after the last letter).

Edited by kali Wylder
typos drive me crazy, and to address the op so she knows I am speaking to her.
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31 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

and by the way the right way to make an ellipsis is three dots and a period, in other words 4 dots, which should follow directly after the last letter


How has no one ever corrected me? I know I absolutely overuse ellipses (ellipsis?) but in my defense a period seems so final and most of my thoughts actually do just trail off into something else (in my head)....

Is that right? I’m questioning everything now! Thanks, Kali, I’m having an existential crisis

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