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How do you feel if strangers come into your SL home unexpectedly?

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My home is on a skybox platform over some utterly unremarkable cliffside land. There's nothing at ground level that clearly marks out where my parcel begins and ends. If someone where to find their way onto my platform, they'd be doing so intentionally.

Which means visitors are extremely rare, and without exception have been unwelcome.

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My home is my club so I'm happy for people come into it.  There's a sky platform way up above it where I've never encountered anyone.  I wouldn't be that bothered if someone did drop in on me there.

Edited by Conifer Dada
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I only got mad really one time..

I came home and there was some guy and a child avatar having sex on my bed..I sent them both to the moon and then ban them..

I don't mind people dropping by or using my things, just don't break the rules of the grid or mess my place up..

Be respectful to others and my home or you will go either to the core of the earth or to the farthest moon.


I've had people drop in and me be on a pose stand totally nude trying on different outfits and it not bother me..Most are really polite that drop by.

If people want to show up and be mean, I've got plenty of pent up anger  that I can open up as well..Game ON! \o/ hehehehe

Honestly, I've only had to even boot those two people that one time..any other time people have been really great and a joy to meet and I don't mind meeting them at all.


ETA: sorry for any typos, I'm getting used to this backup keyboard, at least until my other one dries out from a tea accident.

I hope it will live because this one it terrible.

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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3 hours ago, Jennifer Boyle said:

So, let's all put up signs, and no one will have to guess or unintentionally transgress.

In this situation where many homes are left open because the owners welcome visitors, I think it's just nasty to have a security orb eject people, and often ban them, when they received no warning that they wouldn't be welcome. No, a notification by the orb that I'll be banned in a few seconds if I don't leave doesn't count. The owners of such orbs are @$$holes, IMHO.

In an ideal world, signs would be nice and everyone would be respectful. However, more often than not, people do not read what is clearly written in front of their faces, or they choose to ignore. Believe me, I have it written in my profile to please send notecards if I’m offline, yet I check my emails sometimes to hear angry people saying things like “Hellooooo?!” which is the biggest waste of an offline. *chuckles*

As the devil’s advocate, here’s a thing, though - if you aren’t welcome, do you really want to keep going back? Some landlords don’t allow ban lines, but do allow orbs, so it isn’t necessarily the renter who decided not to put up banlines. In addition, many people who do have orbs consider you flying over or within the confines of their parcel, no matter how high, an invasion of space. These people will not be able to post “please don’t be here” signs up and down the confines of their region, so they often use parcel orbs to give you that thirty second warning in place of the “keep out” signs. Are they jerks, or do they just really like their space to be theirs? I have several friends with this orb mindset, and I respect their desire for privacy. Many of them do try to give 30 seconds of warning, which is quite enough time to escape on their smaller parcels. 

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I don't mind, I don't have an orb or any type of security. In all those years it has happened perhaps 10 times someone walked in.

One time I logged into my home and found a couple 'playing house'.. They were cooking and having dinner in my kitchen, it was so cute that I left to a party and let them play.

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Depends on what they do when they’re there.

I always speak to them first. If they respond, it’s fine. We can chat.

If they don’t and they continue to just wander around, they get booted.

I get that it’s SL, but I always look at it like real life. How would I feel if someone came into my house  rummage through my fridge and sat on my couch and turned on the tv, while ignoring me? Versus someone sliding in the door like Kramer from Seinfeld?

Different reaction for each situation.

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I wouldn't mind, unless they disrupted whatever I was doing at the moment. They can't mess anything up, so as long as they don't actively bother me otherwise, it doesn't really matter to me.

While I'm offline, I typically encourage friends to just pretend my home is theirs if they want to use it for any kind of activities. I wouldn't mind strangers doing the same, as long as they clear out when I actually do get on. And if not, then I kick them.

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I can remember not being too thrilled when someone entered my first SL home uninvited in a car and proceeded to drive around my living room. He got caged by one of my visitors, and it was fun having him beg to be let out so he could move around freely again.

Another time a couple wandered into my home, the woman covered in flexi-*****! I orbited the pair of them.

And I've lost count the number of times I've been ejected when I've been trespassing, although I try not to invade people's spaces while they are actually around. It isn't fair to disrupt someone else's use of Second Life by rudely interrupting whatever they are doing, obviously. 

Edited by Marigold Devin
that word is flexi c u m
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I had some unwelcome visitors a couple of weeks ago who decided to use my home as a free sex venue. Since then, I've split my main parcel in two with a security orb on the part where my house is, and an open public part (with no adult furniture) for public access, 7 seas fishing and boat rez.  I don't mind visitors but I my land is not provided as a free sex venue tyvm. There are plenty of other places to go for that. And yes, I have put up signs, both in the land description and an actual "No trespassing" sign.

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9 hours ago, Chaser Zaks said:

You mean like this?


Ha!  Yep!  That's a good one...kind of like real life "beware of dog or cat" signs.  Or even in real life people put signs in their yard that they have a security protection system.   But, for many, I could see signs could be kind of ugly.  

Or, how about this...you could take out the word Idaho and put the name of your home into the photo.  You leave the attractions blank because in Idaho, there are no attractions.  lol


Edited by JanuarySwan
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I would never intentionally enter someone else's property unless I had an invitation to do so. I would expect others to adopt the same sort of principle - just as we would in RL.

Things do go wrong in SL though, and its not that unusual to find that, for example, a temporary lag spike sends you into private grounds. It is extremely annoying to be immediately hit by a hair-trigger security system before you have a chance to back out. If you're travelling in a vehicle, boat or plane, the entire trip can be completely ruined by being ejected home. Being banned is totally pointless - I had no intention of going in there in the first place. Banning is for persistent offenders, not accidental strayers.

Because I know how annoying instant security hits are, I refuse to use them on my own home, and I'm very happy to live under Bellisseria rules (which deal with malicious intrusions perfectly well). If I'm at home and somebody intrudes, I can invite them to stay and chat, or leave, depending on circumstances. I would prefer to get a greeting from outside first though. If they get awkward when asked to leave, the eject works just fine.

If I'm not at home, I just don't care. Cheeky as it is, they can't do any harm to me.

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6 hours ago, Jennifer Boyle said:

Considering that there is such diversity of feelings about this issue, from people like me who want people to enjoy their houses, to people who are offended if anyone ever wanders in, perhaps we, as a community, need to define some norms (etiquette?) for making the homeowner's wishes known to visitors. I used to have a sign welcoming people to use my house. After reading here, I think I'll put it back up. Perhaps those of you who don't want people wandering in should put up "keep out" signs. It's clear that, with many homeowners welcoming everyone to use their houses, and others not wanting anyone to, there is no norm for visitors to respect. So, let's all put up signs, and no one will have to guess or unintentionally transgress.

In this situation where many homes are left open because the owners welcome visitors, I think it's just nasty to have a security orb eject people, and often ban them, when they received no warning that they wouldn't be welcome. No, a notification by the orb that I'll be banned in a few seconds if I don't leave doesn't count. Countless times, that has happened, and, despite my best efforts, I couldn't leave before the orb ejected me, and, often, banned me by name, which made it impossible for me to fly over the parcel for eternity. The owners of such orbs are @$$holes, IMHO.


The burden is not on me to make you exhibit some basic manners. The "etiquette" needs to be improved on the part of the wandering folks who think they can freely enter any home they see. If you barge into my home uninvited and subsequently are removed by my orb, that's on you for not being polite enough to wait for an invitation. I don't have signs on my RL home, and I'm not going to put them up in SL. 

These sort of threads re: privacy always devolve into a few folks feeling morally superior about how "welcoming" they are. There is nothing wrong with people wanting their homes free of uninvited "guests". I don't tell you to lock your doors, and I expect you to respect my decision to lock mine. If you want to put up an "open house" sign, knock yourself out, but I'm not going to waste the prims. 

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25 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

These sort of threads re: privacy always devolve into a few folks feeling morally superior about how "welcoming" they are.

So true, Syliva. I mean I'm the type of person who believes we should be more community minded and tamper the individualism/ownership dynamics a bit in society overall -- but having no boundaries whatsoever is not some sort of moral virtue!

These griefers the OP mentioned totally believe they have the right to set the default, and that those who prefer more privacy are "taking things too seriously". In other words, they are saying "what we see is what we get to have, and to hell with you if you feel differently -- you have no right to be offended".

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I like it when strangers drop by. Either they're going to be fun and interesting, or they're going to be jerks and I get the pleasure of releasing some stress by cussing them out then orbiting them into space. 

I have a tracker thingie that sends me an offline when someone drops by when I'm not home. I wish I could have something like a Nest cam so I could watch what people do. That would be fun!

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15 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I like it when strangers drop by. Either they're going to be fun and interesting, or they're going to be jerks and I get the pleasure of releasing some stress by cussing them out then orbiting them into space. 

I have a tracker thingie that sends me an offline when someone drops by when I'm not home. I wish I could have something like a Nest cam so I could watch what people do. That would be fun!

you means you'd REALLY want to see me ride in , in my brand new combine harvester, rezz 15 toilets, and reverse out going "beep beep beep"?

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10 minutes ago, Adamburp Adamczyk said:

you means you'd REALLY want to see me ride in , in my brand new combine harvester, rezz 15 toilets, and reverse out going "beep beep beep"?

I would love it! I'd laugh for days and probably keep the toilets for a while!

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11 minutes ago, Adamburp Adamczyk said:

you means you'd REALLY want to see me ride in , in my brand new combine harvester, rezz 15 toilets, and reverse out going "beep beep beep"?

The answer to this is always a resounding “yes.”

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14 minutes ago, Adamburp Adamczyk said:

you means you'd REALLY want to see me ride in , in my brand new combine harvester

Unfortunately, more often than not the "combine harvester" is an over-sized appendage on the wrong side of their pants...   :)

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