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SL LiveCode Project


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I need to write a LiveCode stack that does all of the following tasks. I am on MacOS Mojave.
I am a SecondLife User and use the FireStorm Viewer.
  • Make an interface that will allow me to quickly switch to my other avatars without having to close Firestorm every time.
  • Pull Information about the Lindex and put it in a spreadsheet. Not the one you can download from the website. I want certain data to go straight into my spreadsheet. I am tired of manually entering the data.
  • Pull data from my Transactions directly into my spreadsheets without having to download the separate spreadsheet and manually enter the data into my spreadsheet
As a beginner, I'm looking for a tutor or a co-pilot if you will. I have no idea how ti get LiveCode to call up and "talk" to Firestorm. or the SL website fie that matter.
Any help you could give would be appreciated.
If you're wondering why I'm aiming to do this in LiveCode, they have made the Indy version of LiveCode 9 available for free for 1 year to encourage people to learn new skills while they stay home during the pandemic.
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5 answers to this question

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If your computer is powerful enough, you can easily run two instances of he same viewer (or different viewers) at the same time.  I regularly have myself and a testing alt logged in simultaneously, and have had as many as four accounts logged in at once.  No extra magic or special interface required.

For your Marketplace questions, you may want to investigate the Automatic Notification System (ANS)  >>>   http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Direct_Delivery_and_Automatic_Notification_System

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Hi Rolig,

I've done 2 instances a few times in the past,  but my computer is it its golden years, shall we say, and if I'm in an area with a lot of stuff to rez, 80% of the time my whole computer crashes and I have to restart. It's definitely not something I want to do all the time because of that issue.

The ANS system made sense to me, the only problem is that I want to pull the data of my avatar's transactions inward and MP. I don't have a MP store, sorry for the confusion.


I'm open to more suggestions if you have any and thank you for all of your help!


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16 minutes ago, SaturnEnceladus said:

I've done 2 instances a few times in the past,  but my computer is it its golden years, shall we say, and if I'm in an area with a lot of stuff to rez, 80% of the time my whole computer crashes and I have to restart. It's definitely not something I want to do all the time because of that issue.

Ah, well then  ... you're skunked. You can only run one account at a time on one instance of a viewer. After all, SL is premised on having your viewer maintaining a continuous data stream with the LL servers. If you break that stream for more than a few milliseconds, the servers no longer know exactly where you are and your viewer no longer knows what's going on around you in world.  You can't just have your viewer tell the servers, "Wait a bit. I'm going to go run another account here for a while.  Hold my place."  If you want to run that other account, you either have to use a second viewer or you have to log out and log back in with the second account.

24 minutes ago, SaturnEnceladus said:

The ANS system made sense to me, the only problem is that I want to pull the data of my avatar's transactions inward and MP.

I don't understand this part, but I do understand now that you don't have a MP store. In that case, no, ANS will not work for you.  And there's absolutely no way that Linden Lab is going to let you query your account balance from the outside.  They are very security conscious, so nobody peeks into their accounting system.

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