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Direct Delivery FAQ

Brooke Linden

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Hi all,

We've just posted the Direct Delivery FAQ to the wiki. (I've also commented on this in the May update thread.)

Please post any questions/comments to this thread. Note that, at this time, the main questions addressed will be clarification of the data already communicated in the FAQ.

I'll check back on Monday, May 23, 2011 for questions/comments and will follow up that week.


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I apologise if this is really obvious to more experienced merchants - I'm pretty new and on a steep learning curve...


about no copy items- by no copy - do you mean items which are:


no copy to the merchant


set by the merchant for sale with no copy permissions?


Thank you for  clarifying.


Emma :) 

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Hi, Brooke! Thanks for the info. Few quick questions. There's several but they're probably not difficult ones. Just need clarity.


"Can I choose between Direct Delivery or Magic Box Delivery?

At launch time, you will be able to choose whether your items will use Direct Delivery or Magic Box Delivery."

Does this mean we'll have a permanent decision for our account to use either Direct Delivery or Magic Box Delivery? If so should we change our mind between the two, do we submit a ticket requesting a switch?

Does this mean that Magic Box Delivery isn't going to be discontinued and will be kept as the alternative?

Also, and will there be a way for merchants to test-drive Direct Delivery before we make a decision if we want to use it? What would be the best way to go about that, like an alt? Or will our accounts be flexible with us being able to switch between the two on our end?

Lastly, it's either one or the other right? As in, you can't have some items delivered via Magic Box and others Direct Delivery?


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Thanks Brooke for the FAQ link.

I have some of the same questions as the others, particularly Ai Velde's question about whether this is a choice of DD OR Magic Box (meaning if we want to keep our Magic Boxes we can) - because that's how the FAQ sounds to me (and that's new information).

Further questions on my mind include:

1) Why do the folder option at all? The potential for pieces to be "missing" and the Merchant to have to answer additional customer service requests would defeat the objective of insuring delivery. At least when a resident receives a box and rezes it to load contents to inventory, if it doesn't load completely, they can always reopen the box and try again (as long as the items are no transfer). Further, it makes no sense to me to unbox products and create thousands of new items in inventory (if I did that with mine, I'd be adding over 7000 items to my inventory).  I don't intend to sell my items "unboxed", but as a consumer, I don't want to receive them that way either. Sometimes I buy things with tons of pieces and I don't even load the entire contents, I just pull the item I need into inventory at the time I need it.

Edited to add: If the folder option is a real option, please include a field where the Merchant can indicate "This item is delivered as - a folder or - boxed". And it means the Merchant needs to indicate in their description every single piece that would be in that folder so the customer can check to be sure they have received everything. Right now, some do list all pieces, but many don't.

2) If "New Folders" are created in our inventory, then it sounds like a viewer update would be necessary for all viewers, LL and TP. Do TP viewer developers have access to the info they need to start working on that change? Further to that, can we still work on a viewer that does not for some reason have these new folders - then log into a viewer that does have them to move finished product to the folder? May sound crazy, but at least for me, that would help me be sure that I am not "disturbing" the "Outgoing" folder by accident as I work.

3) If a Merchant pulls an item out of the "Outgoing Folder" to replace it with an update, is it automatically resynced with Marketplace (I think that was asked above)?

Watching this thread closely to see what other Merchants ask, and looking forward to the response. Thanks again!

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Arwen Serpente wrote:

Thanks Brooke for the FAQ link.

I have some of the same questions as the others, particularly Ai Velde's question about whether this is a choice of DD OR Magic Box (meaning if we want to keep our Magic Boxes we can) - because that's how the FAQ sounds to me (and that's new information).

Further questions on my mind include:

1) Why do the folder option at all? The potential for pieces to be "missing" and the Merchant to have to answer additional customer service requests would defeat the objective of insuring delivery. At least when a resident receives a box and rezes it to load contents to inventory, if it doesn't load completely, they can always reopen the box and try again (as long as the items are no transfer). Further, it makes no sense to me to unbox products and create thousands of new items in inventory (if I did that with mine, I'd be adding over 7000 items to my inventory).  I don't intend to sell my items "unboxed", but as a consumer, I don't want to receive them that way either. Sometimes I buy things with tons of pieces and I don't even load the entire contents, I just pull the item I need into inventory at the time I need it.

Edited to add: If the folder option is a real option, please include a field where the Merchant can indicate "This item is delivered as - a folder or - boxed". And it means the Merchant needs to indicate in their description every single piece that would be in that folder so the customer can check to be sure they have received everything. Right now, some do list all pieces, but many don't.

2) If "New Folders" are created in our inventory, then it sounds like a viewer update would be necessary for all viewers, LL and TP. Do TP viewer developers have access to the info they need to start working on that change? Further to that, can we still work on a viewer that does not for some reason have these new folders - then log into a viewer that does have them to move finished product to the folder? May sound crazy, but at least for me, that would help me be sure that I am not "disturbing" the "Outgoing" folder by accident as I work.

3) If a Merchant pulls an item out of the "Outgoing Folder" to replace it with an update, is it automatically resynced with Marketplace (I think that was asked above)?

Watching this thread closely to see what other Merchants ask, and looking forward to the response. Thanks again!


I suspect that unfortunately Merchants will be forced (sooner or later) to not use the MagicBoxes.  My guess that the main reason LL will not ram it down our throats faster will be because they will be restricted by how fast all the 3PV integrate any required DD updates to the 3PV viewer code to support these new inventory system folders.  History will also suggest that LL will not consider keeping MagicBox functionality available even if there was a huge Merchant request / demand to keep them an option.

As for Brooke bragging and promoting how unboxed sellable SLM inventory is such a big new benefit for this new DD, this topic was already talked about in the Merchant forums (the forums that Dakota implied LL does not read nor take note of when developing) and yoru logic and concerns are completely legit and obviously not thought about by the LL Development team.  LL's idea that unboxed sellable inventory for delivery is so good clearly comes from either LL staff that have not been an active Merchant or from some of the Merchants that have special access to Brooke and team to convince them this would be so cool for him to have.

Just one of my Boxed sculpty landscape packs - with all the sculpy maps, shadow maps, license notecards, info notecards, demo photos, scripts, and demo prims can have almost a 100 objects.  When Boxed this makes up 1 prim object filled with content.  So lets say I only sell 10 packs... that fills my inventory with an additional 1000 objects.  But Brooke is promoting that its much better for Merchants to new unbox all our boxed items and fill up our already huge account inventory.  Why?  Because supposedly to some LL insider that help LL create their requirements for DD - Customers are so hugely inconvenienced not rezzing what they bought on the Merchants store.  I didnt know this was such a hugely critical problem in the years I have been buying and selling.

Also, as you mentioned Arwen, the benefit of selling a BOXED SELLING Item is that any time in the future, the customer could re-populate the contents of the boxed item in the future.  Many of my customer keep my boxed item and copy the contents into their inventory when working on projects then delete the folder to reduce inventory.  Boxed Items are clean, organized, and convenient for future use.  BUT I guess the LL DD team is looking for excuses why DD is using our personal inventory as a place to source our SLM items.

Its also clear from what was stated in the FAQ that Brooke and the DD team did not read ANY of the several paged Commerce Forum thread about DD and it sourcing from our inventory (with all its risks) as well as the benefits of much more efficient alternatives like DD sourcing from a dumbed down Magic Box.  This would have all but eliminated any of the huge migration pains all of Merchants will be forced to go through when we need to transfer our Magicbox SLM inventory to this new DD folder.

No mention as to how LL forcing all Merchants to further fill up our account inventory with 1000's more items (or even 10's of thousands if Merchants unbox their contents) will impact stability of the Merchant's account.  What if a Merchant already has 60,000 or more items in their inventory and needs to stuff another 20,000 SLM items into their inventory?

It was also said in the FAQ that this thread is only here to directly answer FAQ facts.  We will clearly not be allowed to point out risks or alternatives or features unless we are in the Beta.  They do not read Forum discussions - we saw that when there was NO mention from Brooke about the biggest public DD topic discussed in the forums.

So just pucker up and wait for whats coming.

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Emma Krokus wrote:

... about no copy items- by no copy - do you mean items which are:

no copy to the merchant


set by the merchant for sale with no copy permissions?


From reading the FAQ, this section is the one I believe inspired your question:

Merchants listing no-copy items will be warned that those items will be moved as opposed to copied as an extra check to prevent accidental moves. When an item is delivered, it will be delivered from your Marketplace inventory--your in world inventory will not be affected.

If I read this correctly, they are specifically referring to items that are "No Copy" to the Merchant. In other words items that the Merchant can sell only once because the item is removed from their inventory when delivered. (Just exactly the same as when you manually hand a No Copy item to someone else.)

It appears that in order to prevent problems, when you list a No Copy item for sale, they go ahead and transfer it out of your ownership and into theirs straight off the bat. That way there is no problem with accidental missed delivery. If they didn't take possession of it, you could list a No Copy Item then sometime later give it away or sell it to someone manually. But since the Marketplace isn't constantly checking to see if the item is really still available, it would accept a purchase but then be unable to deliver it because the item was already given or sold to someone else.

In short, when you list a No Copy item, you in essence "Sell" it to the Marketplace at the time of listing. You just don't actually get any money for it until they sell it to someone else. It's a lot like a Consignment Shop in that regards.

HOWEVER, it does raise the question of ... If you subsequently delist the item (a process not exactly clear to me at this time), does the Marketplace return it to your inventory at that time?

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Thank you for the FAQ Brooke, but one section in particular raises some questions for me:

Will Direct Delivery be supported by Third Party Viewers?

Yes, it will be supported by approved Third-Party Viewers, in terms of delivery. If Third-Party Viewers choose to support listing items on the Marketplace, they may use the API that will be provided to allow this.

This requirement (for a specific Delivery Folder API) indicates to me that the Merchant will have a new Inventory Location totally separate from the Personal Inventory we are all quite familiar with. This is something we have been asking about and for since the beginning. Thank you for hearing us on this point. The fact that there are actually TWO totally separate inventory folders (one for incoming and one for outgoing) is a further bonus. However ...

Suppose a Customer is using a Viewer that does NOT support this additional API and thus does not know about or support the two new folders. When they purchase something from a Merchant that has opted to use Direct Delivery, how will they be able to find and retrieve their purchase? How will they be notified it was delivered?

Since there is a new API, I am assuming it is already being added to Viewer 2 at this time. How will the Customer be notified under the Viewer 2 User Interface that their purchase has been delivered to their special Incoming Purchase folder?

Will the TPV's be given sufficient time to add support for the new API to their existing Viewers (and upcoming new versions of viewers) before Direct Delivery is "turned on"? (I am specifically thinking of Phoenix / Firestorm. At present they are deeply invested in making Firestorm work and they just had to "run backwards" to bring the new Avatar Physics code into Phoenix. Are they and others like them going to be given enough time and resources to bring this new Direct Delivery functionality into their older viewer, or will they have to "run backwards" in a hurry?

With Linden Lab's internal mandate to create Web Services for everything (such as they're doing with In-World Search), will the new Direct Delivery API be available as a Web Service as well? If so, will it be available for use by Vendor System makers or will they still be forced to use their existing equivalent of "Magic Boxes"?

Thanks in advance for your answers. Keep the news coming.

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Toysoldier is totally correct.  For people who only list a small number of single items, a shirt, for example, then delivering folders as opposed to boxed items is little problem.  For those of us who use the Marketplace and SL primarily as a business, and who continually add new content, that will push our inventories to ridiculous levels - particularly when SL states on its own Wiki that between 10K and 12K items in inventory should be an absolute maximum.  The delivery of boxed items should continue, not folders, it is absolutely no hardship for anyone to rez a box and open it... we were all doing it on day 1 in SL and years later we are still doing it.  What is so different about new residents?  Are they completely incapable of comprehending a simple instruction on how to rez a box?  If so, how on earth can they possibly rez objects from their inventory?  After all, the process is near identical.  Let's give residents the credit they deserve, treat people as adults and allow them to learn SL rather than holding their hands every step of the way... and watching as more and more stop coming inworld.

Already mentioned but an important point.  Many of us sell no copy items.  Many of us are not in America.  We cannot therefore stand by our computers, logged into SL, waiting for notification that a no copy item has been moved and sold, then rush to add another to the outgoing folder.  That has to be the most ridiculous idea I have heard!  It means if we are not at our computers or inworld, we can only sell one of those items because if another customer tries to buy, the item will not be available for delivery!  Time to get real... time to learn the "business" rather than the coding.

Continuing on this same no copy point...  no copies items are generally in no copy boxes.  If the boxes are made copiable but the content of the boxes remains unchanged, will that count as a "copiable" item for DD? 

Given the very high proportion of residents who use a TPV (still a clear indication that LL got it totally wrong with viewer 2), it is clear that DD cannot be implemented until all TPVs have been given the appropriate information to integrate it into yet another viewer update AND have it tested repeatedly to ensure it will work.

Greater clarity is needed on the syncing process for DD between inventory and Marketplace.

Finally (and off topic but deliberately so since I have not yet received a reply)... Dakota asked me to place in a thread for Brooke a question they have not been able to answer, even giving me the thread to use and saying Brooke would see it and respond.  The question is... if we edit a Marketplace listing and click to update, whether it be a price change, description change, better display pictures, changing related items, does that edited listing retain its position in the search rankings or is it classed as a new listing and shunted back to the bottom?  Since this happened to me last month, I feel we need full and clear clarification of the editing process on the Marketplace.

BTW... I have no objections to DD, it will actually assist me having BOXES in a special folder in my inventory as opposed to having to load magic boxes over several sims.  But the last thing I, and no doubt other merchants, want is the fiasco we have had twice (first with opening the Marketplace, second with the "updates" a few months ago) each resulting in sudden and drastic dips in sales.  We are in business, we are not playing a game, that is an important distinction and the reason why so many merchants offer so many suggestions.


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Darrius Gothly wrote:

But since the Marketplace isn't constantly checking to see if the item is really still available, it would accept a purchase but then be unable to deliver it because the item was already given or sold to someone else.

Which is why you can set the quantity to 1 and there you go, your item sells and is then listed as unavailiable and later unlisted completly.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Suppose a Customer is using a Viewer that does NOT support this additional API and thus does not know about or support the two new folders. When they purchase something from a Merchant that has opted to use Direct Delivery, how will they be able to find and retrieve their purchase? How will they be notified it was delivered?

Since there is a new API, I am assuming it is already being added to Viewer 2 at this time. How will the Customer be notified under the Viewer 2 User Interface that their purchase has been delivered to their special Incoming Purchase folder?

I don't have inside info so I can't speak for sure but I'll go out on a limb here and assume it'll work like the outfits folder currently does. If the viewer doesn't support it or is pre-V2 then it just treats it like a regular folder. Since the inventory is fetched from serverside I assume it would stay in sync that way or they'd take the quick fix and just have the folder locked serverside so changes on your viewer to that folder would be temporary to your current session, otherwise everything would get out of sync.

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:


Just one of my Boxed sculpty landscape packs - with all the sculpy maps, shadow maps, license notecards, info notecards, demo photos, scripts, and demo prims can have almost a 100 objects.  When Boxed this makes up 1 prim object filled with content.  So lets say I only sell 10 packs... that fills my inventory with an additional 1000 objects.  But Brooke is promoting that its much better for Merchants to new unbox all our boxed items and fill up our already huge account inventory.  Why?  Because supposedly to some LL insider that help LL create their requirements for DD - Customers are so hugely inconvenienced not rezzing what they bought on the Merchants store.  I didnt know this was such a hugely critical problem in the years I have been buying and selling.

No mention as to how LL forcing all Merchants to further fill up our account inventory with 1000's more items (or even 10's of thousands if Merchants unbox their contents) will impact stability of the Merchant's account.  What if a Merchant already has 60,000 or more items in their inventory and needs to stuff another 20,000 SLM items into their inventory?

Is this really an issue?, you can just leave the item boxed if you really want to inconvenience your customers, but if you did want to make it easy for them you could have one main folder with a sub folder for Sculpt maps, another for shadow maps and so on, much easier than them having to open several boxes, and then drag the resulting folders into one folder or have one big box with a huge jumble of items inside. This new system obviously makes things easier especially for products of this nature, well, it will do if it works : )

Where are these 20000 extra items going to come from? this would suggest there are merchants who have products in their magic Boxes which don't exist in their inventory, whilst thats not impossible, I would suggest it's as unusual as it is foolhardy, granted they may have some tidying up to do, but if they have 60,000 items a tidy up was long over due anyway.
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The design itself seems to be surprisingly well thought out (assuming I'm understanding why they've chosen the folder in/folder out route).  If the folder can be delivered with sub folders as well it will be a bonus for me but my main concern is the volume.  There doesn't seem to have been a lot of thought put into how the design will impact on the unstable nature of inventory loads.

I already have folders in my inventory for each of the items I sell and those that have been previously sold but are now retired.  Each folder has the individual objects and any boxed items (I have other things that I have to box up to put in the current delivery box to stop people getting confused when they unpack) but excludes the common inserts like LMs and EULAs.  At a bare minimum I'd have to add the LM and Notecard to each folder and if sub folders are allowed I'd unpack those as well to include.  At a guesstimate that would probably increase my inventory by around 1.5k alone.

Since large inventories increase the risk of items going missing I'd have to create a backup elsewhere in the inventory for those times the items go missing from the out folder.  That's just increased my inventory size again by around probably 3-5k.  My inventory is already bloated because of the catalogue and the thought of having to increase it by that amount is, at first glance, a deal breaker until they fix the inventory load issue.  Which is a real shame as the folder delivery idea is perfect for me, it would reduce my workload when I need to change LMs or the EULA or even when I do a single item upgrade.

So it looks like I'll have to stay with box deliveries and increase the size of my inventory by the number of folders I need to use.  It's still a lot of work because you have to make sure your folder name is an exact match for the current box or it won't link to the listing. 

For anyone with a sizeable SLM inventory it's a lot of set up work - not as much as for the marketplace last year but still enough.  With the past quality of the deliverables, I'll wait into those braver than me have tested it once released and we get an idea of how well it works, if at all.



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Ziggy21 Slade wrote:

Is this really an issue?, you can just leave the item boxed if you really want to inconvenience your customers, but if you did want to make it easy for them you could have one main folder with a sub folder for Sculpt maps, another for shadow maps and so on, much easier than them having to open several boxes, and then drag the resulting folders into one folder or have one big box with a huge jumble of items inside. This new system obviously makes things easier especially for products of this nature, well, it will do if it works : )

Where are these 20000 extra items going to come from? this would suggest there are merchants who have products in their magic Boxes which don't exist in their inventory, whilst thats not impossible, I would suggest it's as unusual as it is foolhardy, granted they may have some tidying up to do, but if they have 60,000 items a tidy up was long over due anyway.


I'm going to take issue with this.  I sell goods that usually contain around 5 -15 separate items and have an inventory size of around 35k.  I try to keep the growth rate down but new scripts, notecards, animations, sculpts and textures needed for builds manage to increase it and that's before things like buying stuff so couldbe doesn't always look shabby when she's out and about (ok, that's rare but she does still vanity shop sometimes).  Even if I'm harsh with my next inventory clean I don't expect to be able to get rid of more than 5k worth of stuff (draft copies of scripts and builds mainly).    Now you could tell me to box stuff up, put it in an alt etc but all that does is slow down an already slow workflow that's primarily due to the technical limitations of the platform and pushes it into the realm of unusable.

I met an account once who had only been around a few months yet had something close to 70k worth of items.  All she did was hunts and didn't even bother to unpack the stuff.  She wondered why she had inventory issues lol.  In that case I can see a case for getting snippy but if you look at some of the larger texture or sculpt makers I'd be surprised if they had less than 50k in their inventory, and very few redundant items.

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Brooke, from the FAQ:

"Incoming Items Folder: Items delivered to you will be placed in a special incoming folder in your inventory. Note that items will now be delivered in a folder from the Marketplace, as opposed to in a box as was required with Magic Boxes. "

Does this mean they will be delivered in a named folder inside that incoming product folder? For example if I order a widget inside my incoming folder I'd see a sub folder of Widget and then the items would be in there or would all the items be delivered to my incoming items folder at root level?

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Shayne Hesten wrote:

Already mentioned but an important point.  Many of us sell no copy items.  Many of us are not in America.  We cannot therefore stand by our computers, logged into SL, waiting for notification that a no copy item has been moved and sold, then rush to add another to the outgoing folder.  That has to be the most ridiculous idea I have heard!  It means if we are not at our computers or inworld, we can only sell one of those items because if another customer tries to buy, the item will not be available for delivery!  Time to get real... time to learn the "business" rather than the coding.


Shayne, I think you misunderstood. The FAQ's referral to "No Copy" items means items that you cannot copy but can sell (transfer). With an item that is No Copy to you (aka "Current User No Copy") once you sell it .. it's gone. Direct Delivery will not have any appreciable affect on those of us that sell items to our customers that the customer cannot copy (aka "Next User No Copy").

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Hintswen Guardian wrote:

Darrius Gothly wrote:

But since the Marketplace isn't constantly checking to see if the item is really still available, it would accept a purchase but then be unable to deliver it because the item was already given or sold to someone else.

Which is why you can set the quantity to 1 and there you go, your item sells and is then listed as unavailiable and later unlisted completly.

That doesn't have any effect on an item that the Merchant cannot copy but can sell (Transfer). If SLM doesn't take it into their inventory at the time of listing then the Merchant is perfectly capable of taking it back out of their Outbound Delivery folder at any time.

That would make a nice scam too, post a No Copy very valuable item for sale, then take it back out of the folder and .. soon as it gets sold, take the money and run. In the meantime, transfer the item to an Alt and do the whole scam all over again. But, since they take possession of it at the time it is listed .. the scam falls flat. IMO? BRAVO LL!

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Gordon Wendt wrote:


Darrius Gothly wrote:

Suppose a Customer is using a Viewer that does NOT support this additional API and thus does not know about or support the two new folders. When they purchase something from a Merchant that has opted to use Direct Delivery, how will they be able to find and retrieve their purchase? How will they be notified it was delivered?

Since there is a new API, I am assuming it is already being added to Viewer 2 at this time. How will the Customer be notified under the Viewer 2 User Interface that their purchase has been delivered to their special Incoming Purchase folder?

I don't have inside info so I can't speak for sure but I'll go out on a limb here and assume it'll work like the outfits folder currently does. If the viewer doesn't support it or is pre-V2 then it just treats it like a regular folder. Since the inventory is fetched from serverside I assume it would stay in sync that way or they'd take the quick fix and just have the folder locked serverside so changes on your viewer to that folder would be temporary to your current session, otherwise everything would get out of sync.

I'm not understanding what you mean Gordon. From the way I read the FAQ, if a viewer doesn't use the API, it won't even see the existence of the Inbound Direct Delivery or Outbound Direct Delivery folders. As far as the user would know, the "Your item has been delivered" notification via email would be just a big scam because they can't see the folder it was put into.

BTW: I don't have inside info either. I wouldn't sign the NDA (as it would prevent me doing any of the other consulting or businesses I do here on SL) so I'm not in the Beta. Thus I could be reading the FAQ wrong. Wouldn't be the first time I totally misunderstood something someone has written. LOL

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The "extra items" come from having to put copies into the new Outbound Direct Delivery folder. With Magic Boxes, you put the copies into the inventory of the Boxes, thus they don't count against your overall Inventory and thus don't impact your inventory load time when you log on.

However, with that said, since they mention a special API required to see the new DD folders, I'm gonna bet they have a new "Inventory Download" protocol that eliminates the gawd-awful method used now .. and hopefully runs faster AND fixes the "missing inventory download" problems that exist now. (crosses fingers)

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RE: Delivery of Folders vs. Delivery of Boxed Items

I sell my items boxed for many reasons. Yes, I see folks "wearing" boxes all the time .. usually they are less than 3 days old. After they master the method of "Rez and Copy to Inventory", they don't do that anymore. It's just one of the skills a new user has to learn to properly and easily use Second Life. I totally "get it" when they want to reduce the number of complicated skills a new user must master in order to use SL, but I just don't see how unboxing something is that difficult. (Personally, if someone winges about it being an inconvenience, they probably winge about having to use backspace to fix their own typos too.)

IMO it is not an "inconvenience" to deliver items in a box. I maintain that opinion for a couple of reasons, but among them are:

  • People often recommend "Organizing your inventory" by putting things into boxes. Items delivered in a box are already "Organized".
  • The Delivery Box serves as the "Master Copy" from which a customer can always go back and get a complete clean fresh set should they totally mess up and wipe out some valuable parts. (However this only works for Copyable items. Those that sell Next User No Copy items don't get this advantage ... yet another reason NOT to sell No Copy items.)

From my reading of the FAQ, there is no reason you MUST put your products into "expanded folders". For my part, when I start using DD, I will just put my delivery boxes into the outbound Direct Delivery folder. Besides, they're really gorgeous delivery boxes .. so I'm keeping them. (Took me months to get those plain black boxes just right. LOL)


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Darrius Gothly wrote

That doesn't have any effect on an item that the Merchant cannot copy but can sell (Transfer). If SLM doesn't take it into their inventory at the time of listing then the Merchant is perfectly capable of taking it back out of their Outbound Delivery folder at any time.

What makes you think that LL cannot block items in the new folders?

I guess the new folders will have features we haven't seen before.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

RE: Delivery of Folders vs. Delivery of Boxed Items

I sell my items boxed for many reasons. Yes, I see folks "wearing" boxes all the time .. usually they are less than 3 days old. After they master the method of "Rez and Copy to Inventory", they don't do that anymore. It's just one of the skills a new user has to learn to properly and easily use Second Life. I totally "get it" when they want to reduce the number of complicated skills a new user must master in order to use SL, but I just don't see how unboxing something is that difficult. (Personally, if someone winges about it being an inconvenience, they probably winge about having to use backspace to fix their own typos too.)

IMO it is not an "inconvenience" to deliver items in a box. I maintain that opinion for a couple of reasons, but among them are:
  • People often recommend "Organizing your inventory" by putting things into boxes. Items delivered in a box are already "Organized".
  • The Delivery Box serves as the "Master Copy" from which a customer can always go back and get a complete clean fresh set should they totally mess up and wipe out some valuable parts. (However this only works for Copyable items. Those that sell Next User No Copy items don't get this advantage ... yet another reason NOT to sell No Copy items.)

From my reading of the FAQ, there is no reason you MUST put your products into "expanded folders". For my part, when I start using DD, I will just put my delivery boxes into the outbound Direct Delivery folder. Besides, they're really gorgeous delivery boxes .. so I'm keeping them. (Took me months to get those plain black boxes just right. LOL)


that's your opinion and you're entitled to it but I disagree completely, just because you like a more difficult workflow doesn't mean the rest of us do.

I prefer folders for ease of use.  I know boxes makes it easier for merchants but that's just laziness and a disregard for their customers.  If you sell copy items then it wouldn't kill you to put a box in the folder that says "backup copy - rez when needed" and that way everyone gets ease of use and has their backup nicely stored.

I sell transfer items and I try to buy only transfer items.  To make it clear, I (along with many others) *prefer* transfer items.  We accept the risk we run from the issues caused by the poor quality of the platform and it does not deter us. Just because you like copy items doesn't mean that everyone else should.


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