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Public Sandboxes merged

Ezian Ecksol

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Was surprised/confused today logging in that the Sandboxes Goguen, Cordova, Newcomb and Wanderton were merged to the 2 Sandboxes Island and Island Extension, so they build now a large Sandbox Cluster of 6 regions.




Did not see any blog statement announcing this. It's even not reflected by the map.


Am not sure if I am happy about it. On the one hand we have a clear lay out now, no more object littering to the Vehicle Sandboxes Fortuna, Georgean and Abbots anymore.

On the other hand ...  Time-honoured Sandbox Goguen and Cordova always had their special atmosphere ... Island & Island Extension had a bit more trashy mood ... I liked to be able to switch between those areas, maybe one was under sim attack and the other wasn't. Now it looks like one cluster with everywhere same atmosphere.

Is it going to be permanent? Are there plans to merge even more sandboxes like e.g. Plum, or Weapon Sandboxes?

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I'm *very* excited to see this, and have talked about it before on my blog. I was out in the new Lunas and a couple Titan-named regions  last night. In in one case seeing a Luna wink into existence before my very eyes. Exciting!

There is one issue I see that the original poster alluded to. 

The difference between the four mainland sandboxes and sandbox island is that one was designed for island specific testing (and often testing things that should not have an option to spread onto the mainland), while the other was designed with the mainland in mind. Without that separation, now, there is no longer an isolated "island" sandbox for testing.

Also, because the island sandbox was, well, an island with no connection, it did not need the no object entry strip on the edges or a high "buttress" around it to contain things. 

The two above issues have led to some challenges overnight with a particularly virulent combination of an lolcube spewing particles / "blue box" spammer that spread from the new sandbox area across into Luna and Nova Albion.

I know there's still adjustments to be made to it all, and I remain very excited to see the Southern Passage go in, and assume that some of these changes are still being revised as the next couple days go along. :-)

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Blondin Linden wrote:

It's part of what we've been calling the Southern Passage. We've included water regions connecting Bay City / Luna to Abbotts. It's not finished yet so stay tuned!

Yes, I saw today the joined water sims, nice idea!

I have to mention 2-3 points:


1) I would propose you put the noscript sandboxes Newcomb and Wanderton as buffer between the script sandboxes and the water regions to prevent that grea goo griefing attacks in the script sandboxes litter the water regions

2) I would propose you make all sandboxes "no object entry" for the same reason as given in 1) , Now only Sandbox Island and Island Extension are "no object entry", but Goguen and Cordova are.

3) Now all 4 script sandboxes lag extremly (statistics show very high total frame times for each sim, but the sum of net, physics, agent, simulation, images, script and spare time would be a low, lag free total frame tim), there is nothing what visibly creates lag. For me it looks like the performance of the server where the sandboxes are hosted is very poor and(or shared in a way we have more lag the before the region fusion.  --> Sandboxes are more or less unusable now, please increase performance again.


Thx a lot for your help and efforts!

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----- 3) Now all 4 script sandboxes lag extremly (statistics show very high total frame times for each sim, but the sum of net, physics, agent, simulation, images, script and spare time would be a low, lag free total frame tim), there is nothing what visibly creates lag. ----- At the moment it is nearly impossible to rez anything in Cordova, SB Island and SB Island Extension.

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Im not very happy with the new layout.

Goguen and Cordova were the very first sandboxes in SL. They have historical value in SL. The very first places where our creativity was set loose. Not funny that LL changed these so much.

Sandbox islands were created because residents asked to have a sandbox where we safely test creations without fear of them accidentally spreading to mainland.

I like having the new waterway. But i think it should been done like Marianne planned. She actually went trough all the trouble to talk with the users of the sandboxes to get a design that would please the users. Some of the users of these boxes been there since the beginning of SL.

Also, these boxes get a daily dose of disposable griefers and their self replicating gray goo poo. Nowdays LL dont respond to abuse reports like they used to. It appears that LL dont have even one person online after SLT midnight. So even a griefer attack that creates hundreds of abuse reports dont get taken care of before 8 hours later when LL wakes up and start to read the AR's again. So users of the sandboxes have created gadgets to push the griefer goo off-world. With the new layout, some boxes are more difficult to clean with such gadgets as some of them dont have off-world on one border anymore.

Edit: Also, Make the sandboxes no-entry. They orginally were no entry so that the lil safe zone parcels with the sign works. When we take annoying follower to the sign parcel with no-script and fast autoreturn time. The follower cant escape the sign parcel cause the sandbox parcel were no-entry.

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Coming back to the topic of the strange and heavy lag. See screenshot of stats, taken 2 minutes ago in Sandbox Cordova:


We have Time Dilation 0.2, Sim FPS 8 and a total frame time of 125.4ms (!!)

Now check the times which sums makes the total frame time, the sum is only 4.2ms, not 125.4ms. Additionally there are only 3 agents in the region, only, 126 objects, oly 905 active scripts and just 2 eps script events.

I don't see any reason in the stats for this heavy lag that renders the sim unusable, also rezzing of objects almost does not work. Similar lag in the other 3 script sandboxes. Sometimes one or two of them has little spikes of healthyness, but all together we can say that the sandbox performance dropped extremly since the merge, without any obvious reason.  In all 4 Sandboxes the Total Frame Time is disproportianlly higher than the sum of the single times.

What was changed on the underlaying side of server layout of the 4 Sandboxes Goguen, Cordova, Island and Island Extension?


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Till min. 5 hours no rezzing possible in Sandbox Island and Sandbox Cordova, the sandboxes sim stats look healthy though, almost no objects (cause nobody can rez).

This isn't a snapshot or a temporarily problem but since the sandbox were put at their new place. I guess on the background the servers were new assigned, too.

Please correct the new performance problems of the sandboxes after the fusion, thank you.


PS: Sandbox Island rezzed now hundreds of objects that people tried to rez in the last hours at once. Very useful.

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Would love to see some attention to the far western end of Bay City, though I understand that the presence of what on my map looks like private estates just one sim block away makes it hard to put ocean and beaches in between.

Nonetheless the way western Bay City just drops off into a void ought to be dealt with at some point. :)



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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Would love to see some attention to the far western end of Bay City, though I understand that the presence of what on my map looks like private estates just one sim block away makes it hard to put ocean and beaches in between.

Nonetheless the way western Bay City just drops off into a void ought to be dealt with at some point.


It will be dealt with, eventually. The South and Western edges are kept open (save for the odd island) for possible future expansion.

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Marianne McCann wrote:

It will be dealt with, eventually. The South and Western edges are kept open (save for the odd island) for possible future expansion.

Don't those private estates prevent it from being dealth with? LL's would have to non-consenually move those folks to do it. I suppose the ToS for private estates probably says 'subject to changes at LL's discretion' but if I was one of them I'd probably be rather ticked not only at getting moved, but even at how Bay City is now so close to me. Of course as an owner of a piece of Bay City my own desire -is- for them to move, but I can see how that would also face reasonable resistance.



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There is a vast space of empty grid from which those private estates in the vicinity chose a location within easy mapping distance of the Mainland.  I very much doubt that they'd object to having Mainland closer, as long as there's one sim-width of void separating them from it.  In fact, if they could somehow glom on to a  Blake Sea-like deal, they'd probably be thrilled to be connected directly to the Mainland.

What would make them upset, I'd expect, is being forcibly moved far enough away that people opening the Map on the Mainland wouldn't see their island and just maybe TP over for a look.  Keeping them near enough will probably be the big challenge in shifting them out of the way of expansion -- should the Mainland market ever again warrant that.  Given that BC essentially doubled overnight with the addition of the former Teen BC regions, I wouldn't expect further expanding this city to be a priority any time soon.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Marianne McCann wrote:

It will be dealt with, eventually. The South and Western edges are kept open (save for the odd island) for possible future expansion.

Don't those private estates prevent it from being dealth with? LL's would have to non-consenually move those folks to do it. I suppose the ToS for private estates probably says 'subject to changes at LL's discretion' but if I was one of them I'd probably be rather ticked not only at getting moved, but even at how Bay City is now so close to me. Of course as an owner of a piece of Bay City my own desire -is- for them to move, but I can see how that would also face reasonable resistance.


I do not know their process, but they have moved estates in that area before. Several were move for the teen grid Bay City addition, as well as for the northern passage. All I know is what I've been told over time, and that is that those edges are kept open for possible future expansion.

Given how much yellow is on the map, especially in and around Bay City, kinda precludes any expansion in the near term, I suspect. :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Blondin Linden wrote:

It's part of what we've been calling the Southern Passage. We've included water regions connecting Bay City / Luna to Abbotts.
It's not finished yet so stay tuned!


How long till it is finished? Clearly the current layout is not working. The grief cubes were rezzed in one sandbox 10 hours ago. And from one box they spread fast to all sandboxes. Propably hundreds of people have reported them already. Still they ruin all the boxes. No more off world borders on the boxes makes it difficult for residents to clean.

Was it really worth ruining all the old sanboxes with hundrerds of users just so that those 2 boats can travel the Southern Passage once a day?

I still think that the plan of Marianne was better than this current mess.

Edit: And when we get sandbox island that is actually an island? They were created for a reason.

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Kitteh Scientist wrote:

Blondin Linden wrote:

It's part of what we've been calling the Southern Passage. We've included water regions connecting Bay City / Luna to Abbotts.
It's not finished yet so stay tuned!


How long till it is finished? Clearly the current layout is not working.

I think the linden that did it there is already no longer working at LLs. Meaning that project is -done-...


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