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Open position for General Manager in Upscale Club


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We are looking for a General Manager position for upscale Adult club. This job requires experienced and highly professional personality  with big dreams 

We value attitude, dedication and friendship

a) Working with owners to manage daily activities 

b) Seek DJs to fill the DJ calendar 

c) Greet customers sessions in progress  

e) Club advertising in the premises 

After all we are here to have fun while contributing to sl is better place 

Thank you 

Alan West (Almm1000) 

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Hey man, I’m new to the game but caught on pretty quick, I’m still learning some things but I’m really interested in the position. I play and get on a lot, I’m active and have great customer service skills, and I’m willing to learn anything you need me to. I really wanna work in SL, and especially in a club and some sort of manager position. Give me a chance. In game name :


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