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Set prim's group

Dimitri Cloud

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Hello 🙂

Anyone has an idea how to set a prim group?

I was thinking about something ressembling as (but this parameter does not exist😞

            PRIM_GROUP, uuid]);

Thanks. Dimi.

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Yes, manually I knew how to. Was just wondering on how to with LSL, and it seems completly impossible (maybe according security reasons? or ressources reasons -as the script would have to check the inner group setings before-).

Thanks Ruthven

Edited by DimitriMango
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You can not set prims to a group but only objects and only by manual edit and not by script.
After that you can link such a prim/object to another object and it will keep the different group.
Nobody knows if that is a feature or just a bug that LL thinks isn't worth to fix.

The only available script functions about groups is compare groups and get the group uuid - everything else is missing. Maybe security reasons, maybe group operations cause a high load on the databases.

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