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Female Mesh Body

Damian Mills

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Can we not turn this into the mesh wars?  The gentleman wants to help his friend.  We all shared options and we all have our favorites.  He'll choose what works for him and from the sound of it, he's already got a preference for Maitreya. 

There are a lot of bodies in SL and there's a lot of clothing for many different bodies in SL.  I checked.  MP had more than 25K for ebody and about the same for the Altamura.  There's clothing for Tonic, Eve and Legacy even though I don't know many people who have those at this point. 

The truth is that there are so many sources of decent clothing in SL that I don't think anyone with a body that's been around more than a year will have trouble finding clothing unless that body is terrible and has no traction... We all know of a few of those!

btw, as a wearer primarily of a slink physique body, I find that it is actually easier to find clothing for it than for the slink hourglass... also, I can usually wear hourglass clothing in a pinch, but the reverse is seldom true... hourglass bodies cannot wear physique clothing.

Edited by DeepBlueJoy
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I'd really like to thank you all again.  I managed to pickup the Lara body and a quick pass through the sliders tells me it'll be able to match her slim-hipped, B-cup figure nicely.

Insofar as the "mesh wars", there isn't really any aesthetic issue here.  The only aesthetic judgement is hers and the only acceptable answer is "the same as she looks now".  Whatever body can do that with the best selection of TOP quality clothing is the winner.  What I like... you like... or someone else likes isn't really a part of the equation.

The real problem is going to be the face, not the body.  Lara, it appears, will match her slim hipped, b-cup figure quite nicely.    The face is a whole other can of worms and what has stopped her in the past.  She's got some old mesh head but she's made it into something adorable and personal and, although she gave it a go once or twice, she wasn't able to get that same look on a different mesh head.  Her existing head doesn't play well with mesh bodies so she's locked into the classic avatar unless I can get her into a modern, name brand head.  And frankly, i don't think she cares about it enough to hammer out the shape issues.

In the end, this is just a pet project.  She likes how she looks right now so there's no huge need to change.  it'd just be nice to have access to a wider selection of clothing.  I'm more of a maker in SL than she is so I thought i'd take a stab at it given a free Catwa bento head.  May the gods of shape sliders smile upon me.  Failing that, maybe Skell will smile on me if I need some help :)



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1 hour ago, Blaise Glendevon said:

What is her existing head, if you don't mind me asking?

I’ll have to ask, oddly it didn’t show up in my list my what is she wearing hud.  I don’t think it’s made any more... not sure the maker even exists.

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11 hours ago, Damian Mills said:

insofar as “solid mesh” next time I’m at Muddy’s I’ll just find out which major body maker has failed so utterly with their LOD and avoid that one.

If it's "solid mesh" it suggests a body that is BOM-only and does not have a hud with alpha cuts. Bodies with alpha cuts will appear in chunks whilst they are rezzing. 

As far as I know, none of the major brands fall into that category; the only one I'm unsure of is Slink Redux (Physique and Hourglass). Some of the bodies from Lucybody do, but excluding Atena, their main one (which is free). RuthToo does, but your friend should avoid that one too, it's barely any better than the classic non-mesh body. 

On the other hand, lower-LOD bodies without alpha-cuts are much lower in complexity and script weight, so there's that as an advantage.

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The trouble you get there, is that the Freya head have a long nose. There are no slider for nose length, so Freya's nose can never duplicate the nose on the older mesh head. Many things can be edited on Bento mesh heads, like eyes, mouth, chin and nose width/bulbous/bridge. But nose length? It does not move, unless you make the head very short, but then all proportions of the head is squashed.

Shopping for a demo is looking for the nose length, and then start to work on the other parts.

I am super happy for the generosity by giving out the free Freya head, and got it for my avatars, but it is not going to be used by me.

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4 hours ago, Damian Mills said:

I’ll have to ask, oddly it didn’t show up in my list my what is she wearing hud.  I don’t think it’s made any more... not sure the maker even exists.

Have you tried AK heads yet? They even have a 1 L mesh Bento head. But it is a group gift, and the group is 150 L to join.

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16 hours ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

Which region did you go to there are two regions with the same name one on mainland named Maitreya and Maitreya Isle which is where the store is the region might be down for a while for a restart but i wouldn't expect it to be permanently closed ................yet

LOL, whats with the ominous "............yet"?

Maitreya is the most successful mesh body creator ever! I don't see why it would shut. 

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2 hours ago, PixieGirrrrl said:

LOL, whats with the ominous "............yet"?

Maitreya is the most successful mesh body creator ever! I don't see why it would shut. 

Two weeks ago, people would have said the same thing about Genus heads.

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I personally use Maitreya Lara for my main. BUT for my alts I went and grabbed the free LucyBody and purchased the B.O.M activator, which is less than L$200. Let me tell you, Lucybody fits ALL maitreya clothing, so you have the range of options that Maitreya(the most popular body) has, and for a small fraction of the price. Using the BoM from Lucybody to wear up to date skins makes the body look just like maitreya, it has better alpha cuts and it also has nipple options. You can make it very thin or thick, it depends on your shape. The only thing I don't like from Lucybody are the nails, but you can go and hide the nails that come with it and just buy some for free for the maitreya body, that will do just fine. I highly recommend it.

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6 hours ago, Maitimo said:

If it's "solid mesh" it suggests a body that is BOM-only and does not have a hud with alpha cuts.

No, what I meant was that I'd like mesh that doesn't break down with LOD issues.  One major body creator clearly failed totally with LOD and it shows every time someone wearing it appears.  I'd like any mesh I get her to be "solid" as opposed to collapsing into triangles at a distance.

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replying here because I am just not sure where to post. 

I am a long time SL player, but been away for years.  Everything has changed. 

Can someone explain to me, very simply, how these mesh bodies and clothing works?  I have looked through the topics but I am confused. 

I have a Redgrave body and skin, but looking for clothes is a headache!  I dont under stand these terms like fryia or the others.  I dont mind getting a completely different avatar, just need a little direction. 

Also, if it matters, i prefer more cute or modest clothing. Not the sexy stuff.  Sundresses, boots, flirty tops, etc. 

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1 hour ago, Damian Mills said:

No, what I meant was that I'd like mesh that doesn't break down with LOD issues.  One major body creator clearly failed totally with LOD and it shows every time someone wearing it appears.  I'd like any mesh I get her to be "solid" as opposed to collapsing into triangles at a distance.

Oh I get you - you mean the little triangles instead of one big one? Hmm I've seen that before; I noticed it on a guy yesterday so it must be a maker that makes men's bodies as well as women's.  

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18 hours ago, Damian Mills said:

I'd really like to thank you all again.  I managed to pickup the Lara body and a quick pass through the sliders tells me it'll be able to match her slim-hipped, B-cup figure nicely.

Insofar as the "mesh wars", there isn't really any aesthetic issue here.  The only aesthetic judgement is hers and the only acceptable answer is "the same as she looks now".  Whatever body can do that with the best selection of TOP quality clothing is the winner.  What I like... you like... or someone else likes isn't really a part of the equation.

The real problem is going to be the face, not the body.  Lara, it appears, will match her slim hipped, b-cup figure quite nicely.    The face is a whole other can of worms and what has stopped her in the past.  She's got some old mesh head but she's made it into something adorable and personal and, although she gave it a go once or twice, she wasn't able to get that same look on a different mesh head.  Her existing head doesn't play well with mesh bodies so she's locked into the classic avatar unless I can get her into a modern, name brand head.  And frankly, i don't think she cares about it enough to hammer out the shape issues.

In the end, this is just a pet project.  She likes how she looks right now so there's no huge need to change.  it'd just be nice to have access to a wider selection of clothing.  I'm more of a maker in SL than she is so I thought i'd take a stab at it given a free Catwa bento head.  May the gods of shape sliders smile upon me.  Failing that, maybe Skell will smile on me if I need some help :)



I like how she looks too. I would not be eager to give it up.

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9 hours ago, Hazy Frog said:

Can someone explain to me, very simply, how these mesh bodies and clothing works? 

This can get you an easy free avatar (always carry a couple of L$ as some things need to pay 1L$ for, which is immediatly returned) and give you help and explanations. You can also go back through her previous avatar vid's for more help etc.

Edited by Dano Seale
context of subject.
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13 hours ago, Hazy Frog said:

replying here because I am just not sure where to post. 

I am a long time SL player, but been away for years.  Everything has changed. 

Can someone explain to me, very simply, how these mesh bodies and clothing works?  I have looked through the topics but I am confused. 

I have a Redgrave body and skin, but looking for clothes is a headache!  I dont under stand these terms like fryia or the others.  I dont mind getting a completely different avatar, just need a little direction. 

Also, if it matters, i prefer more cute or modest clothing. Not the sexy stuff.  Sundresses, boots, flirty tops, etc. 

@Dano Sealeposted a good video here, but it may be directed to those who already know the terms about mesh avatars. If you need to break it down further, don't be afraid to ask.

Because Linden Lab did not upgrade the basic avatar we have had for years, years and years, residents decided to make it invisible and wear custom made mesh bodies over. The first was hands and feet, maybe you remember them? I don't know how many years you were away. Also add-on breasts (Lola's Tangos the best known) and then someone made butt and legs to avoid the butt going flat when bending over and the knees misshaped.

Finally someone put all this together in one and the mesh body was born. Please notice that the majority of bodies is neck and down, not including the head. This because people wanted to keep their faces, and the first mesh heads were few and did not respond to sliders.

Several designers makes meshbodies, and when you see an ad say "Maitreya" they mean the meshbody Maitreya Lara, that is often only called just Maitreya. Same goes for all other brands, if a dress is only marked "For Maitreya and Hourglass" the designer of the dress promise it will fit those bodies. Others will not fit. But there are some cheap knock-offs that has the same body measurements as the big brand, so it is trial and error for the customer. You will see that Maitreya has very much content made for it, but those who wear Ebody say that Maitreya sizes fit it so... I am tempted to test for myself.

Heads are different, there are not lots of heads and they respond to (almost all) head sliders, meaning you can try to make it look individual.

I would recommend you to pick up all the freebies in the video over, follow it and see the result. Then you can decide if you will take off the mesh head and use only the body, and keep the head you are used to. The body is the important thing to change, because it is almost impossible to find new clothes and shoes without a mesh body.

NB: It is demos for heads, bodies and clothes. TRY DEMOS FIRST!!! Unless it is a freebie or gift, you can get it just to see how it looks.

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5 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

but it may be directed to those who already know the terms about mesh avatars.

Fair point Marianne. I posted the video basically because i've never heard of the body and skin she mentions and hence, why she may be having problems finding clothes that fit. Thought she might like to have a go at getting an avatar with more chance, for "free", while the parts needed are still being offered. Also, as I mentioned, Naria's back catalogue of videos can be very helpful in explaining 'mesh' and especially 'BoM' if required. While there are lots of other video providers that explain things as well or better (strawberry singh's older vid's for example), I posted it as more an example of "YouTube is your friend" as a pointer.
As someone who also has recently returned to SL after a LONG break, I didn't have a clue about "mesh", never mind BoM and one body, different head etc! So I just spent about 2 weeks on the tube watching everything I could about it all before diving in and now I'm a fully fledged.......average avatar builder.  😐
Videos helped me more than reading many good and helpful posts and threads here and elsewhere, just thought it might help @Hazy Frog  and maybe others in the same way.

(Does that help with your confusion @Sassy Kenin? lol ).


5 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

Several designers makes meshbodies, and when you see an ad say "Maitreya" they mean the meshbody Maitreya Lara, that is often only called just Maitreya. Same goes for all other brands, if a dress is only marked "For Maitreya and Hourglass" the designer of the dress promise it will fit those bodies. Others will not fit. But there are some cheap knock-offs that has the same body measurements as the big brand, so it is trial and error for the customer.

Easiest thing I've found with bodies, get the free 'Lucybody'. Most Maitreya clothes fit it perfectly and cuts out much of the "clothing" hassle! 

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3 hours ago, Dano Seale said:

Easiest thing I've found with bodies, get the free 'Lucybody'. Most Maitreya clothes fit it perfectly and cuts out much of the "clothing" hassle!

Now that this project is done, I wouldn't mind putting a free mesh body on my alt.  But it doesn't appear the LucyBody is available anymore.    Do you have a place to get it?  If not, anyone got any other suggestions?

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2 hours ago, Damian Mills said:

Now that this project is done, I wouldn't mind putting a free mesh body on my alt.  But it doesn't appear the LucyBody is available anymore.    Do you have a place to get it?  If not, anyone got any other suggestions?

It's a midnight madness thing. Search on Lucybody, and go to the sim. There is a board you click. Assuming during the day enough people hit the board, around midnight you will get the delivery. I did it last night on an alt just to see how it worked. The BOM applier is around L$150-200, IIRC.

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8 hours ago, Damian Mills said:

Do you have a place to get it?

As Rudegerus said above, put "Lucybody" in the search bar in game, jump over there, slap the midnight madness board or whatever it is (it'll be directly in front of you...usually with 30 other jellydoll's lol). When another 349 people slap the board it'll send the body out to everyone. Mine came the day after but that's just when I logged in again, no idea what time it arrived....but it will.
The BoM applier was 195L$ when I bought it. It's along the right hand wall as you land, towards the back.

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