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Issues uploading mesh object


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It looks like either your texture has an alpha channel (most likely, based on the screenshots), or your face normals are pointing the wrong way.

To fix the alpha issue, edit your object, go into the Texture tab, and set "Alpha mode" to "None."

To fix the face normals, look up "flip normals", "recalculate normals" or "fix normals" for Blender.


Another question, how many triangles is your object?

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IF it is a "normals" issue also look up BACKFACE CULLING and turn that on. That way any normals that got flipped (sometimes it ISN'T YOU) are very obvious before uploading.

If it is an alpha channel issue then it would be BETTER to fix that in your graphics software (exporting without an alpha channel) and the uploading the new texture.  Items with alpha channels that don't need them just add to the texture lag. 



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