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Communication among objects in a linkset or region.


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there is a linkset of two objects

this code goes in first object

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        llRegionSayTo(llGetKey(), -99, "flame");

this goes in another object i m communicating to : i am not sure how to use a listen() so i m getting error in this code

        listen( integer -99, string name, key id, string message )    //<----- here is the syntax error
            if(message == "flame")
                llSay(0, "burn");

i read the wiki but still unsure how to use listen() properly to make it work






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That won't quite work as written because llGetKey() will yield the UUID of the object that the script is in.  Your script will be trying to send a message to itself.  That's not what you intended (and, in fact, it's impossible).  You need to use the UUID of the object that you want to send the message to.

It also won't work because your receiving script's listen event isn't written properly. You can't put one event inside another one, so the listen event has to get out of state_entry, where you put it.  In order to listen, the script also needs to know how to listen, which means that you can't trigger a listen event unless you have already opened a channel with a llListen function.  That's what belongs in the state_entry event.  So


        llListen(-99,"","","");    // This opens the channel, assigning -99 as the channel number

    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        if (message == "flame")

I suggest spending a little time with some basic tutorials (like this one: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Getting_started_with_LSL ) that will get you started with the state/event structure of LSL and introduce some primary functions.  Then start finding your way around the LSL wiki.

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What Rolig said quicker than me.

The only other thing I was going to suggest is that if you're trying to figure out the receiving object's key you could put this line into the state _entry event, just under where Rolig has the llListen line, so it'll tell you what it is when the script starts:

        llOwnerSay ("My key is " + (string) llGetKey ());

You can then copy and paste it from your chat history into the sending object's script, replacing where you've used llGetKey. Don't forget to enclose the key in quote marks.

Edited by KT Kingsley
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Or just use llRegionSay, which doesn't require the receiver's UUID,  instead of llRegionSayTo.  If you really think that it's necessary to be sure that the sender and listener are only speaking exclusively to each other, then you could tell the receiving script to listen only to objects named, for example, My_Home, with



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9 hours ago, KT Kingsley said:

What Rolig said quicker than me.

The only other thing I was going to suggest is that if you're trying to figure out the receiving object's key you could put this line into the state _entry event, just under where Rolig has the llListen line, so it'll tell you what it is when the script starts:

        llOwnerSay ("My key is " + (string) llGetKey ());

You can then copy and paste it from your chat history into the sending object's script, replacing where you've used llGetKey. Don't forget to enclose the key in quote marks.

 Thank you KT Kigsley, this is quite a good trick and gonna help me a lot in further learning :)



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10 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

That won't quite work as written because llGetKey() will yield the UUID of the object that the script is in.  Your script will be trying to send a message to itself.  That's not what you intended (and, in fact, it's impossible).  You need to use the UUID of the object that you want to send the message to.

It also won't work because your receiving script's listen event isn't written properly. You can't put one event inside another one, so the listen event has to get out of state_entry, where you put it.  In order to listen, the script also needs to know how to listen, which means that you can't trigger a listen event unless you have already opened a channel with a llListen function.  That's what belongs in the state_entry event.  So


        llListen(-99,"","","");    // This opens the channel, assigning -99 as the channel number

    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        if (message == "flame")

I suggest spending a little time with some basic tutorials (like this one: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Getting_started_with_LSL ) that will get you started with the state/event structure of LSL and introduce some primary functions.  Then start finding your way around the LSL wiki.

Thank you Rolig Loon for such a quick response.

Yes i was doing some very trivial mistakes and now i learned how to initiate that and call it properly.



10 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

Or just use llRegionSay, which doesn't require the receiver's UUID,  instead of llRegionSayTo.  If you really think that it's necessary to be sure that the sender and listener are only speaking exclusively to each other, then you could tell the receiving script to listen only to objects named, for example, My_Home, with



And Yes this is exactly what I should have done. I was unnecessarily using llRegionSayTO() instead of llRegionSay(). In my case, the sender and the listener are exclusively communicating with each other. And putting object name in llListen() makes it more accurate

Edited by Nadee0209
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2 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

Since the question specifies "objects in a linkset" and "a linkset of two objects," I assume this is a linkset and not two separate objects?

If that's the case, you shouldn't be using RegionSay, but llMessageLinked and the link_message event.

Can we use llMessageLinked  to communicate among the objects in a linkset?

to me, the Wiki of llMessageLinked  sounds bit ambiguous because the first statement of description says - "The purpose of this function is to allow scripts in the same object to communicate." By this statement i make a note that we cannot communicate to other object script no matter if it is linked object.

the next statement is - "It triggers a link_message event with the same parameters num, str, and id in all scripts in the prim(s) described by link."  I think it means we can communicate to the scripts in other linked objects by passing a LINK_* flag control.

(ref - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlMessageLinked)


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6 minutes ago, Nadee0209 said:

Can we use llMessageLinked  to communicate among the objects in a linkset?

to me, the Wiki of llMessageLinked  sounds bit ambiguous because the first statement of description says - "The purpose of this function is to allow scripts in the same object to communicate." By this statement i make a note that we cannot communicate to other object script no matter if it is linked object.

I think you're getting confused about "object" here. Think of "Object" as a linked set of children. Then a link message from a script in any of the child prims is available for any other child prim that has a script to receive, or in fact another script in the same child prim that sends it. The link flag controls then can be LINK_ALL_OTHERS to broadcast the link message to any scripts in the rest of the linkset. Other flags allow targetting specific children, or even the sending child so that other scripts in it get the lessage but no other children.

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14 minutes ago, Nadee0209 said:

Can we use llMessageLinked  to communicate among the objects in a linkset?

to me, the Wiki of llMessageLinked  sounds bit ambiguous because the first statement of description says - "The purpose of this function is to allow scripts in the same object to communicate." By this statement i make a note that we cannot communicate to other object script no matter if it is linked object.

the next statement is - "It triggers a link_message event with the same parameters num, str, and id in all scripts in the prim(s) described by link."  I think it means we can communicate to the scripts in other linked objects by passing a LINK_* flag control.

(ref - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlMessageLinked)

llMessageLinked takes a parameter link, which determines which link(s) in a linkset will receive the message/event.

5 minutes ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

The link flag controls then can be LINK_ALL_OTHERS to broadcast the link message to any scripts in the rest of the linkset.

LINK_ALL_OTHERS means all links except the one this script is in. It's not the same as LINK_SET (all links) or LINK_ALL_CHILDREN (all links except root). I point this out because "the rest of the linkset" depends on a lot of things.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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