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Fantasy & Fairies Night @ Pacifique, 5pm SLT

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We're celebrating the start of May and the veil between real and fantasy is at its  thinnest! Calling all fae, fantasy and mythical creatures to come join the fun today at 5pm slt.

DJ Sandie
5pm - 7pm slt
Attire: Fantasy/ fae/ mythical creatures/ come as you are!

Pacifique:  This is where you come after you met someone somewhere else!  Great date place.  A place to play.  Singles, couples & groups - No Rules -No dress code-all are welcome.  Tropical beach,  forest, park.   
Things are always changing at Pacifique!
Owner: Eclair Martinek.  
Pacifique:  Ambiance created for you to make your magic.
Founded:  2008

SLurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pacifique/170/152/3513

Snapshot _ Pacifique , Pacifique (151, 152, 3512) - Moderate.png

Edited by Sandie Loxingly
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