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mesh avatar

ellela Beaumont

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I have bought a mesh avatar , it is maitreya Lara, everything go right until yesterday, now people don't see my body, they just see ma face and clothes, myself   i see everything all right, I don't know what can I do to fix it, maitreya told me to  clear layers hud, i did it, nothing change. Is there someone to help me?

I have to say that I am french and so I am long to understand everything in english

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I could write a long reply, but often the fastest way is to unpack a new body.

You still have the pack in your inventory under "Objects" unless you deleted it.

Or get a redelivery in Maitreya store. Take off everything from the old pack and delete it.

Wear the new body and HUD and use the same appliers on it, so you look just the same.

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This can happen a bunch of times. Relogging usually fixes it, especially if you see yourself fine.

Now, if it persists after a relog, then Marianne' suggestion of unpacking a new body could work.

Also, make sure you are "adding" the objects and not "wearing" them. It might be a collision where your viewer sees something attached to a point that others don't see.

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If you see yourself fine, but others see your body invisible, this is a bug caused by having more than one item on the same attachment point. If you use Firestorm, you can fix it temporarily by going to Avatar Health in the Avatar menu, and choosing "Refresh attachments". The long-term solution is to reattach the Maitreya body to a different attachment point, otherwise you'll have to do the Refresh after every teleport.

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All very good points! Another thing to check is where your body is attached to. If it's attached to a hud point (center or center2 for instance) Other people will not see it while you see it fine.

You can check in Current Outfit folder to see the attachment point. Just to be clear: Avatar Center is fine, center or center 2 isn't

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