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Is there any dating or match making places?


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I’m wondering if there any groups or something you can use to match with people, like one on one voice chat with the person, or really anything that is intended for making stronger relationships, really hoping to find my place in the world and I’ve found the second life has people who know stuff that could help me have a better grasp on life, I’m still pretty young so I want to meet people who can show me where to search for new things. 

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There are a few groups and places, but my best bit of advice is just to get out there and go sim to sim and chat with them in-person. Groups for the most part tend to be dead or, if anything full of some shy ones.

Just YOLO it and see what happens; often at times I've found that if you explore sims aimlessly you tend to discover people and things in general.

Edited by Simo Vodopan
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