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Your Second Life Story Challenge

Strawberry Linden

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A fun writing challenge for this week! Today is National Tell a Story Day, so we’d like you to tell us your Second Life story!

How did you discover Second Life and what do you love most about being a Resident? 

Share your story in the comments of this post! If you decide to do this challenge on any social networks, don’t forget to use the hashtags #SecondLifeChallenge. #MySecondLifeStory and/or #NationalTellAStoryDay. 

Stay safe, stay home, and stay virtual!

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It's been, wow, nearly 12 and a half years ago, not even sure where I heard about it back then, but ended up creating an account, which turned out to be rather short lived, think I poked around for maybe an hour or so, but she never made it out of Newbie Island, mainly because I did not figure out how teleports worked LOL. Fast forward a few months later, I am watching C.S.I. , and there was an episode about Second Life and thought to myself, hmmm, wait, looks like there is more to it than Newbie Island, perhaps, I should give it a second chance, but realized, I was not happy with the name I chose, and ended up creating a new one, which to the day, is my main. Second time around got lucky, and made it out of the island LOL ! Met some pretty damn amazing people first few days, some of them I am friends with to this day. I believe what really kept me here all this years are discovering my passion for building, the friends I've made over time, and the ability to metamorphose into whatever look or creature I feel like being any day, probably why I took on blogging as well.

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I was searching for online games when I stumbled across the Secondlife website. I was very intrigued and decided to create an account. I am proud to say I have been a resident since 2011 and haven’t looked back.

My favorite part about Secondlife is the massive  marketplace where creators can create and sell items and no one person will look the same, unless you want to be a twin.

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I found SecondLife through a friend who introduced it to me during a convention we were going to, I like the freedom of what the platform gives me to be anything I want. Most of the time I'm role-playing, writing stories with other people and enjoying interacting with others who enjoy the same things. Sometimes I explore the grid or go shopping, I like seeing what people make in SecondLife.

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I discovered Second Life in 2004 when I was working for an architectural firm and my podmate showed me how they had made their buildings in this virtual world.  Having read Snowcrash I knew this was something I had to try.  A month later I was spending 40 hours a week inworld on top of my regular job.  In 2007 a friend told me Linden Lab was opening up an office in my hometown.  I knew I had to apply and get my foot in the door.  I was hired that year and I also met the resident who later became my husband.  We've been together for 13 years now.

What does Second Life mean to me? It means everything in the world to me.  My family, friends... my source of enjoyment and creativity... and a job and community that I love dearly.

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A friend had dragged me over from Everquest back in 2003 of which I have continued to be a resident.  
I am not in world as much anymore after dissolving the Lily Pad Lounge but still log in occasionally to visit friends.  
In the beginning the only way to listen to music was to upload 10 sec clips and script it together.  It was very primitive in the early days but was a small world and you knew almost everyone.  Was a lot of fun back then.  Once live music came along things really exploded. Live singers, dancing clubbing.  I even have pics of dancing with Phillip Linden.  
the convention in SF in 2006 was a special treat.  Got to meet people from all over the world.  
I have so many fond memories from SL and I hope that it continues to thrive as many friends are made there.  

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Back in like 2003-04 I was introduced to virtual worlds by my mother. I was on Active Worlds (which came in a cereal box) and was told not to talk with anyone or anything lol. Fast forward to 2016 I was trying to remember the platform I used to play but Active Worlds had not changed since then and I could not remember the name of it at the time. I stumbled upon Second Life on February 13th 2016 and when I saw you needed a internet connection I was like nope never mind. On Valentines day 2016 I was off of school (College Sophomore year) and was board so I decided to join. I am a big TRON fan so thats how I joined and the theme I was going for. I was a mess at first but now I have met some wonderful people and have made lasting friendships. I am so grateful to have taken the chance to come on here and almost 5 years later still logging on. I don't plan to leave anytime soon. 😄 Thanks Linden Lab for allowing me to be able to realize my dreams and to help me gain new skill sets for RL as well. --Armand Parks

Edited by EMONDE
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I was in IMVU on the Access pass council, or the APC. we were trying to get the adults some freedom. When IMVU screwed us all over, one of the APC members and My best friend Bliss, brought me over to SL, and I brought over other members, we have loved it ever since. thankfully we don't have top pay to TP anymore, and no more box heads or hair butts LOL. First and foremost, i am a builder.

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I don't remember how i found sl, maybe a search for virtual worlds, I joined 2/6/2007 and I have loved it from go! I have had good times and great times and lots of interesting friends from all over the world. I bet I have learned more over the years in sl then i could even write! I brought my sister into sl and she then became a Great and Popular children's clothing creator and in turn taught me how to make outfits as well. I love exploring the creativity in sl there are SO many places to go and so much to see and even though our real bodies are not doing the things we are in sl i think we still Feel the emotion of what we do and it is incredible!

What SL means to me? SL is a place i can go and escape the crap of rl for just a little while a place i can talk to friends and just have fun....so i guess SL has and probably always will be my Fun Place!

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In 2009 I was in a band that was playing Grateful Dead music, although I didn't know the music all that well. These guys would crank out two sets of Dead tunes and I'd be a bit lost since I didn't know the catalog. So what I would do is sit at home and practice playing full Grateful Dead concerts. I got good at it, and along the way developed a unique one-man band style that had a lot of improvisational jamming.
Around that time I heard about this thing called Second Life which was a virtual world that apparently had a live music scene in it where musicians would play live music for people in virtual bars and clubs. I was intrigued by this, so I logged on to see if I could perform my Grateful Dead Experience there. So when you signed up for it back then, you had to pick a name from a list of last names. Since I was doing Grateful Dead music, i thought Luckless sounded good, and I added Jed to it which was also Dead-y and I had a fun association with the name from my childhood too. So Jed Luckless became my avatar name in Second Life. If you told me years later some people would only know me as Jed, and even my Dad would be calling me Jed I would have laughed at you.  
But what happened was I did find a place to play my show, and I became a Second Life rock and roller. I eventually branched out into my original music which was very well received. I started doing "tours" and built a following of "Jed Heads." I've now played over 500 shows and I continue to play Second Life concerts at venues all over the grid. I have great fans who follow me around, and Second Life gives me the opportunity to share a deep catalog of my original music - every show is totally different and unique based on the energy the fans bring to it. I love providing those kinds of joyful musical experiences for others and it's hard for me to imagine what my life would be like without this amazing outlet.
Thank you Second Life!
- Jammin' Jed
PS - A group of SL musicians and I recently collaborated remotely on a single to raise money for COVID-19 relief. The enthusiasm I received from everyone and the incredible level of talent they contributed moved me to tears many times during the process. The result is amazing and you can check it out at www.helpingband.org. Thanks for you support! 
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When I was born in SL it was the 1st July 2006: I was born in a beach, Phoenix Industries, no more online... I can smell the flavor of that sea, I can hear the wind of my first beach as unforgettable memories... it was a long wonderful incredible journey... full of happiness, full of that sort of feeling that you are a pioneer and that you are building a new world

I used SL for making a better world, with enthusiastic thoughts: I met wonderful people, I felt in love for a bunch of months and in 3 months I had learned all of SL :)

Then times of Fantasy Faire arrived, and as a pioneer I accepted that invite from Zander and yes, after 12 years I have come back to FF with a sim that is the Community Gateway for Italian People thanks to Madori invitation... So, I thank the first Governor, Phil Linden... and I thank all those has maintained SL as the home of us, pioneers and reals, tenacious avatars :)

I know that technology is always on the road, and I love this... I know that this road isn't easy, but if SL remains as the HOME of its residents, I know that certainly we're going to build a better world!

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I found second life because of a show called Gossip Girl, I rezzed in into the Gossip Girl sim was meet with a moderator and they taught me how to move around and the rest is history. I was walking around that sim for a month before I adventured out into the world of second life. Being a resident has been awesome I meet my boyfriend in second life and we are now living together in RL. 

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There was an article in either a magazine or a newspaper supplement one November weekend in 2007, naming Second Life as website of the week! I was always a bit of a technophobe, but I decided to create an account and log in. Wow! It was like nothing else I had ever experienced. After an initial orientation process, I was sent via teleport to Korea3, which became my home sim for a few weeks.  There I met several other new people, from all over the world, and once I had been instructed how to remove the torch (!), the world became my oyster!  

For me, no two days have ever been the same, and that is exactly why I love being a resident of Second Life.  When real life is dull and rainy, or it is two o'clock in the morning and I cannot sleep, it is wonderful to be able to log in to Second Life and find flowers in bloom, fairground rides, and good friends. It has been a very steep but worthwhile learning curve, and I would not change a thing about my Second Life.

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I first heard of Second Life through some Sims 2 players.  Around 2006-2007, I did make an avatar but realized that I would have to pay each month to join and play, so I changed my mind and backed out.  In very late 2008, some of us were talking about online games and SL was mentioned once more.  When I commented on the fact that it was  a monthly fee, one of the girls who was on SL already, explained that it was no longer that.  In 2009, I made another avatar in Second Life, since I hadn't finished with the first one in registering her.  It was so different compared to Sims 2 and I loved it.  There were more interactions with actual people.  It took me about a month to stop calling my avatar a sim, which yeah, that did lead to a bit of confusion.  lol

I've been here since and loving every minute of it; the ups, the downs, and everything in between.  I play the Sims 4, as well, but my primary platform is SL and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Edited by Gaea Oakleaf
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Started second life because my brother who was a soldier in the United States Army would log in world to have dates with his wife who was still State side as he was overseas

they would make plans to meet up go dancing and made friends along the way, so they asked me to join in and spend time with them on the journey of a virtual world

I remember walking around newbie island as i have always called with with a box on my head, thinking no one could see it but me hahhaha boy was i wrong, with in the next week my sister in law had me all fixed up and my addiction had begun, I have thought at times about leaving when i start to get bored but then i always seem to find something new to explore or learn

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I first started hearing about SL in the news not very favourable stuff child av's being preyed on in virtual playgrounds by p**d*s then i started seeing stuff about how people met and married through SL it was a magazine article in 2008 that finally got me to investigate SL. I eventually settled on a name i wasn't mad keen on but allowed me to have last name i liked and would be able to remember how to spell and tried logging in on a laptop i had at the time that wasn't really capable of running SL. No idea where i first landed but after a succession of relogs hoping to see what the world was like and not seeing anything more than blue i was on the brink of giving up on SL for good on my last try when something started rezzing. A kind person gave me some LM's to Freebie Dungeon & Freebie Warehouse there was no orientation process i'm aware of i just tp'd to Freebie Dungeon and had to work out what everything did for myself. For weeks i don't think i hardly left the Deva Loka region. 12 years later in some form or another i've always had links to the Jeogeot continent
What i really enjoy about SL is it's hard to get bored even when you have the same routine every day I also like that you can make your Av anything you want from the perfect idealised version of yourself to a tree or a cat and anything inbetween. and escape from the stresses and strains of RL for a while 

Edited by Claireschen Hesten
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My story was a bit dumb to be honest but I’m just gonna share it anyways cause it’s an unforgettable personal experience that I had. I met this girl from another virtual world and has been friends for almost 2 years with her. She made me discover about Second Life (I joined in around 2014 but only been active around 2016 with better computer specs) and I cared for her dearly. There were times I asked myself if I had even fallen for her and I realized I did. I even made myself a male avatar just for her and to be with her in order for her not to be caught as third wheels and asked her to be my partner. But yet, all of the efforts I’ve made was gone wasted as she never realized the feelings that I had for her and the care that I had was real. She never appreciated it. She always thinks everyone’s being “friendly” towards her while the fact is some people would want to snatch her and make her their side chick.

Never in my whole life I’ve been with someone that lonely and desperate for love and as broken as she is. I thought I’ve given my all, yet it isn’t enough cause I’m not the person she’s looking for that could fulfil all her “love” needs. I was disappointed and there’s nothing more that I could do but to just leave her cause if I don’t. I’m just going to be stuck here being by her side comforting her over some things that’s repeating in cycles. Which is a waste of time while I could do so much more in Second Life.

On 2019, I moved on  and erase her from my life in early 2020. I couldn’t be more happier because throughout 2019, I started to pursue myself as Blogger in Second Life. Earlier in this career path that I took for almost a year bloomed as I did not expect myself to be busy doing the things I love which is photography and fashion blogging throughout 2019. It brings result that I never expect I would gone this far in becoming someone I always wanted to be. Seeing many people appreciates art on Second Life makes my heart filled with joy.

It’s just amazing to see that throughout the process if I hadn’t had the experience and leave the person whom has been holding me from doing something more. I wouldn’t be who I am now on Second Life and wouldn’t have gotten myself some temporary achievements that would do me proud. Being in Second Life made me learned many things like enjoy what I like to do best and focus on it. I couldn’t be happier now also cause of the supports I got from people close to me that’s constantly reminding me that I am good enough and talented in a way. It’s just amazing.

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I found out about Second Life because some of my friends were on it.  We Role Play on some message board forums.  Everyone was talking about how much fun it was and how they had made SL characters for their RP characters.  So, as soon as I had a laptop that could run SL, and an internet strong enough, I joined up.  I love seeing my character come to life.  I love that I was able to design her to my specifications (mostly).  I love that there are so many wonderful articles of clothing.  It adds to the character's personality.  I just wish that I had more friends in the game.  I think I'm a little more shy than I thought.  


Edited by VvwvVGoddessomk
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Back in September of 2004, a friend of mine that I knew from AOL told me that I should check out this new thing he had tried. He said it was a game of sorts, but never really gave many details beyond that. At the time, LL ran a free 7 day trial. So, I signed up for the trial, but after a couple of days, my friend abandoned me in this weird world, and since he was not there to hang out with I left and let the free trial expire. Fast forward to May of 2005, I decided to create a new account/avatar and give it another try, and have not left since. I have watched SL go through so many changes in the last 15 years, some good and some not so good. I have been a creator/designer since 2005, and have built with prims, sculpties and mesh. And aside from all of the drama and self seclusion, SL is still my comfy place. I even have a few alts that I can hide on whenever I feel like being invisible. ♥♥♥

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In 2007 I read an interview with actor Drew Carey and he mentioned him and his wife used SL to meet when he was touring and I was intrigued.  My family was scattered around and we rarely got the chance to see each other in RL so I signed up and then I convinced them to all sign up so we could hang out and spend time together.   We did have lots of fun but they all got busier with RL and eventually didn't have time or interest in SL the way I did.  I have been here ever since almost everyday and cannot imagine  not having SL to escape to and be with my friends. Only one of my sons still uses SL and only occasionally but I have made many many wonderful friends here and they are like my family to me.  I have asked friends to come but most come and go and some I wish I never asked.. LOL   I have found you either love it or not and I do.. 

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I don't remember how I heard about it or exactly when I first logged in, but I originally joined back in 2006-2007. Can't for the life of me remember my old avatar name or password (I know it was Integra/Integral something or other, I was a big Hellsing buff back then), but I do remember leaving the newbie area and landing in the vehicle sandbox! I distinctly remember exploring that little western town close to it, with another user who'd been there a bit longer. I can't remember his name, but he was really nice.

I lost interest after a little while and went back to my usual routine, and a while later I picked it up again- with a new name and face- over a decade ago. One of my friends on an rp forum was into Myst, and there's a small group of fans here! Since then, I've been here off and on. I've played in an sl military, spent time on rp sims, been in groups of people with a similar backstory, been to endless shopping events... but what keeps bringing me back is exploration and building. Give me a winding road to walk or a plot of land to build on, and I'm a happy man.

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