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Troubleshoot Permissions Issue

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Hi Everyone!

So, short issue:  I created and textured an object yet somehow I've lost "copy" permissions to it.  My working theory is that there is a texture embedded it in somewhere that is "no copy".  I accidentally clicked on it when I was texturing a piece and that one disappeared from my inventory.  I texture back over it with something full perm but the "no copy" texture never came back.  I didn't think much about it at the time, but, now that i'm all done I went to take a copy and can't.

My problem is that I can find/see the texture anywhere on/in the object.  Everything I've seen as already bee retextured.  Any way to fix this and find and get that "no copy" texture out of there?




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When I applied the texture to the prim, it disappeared from my inventory and went inside the prim contents.

Prim became no copy.

Retexturing the prim did not change its permissions, only removing the texture from the prim worked... immediately prim became copiable again.

So I suspect your object still contains the no copy texture somewhere.

Emma :) 


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I am not sure now you need to re-texture it all - once i removed the actual texture (item) from prim contents, the prim was ok again.

The texture will be in the contents of one of the prims in your linkset.


I gave an explanation of looking through prims in a linkset here - if you open the CONTENTS tab as you do it, you'll see that displayed from each prim as you "cycle" through:

Emma :)


Edited by Emma Krokus
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