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hud movement problem for lara body

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Can anyone tell me in the most simple way possible how i can move the LARA BODY hud?  I did something yesterday and the hud position got messed up somehow.  The EDIT and MOVE feature does not work.  I'm not able to view the arrows at all.  2nd...  If i find the HUD in INVENTORY and RIGHT CLICK and ATTACH HUD IN THIS POSITION...  Many times the position is out of my view.  There is one position from that option in center of screen which i obviously don't want.

Is there a simple way a child can understand how i can move this thing?  ty

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Just right click on it and select EDIT.  The movement arrows should be visible. 

If the HUD ever goes off screen, use your editor to select a different HUD, then scroll out on your mouse wheel to display a larger screen area.  Right click on your wandering Maitreya HUD and use the edit arrows to drag it back where it belongs.

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UPDATE ON WHAT WORKED...  I'm not a big computer person at all.  But...  I did find out by accident...  If i go into EDIT...  Again the arrows are not visible for me.  I can see the lines but not the arrows.  So...  If I use the wheel on the mouse in EDIT mode...  And I scroll way way way out...  I will see finally be able to see the arrows.  In the small white outline of a box that IS visible I can then use arrow keys to position the hud.

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A little trick for repositioning HUD's:


ADD your HUD.

Rightclick the name of your HUD in your inventory.

Choose EDIT from the drop down.

This opens the EDIT window. Click the OBJECT tab.

Use the up / down / left / right arrows in POSITION to move the HUD to a convenient point on your screen.

DETACH the HUD - when you wear it again, it will appear in its new position.

(If you are in the habit of using REPLACE instead of DETACH and WEAR /ADD it doesn't save the new position sometimes.)


Emma :) 

Edited by Emma Krokus
forgot one step
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