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31 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

Bad news, friend. The 6ft premise was based on a now-unfavored optimistic theory that this was not an airborne virus. This was readily apparent by mid-springtime.

8/21/2020 DW News:


It's an aluminum die casting plant Where the conditions are pretty harsh in the winter and summer.. All the machines have sprayers to cool the dies off during the cycles that are anywhere from 70 seconds to  150 seconds..So not only is it unbearably hot in there, it's also a lot more humidity than it is outside..

This time of year it's around 30 degrees hotter than the outside temperatures.. it's so humid in there that everything gets coated with this nasty sludgy stuff..

So air is not going to be hanging around for hours like it would in an enclosed  room  or travel like it does in normal circumstances..

The humidity levels in there make the air so thick that even someone smoking, their smoke heads for the ground..When they used to allow smoking there anyways..  let alone the bay doors that are on three of the four walls in each section are all open, plus blowers cooling the lines and fans blowing over where each person is working...

there is so many obstacles going on in the air that  they could probably be even closer and not have to worry, out in the plant.. My concern is when they go to break and all get around each other like there is nothing going on in the world..

The plant is a huge place with easily 100 ft ceilings in each section because they need the lifts and the room to pull the dies out when they change them.. 13 huge machines in each section with sprayers going..

It's not a small place at all.. it's one of the largest die casting plants in the country...

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47 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

blowers cooling the lines and fans blowing over where each person is working...

That probably matters. Still, it doesn't sound great that "everything gets coated with this nasty sludgy stuff": If it coats a surface, it gets in the lungs unless there's a respirator in the way, so even if there were no coronavirus, there's pretty good reason to be wearing an N95 mask or something like it, as uncomfortable as that may be in those temperatures.

(Tangent, but not really: This pandemic has turned me from "liberal" to somewhere well beyond "socialist", and from Medicare4All-skeptical to favoring a fully nationalized Health Service. Something about the treatment of minimum wage legal immigrant workers in midwest meatpacking plants sent me over the edge.)

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10 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:


What I love about you Ceka, @Ceka Cianci is how you cut through the crap, and talk so much sense. It's so refreshing. 

If I could make you an honorary Yorkshirewoman I would do so. Here we are the same. We laugh a lot. We use common sense. We cut through the crap.

Even so, we have idiots without masks everywhere.

It's not good.

Edited by BelindaN
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6 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

That probably matters. Still, it doesn't sound great that "everything gets coated with this nasty sludgy stuff": If it coats a surface, it gets in the lungs unless there's a respirator in the way, so even if there were no coronavirus, there's pretty good reason to be wearing an N95 mask or something like it, as uncomfortable as that may be in those temperatures.

(Tangent, but not really: This pandemic has turned me from "liberal" to somewhere well beyond "socialist", and from Medicare4All-skeptical to favoring a fully nationalized Health Service. Something about the treatment of minimum wage legal immigrant workers in midwest meatpacking plants sent me over the edge.)

I agree they should be wearing the dust masks all the time.. The spray is water and some sort of vegetable oil mix, so basically the moisture is like working in a stir fry kitchen. But when you get to where the guys doing the handwork is.. They have aluminum dust coming off the parts from  using sanders and die grinders and air guns and so on.. So around them it makes this nasty sludge..

The new company that took over has already removed a lot of the handwork and you can tell a big difference with how much cleaner it is already getting in there..

I always asked people why is our place so dirty,yet other places look like you could eat off the floor.. one guy finally gave an answer that made sense..

He said, it's all this handwork.. Those other places don't do near the handwork or extra handwork that we do here..

The old company would run a die until it was pretty much useless and easily 100k over the shot life, where the new company runs the dies until they reach their shot life or maybe just above it to finish an order..

These are high pressure fast shot machines, Where the die is in two parts..one side is called the cover half and the other is called the ejector half..The ejector half can have what they call slides, depending on the part it's molding.. each slide adds another side to the part..Top slide ,bottom slide, operator slide, helper slide..

Annnyways, Those get sprayed off after the extractor robot goes in and grabs the part out of the die..which that part used to be done by a die caster..It grabs the part and takes it over to the de-gater which breaks off the overflows, while the sprayer sprays off the die..once the sprayer is finished, the slides slide in and the die closes..

once the die is closed, another robot which has already by this time dipped into the furnace, which is behind each machine..it waits for a shot light,which tells that robot it's ok to pour and then pours the metal into a funnel which goes into a coal chamber.. the coal chamber is a really thick tube where the shot tip pushes the metal into the die.. Soon as it's poured, the shot arm Slams the metal into the die with high pressure..

Any gap in that die seam and metal flies out..

Going over the die lifespan the die gets weak from the constant heat and then being cooled right away and starts to get cracks to where pieces start to break out of the die..When that happens, they get molded into the part,which created additional handwork..

The old company would run them to death..I've seen them run a die to where they had over 50 pieces out on one part to where they had to put 5 people on the line, until all those little pieces made one big irreparable connection to where one big chunk came out and killed the die..

The new company will let a couple of pieces out of the die get on there and then repair them if they aren't too bad..But they are trying to get to where nobody has to do anymore handwork and if a piece comes out they fix it right away..

That might take them a year or more to get there.. The old company was stuck back in the 50's if you ask me and worked people like a field horse..

They had to be paying off someone at O.S.H.A... Because that place was terrible with the old owners as far as codes and safety hazards and so on.. it's a night and day difference right now to how it was this time last year with the old owners..

Wow I really wandered off there didn't I? hehehe

Sorry about that..


Oh, I just want to respond about the healthcare.. I've watched a few things on that as well as have talked to a few people about it from Canada..

Free sounds great and all, but anything free from the government, I don't trust..

Just a simple visit to the doctor for say the flu..You could be over the flu by the time you get to see a doctor.. The government would be a terrible provider and slow as molasses in the winter time.. just look at how terrible and slow they are at a lot of other stuff..it would be like we were all on the V.A. plan..

They take you by severity, so if you've been waiting for 10 hours and someone just walks in with something worse, you're back to waiting..

What we need is the price gouging to stop so people..I went to the hospital one time because my doctor was closed.. 1,500 just to enter the emergency room..That's a rip off and stealing..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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7 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

A funny thing happened Friday when everyone came into work.. There was a notice up on our board that said, Anyone working with anyone else or near anyone else while in the plant, they must wear a mask....So, everyone that works with someone else and are within 6ft of each other has to wear a mask..


Tell them to take a plane and come for a visit, over here it's still tourist season so such restrictions will be enforced again after 10-15 September.

Seriously now we had some people from UK, Holland, Israel, Italy, etc.. but realistically speaking looks more like what spring season used to be. Anyway maybe Oxford or somebody else will manage to pass the vaccine tests and Covid will no longer be something to worry about.


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25 minutes ago, Nick0678 said:

Tell them to take a plane and come for a visit, over here it's still tourist season so such restrictions will be enforced again after 10-15 September.

Seriously now we had some people from UK, Holland, Israel, Italy, etc.. but realistically speaking looks more like what spring season used to be. Anyway maybe Oxford or somebody else will manage to pass the vaccine tests and Covid will no longer be something to worry about.


Wow ,that's crazy.. We still have lines at our bigger stores like walmart and Kroger and places like that..

Everyplace in doors and open to the public, we have to wear a mask..

I don't know how our plant got away with it for so long.. Every other plant around us, it's been a rule for a good while now in those places..

I'm just glad we are getting towards the end of the hot season and wearing masks won't be so hot..Although it's a good chance cases might start going up again in the cooler season..

lighter air and closed windows and doors..

Our plants doors don't close until it gets really cold, which is good..like in the 20's..

Right now I'm hoping more for a good anti viral or antiretroviral more than a vaccine first.. something that will kill it or contain it for those that have it or come down with it, until we can reach a good vaccine..

A vaccine is a preventative, so if you catch it, the vaccine won't do you any good.. It would suck to catch it and there be a vaccine but still no possible cure.. With an anti viral or an antiretroviral we can at least have a fighting chance if we do get it..

They do have something out there, because a guy at work, his mother had it real bad and they gave her something that turned her around for the better..But, not sure how good it is percentage wise.. I heard they had one that is like 65% effective just from reading on things.. hopefully there is a few of them out there they are using..


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6 hours ago, BelindaN said:

What I love about you Ceka, @Ceka Cianci is how you cut through the crap, and talk so much sense. It's so refreshing. 

If I could make you an honorary Yorkshirewoman I would do so. Here we are the same. We laugh a lot. We use common sense. We cut through the crap.

Even so, we have idiots without masks everywhere.

It's not good.

Awe Thank you..I enjoy your posts as well. :SwingingFriends:

I'll have to go and read up on Yorkshirewomen.. hehehehe


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1 minute ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I'm just glad we are getting towards the end of the hot season and wearing masks, although it's a good chance cases might start going up again in the cooler season..

They will definitely go up.

6 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

A vaccine is a preventative, so if you catch it, the vaccine won't do you any good.. It would suck to catch it and there be a vaccine but still no possible cure.. With an anti viral or an antiretroviral we can at least have a fighting chance if we do get it..

 I am sure we still have a long way to go when it comes to full treatment (if it won't mutate in unusual ways).


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Just now, Nick0678 said:

 I am sure we still have a long way to go when it comes to full treatment (if it won't mutate in unusual ways).

They have been more confident in finding those before the vaccine, and it's getting around that time period they were talking about to where they might have them..So hopefully..

So far It's been a slow mutating virus, so that's good for getting a vaccine for it, but bad for transmission of it.. It's the slow ones that are the big killers but easier to contain once they can get control of them..

The thing that really irritates me about this and has from the very beginning..

America has had the largest defense budget for years and years, which is like 26 times higher than the next country down the last time I read on it..None of it was ever invested into this area..

With as much money going into defense, we were left defenseless and helpless and shut down to a stand still by a microbe..


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5 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Oh, I just want to respond about the healthcare.. I've watched a few things on that as well as have talked to a few people about it from Canada..

Free sounds great and all, but anything free from the government, I don't trust..

Just a simple visit to the doctor for say the flu..You could be over the flu by the time you get to see a doctor.. The government would be a terrible provider and slow as molasses in the winter time.. just look at how terrible and slow they are at a lot of other stuff..it would be like we were all on the V.A. plan..

They take you by severity, so if you've been waiting for 10 hours and someone just walks in with something worse, you're back to waiting..

What we need is the price gouging to stop so people..I went to the hospital one time because my doctor was closed.. 1,500 just to enter the emergency room..That's a rip off and stealing..

Thanks for the aluminum casting background; I've always thought of aluminum as a kind of magical metal... probably as a result of a ridiculous attempt to arc weld a bit of it, ages ago.

But you know I live in Canada now, right? I don't know what these people have been telling you, but that's just not representative of the Canadian health care system at all. Of course, exactly as in the States, there are some procedures where backlogs happen for a while, and sometimes it's different procedures that have backlogs on each side of the border. But routine stuff is so much easier to get here than in the States, I was very surprised: To hear the stories in the States, you'd think government-funded healthcare would be a disaster, but it's great here. And if anything there's more competition here among providers; the difference really is that the insurance companies have a much smaller bunch of money to fight over because the big costs are covered by provincial insurance paid along with income taxes.

This is, of course, not the National Health Service model I was talking about, where providers are themselves government-run. That's much more radical, but I honestly thought, the way the pandemic was going in New York at first, the only hope at nationwide scale would be military-run hospitals. Instead the pandemic spread regionally, so the existing system could handle it, more or less.

Any system, though, would have trouble with Canada's most remote geography, and the perpetual, tragic disadvantage of her Indigenous underclass. There absolutely are horror stories to tell about Canadian medicine, but they're not the stories told south of the border. 

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5 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

The thing that really irritates me about this and has from the very beginning..

America has had the largest defense budget for years and years, which is like 26 times higher than the next country down the last time I read on it..None of it was ever invested into this area..

With as much money going into defense, we were left defenseless and helpless and shut down to a stand still by a microbe..

Yes i understand what you are saying , well defense budgets, satellites, motor companies etc are all nice an all for a country to have but nature has it's own way when it comes to such stuff and lets be fair "defense budget" is just money spend for military advancements, expeditions and such stuff.

Simply speaking it's just a form of business between countries. That's all.

You don't expect the Red Coats (UK) to attack you these days or the Soviets (they don't exist) or China (The U.S. owes $1.08 trillion to China, making it the second-largest foreign lender)


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2 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

Thanks for the aluminum casting background; I've always thought of aluminum as a kind of magical metal... probably as a result of a ridiculous attempt to arc weld a bit of it, ages ago.

But you know I live in Canada now, right? I don't know what these people have been telling you, but that's just not representative of the Canadian health care system at all. Of course, exactly as in the States, there are some procedures where backlogs happen for a while, and sometimes it's different procedures that have backlogs on each side of the border. But routine stuff is so much easier to get here than in the States, I was very surprised: To hear the stories in the States, you'd think government-funded healthcare would be a disaster, but it's great here. And if anything there's more competition here among providers; the difference really is that the insurance companies have a much smaller bunch of money to fight over because the big costs are covered by provincial insurance paid along with income taxes.

This is, of course, not the National Health Service model I was talking about, where providers are themselves government-run. That's much more radical, but I honestly thought, the way the pandemic was going in New York at first, the only hope at nationwide scale would be military-run hospitals. Instead the pandemic spread regionally, so the existing system could handle it, more or less.

Any system, though, would have trouble with Canada's most remote geography, and the perpetual, tragic disadvantage of her Indigenous underclass. There absolutely are horror stories to tell about Canadian medicine, but they're not the stories told south of the border. 

I just have zero faith in the U.S. handling something like that very well.. Just about any time you have to deal with the government for anything here, it's a slow process..

They are still arguing over the stimulus package and will deal with that when they get off yet another break during this pandemic, but they were willing to jump right back off vacation and come back to work for the postal service situation.. because that's more important than people starving and going homeless left and right..

Our government's all across the country as well as the fed are corrupt and tore up from the floor up..

My family used to be on their programs when I was little.. My father swore to us all that He would never ever let any one of us be in that position ever again..

My whole family doesn't trust anything they do..

I don't have a political opinion about it, it's just a mistrust I was raised with because they just can't be trusted..


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I wistfully remember the days when my country had a competent government who kept ebola and zika at bay, and nobody heard of social distancing or need to panic buy all toiletries.

2012 : (Here we go, here we go, here we go)
2013 : One, nothing wrong with me
2014 : Two, nothing wrong with me
2015 : Three, nothing wrong with me
2016 : Four, nothing wrong with me
2017 : One, something's got to give
2018 : Two, something's got to give
2019 : Three, something's got to give now

2020 :







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23 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

My whole family doesn't trust anything they do..

I don't have a political opinion about it, it's just a mistrust I was raised with because they just can't be trusted..

Actually politicians should never be trusted because we all know they are full of air and actually it's part of their job otherwise nobody would vote them. But seriously now , especially when we talk about the US who can trust politicians when after many decades of different governments things like this are still allowed to happen. 


 Pick the worst European country that you can think of, even the poorest ones who were ex soviet states and people have to live their family with a salary of 200USD per month, you won't see police shooting like this and it isn't police fault, it's the governments fault for allowing such force to be used within it's borders.. 

So when it comes to Covid or whatever you are probably right to have no faith in them either.

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19 minutes ago, Maryanne Solo said:

I'm the only one at my day job to be wearing a mask.
Go ahead, die, you wont see if I care or not. 🥴

The sad thing about wearing a mask and others not is, Masks are to stop us from giving the virus to others.. They aren't much good protection shielding from it..

They are some protection from it..but they are mostly for if you have it, it's hitting the inside of your mask rather than other people..

That's why first thing when I get home, I jump right in the shower, plus during work I don't let anyone in my office..there is no need for anyone to even be in any of the office area on the night shift..

Still they just made this a rule Friday and I hardly seen anyone with a mask on tonight.. They just don't enforce the rules where i work I guess..

It really pisses me off.

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On 8/22/2020 at 12:53 PM, Qie Niangao said:

(Tangent, but not really: This pandemic has turned me from "liberal" to somewhere well beyond "socialist", and from Medicare4All-skeptical to favoring a fully nationalized Health Service. Something about the treatment of minimum wage legal immigrant workers in midwest meatpacking plants sent me over the edge.)

I read that some of our follow-up and managed health care will be moving to the conference call in the future.  This could pave the way for making health care more affordable.  Placing a cap on doctor's salaries could help too and/or hiring CEO's for hospitals that will work for 2,000 dollars a year say in India instead of the American CEO's pay of about 500,000 thousand+.  That would help, too.  The former will happen, the latter about the CEO's is just dreaming.  My ex used to work for hospitals for 20 years.  Cut throat people, the ones who have our health in their hands.   Hospitals are run for profit in America - I think changing that is the key to health care for all.  

The hospital my Mom worked for for 20 years, the doctor's salaries were capped at 100,000 thousand dollars a year.  So, they brought in a lot of foreign doctors.  It was a great hospital.  My Mom even retired with a pension.  Capping doctor's salaries has been done; it happened at the hospital my Mom worked at.

Plus, we could get CEO's to work for far, far less in India as they don't need to be in the building; they are just paper pushers mostly and it could all be done through the computer and/or computer conferencing.  End the rich American CEO's salaries and cap the doctor's pay and end for profit hospitals.   A CEO in India would do just as good of a job and cost millions less.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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2 hours ago, Nick0678 said:

Actually politicians should never be trusted because we all know they are full of air and actually it's part of their job otherwise nobody would vote them. But seriously now , especially when we talk about the US who can trust politicians when after many decades of different governments things like this are still allowed to happen. 


 Pick the worst European country that you can think of, even the poorest ones who were ex soviet states and people have to live their family with a salary of 200USD per month, you won't see police shooting like this and it isn't police fault, it's the governments fault for allowing such force to be used within it's borders.. 

So when it comes to Covid or whatever you are probably right to have no faith in them either.

All that kind of violence is the politicians fault.. The violence in the streets the violence in the inner cities and the violence with police..

They can pander all they want till the cows come home, but they are responsible.. city, county and federal..

They need to stop letting the bad cops off the hook like they have been for forever and a day, and we need to stop re-election terrible politicians that just play the game.. once they get in there, they are all about their own survival.. They don't give a damn about the people..not a damn..

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Hong Kong man was reinfected by the coronavirus, researchers say
by Denise Chow, NBC News, 2020-08-24 7:08pm MST

A man in Hong Kong has become the first confirmed patient to be infected with the coronavirus a second time, according to researchers at the University of Hong Kong.

The finding suggests that some patients who recover from COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, may have only short-lived immunity from reinfection. The case will likely also be significant for scientists who have been working on treatments using antibodies from recovered coronavirus patients, and those who have been scrambling to develop a safe and effective vaccine, though it’s too soon to draw any firm conclusions.

(full article) https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/hong-kong-man-was-reinfected-coronavirus-researchers-say-n1237840


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They had a guy early on in China I believe it was, that they say had gotten reinfected as well.. I remember hearing about that back in like April..

They were saying at the time that the person could have had something like, their bodies defense system not being able to identify the virus.. That it may be something more rare than common to happen.. That they would have to wait and see if it happens more..


ETA: I was wrong on the month.. It was in February

This was just the first link on the search for it..I just grabbed it right away..

Man tests positive for coronavirus for second time — four days after being cleared


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19 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

They had a guy early on in China I believe it was, that they say had gotten reinfected as well.. I remember hearing about that back in like April..

They were saying at the time that the person could have had something like, their bodies defense system not being able to identify the virus.. That it may be something more rare than common to happen.. That they would have to wait and see if it happens more..


ETA: I was wrong on the month.. It was in February

This was just the first link on the search for it..I just grabbed it right away..

Man tests positive for coronavirus for second time — four days after being cleared


I recall reading that story and, in particular, this line...

"Reports suggest that officials now suspect that doctors hadn’t performed accurate tests on Mr Wang before he was released."

Given the high rates of false negative and false positive rates in Covid-19 tests, it's possible someone could test positive, negative, positive, negative... until the cows come home, regardless of their actual condition. Since I've heard nothing about this case since the initial story, I'll guess the man did not actually get reinfected.

ETA: The recent case is more interesting, as four months elapsed since the person was deemed recovered, not four days.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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3 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I recall reading that story and, in particular, this line...

"Reports suggest that officials now suspect that doctors hadn’t performed accurate tests on Mr Wang before he was released."

Given the high rates of false negative and false positive rates in Covid-19 tests, it's possible someone could test positive, negative, positive, negative... until the cows come home, regardless of their actual condition. Since I've heard nothing about this case since the initial story, I'll guess the man did not actually get reinfected. 

Yea, I remember hearing that back then, now that you mention it.. It was awhile ago and i didn't re-read it today.. I just went to find the link  for it..


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