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Do you need to vent about things COVID-19?

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I've never been much of a socialite, but one thing that comforted me when I was stressed was to just go outside and sort of 'life watch'. You know? Seeing people out chatting to each other, shopping, walking past the pub and seeing people sat together with a pint. That feeling that despite whatever stresses I might be going through, the world is still spinning and there's still joy in the world to be found.

Now there are signs everywhere in my town to stay apart from each other, all the shops feel like an environment where everyone is living cattle, stickers and signs telling everyone how to move and where to stand. It's kind of de-humanizing and I worry for peoples mental health.

At least in our local park, people seem to be playing ball games, chatting and stuff, so there is some life to be found.

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42 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

That makes sense to me - the tribal leaders need to do what they feel is best to protect their tribal members, especially when they are in areas lacking in resources such as adequate medical care, hospitals, running water, and so forth, and I would think that they should have the legal right to make those decisions.   

I would also think that the states they are located in would want to support those decisions of the tribal leaders, to protect as many lives as possible, but we seem to be in a world these days where I can no longer understand a lot of decisions or positions government is taking.   

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry if this is considered Necroing, but just wanted to see..Is anyone having a hard time still getting masks or hasn't gotten a mask yet because they can't find any?

I think the delay in getting them might be over.. I ordered some off amazon plus a box of like 20 really good 5 layer filters, last sunday the 12th and they shipped NOT using UPS or fedex but regular mail, on the 16th and are coming in today's mail..

I thought for sure it was gonna be a month.. it wasn't bad price either..2 masks and a box of 20 filters costs us 72.83

This is what they look like..

I would post the amazon link, but not sure if that would break the forum rules or not.. they'll be here in a couple of hours, so I'll see if they are any good or not.



I just thought I would ask in here if people are still trying to get any, because it really went6 pretty easy this time compared to last time having to wait so long..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I just thought I would ask in here if people are still trying to get any, because it really went6 pretty easy this time compared to last time having to wait so long..

I haven't tried to buy any of the heavier duty masks in a while, but I have noticed that packages of the one-use disposable masks are plentiful in the stores now.

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19 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I haven't tried to buy any of the heavier duty masks in a while, but I have noticed that packages of the one-use disposable masks are plentiful in the stores now.

That's good to hear..  Our case count just in our county has more than doubled what we had before they started to open back up.. So I just thought I would ask in here since I got those so quick..

That first wait time was so long..I'm glad to see there is more availability this 2nd wave.. :)

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I’ve been able to stock up on reusable cloth masks. The county finally enacted a mask mandate, which is now like wearing a condom to the baby shower as some YouTuber said. The governor should have issued a statewide mask mandate a month ago,  but he’s an idiot and passed the responsibility to local governments, and it’s out of control. On the upside, since the county mandate, even with the promise of no enforcement, mask usage has gone up from about 30% at best to almost 100%. 

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Didn't have to use a mask because over here we had very few cases and 0.0018 death rate from COVID but i would suggest you use recyclable versions of masks (or respirators) like doctors do. Anything else if you don't wash them thoroughly and very often is an easy way to transfer bacteria same way your phone does.

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16 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Let me know how comfortable the fit is and how easy or not you can breathe through them.

I can breathe through it pretty easy, but the fit under my chin is kind of loose..

I can probably tighten it up with a clip or something..the rest fits really well around my face.. it's just where that middle seam comes down the front it just leaves a little gap under my chin..

I squeezed the loose part under the chin and breathed in and the mask sucked in ,so that was good and breathing out it didn't fog my glasses..

My husband they are too small for him, but  I knew they would be soon as I seen them..he has a big head and neck and can't get the Velcro straps that come together on the back of the neck  to even meet on him..hehehehe

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1 hour ago, Nick0678 said:

Didn't have to use a mask because over here we had very few cases and 0.0018 death rate from COVID but i would suggest you use recyclable versions of masks (or respirators) like doctors do. Anything else if you don't wash them thoroughly and very often is an easy way to transfer bacteria same way your phone does.

Yea, I have to wash mine each day.. The filters are good for like 5 days and come out.. Soon They are gonna probably make it where we have to wear masks going out..

The south is getting hit really hard right now..

The big threat down here is getting around the people that think the virus is some sort of conspiracy or something.. They are going to have to find out for themselves, because I'm not letting them drop it on me..

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20 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Sorry if this is considered Necroing, but just wanted to see..Is anyone having a hard time still getting masks or hasn't gotten a mask yet because they can't find any?

I put off getting masks until about June. Ordered a lot from clothing / blanket companies that now make masks. Ordered a hundred or so disposable. Depending on the order, took weeks to come. Now, the grocery I go to sells cloth and disposable masks (higher price than I paid)..

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Grrrhhh. My brother's next door neighbours had a gathering of about a dozen of their friends yesterday afternoon/evening, underneath a gazebo because the weather was a bit dull and wet. At least two are NHS staff nurses. All were sitting in close proximity, no social distancing, no masks, no prevention, and I am guessing all still are able to potentially be carriers of the virus.

But they're young people - mid-20s - so hey ho, they are impervious to the full force of the virus, obviously! 


Edited by Marigold Devin
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43 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

that think the virus is some sort of conspiracy or something

Such people exist everywhere, even yesterday i happened to be having this talk with a friend at his store and he kept telling me "we haven't seen anyone dying".. OK we didn't because we closed our borders since January right at the moment it was starting to expand so had less than 200 people dying. Italy, France, Spain, UK etc had thousands, do you really need to see a local person dying in front of you.

That reminds me of people who when they date someone that looks healthy don't even think about HIV and std's.

There's no need to take risks and fact is why risk the lives of seniors, those people raised us, keep the mask on and all will be fine, have a little bit of patience it's not forever.

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I read 1 out of every 100 American's has coronavirus just a few days ago.  Seven states may be going into full lockdown again which I read yesterday.  It is bad here.  My landlord prefers us not to go out; she has someone to do the shopping for us at no charge plus I use the internet for a lot of deliveries.  This is the way my landlord would like it for a while again because my building has 110 people in it.  It's felt it's too many people going in and out and we all share one elevator, etc.   My landlord wants it one person in the elevator at a time, too, which it has been for a couple of months now with the elevator.  I did see my doctor for the first non-telephone video conference on Friday.  It was good to see my doctor again and talk to him.  He and his staff were pretty well covered up and not only with masks but with gowns and face shields too.  The nurse cleaned everything before she took my blood pressure, etc.  

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I wish it were just a hoax. A family friend was one of the first fatalities in my country 🙁  I can see how people may get fatigued with masks and social distancing, but, they really don't want to experience the alternative.

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For the first time, I have some hope that schools may reopen responsibly, before there's a vaccine. The idea of very cheap, fast, easy-to-administer, very prevalent testing could make this realistic. There's also an interesting argument that it's better if the tests are less sensitive, so they aren't picking up non-infectious fragments as positive results.

Only thing is, somebody must turn around the Federal government's whole testing strategy, and its eagerness to shirk all responsibility off to the states. I almost wonder if BIden needs to push this, to force Trump into either acting or owning the disaster that will otherwise inevitably follow school openings.

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6 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

But they're young people - mid-20s - so hey ho, they are impervious to the full force of the virus, obviously!

Was just reading an article yesterday about a woman begging her 20-year to not go out to a party. He ignored her and went out. Now his father, her husband; a 42 or so year old man is in the hospital on a ventilator...

- stories like that are popping up more and more.

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Every mask I use, I always end up having to pull it away from my face and let some air circulate and cool while I'm getting that little bit more oxygen I need to be able to breathe. It's the summer heat. It makes having to wear one for more than a half hour unbearable even indoors in the a/c. Other than the constant battle to keep them on my head, much less fully covering my nose and mouth, because one size does NOT fit all, I don't mind wearing one. 

If nothing else, they'll keep my face warm and let me breathe while riding Ole Putt in the winter between storms. No, that's not a horse. It's a Harley. 


ETA: Really the biggest peeve I have about masks (not the wearing of them) is not being able to read lips.

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5 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

I've read that masks with valves are considered bad because they will focus blast people next to you if you happen to have the virus.


It might blast out on the single valve ones far if there is no kind of directional cap on them. But the air that comes out is way slowed down  in these and split up to where I doubt it travels inches if that when it comes out..

I've tried mine and it doesn't open the whole valve but a small part of the tops of them..if you look at the 6 slots on the opening of the valve.. you can barely see the diaphragm opening..

On mine only the top of the diaphragm is opening and hitting the closed off part of the cap.. So any air coming out hits that top wall of the cap and then goes through those 6 slots..

Which you can't hardly feel any air at all coming out.. if anything the air is hitting me more than going outward towards others.

plus even with masks we are supposed to still be practicing our distancing.. but any air coming out is getting split and downward.. I've tried to blow though it really hard and can't get the full diaphragm.. I thought they were not working at first until I looked close and seen it flap under the blocked off part of the cap.

The air that does come out probably isn't even enough to go through a couple of those slots really.. maybe 1/3 of each diaphragm at the top opens..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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4 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Every mask I use, I always end up having to pull it away from my face and let some air circulate and cool while I'm getting that little bit more oxygen I need to be able to breathe. It's the summer heat.

It's hot and humid year round where I live, and I can stand the mask for about 20 mins at a stretch. Fortunately I work from home!

Another downside is you can't see people's facial expressions properly. This is more disorienting than I anticipated.

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6 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Every mask I use, I always end up having to pull it away from my face and let some air circulate and cool while I'm getting that little bit more oxygen I need to be able to breathe. It's the summer heat. It makes having to wear one for more than a half hour unbearable even indoors in the a/c. Other than the constant battle to keep them on my head, much less fully covering my nose and mouth, because one size does NOT fit all, I don't mind wearing one. 

If nothing else, they'll keep my face warm and let me breathe while riding Ole Putt in the winter between storms. No, that's not a horse. It's a Harley. 


ETA: Really the biggest peeve I have about masks (not the wearing of them) is not being able to read lips.

Obviously I'm sympathetic to lip readers and the minority of individuals who are unable to wear masks. Those aren't the people I'm talking about.

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42 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

Obviously I'm sympathetic to lip readers and the minority of individuals who are unable to wear masks. Those aren't the people I'm talking about.


google live transcribe!


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