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Do you need to vent about things COVID-19?

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Alert the media, I'm siding with @Lindal Kidd on this one. :) (It happens.) But I'm going to do it as Switzerland and say that I understand, and also somewhat agree with @Marigold Devin. Maybe this mean girl should go into politics? (Nooooooooooooooo.) ANYway. Lindal and I are both agreeing with Marigold that living in the "now" is a good thing. Too much speculation is generally useless, imho. However, this is where I agree with Lindal. There's mindless speculation and worry, and then there is a more studied type, which also isn't infallible. It is already clear, well at least to those not relying on the medical expertise of Trump, that this pandemic "thing" is going to last a while. I also think that is worrying and scary. We should be planning for long term but this administration, that was getting briefed on coronavirus in January and did nothing until our window of opportunity passed, has shown itself to be unwilling and/or unable to plan in that way. Some states are rushing reopening, but at some point all states are going to have to reopen and that will be at the cost of lives. Vaccines don't happen like on tv drama shows, where within an hour the CDC comes up with the vaccine or the cure to some exotic disease.

Yes, we will, as a species, get through this. History has shown that what comes out the other side may be drastically different... perhaps better but maybe not.

Edited by Seicher Rae
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2 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I just read where some people who model pandemics for a living figure this is going to be around for up to TWO FRICKING YEARS, until about 60-70% of the world population has either had it, or been vaccinated.

I'm buying stock in grocery delivery services.

Just make sure you sell that stock before things get back to normal, though. My guess is that some people will stay with the delivery services because it is pretty sweet not having that chore to do, but others will drop it as soon as it isn't risking life to go to the stores.

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The thing that's frustrating me most right now is our lack of certainty about immunity. Not so much that we don't know if it will last a whole season or more, but that we don't know for sure that it lasts at all, or that antibody testing even tells us anything about immunity to this virus.

And then, how well can any vaccine really work if it stimulates production of antibodies of unknown effectiveness?

If I didn't keep falling into that immunity problem (which all may be answered fairly suddenly), I'd be trying to think about what it will be like when, say, 20% of the population can know for sure they're immune. There's been lots of speculation about how they'll be able to do all the stuff the vulnerable 80% can't, and that's cool, but also imagine yourself in that 20%: you'll really, really want to do all the stuff the other 80% can't. Go to restaurants, movies, concerts, etc. It's gonna be hard to contain that drive to "normalcy" -- but there's a substantial part of the population who simply cannot participate, the risk will just be way too high.

Maybe mitigating that drive a bit will be the fact that some share of the immune will have won their immunity through incredible suffering. As everyone has said, this isn't like the flu: folks spend week after week in the ICU before either dying or coming out to spend week after week recovering ever so gradually -- and tentatively. And even then, there are still questions about how much hidden damage the virus has done to organs other than the lungs... and kidneys... and heart... and brain... and...


So anyway, Iowa and Oklahoma governors are so afraid somebody in their states might be less motivated to return to work because they're getting unemployment insurance that they plan to cut off those federal payments as a "voluntary quit" when the workplace tries to re-open. Imagine what's going to happen in Iowa, particularly the meatpacking industry: they'll reopen under the directive of the Wartime Powers Act and anybody in those workplaces who's not yet infected will be - it's inevitable. So imagine you're older. Or imagine you have children with nobody to care for them until daycare re-opens (or school for those old enough). Now imagine how many ventilators there are in all of Iowa, and how many medical personnel. It'll be a state-mandated massacre.


Whatever the politics, there's no possible way for a level of government to respond effectively to this kind of crisis unless it is also responsible for managing money supply and/or sovereign debt. States and provinces are completely helpless here because they ceded that to the federal government centuries ago. They can fiddle around the edges with rules and regulations -- and as we see, they can make things worse by refusing federal aid -- but they simply cannot meaningfully counter this scale of economic disruption. Even if it were constitutional for them to "declare bankruptcy" they could never borrow and spend enough to matter (fiscal stimulus) and have no monetary tools at all.

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The only real rant or vent I have about the whole covid-19 is people are going to crazy over it and becoming to fearful about it and acting stupid. Its not like its the black plague or something. All the panic buying of things needs to stop. People dont realize that by panic buying they are actually making it worse and not better.

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Ugh, I wish it was already over, or at least that I don't have to wear a mask in stores. I wear glasses and they fog up so badly. Sucks trying to see what you buy when you can barely see it to begin with >.<

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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

States and provinces are completely helpless here because they ceded that to the federal government centuries ago.

Governor Andy begs to differ.

21 minutes ago, So Whimsy said:

Ugh, I wish it was already over, or at least that I don't have to wear a mask in stores. I wear glasses and they fog up so badly. Sucks trying to see what you buy when you can barely see it to begin with >.<

Better than being dead! Or even worse, being responsible for the death of others!

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13 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

Governor Andy begs to differ.

Cuomo? What, is he running a mint in Albany now?  Last I knew, he was wanting federal funding to keep the state afloat, not offering to stimulate the New York state economy with massive loans, grants, or other liquidity. He rightly points out that NY state is a massive net contributor to the federal system but there's no way to claw back all that tax paid to the IRS -- and anyway, during this economic crisis, actual revenue barely makes a dent in spending. States can issue some bond debt, sure, but they can't really affect money supply.

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4 hours ago, So Whimsy said:

Ugh, I wish it was already over, or at least that I don't have to wear a mask in stores. I wear glasses and they fog up so badly. Sucks trying to see what you buy when you can barely see it to begin with >.<

If you have the kind of mask that has a solid strip at the top (not homemade), try pinching the mask tight to your nose and see if that helps with the glasses fogging. 

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1 minute ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Seicher, we're on opposite sides?  Usually, I mean?  Odd, I always like your posts and usually agree with them in my head.

I'd say we agree more than we don't, but not politically. No worries. :)

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16 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

So anyway, Iowa and Oklahoma governors are so afraid somebody in their states might be less motivated to return to work because they're getting unemployment insurance that they plan to cut off those federal payments as a "voluntary quit" when the workplace tries to re-open. 

This is what happens when a state (Oklahoma) thinks a businessman (hey, he's just like Trump!) is a good choice for governor. I suppose he's a great choice if you are also a business owner, but not so much for everyone else.

By the way, this is the guy who tweeted a photo of himself and his kids (oh, btw, he's an anti-vaxxer) in a crowded food court when everyone was being told to do the social distancing thing. 

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On 5/2/2020 at 5:27 AM, Dano Seale said:

What does the rest of the world think it is then?


What if it's your infected body against everyone else's choice?  Would you be waving the same banner if the hospitals refused to treat any unvaccinated people with the virus?
Luckily, most medical staff prefer to make the unselfish choice to risk all in attempts to save the lives of others, which their chosen profession demands...instead of draping themselves in American flags and AR-15's and screaming "conspiracy!"..."muh constitutional rights!"...."self, self, self,!", ...people who should be ashamed to even look at a flag never mind claim pride in belonging to the Nation it represents!

...Just my 

Oh dear, i might lose beauty sleep over that. 

Sticks and stones may....

Edited by Sassy Kenin
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I have a small vent to get off my chest. I have been working tirelessly with a foreign supplier of masks trying to get supplies to essential workers and people in need, and it just feels like no matter how many hours and orders that I put into all of this it feels like there is no end in sight. I am proud for making an effort and doing my part, but god it's just so awful to see how many people are desperate and pleading for help that aren't getting it. It really takes a toll mentally some days. 


/offtopic but it also reminds me of how many animals don't have the loving homes they need and deserve. Oh how I wish I could adopt them all!

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9 hours ago, Sassy Kenin said:

Oh dear, i might lose beauty sleep over that. 

Nah! You seem far too self centered for that Sassy. It's ok though, I doubt anyone was holding their breath for an intellectually detailed account of your reasoning!  😉

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3 hours ago, Dano Seale said:

Nah! You seem far too self centered for that Sassy. It's ok though, I doubt anyone was holding their breath for an intellectually detailed account of your reasoning!  😉

You missed her original comment pre-edit, which was "I don't care".  Which, obviously, she does not, as long as she gets to do what she wants. 

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2 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

You missed her original comment pre-edit, which was "I don't care".  Which, obviously, she does not, as long as she gets to do what she wants. 

As to the topic at hand, I worry that people are putting too much hope and faith into a vaccine. We could see one, but it won't be soon. We can't just wave a magic wand (wait, that's another thread) like on TV shows and get something within days if not hours. There's a type of feline coronavirus (and there are hundreds of coronaviruses, across many species) that they have been trying to work on a vaccine AND a reliable test for decades, and they have failed. I'm not saying that is going to be the case with this particular coronavirus, but it is a possibility.

And if we DO get a vaccine soonish? And the anti-vaxxers? Holy effing cow. Your body, your rights? (And how many of those nutjobs then turn out to be anti-choice?) OK, your body/choice but live (or die) with the consequences. Pass a law that anyone not vaccinated cannot come into contact with responsible people. Your body/choice ends at the tip of my nose. They can do what the eff they please, but not if it infects me or anyone else. What is so hard about that concept. Your choices come with consequences. Spell out the, hopefully draconian, consequences of not getting vaccinated. Isolation. Quarantine camps. I realize that is a tad hyperbolic, but I also kind of believe that to be a solution.

Edited to delete rather amusing if rather WRONG couple of paragraphs that apparently I aimed at the wrong person. Ooops. I did read the comments/posts, just got the posters confoosed. I honestly read/typed before coffee, which obviously is a bad thing to do.

Edited by Seicher Rae
AND bad spelling!
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15 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Wait. Wut? I thought she was through with all the mean girls and this thread and everything?

I think you're mixing up the posters Seicher. Mine and Sylvia's comments are about sassy kenin, while you "beef" was with saucy sinister? 

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5 hours ago, Dano Seale said:

Nah! You seem far too self centered for that Sassy. It's ok though, I doubt anyone was holding their breath for an intellectually detailed account of your reasoning!  😉

Your right , me just venting my frustrations regarding covid 19 and not wanting to argue about it just makes me a hypocrite i get it..silly me.😉 

long work days for in my real life, its good to have one, you should try it sometimes nothing beats the original.

[insert funny meme]

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43 minutes ago, Dano Seale said:

I think you're mixing up the posters Seicher. Mine and Sylvia's comments are about sassy kenin, while you "beef" was with saucy sinister? 

Ahahahahaha. You are correct! Me and my sloppy reading. Saucy/Sassy... oops. Now to go edit my comment above (darn it, it amused me). The stuff about vaccines and anti-vaxxers holds though.

Edited by Seicher Rae
my spelling sucks
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32 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Ahahahahaha. You are correct! Me and my sloppy reading. Saucy/Sassy... oops. Now to go edit my comment above (darn it, it amused me). The stuff about vaccines and anti-vaccers holds though.

I wish you both a great SL , take care.

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