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Game Producer & Coach looking for SL work


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I can do a wide range of tasks:

Coaching, Planning, Game Design, Strategy, Training, Teaching, Project Management, HR, rapid prototypinh, Social Media, Writing, Community Management, Wordpress, Amateur Programming/hacking (C#, LSL, Javascript, Python, PHP), Amateur Art (Logos, 3D) etc. 

I wish to work flexibly as a consultant/contactor. I am also very open to having a patron. Either way the goal is to fund my Second Life passion which is to change Second Life from the inside (rather then expecting that Linden Labs will fix things). 

What would I actually do? 

Most Likely I would review your projects or businesses and work with you to improve them. I am a Solutionist and Entrepreneur.

Pretty much everywhere I go in Second Life I see design flaws. I enjoy solving them or with coaching (and powerful questions) help you to find the solutions yourself. I have a particular interest in the synergy between Learning, Working and playing. Also in where Virtual Worlds and Reality Connects (real world value). 

I also want to get started teaching in SL. I am available for Teaching, Training, Speaking & Coaching. I have real world experience. I have also developed my own material e.g. Game Based Personalities / Communication Styles. I have also taught game development and english. 

Feel free to send me a message regarding your situation and what kind of payment you are offering. For Patrons/sponsors send me a message and we can discuss and agree on how funds will be spent. 

Working on Secondlife for me is a labor of love for the moment. So don't be afraid to make an offer. Get in early though as I will become ever more picky about the jobs I take as opportunities increase. 

Warm Regards, 

YourFutureCoach (swingkid) 

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