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Troublemakers of the past-tense, post your feats.

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Currently as I wait for a response to a filed ticket of massive inventory loss (yes, it is lost. Still intact on preview grid, maliciously removed from main. thx obama) I want to know what great feats you have achieved! Current stress-testers need not respond, you should actually tone it down. A lot. Reality is now trolling the world, give SL a break. - - - Anyhow, I escaped the cornfield (when it was a thing) with a notecard. What have you done? (Your own feats, not a tool/hud/script purchased or distributed freely.)

tripp in the corn field.png

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2 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Have you done any of the recommended things to try to fix that?


I've done all of it, last resort isn't clearing cache, last resort is filing ticket. One of the prim storage items are infact still in my inventory, but with every (no copy)(no transfer) items removed.

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12 minutes ago, Tripp Plunkett said:

I've done all of it, last resort isn't clearing cache, last resort is filing ticket. One of the prim storage items are infact still in my inventory, but with every (no copy)(no transfer) items removed.

Nowhere does it say clearing cache is a last resort. I don't think you even bothered to read the page. Oh well. You do you. I only spent over 5 years on the support team helping people fix that problem without ever needing to file a ticket. :P

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13 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Nowhere does it say clearing cache is a last resort. I don't think you even bothered to read the page. Oh well. You do you. I only spent over 5 years on the support team helping people fix that problem without ever needing to file a ticket. :P

Ah, my bad, just read in two different places that clearing cache is a last resort type of thing since inventory switched from UDP to HTTP. Figured it was like a typical tech-support response of, "Did you try turning it off and on?"

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2 hours ago, Tripp Plunkett said:

Currently as I wait for a response to a filed ticket of massive inventory loss (yes, it is lost. Still intact on preview grid, maliciously removed from main. thx obama) I want to know what great feats you have achieved! Current stress-testers need not respond, you should actually tone it down. A lot. Reality is now trolling the world, give SL a break. - - - Anyhow, I escaped the cornfield (when it was a thing) with a notecard. What have you done? (Your own feats, not a tool/hud/script purchased or distributed freely.)

tripp in the corn field.png

I'm newbie when it comes to how the Cornfield used to be a thing. Did you just get put there for a set time? I know Google is probably my friend, but while you're waiting for your inventory to recover, you could be telling me a bedtime story. Won't take long, my left eye has gone to sleep already. 

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3 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

I'm newbie when it comes to how the Cornfield used to be a thing. Did you just get put there for a set time? I know Google is probably my friend, but while you're waiting for your inventory to recover, you could be telling me a bedtime story. Won't take long, my left eye has gone to sleep already. 

Yes, I was supposed to be in there for a week or two. What happens is you could not see any other users who were placed there, you could not send IMs, you couldn't open landmarks from inventory. You could, however, still send/receive inventory. I made a notecard, sent it to a friend. We sent a couple back and forth until I he sent me one with a landmark attached. Could open the landmark from the notecard and teleport out. Problem was, the issue with unable to send IMs/local chat followed with. So, being naive, I contacted live support when that also was a thing. Explained how I got out and in turn they temp-banned me for the rest of the duration I was supposed to be in the cornfield.

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I guess my feats are more convincing people of stuff.

1.  I was in a club back in 2009 and the conversation was about why there are condoms in SL.  So I piped up with that there needs to be condoms in SL cos if you have sexytimes with someone who has prim ladybits, well that's where prim babies come from and then LL will make you pay prim baby support etc.  The guy ACTUALLY believed me!

2.  An old SL boss of mine was EXTREMELY gullible.  I convinced her that NZ does not have the Easter bunny, we have the Easter Pukeko (pic attached).  Being a school teacher, she went to school the next day and told all her students about the Easter Pukeko.



Moral of the story...I'm full of poop!

Edited by Jordan Whitt
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1 hour ago, Tripp Plunkett said:

Yes, I was supposed to be in there for a week or two. What happens is you could not see any other users who were placed there, you could not send IMs, you couldn't open landmarks from inventory. You could, however, still send/receive inventory. I made a notecard, sent it to a friend. We sent a couple back and forth until I he sent me one with a landmark attached. Could open the landmark from the notecard and teleport out. Problem was, the issue with unable to send IMs/local chat followed with. So, being naive, I contacted live support when that also was a thing. Explained how I got out and in turn they temp-banned me for the rest of the duration I was supposed to be in the cornfield.

They lock all the doors, but they forget to close all the windows. Terrific stuff :) 

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47 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

I guess my feats are more convincing people of stuff.

1.  I was in a club back in 2009 and the conversation was about why there are condoms in SL.  So I piped up with that there needs to be condoms in SL cos if you have sexytimes with someone who has prim ladybits, well that's where prim babies come from and then LL will make you pay prim baby support etc.  The guy ACTUALLY believed me!

2.  An old SL boss of mine was EXTREMELY gullible.  I convinced her that NZ does not have the Easter bunny, we have the Easter Pukeko (pic attached).  Being a school teacher, she went to school the next day and told all her students about the Easter Pukeko.



Moral of the story...I'm full of poop! 

I don't know whether to believe you or not because of that last line but if #2 is true, that is pure gold.

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On 3/28/2020 at 5:21 PM, Tripp Plunkett said:

I don't know whether to believe you or not because of that last line but if #2 is true, that is pure gold.

Oh it's true.  She was highly embarrassed when I told her I was making it all up and to never believe me!

One thing to note...this is the same person who, when I mentioned it was fricken freezing in July (which is winter here), said "Omg you mean it's nearly Xmas?"

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This has nothing to do with sl...but rl..and I was a child, and, well, I was a smart child.

In my tiny little hometown, we have a festival sort of thing that happens in July, we call it Mardi Gras, but it's not like the real one, lol. It starts off with a parade one day, and lasts from Weds through Sunday, culminating in a grand fireworks show on the final night. Rides, games, food, great fun...a lovely festival really, it was held down at our beach (a great Lake, ftr, not an ocean).  Anyway, I lived at the top of the hill, and my house was a gathering spot for many, many, many, many people. All week long, people in, people out, friends, family, neighbors..just, people. (this was a regular occurrence year round at my house, but particularly at this time). A lot of casual drinking, some, not so casual. Me and my sister, plus my cousins were pretty much the only kids around, minus a few here and there that came with their parents.  People would always hand me money, ask me to go down and get them (insert whatever, sausage sammich, fries, whatever..) and I'd do it. The problem is, no one ever asked for their change...and I never offered it. I assumed it payment for my work (and yes this was a time when sending a 7, 10, 13 yr old somewhere super crowded by themselves was an okay thing, lmao, but, really, tiny village, EVERYONE knew me).

Long story longer, I did this every single year. Sometimes I'd use the money for stuff for myself down there, sometimes I'd just save it up. One year, I was about 10, it was a particularly busy gras week, so, lots more requests, and by day 3, I had saved up enough in people's spare change to have $357 US (not kidding and I still had a few more days to go, so I ended up making WAY more). There's a game down there that required getting a ring around a duck(plastic) neck, to get a rabbit...I'm sure some of you know what game (and yes, these bunnies used for this were actually VERY well cared for). I couldn't win the game to save my life, I'd been trying for years. So, I went to the guy running the game, during a slow down, said, "how about I just hand you $25 and you give me a bunny". He said no, naturally, so I kept going, eventually I said "ok, $75, final offer, I can't go any higher" and he said "let me ask my boss" and he left to go ask whoever his boss is. The lady also running it with him wasn't really paying attention and came over while he was gone "can I help you" "yeah, see him, Andy, he said I can buy a bunny for $25, I've been trying for years and I still haven't gotten it, I even have my own box, and food and everything".....

She sold me the bunny for $25, I left happy. Every time Andy saw me after that, he just laughed. 

And that's how I scammed money out of a bunch of adults, and got a bunny and enough money to care for him for a good long while  out of the deal :D


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An SL story...

My friend had a lovely pond on his region - and let me share this land...

Unwisely,  left me to my own devices for some weeks or so. Well, I guess the devil loves idle hands.

I turned the lovely pond into the town dump, throwing in shopping trolley, wheelchairs, rusting fridges, washing machines (easy peasy since I love collecting weird stuff), other junk, tree trunks... you get the idea. The water was turned a horribly murky colour by laying a prim, set to phantom, just under the surface. A couple of prims (transparent) turned out foul greeny brown particle clouds. To top it off, I ran a motorway through the pond complete with a disgustingly dirty workmen's loo.

Wish I'd taken pictures... :(

Emma :)  

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32 minutes ago, Emma Krokus said:

An SL story...

My friend had a lovely pond on his region - and let me share this land...tUnwisely,  left me to my own devices for some weeks or so. Well, I guess the devil loves idle hands.

I turned the lovely pond into the town dump, throwing in shopping trolley, wheelchairs, rusting fridges, washing machines (easy peasy since I love collecting weird stuff), other junk, tree trunks... you get the idea. The water was turned a horribly murky colour by laying a prim, set to phantom, just under the surface. A couple of prims (transparent) turned out foul greeny brown particle clouds. To top it off, I ran a motorway through the pond complete with a disgustingly dirty workmen's loo.

Wish I'd taken pictures... :(

Emma :)  

Ohhh it really is a shame you didn't take any photos.

The first bad thing I did in Second Life, I have no photos of either unfortunately.  I did not like a friend of my mentor and first best friend in Second Life. He was very bossy. He was also too much of a dumbass at the time to set auto return (he was seven months old at the time, so really should have known this) and I rezzed a whole bunch of squawking pooping seagulls in his skybox store. The dumbass didn't know how to do the click return thing as landowner either, so he deserved to lose his time by trying to get each and every one of those seagulls into his alt view to delete them (I still laugh at this now).  He never forgave me (laughing even more). 


Other mischief I have been up to, I have photographed. 

I do this next thing in real life too ...



In RL as well as SL I always have taken photos if I discover a boyfriend wears rather bizarre/ugly pants - as long as they're clean, I don't mind, but wowee I have found some frightening things worn as undergarments 😵

Next one was I changed the letters on someone's sofa from LOVE to ...


Naked motorcycling where this is strictly not allowed.

(When the owner is away, the naughty naked people will play!)


Good job Oskar Linden has a good sense of humour and didn't mind me setting him on fire (I also deformed him on another occasion, and when he was AFK I smothered him and his surroundings in flowers).



All  good. Clean. Fun. Pretty tame really. (As if I'd tell you the good stuff, I'd probably get banned forever from SL!)

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I created a revolting av, put it in the ugliest freebie silks, used no AO and went around Gor submitting to everyone and begging them all for sexual release. To my annoyance, the slaves generally thought it was funny and some of them asked me to come back and do it again. The Gorean Masters didn't like it at all though, so that was good. 


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My friend had a new security system on her land, in the form of a small thunderstorm.  She and I and another girl went to one of those pickup joints where noobs hang out.  We found a noob and asked him if he'd like to Do It with us.  Of course, he agreed!  We said, "Fine!  We'll go to our place and teleport you there."

We did.  He did.  Then a little black cloud attacked him and started throwing him all over the place.

We were laughing so hard...and he never really understood what had happened!

I got my comeuppance a few months later when another friend invited me to HER house to go swimming.  What I thought were friendly dolphins were deadly Lindal-eating sharks.  The land was damage enabled.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made my avatar as fat as possible and went to a bar where people were dancing and stood outside shouting "I WANT SEX" across the sim repeatedly. One of the hostesses IMd me and said "We are not that kind of place" - but I carried on, shouting "I WANT SEX! I WANT SEX, YOU C*@!s" and she kicked me. Very funny!

Another time I was in a sandbox and approached a female AV and said "Right, you're my wife" and kept pushing her. She walked away so I rezzed a cabin on top of her and then rezzed cabins in and around the cabin, so she was totally trapped! A white knight was in the sandbox so he TPd her out to a sky platform but I flew up and started pushing him and shouting "B*STARDO!" repeatedly, I was falling off my seat laughing. Then a furry owner came and asked "Why are you rezzing s*!t across the sim?" and I said "That man stole my g/f and is holding her hostage in the sky", and the furry kicked me!

One night I went to a live event and used a follower script to attach myself to the guitarist/singer and pushed him out of the venue and down 2,500m!



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One time not too long ago I was in a sandbox wearing one of the Grendel's Elder Dragon avatars, which are quite large. I don't remember why, I was probably modding something on it. Anyway, this guy turned up in a spaceship and landed a bit too close to me for comfort so I breathed fire at it.

The pilot and his passenger got totally into this bit of impromptu roleplay and an aerial battle ensued between me and this spaceship. I boarded the ship when I noticed he'd left the rear cargo door open, found my way to the bridge and gave them a little scare before thanking them for the fun and heading off to leave them in peace.


Edited by Matty Luminos
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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

There is absolutely nothing funny about any of that. 

The mindset of trolls is simply beyond me. How is making other people miserable fun, or funny?

I agree. That sort of malicious behavior is nothing to be proud of.

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Oh boy. This one went down in history over on SLU, it was hilarious.

It happened in 2013, Madison had gotten tickets to see Book of Mormon (the musical) and she was so excited about it, being a lover of musicals AND an ex-Mormon herself. So to celebrate, we decided to pay a visit to the SL Mormon Church, dressed appropriately, and take some pictures with their glorious leader - or at least with a prim photo of him. We even made up a couple of group tags in one of my own groups; Elder Luminos and Elder Talon.


We took our photos and left, I didn't even realise there was anyone else around but there must have been, because a few minutes later there was a crazy, semi-coherent rant posted on SLU from someone who was apparently an official in the SL Mormon church, about how we were hideous griefers and we had both been banned and excommunicated from their church FOR EVAH, which didn't bother me one bit but Madison was quite upset about it. When I tried to apologise and get her allowed back in, it turned even uglier as this person then proceeded to rain ridiculous insults on me for being transgender, information which she'd found from my previous posts.

At that point, things turned pretty unpleasant for her, as the entire SLU hive-mind rallied to our support in the way they do best. In the end, the church person apologised and lifted our bans, but I never went back anyway and I don't think Madison did either.

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12 minutes ago, Lewis Luminos said:

a crazy, semi-coherent rant posted on SLU from someone who was apparently an official in the SL Mormon church, about how we were hideous griefers and we had both been banned and excommunicated from their church FOR EVAH

I hope this person isn't familiar with The Book of Mormon musical that your friend was interested in. If they thought YOU were trolling.....

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