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Tell Congress Don't Leave Out Small e-Commerce in Relief Bill

Prokofy Neva

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Do you run a Second Life business that in fact is your real-life income with which you feed your family?

Is your little side business in SL now what your family may have to rely on because your RL jobs are paused, shuttered, done?

Tweet your Congress people to include e-Commerce in the bailout for business due to COVID-19



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According to CNN just now  -- and in the current form of the bill -- small businesses are NOT getting checks but the ability to get LOANS. This for any business under 500 employees.  You could possibly get a loan if you are not able to pay your tier, but beyond that I don't see that you would qualify or really why any of us should. This is mostly a trickle down Reagan type of thing, letting people that employ others be able to hire them back.  I am guessing that part doesn't let you qualify --- or most anyone here  -- especially since no one that "I" know is making minimum wage in any SL job.


Individuals -- in the current rendition of the bill -- will get 1200 checks with 500 for each child.    


No one of course has asked where all this money is coming from.   


From CNN


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