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Security settings for private land

Failia Silverstar

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Hi all, I've  been trying to research this and have been  having a hard time finding anything as a plausible response.

We rent our land for our estate from someone else. We occasionally got visitors with the majority of them flitting off on their own. Some don't so we wanted to look at getting security. We didn't want to set the land to group only as not everyone has the space available for another group just to stop by and ban lines are ugly. So, we opted for a security orb. We currently have it set to 10 seconds, but looking to see what is both socially acceptable without being considered greifing and reportable. I know some people say they were looking for 30 seconds and others support auto-eject but some have said that auto-eject can be see as greifing. Any suggestions?


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2 answers to this question

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You might consider the settings in the Linden Lab model security system, which complies with the Bellisseria covenant: 

"The security system is designed to be wall-mounted. When activated, it scans your parcel as much as 400m above and below the control unit, provides a warning to unauthorized visitors, and then ejects them from the parcel. It does not detect people in neighboring parcels. You may adjust the system’s range and the amount of warning time (minimum 15 seconds), and may tell the system to ignore members of your group or specific people that you have added to its whitelist. The system will not function if it is placed at an altitude between 100m and 2000m above sea level, but can be used in your Linden Home or in a skybox above 2000m." 

The system ejects an unwanted visitor, but cannot teleport him home.

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I think ten seconds is a bit short, unless you are having an immediate and persistent griefer problem.  But even one second is permissible and not reportable as griefing...it's your land!  Likewise, setting your system to eject, eject and ban, or eject, ban, and teleport home is up to you.

One thing to be sure of though...make sure your system is ONLY affecting trespassers on your land, not stretching out its radius of effect to any neighbors.  I always try to set mine up to only protect the interior volume of my house.  Most systems allow you to define a box, rather than a spherical shell of protection.

On an estate, the only other thing to check is whether you are meeting any restrictions the estate owner has imposed.  In general, this means not interfering with folks just sailing past your home, if there's navigable water outside your parcel, and not blocking the estate owner or managers.

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