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FYI - Ebbe being interviewed live by Strawberry

Beth Macbain

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32 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

It is also "a" Xer, not "an".  Unless you're pronouncing "Xer" as "ex-er", not "Zer".  In that case, it's "an X-er"

I would argue that this point would be "an Xer" ("an ex-er") because it stems from "Generation X" which we tend to pronounce as "Generation Ex". ;)

Let us not venture into that dark night wherein Britons and Americans go to war over pronounciation of the subsequent generation's title of "a zedder" versus "a zeeer"...

Edited by Skell Dagger
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1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:

You just flunked English Grammar, Latin and your Catholic Confirmation class.  It's "In nomine patri, et filii, et spiritus sancti".  "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost".  It is also "a" Xer, not "an".  Unless you're pronouncing "Xer" as "ex-er", not "Zer".  In that case, it's "an X-er"

...Looks at you through her pince-nez spectacles, taps her ruler in the palm of her hand, and assigns you extra homework.

See, always trying to pull the younger generations down. We iz in modern times yo. Get wit da lingo

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1 hour ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

/me makes a note to be extra careful with words when Lindall is nearby... which could conceivably be at any time.

Then you'd have to get the extra "L" out of her name too.  Engineers are real sticklers about precision.  🧐

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20 hours ago, Kurshie Muromachi said:

Somehow I forsee Niran flipping his lid once again when this is released. But, expecting content creators to update their stuff based on the way things look... oof. Gonna wait and see just how bad this release will be.

Anyways, watched the interview and something stands out...

If SL is such a complicated architecture, then why didn't the cloud transition process start YEARS earlier? In 2012, Cloud Party was already officially using the cloud architecture to spin up/down instances when they were needed. I get CP was a new product and started the cloud up-front, but with SL being so complex, I think it would've been obvious to have started much, much sooner and focusing on it. Perhaps hired a team dedicated to it without interuption. It just seems like the cloud implementation is such a major foundational piece of what makes SL that other systems and even development progress rely on to be in place.

Damn right you... would be but honestly, ever since LL removed my buglist post and put a dampen on my enthusiasm of pointing at all the broken things of EEP i've been way too lazy to look into EEP again and go looking for bugs. To be honest, i don't really care anymore whether EEP will be a massive cluster**** or not. Regardless of what EEP does i will completely overwrite it anyway, my Viewer will look the same as before and if there are bugs i'll fix them if possible. The UI isn't of any concern since i've already proven that it can be done much smaller and infact basically exactly like the old windlight floaters so i'm just going to use my own anyway.

If the world catches fire i won't care anymore, may it burn brightly!

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Can't help but feel the flak boomer's get is somewhat deserved ... it's not like the newbies melted the ice caps, gleefully supported trickle down economics, elected warmongers, made everyone choose between of crippling debt or an education, guaranteed a lower standard of living to the subsequent generations, or went nutty over that one book about a guy who died thousands of years ago and used it justify everything whilst simultaneously ignoring everything he actually said (etc .. etc .. etc) and then tried to blame any lack of success on personal failings / not being sufficiently abused as a child.


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Oh Mai GAWD!.
In the words of a boorish brat thrust upon the world media by her abusive & profit-mongering parents...
HOW DARE YOU! (all). 😲 
Dissing gods language & Houses of the Holy! (great album that one) 😊 

Pants down and bend over the desk for ALL of you! 🤬
*Wields leather strap and starts practice swinging.

You're going to regret your disgraceful blasphemy i'm telling you 😈
If you didn't think SL could be EXACTLY the same as RL well....! Lemme tell ya...
Eeeeevil laff echoes through the corridoors of SL.........

Just like RL! bwahahahahahahahahahahaha


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24 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Can't help but feel the flak boomer's get is somewhat deserved ... it's not like the newbies melted the ice caps, gleefully supported trickle down economics, elected warmongers, made everyone choose between of crippling debt or an education, guaranteed a lower standard of living to the subsequent generations, or went nutty over that one book about a guy who died thousands of years ago and used it justify everything whilst simultaneously ignoring everything he actually said (etc .. etc .. etc) and then tried to blame any lack of success on personal failings / not being sufficiently abused as a child.

Oh, pooh.  Every generation since the beginning of time has complained about the ones before who screwed up the world royally and saddled them with economic woes, unresolved conflicts, and unrealistic hopes. The details change over time, but it doesn't take long for the new world's leaders and creators to discover that they are no better equipped to cure injustice, inequity, and old animosities than their parents were. We do our best and we hope that it's at least good enough to keep things running until the next generation comes along. Youth keeps prodding their elders to do better and their elders try to teach patience and keep the wheels from falling off. Amazingly enough, we all seem to muddle through.

Edited by Rolig Loon
typos, of course
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11 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Oh, pooh.  Every generation since the beginning of time has complained about the ones before who screwed up the world royally

Social progress and literally mucking up the only planet we have are not the same thing. Only it's been 30 years since captain planet .. looking after the place we all live wasn't an imperative, it was an opportunity to sell action figures .. made from oil.

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7 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Social progress and literally mucking up the only planet we have are not the same thing. Only it's been 30 years since captain planet .. looking after the place we all live wasn't an imperative, it was an opportunity to sell action figures .. made from oil.

I agree, but we can cherry-pick examples and counter examples forever. In the 60's, we protested that our parents' generation had bequeathed us atomic weapons and a war in southeast Asia that was not only killing indescriminately but was also laying waste to that part of the world.  As I said, the details change, but the underlying fact is that each generation always thinks it is wiser and more able than the previous ones, and it always turns out that the job is harder than they thought. I am buoyed by the optimism that the young always bring to the challenge, and by the realization that we do seem to muddle along somehow.  At least so far. 

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Climate change isn't a muddle though it issue and is no way comparable, there are no counter examples. Choosing to not nuke ourselves to oblivion is trivial next to changes we should have been making for decades. We have knowingly walked all life on this world up to a cliff and chosen to only pay attention now stuff we in the developed world care about has started falling off the edge. There isn't a 'lets not push the button' solution, we're at 'lets move inland to higher ground' / 'hope enough of the stuff we like doesn't die' and 'lets not even talk about how super sunk all the poor/brown people far away are'.

Boomers, being the ones in power, have intentionally chosen to look the other way .. for personal and financial reasons .. for decades.



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