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47 minutes ago, JeromFranzic said:

Got 36 minutes to spare? Mr Grohl's take on a Magnum Opus. Sounds like catchy prog rock fusion to me... :) (not as technical but quite arty IMO)


Dave Grohl's play was one of the things that got me through the first bad years of COVID. It's not quite as long as a Dead "drums 'n space" but it's better -- and he's playing all the instruments. Dave Grohl is my hero! Of course, now that I've met Alazarin Mobius in SL who plays original material live, Dave's luster is somewhat dimmed but still...

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Why should you want to know?
Don't you mind about the future
Don't you try to think ahead
Save tomorrow for tomorrow
Think about today instead


Side fact: Ted Neely, who plays Jesus in this; has spent his entire adult life playing that role in a tour that started in 1973 and is still going.


Edited by UnilWay SpiritWeaver
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'79 was a hell of a year. Political awakening, SLF, CRASS, 'O' Levels... Sweet 16 eh? And then these 'erberts turn up on the telly 2 weeks after i snuck into a pub in the smoke. Life can get better =^^=

But not much as this way to deal with life and inclusivity.


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16 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Dave Grohl's play was one of the things that got me through the first bad years of COVID. It's not quite as long as a Dead "drums 'n space" but it's better -- and he's playing all the instruments. Dave Grohl is my hero! Of course, now that I've met Alazarin Mobius in SL who plays original material live, Dave's luster is somewhat dimmed but still...

Since my 'Mentor' in the SL DiscJocky biz (RIP Luc) introduced me to The Dave Grohl I have spent over a decade to find a reason not to like the dood. The search continues. OK I was overseas from '93 so I am still catching up.
However this - and yes there seem to be a couple of old people there too =^^=


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Gosh this song is just the best collision of things that should not work but somehow do. So, this is a cover song. The original song was a blend of scream metal with scooter hardstyle techno music, set to a backdrop of the worst of the 90s style clichés. Then along comes this cover version, which adds an additional element by turning it into a german folkrock song and it somehow works. It just works. It's so stupid and I love it.



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So this song gave me a bit of a nerd girl moment. I was halfway through listening to the song premiere when I suddenly sat up straight. Wait a second. RONDRA? THE WAR GODDESS RONDRA? WAIT. IS THIS A DARK EYE FANSONG? WAIT, FINSTERWACHT? OF COURSE! OH MY *SQUEEEE* IT IS!


Edited by ValKalAstra
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