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Tips rage


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11 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

I've seen it sometimes. When I had my club, I didn't worry about as I ran it for fun. I had seen one club have a tip jar that would name avatars that didn't tip yet about every 20 minutes. I put that place on my crap list.

Wow that's crazy.

Personally I haven't seen it but then again, I don't go to clubs x3

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Me, I own two clubs and visit a lot of clubs but my answer is NO I have not ever seen in chat nor heard about anyone being angry over a tip or a lack of tips.  I have tippers who tip what they can...and sometimes they tip the most because that's all that they have and most likely won it from me in trivia and then tipped me back and I think that is very sweet.  On a rare occasion when something is scheduled at the last minute I may be out of lindens so I tip whatever I have and get back to them later when I figure out how many lindens I may want to buy as I don't like racking up $1.50 charges from Paypal for little bits of lindens.  So when I do buy lindens, I try to buy what fits into my budget for the month.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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1 hour ago, choobaloo said:

Have you ever witnessed a DJ, host(ess), musician, auctioneer or simowner freak out and get angry over lack of tips, or a 'too small' tip?


But the kind of clubs I frequent are ones where fun, friendship and good music are more important than money.

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I DJ every now and then, and although I don't do it for the money, when there are more than three or four people and I see that my stream has no listeners, and no tips have come in after being at about 3/4 of my set, then it makes me wanna pick up my ***** and leave.

I play to share the music that I love with others, and if nobody listens, then WTF are you in the club for?

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2 minutes ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

I DJ every now and then, and although I don't do it for the money, when there are more than three or four people and I see that my stream has no listeners, and no tips have come in after being at about 3/4 of my set, then it makes me wanna pick up my ***** and leave.

I play to share the music that I love with others, and if nobody listens, then WTF are you in the club for?

My man does the same although when he does, he's already playing in our RL bar and just turns on the encoders and logs his avi in. He loves to share too since at the bar we have a server with a few hundred thousand tunes.

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I used to go into clubs and right away tip everyone.. I figured 200 each would be a nice tip nowadays and then  I could go in and just enjoy the club and relax..

Some places it's not good to do,because it's like instant IM's from dancers  being super friendly and what seems like hitting up for more..

it doesn't happen a lot..But when it does, it's kind of irritating because i know what they are doing.. I managed one of the biggest clubs in SL for awhile a few years back and I used to get on the dancers about doing that to our customers.. Because A lot of people just want to go clubbing to relax..

Some people tip certain people while others tip the room and some  don't tip for whatever reasons..maybe they didn't have any money then or just didn't feel entertained..

We did really well without hounding for them, so I didn't allow it..

I understand some places do that, but a lot of places don't..  I can't say I ever seen anyone throw a fit towards a customer over tips though..

I've seen a lot behind the scenes,but not out in the room..


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I've never seen anyone get in a rage about tips, but there's a small number of places that I go dancing at so maybe I've just had good luck.  Generally, I like to tip the DJ, the host and the venue, if I'm able to.  Sometimes it isn't a lot, but I figure something is better than nothing.

I don't mind tip jars that announce or show who tipped, but I really don't like those that show the amount someone tipped.  If I felt like I was being given a bad time or singled out specifically because of either not tipping, or about the amount of the tip, I would no longer go to any venue where that DJ was working, and if it was a venue policy that they do that, I would no longer go to that venue.

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i'm a dj myself and i do it mainly because of the music, which takes up a big part of my life for me. of course i share that. but if you stand for say 200L for several hours and play, it's not very motivating, at some point you stop. because it's a lot of work to put together a good set and not just to play finished playlists. you don't want to get rich with it anyway ;) but i see it as recognition and appreciation
i personally type most of the time when i go to clubs. but i also go to a dj specifically when i want to hear him. clubs that use spam to beg for lindenlove don't get anything from me and are left immediately. but this happens almost never at the places i visit
i have never experienced it myself that a dj gets upset and even angry when too little is thrown into his pot. then he probably has the wrong occupation and should look for something else. just as little money is earned by running a club, that is a well-known misconception. you do something like that because you like it or not at all


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   In Sweden it's illegal to be employed with a 'tip based' income, and restaurants have already accounted for the staff's salaries in the price of the food. At the very most, you might round off the bill at a finer restaurant; if the bill comes in at 312:- you might make that 320:- to avoid having to use coins or because you don't want the hassle of waiting for the waiter to bring back your change (if you're using cash) - and if you're using a credit card, you may do the same just because it looks neater in your bank report (especially if you tell the tax agency that it was an 'important business meeting' and want to try to use it as an excuse to increase your VAT-payback). But to outright throw money at staff might just be seen as grossly condescending. 

   So, coming into SL, seeing a tip jar was a bit weird. The only times you'd come across one here, is when a store has a charity jar at the check-out counter where you might drop your change, or if someone is sitting on the street with a paper cup in their hand (which we didn't use to have a whole lot of when our welfare system wasn't broke, but thanks to the EU travel laws we now have Romanians on every other street corner in the cities - which we still haven't figured out how to deal with or adapt to). Naturally, my first reaction was to scoff and wonder why the venue's owner didn't pay their staff properly. 

   I'm not really adverse to tipping as a concept in SL, but I'm still reluctant to do it in general. If I want to make a song request I might tip the DJ as a sign of gratitude (the few times they actually play the right song, rather than nabbing the first hit off of YouTube that's either a live version someone taped on their phone next to an obnoxious screamer, or a amateurishly made 'Hard Bass remix'), and if there's a host or hostess I might throw them a coin as well just because - even though I rarely see any hosts or hostesses who I'd consider worthy of it; spamming gestures telling you to tip the DJ every 5 minutes or to donate to the venue, I feel more inclined to just block you. And how 'welcome' I feel when you greet me with a gesture so that my name (that you never get right anyway) ends up in a separate message - and even then, you haven't bothered to even punctuate or capitalize your pre-made greetings: 'welcome to <venue xyz>!!'


   Aw, and your tip jar's default values go from L$250 to L$1,000? I bloody think not.

   Last time I threw a tip at a club, the staff didn't thank me, and a few minutes later someone else apparently had the same as they openly inquired why the staff didn't say 'thank you', and the hostess went off their rails ranting about how a L$100 tip wasn't worthwhile thanking for (I'd tipped L$250, so I'm not sure where they'd put the bar) - suffice to say I haven't revisited the venue since.

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years ago i had a club, also DJ'd myself..for guest DJ's, also regulars, we had a agreement; no tip begging, put your tipboard on a prominent place, and a guaranteed 2k in L$ for a set of 2 hours, all above also to keep. It was rare i needed to fill the amount after the set.
I think however, many DJ's these days think they are the masters of entertainment and need at least a masarati in RL. They need to realize if they were the van Buren, Afrojack or Garrix they wouldn't be in a SL club with 5 visitors and 20 bots.

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Yes. I've experienced this a few times in the eleven years I've been in sl. When I first joined back in 2009, I could still hear relatively well so was a hostess for a club that has long since closed. I remained a hostess for three years. One of the DJs I would hostess for during the week got quite passive aggressive with patrons if they felt they weren't getting enough monetary attention. It got to a point I flat out refused to hostess for them since that attitude takes all the fun out of it. At least for me.

I have been slowly going deaf my entire life. Music has always been a passion of mine. I've been singing and studying music since the age of four. I've always had to read lips. Two years ago, my hearing reached a point where I'm no longer just hard of hearing, but deaf. Sooo, now I listen and enjoy music differently. I'm lucky I can still hear some aspects. Vibrations enhance the enjoyment of music.

About a year ago, I had a former friend invite me to their show. They knew I was deaf. They were speaking on voice so of course I couldn't hear when they verbally greeted me. That meant I couldn't respond to what I couldn't hear. I was waiting for things to rez so I could find an out of the way spot since I'm also anxious around others. After things rezzed in I found a spot, got settled, found her tip jar and sent 100L. All I can afford since I'm on a tight budget. Anyway, this got met with people snickering in group chat and other typed out things that were rude. Snarky. I got a message from a guy asking what my problem was. I was confused and asked what they meant. The guy went onto ask me if I had my sound off. I explained I was deaf and couldn't hear the set. That I was there trying to show moral support since the DJ was a friend. The guy went silent and he apologized. He explained. 

Apparently, the DJ had been talking about me on voice rather rudely because I didn't respond to her verbal greeting and my tip made her even more upset. There was even name calling from what was explained to me. I was mortified and took my leave quickly.

The DJ got blocked since that hurt rather badly. I'm glad I was never a club goer. Not my scene.

I now only go to events to show support for my few friends who perform or DJ. The ones I know who know I'm deaf and won't abuse that fact. I make a point to tip them even when I cannot hear the music they're playing. I always like to think it's the thought that counts.

Edited by LyricalBookworm
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2 hours ago, Cinos Field said:

I haven't, but I have seen people get catty over "only" being tipped 100L. I've always thought of 100 as sort of the standard tip, but some seem to expect more.

LOL, they'd love me then. Unless inworld rates have gone up in the past five years, 25-50L was pretty much my tipping standard. 

Then again, I'm talking more underground/indie music hangouts than your Frank's Elite Jazz Emporiums, or what have you.

1 hour ago, LyricalBookworm said:

Apparently, the DJ had been talking about me on voice rather rudely because I didn't respond to her verbal greeting and my tip made her even more upset. There was even name calling from what was explained to me. I was mortified and took my leave quickly.

I'd have been on the TP right behind you...

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