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How many UK residents will be able to afford SL after Brexit

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5 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Not in Southern California.  If only.  No, it's 5 a gallon here.  It had been well over 4....I thought the issue with Iran may be why there is a price increase.

Five dollars a gallon is a lot for families here.  

it's a big state..so yea I'm sure it's much different even depending on the counties..

I know when we lived in Illinois and in Cook county..We could go into kane county which was the next one west of Cook and get a dramatic drop in gas price..

Cook county is the county Chicago is in.. They tax the crap out of everything to death in Cook county..

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On 1/31/2020 at 1:28 PM, KanryDrago said:

Luna was stating that people on the right are all evil

I don't think all people on the right are evil. There are many different types of conservatives and I'd never stereotype them all as being exactly the same.

Ones that believe it's okay to let children go hungry, yeah I'd say they were evil. Not all people on the right would think this was okay.

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Just now, Luna Bliss said:

I don't think all people on the right are evil. There are many different types of conservatives and I'd never stereotype them all as being exactly the same.

Ones that believe it's okay to let children go hungry, yeah I'd say they were evil. Not all people on the right would think this was okay.

I have a secret crush on Michael Portillo. 

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8 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

With the greatest respect, Tolya - I'm afraid your view of the european experiment mirrors your view of the American experiment. Having lived in both, those "talking points" ring as hollow as the PACs and think tanks that spawned them. I suggest you explore other news sources than Fox. Australian oligarchs probably aint the ones you want to tell you what to think.

I suggest you avoid making assumptions about people you do not know, because it's foolish.  I've had business relationships with Europeans since 2003, and have spent many an evening conversing politics over beer or wine, although I must say they like to talk about US politics more than European politics.  These are not "talking points" any more than my news sources are limited to Fox, and nobody tells me what to think.

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34 minutes ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

I suggest you avoid making assumptions about people you do not know, because it's foolish.  I've had business relationships with Europeans since 2003, and have spent many an evening conversing politics over beer or wine, although I must say they like to talk about US politics more than European politics.  These are not "talking points" any more than my news sources are limited to Fox, and nobody tells me what to think.

The "assumptions" were inferences drawn from a rational analysis of the arguments you advanced, since they do correlate with almost perfect exactitude with teh sources I cited. However, I accept your word that they were incorrect.

I meant it when I said "with the greatest respect" - even though we apparently disagree.

Edited by Da5id Weatherwax
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15 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

The "assumptions" were inferences drawn from a rational analysis of the arguments you advanced, since they do correlate with almost perfect exactitude with teh sources I cited.

I agree with the possible theory you were alluding to, one often espoused on 'the right'......this notion that the world would absolutely be rainbows and butterflies if we just took all control down to a local one. They blame all the woes of the world on these 'others' who they believe are controlling  them too much, and believe if control  could be at the local level  this would solve everything.  These are indeed the talking points of Fox news.

Meanwhile, others with no political persuasion whatsoever, and no loyalty to any nation, enjoy seeing 'the left' and 'the right' argue over this, while running off with all the money.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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2 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Is this thread ever going to get back to the actual topic?

There wasn't really a topic in the first place its another I can't afford to have all the things I want on sl for [insert reason of choice here] Linden labs should make it cheaper for me as they dont need to make a profit. Nothing that hasn't been discussed a thousand times before

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1 hour ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Is this thread ever going to get back to the actual topic?

It's totally on topic, Garnet.
The OP asked for input from her fellow Brits regarding these recent, major changes (going from a less-local government to a more-local government via the newly finalized Brexit).
How might this affect the currency rates, and so affect what she can afford in SL now?.
To deduce this we have to know about these kinds of changes in the world's past. We can use parallels from the history of any country -- how did this affect the economy when governments changed from  a less-local to a more-local government...did the people there end up with more money/resources or less? What was the result when one country with a more advantaged currency interacted with another whose currency was devalued?
There are many examples in History to draw from.

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1 hour ago, KanryDrago said:

There wasn't really a topic in the first place its another I can't afford to have all the things I want on sl for [insert reason of choice here] Linden labs should make it cheaper for me as they dont need to make a profit. Nothing that hasn't been discussed a thousand times before

She never said LL doesn't need to make a profit...she just doesn't understand some stuff (or at least didn't in her earlier posts).

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On 2/1/2020 at 7:47 AM, Alwin Alcott said:

 poster drags in the whole life cost from insurances to rent and all around. Just missing the price of toilet paper ...  It's totally out of reason and irrelevant.

How dare you! The price of toilet paper is always relevant!

Of course, you could always go back to using these:



You can identify poison ivy and poison oak, right?

/me runs

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As Luna has said, I dont expect LL to not make a profit. Its like saying one of google play store games is free, but micro transactions is what it makes in revenue to develop and run the game , pay wages etc.

I just dont see LL since they hiked tiers up a long time ago, dont seem to realize the world and costs of living has risen dramatically, but unemployment driven by cheap chinese labour has unsettled the status quo, for many OTHER countries.

USA has a unique position, it can almost produce everything it needs without huge imports. The UK is an island, we dont have our own gas, own oil wells, or have a climate like florida or the great plains, to grow huge amounts of grain.  My work in SL has always been around building, or and making themed sims for others to enjoy. 

on the matter of petrol prices.  todays pump price in uk is around £6.50 per gallon, according to XE currency converter, that's still just under $9 per gallon. Other things USA and canada don't pay hardly any for is internet access, and phone line charges , that are charged even if you dont have a phone. My monthly bill from Virgin media on a basic tv package, no phone but fibre optic is around £70 incl VAT, add to that The TV licence fee, millions of us struggle to keep up with each month, shows how our disposable income for use in Second life had dwindled away since 2006. yep 12.50$ I mentioned is wrong, so  its more like 9$ a gallon to you over the pond.

Tomorrow the financial markets open, and thats where will we see what the opening rates is against the US$ ....after we finally left the Bloc...

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3 minutes ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

...I just don't see LL since they hiked tiers up a long time ago, ...

When was that, exactly?  As far as I can see, LL has CUT land tier, not raised it.

5 minutes ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

...unemployment driven by cheap chinese labour has unsettled the status quo, for many OTHER countries.

Well, all right, but in the next breath you said,

6 minutes ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

...USA has a unique position, it can almost produce everything it needs without huge imports.

Perhaps we could, and at one time we did...but we certainly don't now.  One of the major reasons is that it's so much cheaper to import stuff from China.  Until recently, we also imported the majority of our oil.  Fracking has turned that around, but who knows how long that will last?  We have to import a lot of really key strategic materials, too.  Helium and lithium come to mind right off the bat.  Bottom line:  We're as dependent as the next country on imports, in today's global economy.

9 minutes ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

...Other things USA and canada don't pay hardly any for is internet access, and phone line charges

Utterly untrue.  The USA has internet access that is one of the highest priced, yet lowest speed and data limits, of the developed world.  And that's if you live in a place where you can GET it.  Many rural areas of the country still do not have broadband access.

14 minutes ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

...Tomorrow the financial markets open, and that's where will we see what the opening rates is against the US$ ....after we finally left the Bloc...

I think we are much more likely to see the impact of the coronavirus epidemic on the markets.  Any effect from Brexit will be down in the noise.

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1 hour ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

As Luna has said, I dont expect LL to not make a profit. Its like saying one of google play store games is free, but micro transactions is what it makes in revenue to develop and run the game , pay wages etc.

I just dont see LL since they hiked tiers up a long time ago, dont seem to realize the world and costs of living has risen dramatically, but unemployment driven by cheap chinese labour has unsettled the status quo, for many OTHER countries.

USA has a unique position, it can almost produce everything it needs without huge imports. The UK is an island, we dont have our own gas, own oil wells, or have a climate like florida or the great plains, to grow huge amounts of grain.  My work in SL has always been around building, or and making themed sims for others to enjoy. 

on the matter of petrol prices.  todays pump price in uk is around £6.50 per gallon, according to XE currency converter, that's still just under $9 per gallon. Other things USA and canada don't pay hardly any for is internet access, and phone line charges , that are charged even if you dont have a phone. My monthly bill from Virgin media on a basic tv package, no phone but fibre optic is around £70 incl VAT, add to that The TV licence fee, millions of us struggle to keep up with each month, shows how our disposable income for use in Second life had dwindled away since 2006. yep 12.50$ I mentioned is wrong, so  its more like 9$ a gallon to you over the pond.

Tomorrow the financial markets open, and thats where will we see what the opening rates is against the US$ ....after we finally left the Bloc...

The fact remains you dont need a whole homestead....cant afford it downgrade just like everyone else cut your cloth to what you can afford. Would I like more land off course I would but because I cant afford it I merely rent what I can afford for probably half of what you wish to spend

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3 hours ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

Other things USA and canada don't pay hardly any for is internet access, and phone line charges , that are charged even if you dont have a phone. My monthly bill from Virgin media on a basic tv package, no phone but fibre optic is around £70 incl VAT, add to that The TV licence fee, millions of us struggle to keep up with each month

People in America pay for internet although there are low cost plans for those of limited income.  Have you called your internet provider to see if they offer any low cost plans you may qualify for?  

My ex paid $180 a month just for cable TV but he got all the sports stations.  I thought he was nuts and it was too extravagant a plan for us to afford.  

However, there are plans for all income levels.  I'd check around if I were you.  Maybe your country has some for retired people, etc.  

Also, try looking for plans that offer wifi.  Wifi is much cheaper.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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45 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

People in America pay for internet although there are low cost plans for those of limited income.  Have you called your internet provider to see if they offer any low cost plans you may qualify for?  

My ex paid $180 a month just for cable TV but he got all the sports stations.  I thought he was nuts and it was too extravagant a plan for us to afford.  

However, there are plans for all income levels.  I'd check around if I were you.  Maybe your country has some for retired people, etc.  

Also, try looking for plans that offer wifi.  Wifi is much cheaper.  

Dont pander to it....I am in the UK I work I cant afford to rent nearly as much land you dont see me complaining and claiming Linden labs should make it cheaper. SL is a hobby if its too expensive either scale back or quit simple as that it is not one of lifes essentials. Besides which I wouldnt be surprised if the op is richer than many uk residents being retired as a lot of that generation had the opportunity of final salary pension schemes and fairly cheap housing

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On 1/31/2020 at 6:56 PM, Luna Bliss said:

The OP said she was disabled though, using a wheelchair.  Maybe SL is vital to her...maybe even more important than a meal or two missed due to spending it here in SL. We just don't know...can't ever know really...what another truly needs.

Op might well be in a wheelchair and sl is important, however that doesnt mean they need to be able to afford a full homestead to make it worthwhile. I am in the uk, I earn enough to be in the top 20% of uk earners. I know I couldnt justify a full homestead without cutting down on my expenses elsewhere and bear in mind I dont have a car, I walk to work. I dont buy coffees out and go home for lunch. I dont visit bars or take drugs. I have a low cost life. Still a whole homestead is something I couldn't justify nor do I see it as if I cant have a whole homestead sl is worthless. I rent a quarter of a sim. It is enough for me to manage a good sl. including providing free homes for my sl sister and daughters and house guests The op could just go ok I cant afford this I will rent half a homestead

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1 minute ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Beats the hell out of having to hand wash rags.

in this day and age of unwanted junk mail everyone has an ample supply of unwanted paper no worse than the waxed stuff available when I grew up :)


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14 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

in this day and age of unwanted junk mail everyone has an ample supply of unwanted paper no worse than the waxed stuff available when I grew up :)


Yeah, we don't get near the junkmail we used to get. 

At least, with freezer paper, you can choose the softer side. Wax paper not so much. :P

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1 hour ago, KanryDrago said:

Dont pander to it....I am in the UK I work I cant afford to rent nearly as much land you dont see me complaining and claiming Linden labs should make it cheaper. SL is a hobby if its too expensive either scale back or quit simple as that it is not one of lifes essentials. Besides which I wouldnt be surprised if the op is richer than many uk residents being retired as a lot of that generation had the opportunity of final salary pension schemes and fairly cheap housing

It never hurts to ask.  Here are some deals I'm finding by looking myself:  (I doubt the savings are enough to afford a homestead though).  

Best broadband deals
  • Cheapest standard speed b'band & line (10Mb+) Shell Energy: equiv £10.74/mth. Post Office: equiv £11.74/mth.
  • Cheapest fast fibre & line (30Mb+) Plusnet: equiv £17.83/mth. Post Office: equiv £17.90/mth.
  • Cheapest superfast fibre & line (60Mb+) TalkTalk: equiv £18.07/mth. Plusnet: equiv £20.83/mth.
Edited by FairreLilette
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