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How often do you read this forum and why?

Pamela Galli

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3 hours ago, rasterscan said:

Seconded. Um ... are you still getting some enjoyment out of SL actual, when you login there ? I have noticed when inworld, while there is a huge interest in mesh avvies and all the new bells and whistles, there is still a lot of long time players who are more than happy in their old old skins, which I think is great as well.

Tolya still has his old skin - I refuse to pay the outlandish amounts needed for a top of the line mesh avatar.  In the immortal words of Lance Henriksen, "If I can't be top of the line, I'd rather be nothing".

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I’m here every day, at least once.

 I’m an information addict, I love to know what’s going on and what’s to come. I also really enjoy the useful tips people post when responding to questions.. never too old to learn something new :D

With regard to ‘section lurking’, I probably read the general discussion every couple of days... it’s the land section that I haunt :P 

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I read the forum daily for the most part, at least several times a day.Frequently more. The only time I don't is if I'm too busy in RL (work, personal stuff). It's rare for a day to go by that I don't check in at least once or twice - even if it's just to quickly catch up. I've been known to read it on vacations also - Ghosty and I always travel with our laptops so there's always a downtime moment where checking in is possible. 

I've been here regularly for over a decade with a couple of long breaks. I find it a good way to get most of the info I want than having to dig around lots of blogs and of course, get answers to questions quickly. I enjoy seeing other peoples creations here too. Also, to stay connected with friends since I tend to be a loner in-world, preferring to just quietly work on my land and do photography. 

Edited by Elora Lunasea
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I look on here every couple days or so.  The groups in-world don't seem so good lately so I tried here.
I found some things about SL that I didn't know by coming on here.  I also found some good tv show names that I started watching.

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Been around since the old Xstreet forum. This incarnation i've been most active with. Usually have a browse Several times a day: might have a quick scroll through on my phone in the morning, proper catch up before & after being inworld. I like that it can be helpful/informative/amusing, coming here i get to learn about things i might never hear about inworld 

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I've got the site permanently open on my phone so it pops up pretty much whenever I check it. I don't read it every time, though. I joined the forums when I came back to SL after a few years' hiatus...thought it would help me to resettle. As it is, I barely ever get inworld at all, but it's interesting to hear from others what has changed and what hasn't. I also get a bit of a nostalgic kick out of it, since I don't think I'm ever going to be anywhere near as absorbed in SL as I once was.

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I check and read every day; especially how does your avatar look, how are you feeling threads as nice to read and partake in those as such united community feeling and some of the outfits shown can inspire me to assemble a different look. :) However I don't think quite can call myself a forum reg but some may dispute that; lol! :D 

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I check the forums every day on my phone and on my computer at night. Reasons? It’s a nice forum. I’ve been to other forums and the conversation can be shallow like a group of strangers in a room. Other places are filled with teens trying to make the smartest quips. And some are so focused on a topic that you don’t want to interfere. I just feel comfortable here I suppose. 

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I decided to jump in and post a decent amount to just test the water and look at lots of threads here while playing a few games and racking up my first 500 posts but now I think I’ll be more selective and open it up maybe 3x/week unless I have a photo to post. I like the photo threads because it means seeing/sharing what people are getting up to inworld even if it’s just a change of clothes (though travelogue style photos with a little additional info and a slurl are my favorite), I like the Bellisseria topics because I recently got a Victorian and I’m settling in, decorating, etc...and I love the challenge threads so I always check that first.  I’m looking forward to reading over some more threads in the creation section. Still not sure how actually ‘social’ I feel here yet, I guess time will tell. 

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I am here once a day or more, usually to the General Discussions threads. I dont know why, habit maybe, entertainment YES but in the beginning, when I was new to SL, I got all my info here. I enjoy exercising my brain and socialising in the games mostly. 

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Good thread, Pam.

When I am active on the forum -- as I have been intermittently for about 6 of the past 11 years, I suppose -- I am here pretty much every day, and generally several times a day. I often have it running in the background while I work, and when I need a mental break, I'll hop in here.

I am here for all sorts of reasons, but the main one is, as for so many others here, the community and the people. That, and I genuinely like discussing a range of things about SL, virtual worlds, identity, politics (in the big picture sense of that word), and other stuff. I also enjoy writing, and this place gives me ample opportunity to drone on endlessly.

The forum is a really important part of "my SL," and has been since 2009. I'm not sure I'd necessarily leave SL without it, but my experience of this platform would be enormously diminished with it.

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I hardly used the forum much at all until I returned to SL in 2017 after an extended break. I came back to ask a newbie question, and ended up staying. Now I pop in almost every day.  I mostly stick with the People subforums, but sometimes also the Land ones.

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I regularly go months without logging in here, then now and again I'll drop in and stay for a few days or a few weeks, then I get busy with something else and forget about it again. I come here mainly for news and to keep up to date with changes in SL, and what people think about them, so I tend to lurk more than I post. This time round, I came to see what this Bakes on Mesh is all about. 

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I check the forum multiple times a day during the work week, and a few times day on the weekend. The only real exception is when I am on vacation, and during some work travel. I have the forum open on my phone while I work, and enjoy taking breaks to see what is going on.  I have learned so much here, and have made friends from the forum, so I consider it a big part of my SL. I have only been checking and posting on the forum since returning from a long hiatus about a year ago. Before that I didn't even know it existed.

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Except when I'm hiding, I'm here every day once or twice (maybe more, who's counting?).  The General Discussion section draws me most, for the variety of topics, and the games.  'What are you listening to' has given me as many new ideas as YouTube's algorithms.  I don't tend to look at the People section so much, and I've given up on 'Your Avatar' as it's a forum for people to show off photography skills these days. Occasionally I've posted ads in the Wanted section but never got a reply.

Oh, and I advertise land now and then, in the proper place.

Edited by Garnet Psaltery
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I read nearly every day, except when I take a break, and when I'm done with that break I play catch up. There are very few posts ever made on the forums (all of their incarnations) that I have not read to completion. I don't always participate, and sometimes I will go months, if not a god year or so, without ever saying a word...but I'm still reading. 

I read the forums because they can be pretty entertaining, fulfilling, interesting, a good way to stay (feel?) still connected with sl and its people...my people...even if they don't agree with that assessment :P . I like reading other perspectives, especially those I don't agree with (they're my fav), because it helps to: A-bolster my own opinions, B-keep my mind sharp, C-keep my mind open.  At some point, reading is going to be an even bigger challenge than it is now, I'm not looking forward to that day, so I make good use of what I've got while I've got it. I read lots of things, and yes that does include cereal boxes and packaging, for no other reason than "I can". (I literally spent an hour just last night reading food labels for something, not because I had to, but because I could...I'm a lot bit weird)

I also learn a LOT, about people, about sl,  about other areas of the world, about all kinds of things, by reading the forums. I'm pretty fond of that aspect, as the fora of yesteryear, coupled with my incessant need to take things apart and learn how they work (breaking them included), is what drove me to learn how to build, create, script, animate...do all the stuffs one can do in sl. That's actually probably the most important aspect, aside from the people part, the ability to learn. Tutorials can't teach me nearly as much as other residents have, and I'm very grateful for that. 

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I try to log in to the forums at least every couple of days, if not every day.  I do more reading than I do posting.  I like feeling part of the forum community.  When I was new, I think I may have started reading the "Answers" part of the forum even before I created my account.  I have really learned a lot from the forum.  There are a lot of things that affect performance that I would never have known about had I not been reading the forums.  I like knowing something about the new things as they are being developed and introduced in-world, such as bento, animesh or BOM, for example.  When I'm able, I like to be able to answer questions or explain things when others post questions or issues.  I like the picture threads, because I like to see what others have been doing in-world or the places that they have discovered.

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once upon a time the SL dash board used to post  a teaser from the general forums and i was intrigued by the partial posts i saw so i clicked the link.

That was several forums ago and they don't do that anymore. I lurked for a long time and then ventured a post and got slammed by one of the less pleasant forumites from back then. So I didn't post a lot but I read it every day.  I made friends with people in the forums and started hanging out with them in world.  It was a lot of fun until the drama outweighed the pleasure.

Things changed.  The teaser on the dashboard was removed so I wasn't reminded to go see what was up in the forums. The forum software changed and the moderation got rather heavy handed. Worst of all, my friends were fighting with my friends all the time and I got dragged into it too. So I pretty much quit reading.

Sometime last year Dil's music thread hit the max cap and had to end. so my connection with those old friends was endangered and I mosy'd back into the forums to see what it's like now. and I found that I like it again.  So now if I'm sitting at my computer I generally manage to pop in to see what's going on. The moderation seems to have found a happy medium now and it's safe to post without getting flamed. I still like the people and I learn a lot from them.

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Reading over this, I am pretty impressed with what this little forum means to our community. It’s really kind of a big deal, a part of our daily routine, to many of us. This thread is the best advertisement the forum could have.

It didn’t happen by accident. We made this place, together with the mods. All of us can take some pride in that.




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