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Unpopular opinions

Bree Giffen

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12 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Applesauce with pork is very nice. And apricots go well with lots of meat dishes.

Pineapple on pizza, on the other hand, is a blight upon civilization, and should be eradicated, by legislation if necessary.

Sausage, onion, mushroom, greenpepper and pineapple on a double dough..

That is a good pizza.

I really miss good pizza places. 

We don't have any where i live now..

That is just one kind i like sometimes and it is really good..

Has to be the right mix to taste right and from the right pizza place, otherwise it just doesn't taste the same

Forgive any goofy misspelling.. I'm on my phone at the moment. 

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I'm likely in the minority here - so definitely an unpopular statement - but I could probably easily live the rest of my life without ever having pizza again and would not miss anything.

Definitely not alone. I like it well enough, when I make it myself, but...eh....I am no fan of any commercially available pizza, and by commercially I mean any pizza made anywhere that others can also get. I'll also include any pizza made anywhere by anyone but me. It all kinda sucks

Pizza's just not all that. As for the NY vs Chicago , or vs anything else, I will never understand how anyone can compare them, to be honest, they're not even remotely the same, so it makes no sense whatsoever. Not even the sauces are comparable, much less anything else.

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37 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

You are the first person I have found , in years,  that actually remembers cheese discussions :D

I remember: Suella was in the SL Exchange / Xstreet forum before it was disbanded and we came over here (tho I only read the Merchant forum then).

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8 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

I shall try to 'splain.  You posted on the first page of the unpopular opinions thread that " The vast majority of people already hate me without really knowing anything about me.... I refuse to ever have to deal with that bullcrap again. "  and I took that to mean you were not going to be sharing your unpopular opinions. I thought I was replying that I didn't blame you for not wanting to invite any more of that bullcrap. But if that's not what you meant, then no wonder my reply confused you.

Oh. I see. Most of my opinions are unpopular so I've learned to keep my mouth shut in order to avoid the crap that gets flung. I get more than enough crap flung at me on a daily basis in RL for being female and non-white. I'd give you a demonstration but I'd rather not get this thread closed or deleted or end up being banned myself. It (the thread) really gives a bit of insight into those who respond. Which helps us all in more ways than we might realize. 

I suppose I should confess that my first post was a warning shot across the bow for a certain person that has been on my ignore list a year now and know they are and have been on it. This person keeps trying to bait me into an argument so I'll lose my cool and get banned. So I've fired a warning shot to let them know they need to stop quoting me, stop reacting to my posts. In other words they need to leave me the eff alone. They aren't going to get any revenge off me for the things they said on another forum that got them banned from that forum. They got themselves banned but they blame everyone else for it. They are still trying to rewrite history.

I do have a link I could post to back up my claims but I don't think the mods would like me posting it since it would likely start a war. So. I won't be posting it where it can be seen by everyone. 

So, it is and it isn't what I meant and I apparently confused myself when I read your post at 1 am. I wasn't thinking clearly and I should have waited until this morning and reread your post. Sorry about that.

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We have a favourite pizza place in the city. We started going before we were married. The garlic bread starter, on a pizza base, dripping with garlic butter is truly sensational. Their pizzas are equally sensational, and my favourite includes spicy italian sausage along with the usual cheese, tomato and mushrooms. We've gone there for more years than I care to disclose, and our daughter went there on her first date with the guy she later married.😊

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8 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

... I am not, never have been and never will be a member of any political party....

But...but...if you aren't at the party, you'll miss out on all the party favors!

(I admire anyone who's an independent.  But you can be an independent and still be a member of whichever party is least repugnant to you.  This gives you an incredible advantage of numbers.)

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Now that I have access to places with pizza by the slice, I've discovered other toppings like shrimp and artichokes or chicken with barbecue sauce are quite good. I've never actually had pineapple and anchovies together but it sounds like it would work. 🍕

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37 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

 I've never actually had pineapple and anchovies together but it sounds like it would work. 🍕

Anchovies cannot possibly work with anything.  

Pineapple, slim possibility, with ham or canadian bacon only.  And can't even envision having any veggies in that mix.

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40 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

But...but...if you aren't at the party, you'll miss out on all the party favors!

(I admire anyone who's an independent.  But you can be an independent and still be a member of whichever party is least repugnant to you.  This gives you an incredible advantage of numbers.)


They're all equally repugnant to me. I don't need to be a member of a political party to vote. Besides if I were to join a political party I would no longer be independent. I don't want to be associated/affiliated with any of them. 

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49 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

Now that I have access to places with pizza by the slice, I've discovered other toppings like shrimp and artichokes or chicken with barbecue sauce are quite good. I've never actually had pineapple and anchovies together but it sounds like it would work. 🍕


I'm never eating pizza again. 

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I think that's the wrong way to look at it.  Yes, it is more "principled".  However, as a member of a party, you can still vote whatever way you wish; you have not lost your "independence".  But, you get to vote in that party's primary elections, which gives you another level on which to exercise your voice.  Also, as a member of a party, you have the opportunity to voice your views to others who, presumably, are at least a little bit more disposed to listen to you.  In this way, you have a better chance of getting your viewpoint heard, and even adopted by the group.  This gives you enormously more power than if you are simply a lone voice crying in the wilderness.

The thing is, you co-opt them.  Don't let it work the other way around, and everything will be fine.

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48 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I think that's the wrong way to look at it.  Yes, it is more "principled".  However, as a member of a party, you can still vote whatever way you wish; you have not lost your "independence".  But, you get to vote in that party's primary elections, which gives you another level on which to exercise your voice.  Also, as a member of a party, you have the opportunity to voice your views to others who, presumably, are at least a little bit more disposed to listen to you.  In this way, you have a better chance of getting your viewpoint heard, and even adopted by the group.  This gives you enormously more power than if you are simply a lone voice crying in the wilderness.

The thing is, you co-opt them.  Don't let it work the other way around, and everything will be fine.

No, everything will not be fine. 

I have joined my voice with thousands of others over the years and never needed to be a member of a political party. Organizations like ABATE and AIM.

Like most, I'm a bit selfish. I want to have my cake and eat it too, but I also want it to be free, come with 4G coverage, and have all my friends tell me how tasty it looks.

But I'm not so naive as to think that there's such a thing as a free lunch let alone dessert. Yet, there's a pervasive line of thought that warrants rethinking when it comes to who is paying for our elections. As a result of closed primary elections, many voters see no other choice than to join a party if they want to have their voice heard. Closed or semi-closed primaries permit only those affiliated with a party to vote, despite the fact they are paid for by everyone, including nonaffiliated and minor party voters.

Thus, the Republican and Democratic parties are enjoying heightened constitutional protections as private entities (as well as unlimited 'free speech' in the form of political spending), but they can also dictate who does and doesn't participate in their elections which are paid for by all taxpayers.

I'm not interested in joining a party. Period. Exclamation point. Hashtag.

Why would I? Why join one of two terribly unpopular private corporations that appear to spend the majority of their time and resources advertising how awful the other has become? "But that's just how it is," I can hear you saying. "Is it really that hard just to check the box and join the political party that aligns with your beliefs the closest?" Yes, it is. If I'm not in agreement with the entire party platform, there's no reason for me to endorse something of which I believe to be counterproductive.

Neither the Republican nor the Democratic parties have been serious about any of the issues I care about. Whether that be competent enforcement of reasonable financial regulations, or protecting my personal right to privacy or (and this is a big one) respecting my right to equally participate in elections as an individual, not a party member.

See, that is the whole point of remaining an 'independent.' I'm capable of choosing candidates, issues, and policy preferences for myself. In a time where access to information is cheaper, faster, and more voluminous than at any other time in history, I don't need a political party to help me decide what matters and what doesn't. I'm not a corporation; I'm a voter. So how could a multi-billion dollar corporation represent my interests? Simply put, it can't.

I can't say I blame the Republican and Democratic parties very much for wanting their cake and eating it, too, but a problem arises when everyone else is stuck with the bill.

Unfortunately for them, this is a country of, by, and for the people, not political parties.

So until a party called the 'First Nations Party' is formed, I'll keep my independence and I'll vote on it, too.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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