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Unpopular opinions

Bree Giffen

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21 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I'm afraid I don't understand this thread...or the reason it went the way it did go. Between it and the impeachment trial on CNN playing in the background I feel like I'm having some sort of major dissociative episode... :)   :(

There was a quote attributed to Mark Twain, "If you don't read the newspapers you are uninformed. If you do, you are misinformed." It sort of applies here.

To be informed one has to hear both sides of news story. CNN & MSNBC both have a huge number of Pinocho slams and stay on the Left. FNC less so and bit more centered but they omit a lot and they are moving Left. The new kid OANN is way out on the far right-side of things. So, CNN and OANN would give you the stories and topic disagreements. They can't both be right. But, then you have to figure out who is lying. Something like Peter Schweizer's books is a good reference as he never has anonymous sources and provides the links to everything. His new book Profiles in Corruption is 368 pages with, I think, 1,100+ document references.

16 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yes! And of course, that's the origin of this problem in the first place: a lack of standardization for things like rigging.


It is a problem. But, standards at the start kills innovations and reduces our free choice. Stands are for late in the adoption cycle. We get to vote with our dollars until there is a winner.

15 hours ago, PropaneNightmares said:

That's an unpopular fact.

...meh. More of an opinion than fact.

14 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

I thought the meme was funny, almost entirely because the English system we still use is a f-ing mess and we got to the Moon anyway. I do think we'd have got there sooner had we been all metric. I also wonder just how much English was used in the space program. Dad designed a few things for NASA programs and always used metric.

And, there's this... https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-oct-01-mn-17288-story.html

It's hard to avoid English when remodeling, as house parts are generally measured in feet and inches. I try to split the difference between Metric and English by using Engineering Scales, which are marked in inches and... tenths.

It is funny. Reason and facts are not necessary components of humor.

Depending on the profession or industry different units of measure are used.

6 hours ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

Security orbs should let you set the eject time to 0.

Oh! THAT is a winner for most unpopular in a number of circles. Sailors, flyers, and drivers are probably already taking up a collection to put a contract on your AV.

1 hour ago, Tolya Ugajin said:
6 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Time to win the thread..

Vote Trump 2020


Be careful how you say that.  Polls already show more Americans identify with Trump than with any of the Democrats (26% say Bernie thinks more like them, 37% say Trump does, and they are the two leaders in one recent survey), while the "average GOP congressman" beats the "average Dem congressman"  by an even larger margin, 41% to 24%.  The "right track/wrong track" numbers (one of the best predictors of how voters will vote for President) are the best of his presidency, and are up sharply over the last 3 months, despite the impeachment parade.  He's not very popular, but the Dem front runners are making themselves less appealing to voters than HRC was, and the party as a whole is losing appeal with independents.  Trump has even eaten away at the Dem lead among African Americans; although he's only at 15% there, that's up from 6% in the 2016 election, an amount that would have evened up the popular vote nationwide.

There is a reason the Dems are so desperate to impeach Trump that they shot themselves in the foot by trying to do it on the quick.  If the economy keeps doing well, and most Americans tend to vote with their financial security, 2020 could become a route for Dems, and Chuck and Nancy know it.  If the impeachment backfires on them the way it did the Republicans in 1998, the day after the election will not be pretty for the Dems.

That isn't unpopular it is a Trigger 😂 But, it would win in some parts of SL.

If you read Schweizer's new book you'll understand why the Dems are so desperate.

When Clinton was being impeached the economy was improving and people were not going to tolerate his being removed from office. 

The unpopular opinion here: Trump will NOT be removed from office and is likely to win the 2020 election. - Of course this may be more trigger than opinion.

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3 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Well, I confess I read about three pages of the first volume and gave up; I found it tedious reading.  I know, perhaps I could have persisted but I didn't feel like it.

Guess it depends on if you can relate to being a Mug blood or not.

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1 hour ago, Amina Sopwith said:

I read a lot of the classic British boarding school stories growing up (I wonder if people outside of the UK are aware of how Harry Potter fits into that genre and its influence? I don't know how well known it is in other countries.). I always wanted to do midnight feasts and shutting the gym mistress in the games cupboard and all that, but I didn't go to boarding school. 

Enid Blyton et al?

Or . . .



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24 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Enid Blyton et al?

Or . . .



Both of those, plus a number of others (not the Chalet School, though, hated that series). I actually can't remember the titles or authors of the others, which is a shame because I do remember they were much more sophisticated and interesting than Blyton.

I also liked Searle's Nigel Molesworth series (I say Searle's, he was the illustrator).

Edited by Amina Sopwith
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1 hour ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Well, I confess I read about three pages of the first volume and gave up; I found it tedious reading.  I know, perhaps I could have persisted but I didn't feel like it.

I was never able to make it past a page or two.  Same with Twilight.  Didn’t get into the movies, either.  I did however enjoy the Diary of a Whimpy Kid series when my son was reading them & the first few movies came out.   ❤️💕

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1 hour ago, Amina Sopwith said:

I read a lot of the classic British boarding school stories growing up (I wonder if people outside of the UK are aware of how Harry Potter fits into that genre and its influence? I don't know how well known it is in other countries.). I always wanted to do midnight feasts and shutting the gym mistress in the games cupboard and all that, but I didn't go to boarding school. 

Secondary school (high school, whatever) is a hard time for most people, even the people who made it look easy. It's just a hard time of life, full stop. I certainly had my share of nasty people (and if you knew what I was like back then, you'd know why), but we were all kids in transition. I don't need to be in contact with them now, but I'm not going to judge someone their entire life on their 15-year-old self. 

In the US there are the traditional boarding schools like the ones in the UK. A few are co-ed.

Then there are the ones that are for assimilating the indigenous.


There was a time, as a child, I wanted to go to boarding school. To get away from the abusive family members.  The question is, would I have been jumping out of the frying pan into the fire or would I have been jumping out of the fire into the frying pan? I'll never know.

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 Bullying was widespread at my senior school, and all I could do was keep my head down. One of the clever boys was rather odd looking with big ears and greasy hair, and spots, and they made his life a misery. Later in life he committed suicide, and I wonder how much this really affected him. We certainly had a sporty group, and a nerdy group, and a pretty girl group and maybe more. I never related to any of them and couldn't wait to get home from school.

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Oh and another thing. As a kid  most adults were nice to me, so I just assumed that when I started work, all the adults would be, well, nice.

I was horrified to find that it was just like school, with one-upmanship, bullying, cliques, dishonesty, two faced back biting, jealousy.... y'know...just the real world I never imagined. Oh yes I was naive. 

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On 1/21/2020 at 4:04 PM, Rolig Loon said:

As usual, I'm late to the party.  Probably not an unpopular opinion, but I find some of the word games fun.  When I add something in one of them, it's because the previous poster wrote something that catches my fancy and gives me something worth playing off of. It has nothing to do with post count.  Sometimes I just enjoy being silly by playing with words. 🤓

Said the gal with 39K+ posts.  You deserve every point and accolade that one can bestow on this forum.  You have earned your way to 'being silly' anytime you choose. . . a tremendous SL forum/answers presence.

One day I will be SL famous too.  I just need to get my post count over 250ish and then everyone will know who I am. . .

Edited by Storm Clarence
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52 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

 Bullying was widespread at my senior school, and all I could do was keep my head down. One of the clever boys was rather odd looking with big ears and greasy hair, and spots, and they made his life a misery. Later in life he committed suicide, and I wonder how much this really affected him. We certainly had a sporty group, and a nerdy group, and a pretty girl group and maybe more. I never related to any of them and couldn't wait to get home from school.


45 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

Oh and another thing. As a kid  most adults were nice to me, so I just assumed that when I started work, all the adults would be, well, nice.

I was horrified to find that it was just like school, with one-upmanship, bullying, cliques, dishonesty, two faced back biting, jealousy.... y'know...just the real world I never imagined. Oh yes I was naive. 

Been there, done that. Never got the t-shirt.

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1 hour ago, BelindaN said:

Oh and another thing. As a kid  most adults were nice to me, so I just assumed that when I started work, all the adults would be, well, nice.

I was horrified to find that it was just like school, with one-upmanship, bullying, cliques, dishonesty, two faced back biting, jealousy.... y'know...just the real world I never imagined. Oh yes I was naive. 


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On 1/21/2020 at 10:45 AM, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Why would anyone care about those per se?

That was my big question.  Why on earth would I care how prolific or popular some poster is?  When I read someone's post I'm reading and evaluating based on the content presented in the post.  Yeah, I get it that some people do care.  Good for them.  I hope that's a very small minority.

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9 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Serious question, Storm. What's happened to your post count? You should surely be in the thousands.

I'm not Storm, but I'm going to answer anyway.

Storm hasn't participated as much in this new incarnation of the forums than in the past incarnation. I only know this because even when I didn't actually participate in the forums, I read them all.the.damn.time (every incarnation of them we've had actually, including those for slex/xstreet, I can honestly say I've probably read every single thread ever made on any previous incarnation to completion, and about 95% of the threads on this one),

There's a whole lotta people that, if they came back, many of us might remember their names, but they'd have next to no post count because of these new fangled fora which drove loads away. Ok, ok, maybe it wasn't the fora that drove them away...regardless, they're away and would be starting over. 

We used to have a LOT of discussions about cheese on the fora of yesteryear, we never have those discussions anymore, I kinda miss it.  We also used to have a lot of other discussions that just aren't present these days, everything from rl topics, to "how to", wherein while some might get a bit grumpy (ok, maybe a lot bit grumpy, some of those discussions were..wooooooo boy, rough, and definitely wouldn't fly today), the actual discussions themselves stayed pretty on topic, interesting, and often times way more fun to read. I learned a WHOLE lot just by reading other people's posts, even people that I still probably don't like very much, lots of helpful, even if grumpy now and then folks back then. People often came together, liking each other or not, to answer things more collectively, and it was super helpful for a lot of lurkers, of which I strongly suspect there used to be way more.  Now if someone asks something that's already been asked a million times before, instead of getting the answer they're looking for from a ton of people, they're more likely to get a few who answer, and a bunch who piss and moan about them not looking for the answer themselves, not trying the solutions already given, or a load of other grumpiness. 

Shrugs, I still like the fora of today, but, it's different...and that's probably just as unpopular opinion as any other I have. 

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On 1/21/2020 at 10:11 AM, Selene Gregoire said:

The vast majority of people already hate me without really knowing anything about me. I have no desire to increase the amount of animosity I already encounter on the forum. Especially from the one person who likes to hound people until they either leave or that person gets themselves banned. It's happened before. It will happen again. I refuse to ever have to deal with that bullcrap again.

I doubt that you are the best judge of how hated you are.  I for one, kinda like you and respect what you have to say. But, on the other hand, by all means keep your unpopular opinions to yourself if you believe that sharing them will only lead to grief.


Edited by kali Wylder
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12 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

by all means keep your unpopular opinions to yourself if you believe that sharing them will only lead to grief.

Where did that come from? I never said one word about my opinions or sharing them and certainly never said sharing my opinions leads to grief.

Kind of like? How does that work?

I'm sorry. I really can't wrap my head around what you are saying. It doesn't quite make sense to me.  I kind of get it, but not really. 

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17 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Where did that come from? I never said one word about my opinions or sharing them and certainly never said sharing my opinions leads to grief.

Kind of like? How does that work?

I'm sorry. I really can't wrap my head around what you are saying. It doesn't quite make sense to me.  I kind of get it, but not really. 

I shall try to 'splain.  You posted on the first page of the unpopular opinions thread that " The vast majority of people already hate me without really knowing anything about me.... I refuse to ever have to deal with that bullcrap again. "  and I took that to mean you were not going to be sharing your unpopular opinions. I thought I was replying that I didn't blame you for not wanting to invite any more of that bullcrap. But if that's not what you meant, then no wonder my reply confused you.

Edited by kali Wylder
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Here's my most unpopular SL opinion I think: Out of the popular bodies, you really shouldn't wear the B and L brands at clubs and events.

All the other ones are fine, really. Those two are the equivalent of driving a monster truck in morning traffic. Sure it's great if you're the only one doing it. If everyone did it nobody would get to work.

What I'm saying is they're grossly unoptimized and laggy, as much as I love the shapes they're only really usable for private photography and encounters.

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