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Text or Voice?

Seicher Rae

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Well here's a LoL and wtf and huh? Someone just described my inworld (and so RL) voice as being like chocolate fudge. What does that even mean? :::just laughing as I write this::: It was a passing comment made by someone I barely was in the same room with and I didn't follow it up. Rich? That wouldn't be bad. Sometimes with nuts? That would be accurate. Too sweet? Hahahahaha, no.  My take on my own voice? Contralto. Sound perpetually like I have a cold. Recent discovery: I think my pacing is a tad slow. A recording played too slowly. :)

Gimme text or gimme death! :D

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On 1/9/2020 at 12:23 PM, Madelaine McMasters said:

I was recently at a crowded store when a gorgeous, tall (6ft), sharply dressed woman entered. She was one of those people who simply stands out from the crowd, by dint of natural beauty and impeccable style. A store employee immediately greeted her, and I was expecting to hear the husky voice of Kathleen Turner in return. Instead, I heard Alvin the Chipmunk on helium. I spent some time that evening wondering what life must be like for that woman.

While my avi is not tall and I don't quite sound like Alvin, My actual voice is not what I would hope people think I sound like when they see my avi.

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It is a lot easier for me to follow a conversation in text than voice, it is also easier for me to respond as it gives me time to think out what I want to say.  Also, for some strange reason, text feels much more personal than voice, I think it is more expressive than a disembodied voice floating through the interwebs :) In real life, I prefer voice, where I can see the person talking, but online I always prefer text, with the exception of videos and music.  I even prefer emails, and texting my family over a phone call.

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5 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

While my avi is not tall and I don't quite sound like Alvin, My actual voice is not what I would hope people think I sound like when they see my avi.

Nor is mine Tali, though I make the best of it. I'm 5'2" with a voice to match. It's been described as "cute", which is something I prefer to fake than to be. My brief excursion into the world of community theater (particularly watching video of myself) did help bring my vocal delivery more in line with my self image. I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner but, by over-accentuating the cuteness, I'm able to convey menace.

1 hour ago, Seicher Rae said:

Gimme text or gimme death! :D

...sets you on fire. (That's the best I can do).

On 1/9/2020 at 5:25 PM, Marigold Devin said:

It's the little things!

So true, Mari!

The big things get everyone's attention and we get no extra-credit (from others our ourselves) for attending to them.

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And text.

Did I already mention text?

I deactivited voice for myself years ago. Around that time, the quality of voice chat in SL seemed to be below of what I can get on apps like discord (or back then skype and teamspeak) and I didn't like to have no secure place to try setting it up (I'm shy, I don't like to fiddle around with something like that on a crowded sim surrounded by strangers).

I kept voice from others on. But chewing, background noises and some people just having an unpleasant voice quickly made me turn it off entirely. I'm not really comfortable to voice with strangers anyway, especially not in English. But I could make an exception for close friends. Although I prefer discord for voice chat.

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17 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

just having an unpleasant voice quickly made me turn it off entirely

Since developing tinnitus after head trauma (a f'ing loud concert years ago) I've noticed that some voices can trigger a crackling sound in my left ear. This happens more when the voice is recorded. I don't understand the mechanism, but it's annoying as hell. Not only do I not use voice in SL, but I rarely turn on sound at all. It's a game for me to watch local chat at music venues and try to guess what's playing from the commentary.

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I prefer text since I'm deaf. It's still strange typing that out now because a few years ago I was only hoh. I've read lips most of my life. I sign in two languages. I just wouldn't hear enough to successfully have a conversation with the other person so it's pointless for me.

The few times i will use voice is when I'm asked to sing at a small gathering I've been singing at for almost eleven years. Celtic music mainly. 

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1 hour ago, WillowTenage said:

It is a lot easier for me to follow a conversation in text than voice, it is also easier for me to respond as it gives me time to think out what I want to say.  Also, for some strange reason, text feels much more personal than voice, I think it is more expressive than a disembodied voice floating through the interwebs :) In real life, I prefer voice, where I can see the person talking, but online I always prefer text, with the exception of videos and music.  I even prefer emails, and texting my family over a phone call.

The only difference between you and me on this is I prefer phone calls to text messages*. And I hate talking on the phone after having worked at a few call centers. So instead of calling or texting, see me face to face so I can read your lips and you won't have to repeat things. :D


*I think, when I've had a cell phone in the past, I've sent a total of 5 text messages. The vast majority of texts I got were advertisements. :S

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It's text only for me.

I cannot hear well since polish firework (forbidden in germany because being extra loud) was thrown at me sylvester 2000. Luckily my face was not damaged. Since then i have already problems to understand my native language, let alone the english one. Smalltalk doesn't interests me anyway and i am more into some meaningfull discussion or ... Roleplay.

I enjoy text also because i have more time to express myself, can eventually research a word and it's meaning. 

Voice is and was never activated for me.

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47 minutes ago, LyricalBookworm said:

I prefer text since I'm deaf. It's still strange typing that out now because a few years ago I was only hoh. I've read lips most of my life. I sign in two languages. I just wouldn't hear enough to successfully have a conversation with the other person so it's pointless for me.

The few times i will use voice is when I'm asked to sing at a small gathering I've been singing at for almost eleven years. Celtic music mainly. 

I'm not deaf but I do use sign language mainly with family due to having great difficulties talking. Many times in my bar when my man DJs, someone will request a song and I'll sign it to him across the room. Handy when Led Zeppelin is cranked loud!

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15 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

The only difference between you and me on this is I prefer phone calls to text messages*. And I hate talking on the phone after having worked at a few call centers. So instead of calling or texting, see me face to face so I can read your lips and you won't have to repeat things. :D


*I think, when I've had a cell phone in the past, I've sent a total of 5 text messages. The vast majority of texts I got were advertisements. :S

My most recent job was working for directory enquiries - I had to enunciate the whole day, and don't enjoy doing so in my leisure time. Also, I find, just like when on the telephone, people on voice go all "mumbly" as they think they can multi-task, which very few people can do well. Texting/typing focuses the mind, although I do realise misinterpretation of meaning can often occur in the written word. 

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1 minute ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

would be fun I think!

On most forums, yes. But here, I'm not so sure. Sooner or later someone would find something to be offended at (regardless of whether or not said offense was intentional or even real) and LL would likely disable them again because they don't want to have to deal it.

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I definitely prefer text to voice.  That way I can review what I typed out before I hit enter.  I have a chance reword anything I think doesn't sounded right or may be misinterpreted.  That's not a fail-safe, of course, but at least I won't blurt out something completely inappropriate. I have used my mic a few times, however.  That being said, I don't mind hearing others use voice.

I don't talk on the phone in real life unless I have to.  The ringer isn't even on.





I rewrote this short post 4 times, changed the wording and order of the sentences, fixed a spelling mistake, added another sentence, deleted a different one. It may be best if I just don't try to hold an actual conversation. 😉

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I prefer text to voice as well, for many of the same reasons that have been listed.  I don't mind listening to voice when it makes sense for me to do so - there's a church service I attend sometimes where the pastor uses voice (but also puts most everything into text chat as well, so those not able to listen on voice are not left out).  I think I've also turned on voice for some town halls or meeting where the Lindens were present and speaking on voice. 

Until a week or so ago, I couldn't use voice even if I wanted to, but I recently got a keyboard, mouse, headphones with mic combo package.  So now I have a mic, but haven't decided whether to try it out or not.  I think I may feel weird talking to my computer screen - I don't use voice commands / voice search on my phone for that reason. 

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Text most definitely, in terms of roleplay which I mostly do in Second Life, it is essential because you are writing a story with the other people in the scene, but I think even from a social aspect, text is better, I'm a touch typist so can definitely type quicker than I can speak, so more can be said, more quickly.

The problem with voice, is you will get people talking over one another, especially if there is a group of people and the conversation will be harder to follow, the second problem is you may mishear something or have to get people to repeat things, if it is typed, it can be read carefully. Of course there is a downside to text communication, you don't get a real feel for the personality and can't determine how genuine a comment is.

Anyone who has been on my friend list long enough and proven to be sane, will end up being offered my skype or whatsapp anyway, so friends do get to voice chat with me when not on SL.

Edited by Frank Ziplon
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Text for two reasons.

#1 - Following a stroke I can to a good imitation of Porky Pig or of just being drunk without even trying. I can’t stop it either. Some people hear me speak and for some reason seem to believe I’m intellectually impaired, which crops up in all sorts of social/business interactions and has driven me to be more happy with my Inner Introvert.

#2 - Pre-Stroke when I was using voice chat over the internet, someone overhead a member of my family Speaking in the background (my daughter) and figured out enough based on that to romance-harass me in RL. I have more control over the flow of information in Text and I like it that way.



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In RL I use text over voice on phone approximately 90:1.  In other words I prefer to text 90% of the time in RL over using voice on the telephone.  Texting fits my lifestyle, so that's my choice.  One thing that I find interesting is the number of times I've heard people say they prefer to voice because they are too lazy to type, usually accompanied my various ambient noises reflecting off bare walls and ceilings, "ummm", "and", "like", "ok", "you know"... 

The wide range of equipment used and the quality, or lack thereof, regarding mics, speakers, headphones, earbuds and not to mention the acoustics of the room just spoils the whole immersion/fantasy virtual world, for me.  I have no patience when someone is on mic while chewing, fiddling, chair squeaking, coughing, dog barking.  I like to set the mood, play some tunes, RP and just get into a groove.  After all, it's a fantasy. You don't need to hear me laughing, snorting, spewing a soft drink out my nose or eating a Cheetoh I found in my hair. If I want RL, I'll just go back to RL.  

If you spend hours tweaking, adjusting, defining and refining your avatar, image, wardrobe, persona and lifestyle in SL, why not make an effort on your voice quality too? At the very least, try making some simple, sample recordings of yourself, live, online interacting with others so that you can play it back and actually hear what you sound like.  It's no different than looking in the mirror or looking at your avatar, it's simply verifying that you reflect the image you attempt to portray.  If none of those things matter to you, then it's a moot point and makes no difference to you, but you'd still be surprised at what an open mic 'picks up'.  

The fantasy and immersion of the virtual world for me is likened to reading a novel.  I create the image in my imagination based on the information presented to me.  Seeing the movie version is the less preferred method, but can still be entertaining if done well.

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