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New Linden home in Bellesseria

Geryn Sloane

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I am a 13+ yr premium SL resident and have finally availed myself of a lovely new Linden home in Bellesseria after giving up my old 1st gen one. It is in the sim Longbridge and I love it. the problem is I have noticed I am encountering considerable lag which has never been an issue for me as I've always kept my computer's capabilities tuned to optimum for running SL. But I'm getting fps rates of only 4-10 here and I don't seem to have this problem anywhere else. Is there some problem with the mechanics of this sim? Can this be looked into??


Geryn Sloane in SL

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1 hour ago, Geryn Sloane said:

Can this be looked into??

you'r talking to other residents here, who can look into not a lot of things except the same as you.

Most likely you will need to adjust your settings to the new situation, you live now on a area that has many usermade textures and items, those will ask a lot more from your machine.
If you post your settings here, copy/paste from  the menu help/about, people can see what you'r talking about when you say "optimal" settings.

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7 hours ago, Geryn Sloane said:

But I'm getting fps rates of only 4-10 here and I don't seem to have this problem anywhere else. Is there some problem with the mechanics of this sim?

I had a look at Longbridge and it actually seemed to be surprisingly low lag. The fps I got there was about 2/3 of what I get in my own Keswick town and that's remarkably high for a Belli sim. The simulator was pushed to the limit (with more than 19 ms) script time but not beyond.

I did notice problems on sim crossings though. I crossed over to Maple Cross a few times and there were noticeable glitches every time. One time I walked back to Longbridge I got stuck at the sim border so long I started to believe I had crashed. I'm nto sure but this may be an indication of some hidden problem.

Edited by ChinRey
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I was curious, so I just went to wander around Longbridge too.  My own FPS averaged about 70 while I was there, but I could get it to jump all over the place if I tried.  I normally keep my draw distance to about 128m, which means that my viewer is trying to see no more than a quarter of the way across a region.  If I increased draw distance in Longbridge, I could make my FPS drop like a stone.  It was around 10 by the time my draw distance was 512m.  As usual, I could make my FPS vary by changing how much stuff was in my line of sight too (for example, by flying up 150m so I was seeing more empty space).  What that tells me -- no big surprise -- is that the biggest influence on my FPS there is the number of different textures I am seeing. As ChinRey notes, the script time in Longbridge is fairly high, but that's true in a lot of Bellisseria. Scripts won't cause lag anyway.  If the region runs out of spare time, scripts will be the first to suffer, by lagging each other, but that's not happening in Longbridge.  

Your own experience may vary considerably from mine, depending on the characteristics of your own computer and Internet connection, but I suspect that you will be able to reduce lag greatly by keeping your draw distance to 128m or lower.  There are a ton of textures in Bellisseria, so don't make your viewer look at them.

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6 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

There are a ton of textures in Bellisseria, so don't make your viewer look at them.

There's also a ton of tris. Typically 350-400+ ktris with 128 m draw distance and only a single non-mesh avatar. One of the neighbour sims, partly within Geryn's draw distance (I had a chat with her inworld) is even heavier. Geryn told me reducing the draw distance fixed the problem so there's no doubt that it was all about object overload.

I really don't want to offend you Rolig but... well, I suppose I have to.

Look at this tree for example:


Five 1024x1024s and a 32x32! I suppose the 32x32 is the full alpha for the physics prim (who uses physics prims for mesh trees in 2019/2020 anyway?)

It's a very simple tree so 1160 vertices and 846 triangles (including the physics prim) isn't good but to be fair, I've seen worse, much worse. However, look at the triangle counts for the LoD models (those figures are without the physics prim):


499 - 199 - 99, that's not only bad, it's insane!

That's only one example, those sims are crammed full of poorly optimized content like this.

I know Patch and one of the Moles (can't remember which at the moment) were adamant that there weren't any lag issues in the Belleseria sims. Well, maybe. But they were talking about "empty" sims with no mesh avatars and no extra content added by residents. The render-cost-to-frame-rate curve is not linear for a number of reasons. You can keep adding to the scene with hardly any negative effect at all until you suddenly get to a point where even a minute increase in the complexity can have a major impact on the frame rate. I think that's what's happening here. The basic build isn't enough to cause problems in itself but it brings the scene so close to a breaking point only a little bit of extra content (Longbridge is actually surprisingly light on resident owned content btw) is enough for it to tip over.

But oh well, I suppose it's too late to do anything about it now. If you are struggling with Belli lag, turn your draw distance down. That will help. You can also try to switch of ALM. The scenes seem to be cramemd full of normal and specular maps and they're so faint they're hardly noticeable. Disabling them should reduce the render load considerably without making much difference to how things look.

Edited by ChinRey
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