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Pose Stand to test Physics?


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I don't know of any.

I use the Camera Controls to test physics. There is a view-direction choice that puts the camera in front looking at avatar. Also, I change the default camera settings so from behind I can see better. Once the camera is set it is just a matter of jumping. 

You can also step off and on a pose stand. That usually creates lots of jiggle.

Animations can provide a good test. Find your walk animation (the animation in the AO) and play it by double or right-clicking the animation. Putting the camera in front lets you get physics for walking right. With the camera behind you can do the butt. Remember. Most mesh bodies do not have butt jiggle. So check if yours does or doesn't before trying to adjust.

I make an excessive perpetual bounce physics layer for testing body capability.

Also, dance animations cause less jiggle tan animations like walk. So, more than one physics layer will be needed.

Good luck.

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