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Those crazy neighbors...

Trinity Blakewell

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1 hour ago, Abnor Mole said:

A side effect of a long autoreturn time is if you are building on a friend's parcel and don't have your group tag set to the same group as the land you'll be working for 30 minutes, get up to grab some lunch or whatever, come back and everything has been returned. If it's only a minute or 2 you'll catch your mistake a lot sooner and lose a lot less of your work. ;)

Sounds like the voice of experience there Abnor :P 

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14 hours ago, Quartz Mole said:

You might want to reconsider having so long an auto-return time -- only yesterday several Moles with Estate Manager powers had to waste time clearing up after a day-old throwaway account who had (we assume) been going round Bellesaria looking for parcels with open-rez turned on and rezzing some pretty nasty griefing objects when he  found them.

Hey... what are the best perms to use for preventing my land from being used by a griefer?

I assume no-build is one... if we imagine I left build on (as I have often done on mainland), what should I otherwise set?

Auto-return 1 it seems

Object entry off? Or doesn't matter?

Scripts off? Or will that mess up important things like vehicles?


Also... would it be a JIRA to file if I wanted to convince "the big haired bosses" to have auto-return set to something other than 0 as the default on newly obtained or newly abandoned land?
- I notice everytime I get a plot or deed it to my group or buy it back from my group, etc... auto-return gets set to 0... and it's always seemed like '0' ought to be a choice someone has to make on purpose... with maybe 1 as the default.
- the only logical exception tot that default I could think of would be deeding your land to your group or a group 'officer or above' buying the land from the group.



Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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17 hours ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

My theory is that those orbs are a kind of sadistic game where people enjoy inconveniencing others who accidentally wander over their boundaries.

I regularly meet people who live in a skybox up at eleventy-thousand meters in the sky and then have general non-specific banlines to give them privacy, and refuse to believe me when I tell them the banlines don't go that high until I prove it to them... Which most of the times only results in them just specifically adding my name to the banlist because I must have hacked SL and held a Mole in my basement until he got me past the banlines or something... :)

/me tightens the bonds on Kidnapped Mole...


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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11 hours ago, roseelvira said:

On the plus side of  what neighhbors build ,,,, i was visiting a friend and  what this neighbor did i thought at first it was a linden build ,,, i am so impressed and it fits with the camper theme

i love what they did with the water tower shower and it is not an eye sore ,,,,, now this is using creativity and fits and  looks better in world than this pic   wow  love love love it  ...



This is a case where I would both commend them and flee in terror at the same time.

Like... well done... I have actually had mainland builds that resembled this on the side of a cliff... but just not what I want to be near.

One of the good things about Bellisseria is that there are many different styles of regions / region layouts... so something like this will look good or bad largely depending on the surrounding area - and if a person is really attached to this kind of theme, they will hopefully eventually find a region that fits it will. I think this would work best on sand or a cliff - but they don't (yet), put campers on land that's radically non-flat.

(If a mole reads this... someday add some campers on land that's steeper than 60-degrees for all but the exact dimension of the largest camper footprint... and you've got me looking to live there. Think 'Campion' region in style).


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9 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Hey... what are the best perms to use for preventing my land from being used by a griefer?

I assume no-build is one... if we imagine I left build on (as I have often done on mainland), what should I otherwise set?

Auto-return 1 it seems

Object entry off? Or doesn't matter?

Scripts off? Or will that mess up important things like vehicles?

It all depends on what you're using the land for.    If you're the only person using it, then I'd recommend one set of perms, but if you need either a group or the public at large to be able to do things, then you'd need a different set, depending on who you want to be able to do what.

 Just as my personal view, I would say, build for owner or landgroup only.   That way you don't need to worry about auto-return, but your friends whom you've invited to your land group can use the place as their own.

Object entry off, certainly.   You don't want people to be able to slide objects into your land.   

I would leave scripts on.   That's because any competent scripter can circumvent the restriction if you set the parcel to "no scripts", which is how vehicles and AOs keep running even when you're in a no-script parcel, so you don't really inconvenience griefers by leaving them on (but this shouldn't matter, assuming you've set your other perms correctly) but you will inconvenience a surprising number of people by turning them off.

For example (since it's happened to my resident account several times), if you crash while you're on a parcel where you can't run scripts, and you forget and log back in to your previous location (the no-script parcel) it's going to mess up all your HUDs and scripted attachments, to the extent you'll probably find it simplest and quickest to leave the parcel and go somewhere you can run scripts, and relog there for a second time.

 But this, I re-iterate, is my personal view.  It's certainly not an official recommendation of any sort.

Edited by Quartz Mole
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13 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

Hey... what are the best perms to use for preventing my land from being used by a griefer?

I assume no-build is one... if we imagine I left build on (as I have often done on mainland), what should I otherwise set?

Auto-return 1 it seems

Object entry off? Or doesn't matter?

Scripts off? Or will that mess up important things like vehicles?


Also... would it be a JIRA to file if I wanted to convince "the big haired bosses" to have auto-return set to something other than 0 as the default on newly obtained or newly abandoned land?
- I notice everytime I get a plot or deed it to my group or buy it back from my group, etc... auto-return gets set to 0... and it's always seemed like '0' ought to be a choice someone has to make on purpose... with maybe 1 as the default.
- the only logical exception tot that default I could think of would be deeding your land to your group or a group 'officer or above' buying the land from the group.



For what it's worth, I was told long ago to set land with build and object entry to group, and scripts to everyone. I set auto-return at 2. This combination has always worked well for me.

I wouldn't recommend that the default on auto-return be anything other than 0, since I'm not sure that the LL viewer has the feature where, when you rez an item, it automatically sets to the the same group that the land is set to. I think setting auto-return needs to be a deliberate decision by the landowner. Otherwise, you get the possibility of someone forgetting or not realizing that it is already set, rezzing a no copy item with the wrong group tag on while using a viewer that doesn't automatically correct that, and BAM, item gone. Sure, it could also happen if they'd set auto-return themselves, but hopefully they'd at least blame themselves then. 😛 

However, I do wish parcels would automatically set to something other than open rez when they are newly obtained or abandoned. Maybe that is not possible, but it is, it might foil a griefer or two.

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On 1/17/2020 at 3:28 PM, Quartz Mole said:

It all depends on what you're using the land for.   ...

Object entry off, certainly.   You don't want people to be able to slide objects into your land.


like you mention it depends.  For Belli then as you say Object entry OFF is appropriate. As any errant scripted object rezzed elsewhere will stop at our parcel boundary and in time be returned to its owner by the neighbouring LDPW parcel Autoreturn ON

on legacy mainland then Object entry ON can be better when the neighbouring parcel is set to Autoreturn OFF. When our neighbours parcel is Autoreturn OFF and our parcel is Object entry OFF the errant scripted objects will be stopped on the neighbouring parcel and not returned by that parcel. Which can result in errant scripted objects piling up on our parcel boundary which are not returnable, creating a bit of a mess.  When we allow Object entry ON then the objects pass onto out parcel and are returned by our parcel

once upon a long time ago I used to live near a mainland combat/weapons range and all the regions nearby could get quite littered some days as people fired off all kinds of stuff, and chased each other all over the sky doing the same.  A parcel owned by somebody else on two sides of mine was set to Object Entry ON and Autoreturn OFF.  So what I did was cut a 4m wide border strip around the edge of my parcel. Set the strip to Object entry ON, Autoreturn ON.  And set my inner parcel to Object Entry OFF. The inner parcel blocking/stopping the errant objects, and the outer strip sending the objects back to their owners    

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1 hour ago, Hendrix Portal said:

Do flying whales exceed the height limit? It's having a whale of a time up there, circling round the house. 

OK seriously thats a joke right,,,,it is not there  ,,,,,, i am getting  so confuse

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6 hours ago, Hendrix Portal said:

Do flying whales exceed the height limit? It's having a whale of a time up there, circling round the house. 


Well, I have to say I love that whale (I think it's the one by HPMD), and I truly think it looks great with the home. It adds some magic to Belli!! Those vehicules are another story...

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8 hours ago, Hendrix Portal said:

Do flying whales exceed the height limit? It's having a whale of a time up there, circling round the house. 


That is heinous. Fine for a fantasy-themed area, but that's not what Bellisseria is (yet). This looks like something straight outta Mainland (I love Mainland, but it's a hot mess).

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14 hours ago, Hendrix Portal said:

Do flying whales exceed the height limit? It's having a whale of a time up there, circling round the house. 


Flying whales...


5 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Fine for a fantasy-themed area, but that's not what Bellisseria is (yet).

There's no 'genre requirement' for any of the homes.

Now I want to park a dragon out front, next to the spaceship I already have out on the lawn. ;)


The height limit though... yeah...

As for those cars... like the whale, they make me suspect this person plays Final Fantasy games...


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15 minutes ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

There's no 'genre requirement' for any of the homes.

Now I want to park a dragon out front, next to the spaceship I already have out on the lawn. ;)


The height limit though... yeah...

As for those cars... like the whale, they make me suspect this person plays Final Fantasy games...


On the contrary, I'd consider wording such as "The exterior should always remain in theme out of consideration for your neighbors" to imply that there is a "genre requirement". I don't think anyone seriously considers any of the themes released so far to be "fantasy".

Thankfully, I have Firestorm and can derender the crap out of any nonsense that I don't want to see. ;)  

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26 minutes ago, Loretta String said:

I was looking for the new Vic of a friend in Alban Heights when I  saw this home......

This is not an add-on but a house on top of a house, which makes the whole structure 25 meter tall. ( and clearly violates the covenant)


Alban Heights_002.png

For me, that's beyond the pale.  I see that they've tried to make it compatible, but it's a fail that destroys the look of the house.  Plus, I'm hoping that's your car in the street?  Because if not, you could add that to the AR I hope you've filed!

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1 hour ago, Loretta String said:

I was looking for the new Vic of a friend in Alban Heights when I  saw this home......

This is not an add-on but a house on top of a house, which makes the whole structure 25 meter tall. ( and clearly violates the covenant)


Alban Heights_002.png

I like towers and other Victorian excess, and that one inspires me. The widow's walk is a nice touch, and reminds me of a friends former home in a Bellisseria-type neighborhood, Elmwood, in Providence, RI. Personally, I would have used a hip roof, rather than the four gables, and not added the level below the platform. But that's only my taste. The vintage auto out front is a nice touch.

However, the issue that bothers me most about that picture is the house itself. I would not choose the Hardy model (even though I love its floorplan) because of the awkward spacing of the windows above the porch roof, as it throws my OCD into overdrive. Resident add-ons come and go, but Mole builds are forever.

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While the vintage auto out front is a nice touch, it still needs to be AR'd.  Abnor already explained why automobiles are not allowed to be put onto the street and why there should not be any exceptions.

I don't know a lot about Victorian house architecture, but to my eyes, that add-on (ignoring the height violation for now) just looks out of place, off in some way.



22 minutes ago, Lukas Thetan said:

I would not choose the Hardy model (even though I love its floorplan) because of the awkward spacing of the windows above the porch roof, as it throws my OCD into overdrive.

My first Traditional house location is using the Winchester.  The window placement and the unevenness of the balcony rails drives my OCD tendencies insane if I focus on it.  In that particular neighborhood, the Winchester was used the least, so I stuck with that model and just have to force myself not to obsess over the symmetry issues.  

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Sadly some don't realize how to incorporate a widow's walk properly as an addition to a Victorian home.  Some widow's walks are practical and can be used to see the view from the height and others are simply ornamental.  I don't particularly care for the one in the images above, its an entire 3rd floor in fact and over height limit and feels out of theme, imo.  Though I would not mind seeing some nicely done add-ons for the Bellisseria Victorians.

The history of the widows walk or captains walk is interesting as well:

A widow's walk, also known as a widow's watch or roofwalk, is a railed rooftop platform often with a small enclosed cupola frequently found on 19th-century North American coastal houses. The name is said to come from the wives of mariners, who would watch for their spouses' return, often in vain as the ocean took the lives of the mariners, leaving the women widows. In other coastal communities, the platforms were called Captain's Walk, as they topped the homes of the more successful captains; supposedly, ship owners and captains would use them to search the horizon for ships due in port.

However, there is little or no evidence that widow's walks were intended or regularly used to observe shipping. Widow's walks are in fact a standard decorative feature of Italianate architecture, which was very popular during the height of the Age of Sail in many North American coastal communities. The widow's walk is a variation of the Italianate cupola. The Italianate cupola, also known as a "belvedere", was an important ornate finish to this style, although it was often high maintenance and prone to leaks.

Beyond their use as viewing platforms, they are frequently built around the chimney of the residence, thus creating access to the structure. This allows the residents of the home to pour sand down burning chimneys in the event of a chimney fire in the hope of preventing the house from burning down.


Ornamental widow walk below:


Ornamental widow walk below:


Practical Widow walk below:


Practical Captain's Walk below:


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