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Those crazy neighbors...

Trinity Blakewell

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50 minutes ago, Zak Westminster said:

 they need to make that whole "tick box" thing when you sign up for a Linden Home far more detailed and maybe send then an email a day or so after to remind them about the land covenant - oh and have it translated into their own language would be a bonus.

it's showed everywhere .. and to find in every about land window.

51 minutes ago, Zak Westminster said:

The person I sent an IM about having a platform 200m above their houseboat has not moved it yet but as it is Christmas I am giving them the benefit of the doubt - you know people are away and all. However if it is still there come New Year then it's time for me to raise a ticket.

don't get in residential drama .. just report it and let LL handle it.
There is no benedit of doubt. They agreed to to covenant.


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On 12/24/2019 at 4:55 PM, Pussycat Catnap said:

Linden Homes should be kept presentable and in theme to their unique areas.

Presentable is highly subjective. There’s a lot to be said for trying to err on both the ‘benefit of the doubt’ and the ‘live and let live’ side but some of it truly begs the question, ‘why am I paying literally a premium to “live“ next to *that*’.

47 minutes ago, Zak Westminster said:

I'd not be so lenient with something at ground level though especially if it were my pet hate of full bright textures - I don't live in a radioactive land!

I agree about the covenant but we do tick a box agreeing to ‘terms and conditions’ when we acquire the Linden Homes. Everyone is still racing to get them though so few read it then. But it’s OK to report blatant violations.  Full bright (and glow) on things that would not have these properties in a residential neighborhood, for instance? I am not sure that’s in the covenant but for me that does fall under keeping things presentable. I love ‘glowy and bright’ things in appropriate places and spaces in SL but in Bellisseria and other communities with covenants? I believe their use needs to follow TPO (Time, Place, Occasion) guidelines. A few glowy fireflies? Magical. The neighbor who goes all-out with the Christmas lights? Maybe groan about it and an eye roll privately but it’s not really out of ‘theme’, the rules limit the time frame so it’s ‘live and let live‘. (Don’t be a Humbug, Fauve!) But full bright snow masses covering a parcel? Full bright vegetation? Platforms in the no-build space? Laggy scripted things? Report.

The camping trailer areas I really full-on expected to be kind of loose in what people put out and they are but not even as much as I expected...encampments get a bit wild, and that’s fun and appropriate. Many houseboat communities are also known for their unique local flavor too. It’s expected for them to get a little funky and even weird, yes?  The Traditionals were going to get built out with all the crazy add-ons, for better or worse, who did not see that coming? In the Victorian subdivision, it seems a bit more gentrified, but not all of it. I know it’s probably not practical but I really wish we could pick our area, to let some sections be more funky or artsy, some more elegant, some very traditional, etc. If for instance the ‘seasonal decorators’ could choose to live near one another, a whole neighborhood would be lit for Christmas, worthy of a tour even. a neighborhood of ‘art houses’ could develop. There are probably down-sides to letting people choose so that’s why LL uses the random pick system. Just musing early on a Friday morning...

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One of the worst infractions I've seen has been the use of particles that haven't been limited to parcels...since they can wreck havoc, creating lag for other users. One several months ago was particularly bad, but I did talk to the owner and they did eventually fix it, as well as their music that wasn't limited to the parcel. Some of the falling snow people put up for Christmas decorations may have been similar in its impact.

Another bad inaction was a user putting up a big landscape screen on the back of their property, in violation of height limits as well as theme.

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I should have grabbed a picture but I just saw a gorgeous victorian plot that faced out to sea with a tiny edge of sand at the bottom of a green garden.  The owner had rezzed a parcel sized  thick prim with an ugly grass texture on so they had a completely flat garden hiding all the mole landscaping.  Such a shame.

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1 hour ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I should have grabbed a picture but I just saw a gorgeous victorian plot that faced out to sea with a tiny edge of sand at the bottom of a green garden.  The owner had rezzed a parcel sized  thick prim with an ugly grass texture on so they had a completely flat garden hiding all the mole landscaping.  Such a shame.

A few have done that with the Traditionals & Campers on sand lots and on some mountain-top lots.  It looks totally out of place to me.  If I lived next to such, I'd probably report it, with comments, and let LL decide.  By the same token, I'd also probably derender the grass prim, which might or might not make the rest of their landscaping look funny also.

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1 hour ago, Trinity1776 said:

One of the worst infractions I've seen has been the use of particles that haven't been limited to parcels...since they can wreck havoc, creating lag for other users.

Depending on how they are scripted, they could possibly cause script lag issues in the region.  The particles themselves though would only cause issues for anyone actually seeing them.  



1 hour ago, Trinity1776 said:

Another bad inaction was a user putting up a big landscape screen on the back of their property, in violation of height limits as well as theme.

Further proof that way too many folks are not actually reading the covenant - many likely don't even realize there is a covenant, despite ticking any little box on the agreement page.


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1 hour ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I should have grabbed a picture but I just saw a gorgeous victorian plot that faced out to sea with a tiny edge of sand at the bottom of a green garden.  The owner had rezzed a parcel sized  thick prim with an ugly grass texture on so they had a completely flat garden hiding all the mole landscaping.  Such a shame.

The worst is when they texture only the top, so the edges that's half way in the ground is default plywood.

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19 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

A few have done that with the Traditionals & Campers on sand lots and on some mountain-top lots.  It looks totally out of place to me.  If I lived next to such, I'd probably report it, with comments, and let LL decide.  By the same token, I'd also probably derender the grass prim, which might or might not make the rest of their landscaping look funny also.

I agree. If you have a sand parcel and cover it with a solid green prim, you are no longer in theme IMO. I've derendered so many grass prims and snow prims that I've lost count. The sad thing is that the prims I've seen have, without exception, looked totally inferior to original land that is being covered. It's a shame, really. 

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4 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

The worst is when they texture only the top, so the edges that's half way in the ground is default plywood.

Oh that's not just limited to those ground prims though... I've seen it on home-made walls, fences, even add-on rooms. I am trying really hard to get a nice houseboat at the moment because I've seen far less covenant violations from houseboats owners - I guess they can't screw up their yard if they don't have one 🤔

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Well, I've added grass to my sandy lot...I didn't consider that out of the covenant any more than any other landscaping, after all it's natural for there to be some grass in sandy soil...I did purchase one Marketplace grass item that ended up being a flat prim, but removed it pretty quickly as it didn't work with the Linden terrain. PS...I'd love to switch it out for some more "mowed" looking grass if I can find it.



Edited by Trinity1776
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35 minutes ago, Trinity1776 said:

Well, I've added grass to my sandy lot...I didn't consider that out of the covenant any more than any other landscaping, after all it's natural for there to be some grass in sandy soil...I did purchase one Marketplace grass item that ended up being a flat prim, but removed it pretty quickly as it didn't work with the Linden terrain. PS...I'd love to switch it out for some more "mowed" looking grass if I can find it.



There is a big difference in adding actual grass versus a large flat grassy textured prim across the entire lot, which is what I was referring to as looking so terribly out of place.

By the same token, it usually isn't something like Kentucky Bluegrass that we find growing in sand, but typically a drier, wilder type of grass that often doesn't provide full coverage of an area.   Those types of minor subtleties aren't an issue though, in my opinion.  

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5 hours ago, Zak Westminster said:

Problem is 99.9% of residents will never read the forums to see what is acceptable for festive decor and they probably have no idea what a land covenant is either.

The person I sent an IM about having a platform 200m above their houseboat has not moved it yet but as it is Christmas I am giving them the benefit of the doubt - you know people are away and all. However if it is still there come New Year then it's time for me to raise a ticket.

I'd not be so lenient with something at ground level though especially if it were my pet hate of full bright textures - I don't live in a radioactive land!

People don't get banned for having an AR submitted, their stuff just gets fixed.

Not sure why people have a problem using the system designed to clean up these issue to... clean up these issues.


4 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

Presentable is highly subjective. There’s a lot to be said for trying to err on both the ‘benefit of the doubt’ and the ‘live and let live’ side but some of it truly begs the question, ‘why am I paying literally a premium to “live“ next to *that*’.

One reason why it's better to file a ticket than confront someone. Let's the people who are paid to decide these things decide them.


Look at the painted lady issue of I think 2 weeks ago now... we had a lot of disagreement over that. The Lindens decided. AGAINST ME in fact... but that settled it. It's done, we move on; they made the call. We don't need to confront each other over it after that.

Granted that wasn't an AR. But it is an example of a subjective issue best left to the "authorities" because we would all have different ideas over not just whether or not it is acceptable, but then how much. With them making the call - the drama is not there.

Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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3 hours ago, Trinity1776 said:

One of the worst infractions I've seen has been the use of particles that haven't been limited to parcels...since they can wreck havoc, creating lag for other users.

Another bad inaction was a user putting up a big landscape screen on the back of their property, in violation of height limits as well as theme.

On mainland this is a common griefer tactic. Particle textures with political or hate slogans or crime scene photos are spammed out for several sims across.

I had THOUGHT that turning OFF object entry would stop this, is that not the case?


To my knowledge landscape screens are not allowed, period, in Bellisseria. Need to look at the covenant again.


3 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

The owner had rezzed a parcel sized  thick prim with an ugly grass texture on so they had a completely flat garden hiding all the mole landscaping.  Such a shame.

I am not sure if it is 100% inside the plot, but if it goes over the parcel boundary by so much as 0.001m, AR that bad boy. Also if the example of the sides of it being untextured shows up... AR it as a theme violation and hope the Moles agree.A

I think, but could be wrong; that the Moles would see this as very different from someone rezzing some mesh grass prims or a few bushes and trees.


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2 hours ago, Trinity1776 said:

Well, I've added grass to my sandy lot...I didn't consider that out of the covenant any more than any other landscaping, after all it's natural for there to be some grass in sandy soil...I did purchase one Marketplace grass item that ended up being a flat prim, but removed it pretty quickly as it didn't work with the Linden terrain. PS...I'd love to switch it out for some more "mowed" looking grass if I can find it.




This one from Violetility works great on sandy parcels: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Violetility-Mesh-Ground-Covers/9300841

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3 hours ago, Trinity1776 said:

Well, I've added grass to my sandy lot...I didn't consider that out of the covenant any more than any other landscaping, after all it's natural for there to be some grass in sandy soil...I did purchase one Marketplace grass item that ended up being a flat prim, but removed it pretty quickly as it didn't work with the Linden terrain. PS...I'd love to switch it out for some more "mowed" looking grass if I can find it.



This looks absolutely lovely just as it is and blends in so nicely!  Various Linden plants and trees in the photo are all shades of green, and living on a North Eastern Coast I see beach grass in all colors in sandy areas.  I wouldn’t mind knowing where your grass came from so I could give it a try, too!

Regarding other's comments:  True, owners that stretch 1 box prim corner to corner of the property line and drop a grass picture on it can at times make the property stand out like a postage stamp on a white envelope.  

Not everyone has the budget or experience for more advanced modern landscaping/decor.   Such actions are a great conversation starter with a new neighbor to pick up queues on your neighbor's experience/budget.  It may turn out what you're seeing is the best they know how to do or can afford.   If you don't like the look, one could always drop a dime on some grass and gift it to your new neighbor friend under the guise of “isn’t this amazing I got one for you to try, too”.    On the flip side of the coin, if you come over and tell me I'm driving the wrong car,  my color of grass is wrong or you don't like something on my property, we're not going to have a productive conversation.   When in doubt, AR it as a theme violation, but sometimes a hello neighbor can go a long ways too.


Edited by Mitch Merricks
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Sylvia, thanks for the recommendation on the ground cover. Will try it. Didn't even think of searching for "ground cover" @ the Marketplace! Just put in an order for the ground cover ($L50) the four packages of LISP mesh drapes ($L100 total) and a couple of the Antique Artistry mesh kitchens ($L99 each). That's a lot of bang for the buck.

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If you go to Reid Parkin's store and click on his soil and sand, big mesh ground covers, they are free. Well, many are free. That big sand beach is, I am sure of it. Organic forms are great to texture with grass because you don't have the terrible angles. If you have a flat mesh like that, you can plant grass and place rocks over the edges. If you don't have money for textures, the library textures of grass isn't bad with adjusting of repeats and tweaking a bit with some yellowish color.

I am reposting this from a previous house. The dark brown rock texture was covering a corner of the garden. I use one of the free meshes from Reid and did this:

Pic one is how it was.

In the second pic, I had laid the mesh and was experimenting with repeat and color tweaking. I did not care that the mesh was big, I pushed it under the house. I was rotating it until I was happy.

The third one shows the finished tinted and textured mesh, and the decor. Maybe a solution for those who want a bit of solid green to place the furniture on.

Edit: It is a library texture. Many grass textures show patterns when repeated. The library textures are subtle.





Edited by Marianne Little
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5 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

I agree. If you have a sand parcel and cover it with a solid green prim, you are no longer in theme IMO. I've derendered so many grass prims and snow prims that I've lost count. The sad thing is that the prims I've seen have, without exception, looked totally inferior to original land that is being covered. It's a shame, really. 

That’s why I gave up my gorgeous sandy parcel in Granby Court, because I love lush green. Fortunately my alt landed a similar green spot up in Bertram; otherwise I would have been kicking myself for giving up such a lovely spot on my main account. 

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7 minutes ago, LuLu Starbrook said:

That’s why I gave up my gorgeous sandy parcel in Granby Court, because I love lush green. Fortunately my alt landed a similar green spot up in Bertram; otherwise I would have been kicking myself for giving up such a lovely spot on my main account. 

I did the same with the awesome beach house I had in Dorma. I ultimately decided my preference for a green lawn was more important to me than being on the water. I've not once regretted giving up that home, though. I figure the person who got it probably thought they'd hit the jackpot!

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On 12/27/2019 at 10:01 AM, Trinity1776 said:

Well, I've added grass to my sandy lot...I didn't consider that out of the covenant any more than any other landscaping, after all it's natural for there to be some grass in sandy soil...I did purchase one Marketplace grass item that ended up being a flat prim, but removed it pretty quickly as it didn't work with the Linden terrain. PS...I'd love to switch it out for some more "mowed" looking grass if I can find it.



IMO, in your photo it looks like your grass blends fairly well into the surrounding environment. Were it me, I might tint it ever so slighty with a very desaturated brown/grey and I definitely would not go for a mown lawn look on that lot unless you put down edging of some kind (again just an opinion)...but even as-is, it still doesn’t make my eyes stop and think ‘Wait, what’s that thing’ in any kind of negative way. 

Regarding my snow neighbor, I know that taste is very subjective, so I spoke to one of them and sure enough there’s big sentiment behind the snow, she loves it and her partner ‘decorated it all up for her’ and won’t be back until after New Year’s Day. I told her the heavy snow is in violation of the covenant. She replied that she will have her partner ‘speak to a Mole when he returns’. Next time I see such blatant violation, especially when the owners aren’t newbies, I’m just going to report it and not start a dialogue.

I have learned to ignore and derender some things. If most people think it’s ‘not too bad’ I’m usually ok to also go along...but when it’s this much of an actual violation, I do think it needs to be reported. If people don’t wish to generally follow the covenant, Bellisseria might not be a good fit for them. I decided very quickly that the camping areas were not for me because of what many of the neighbors put down in those areas. I’m really hoping there is good code enforcement in the Victorian areas.

How has it actually worked out for people who have reported covenant violations? Were the out of code items removed? How quickly? 

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1 hour ago, Fauve Aeon said:

How has it actually worked out for people who have reported covenant violations? Were the out of code items removed? How quickly? 

In my case, not quickly enough haha. I know there's still a few things I sent in an AR about (display car parked on the road blocking one lane for example) that haven't been removed, and it's been months. When LL first started releasing regions one at a time - a lot of people who got riverside homes started putting up docks on public land. LL removed them all, but since then one cheeky sod has put one back out - but made it all invisible, so you can't see it, but you can run into it.

To me that just seems petty - I mean, what is the use in an invisible structure like that? The picture you posted with the home and parcel covered in snow like that - I've counted about 50 places like this. The problem is, people click the little checkbox to say they've read the terms and conditions on getting one of these homes, when in fact they haven't - and many are of the opinion that "I paid for this land, I can do what I want with it". Unfortunately, I can see this problem only getting worse as more and more people grab homes without understanding what their responsibilities are in living in Bellisseria :(

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I'm out flying around tonight and I run into this spinning over someone's houseboat:



I report that and continue flying.  A bit later, I run into this snowstorm - with an actual huge storm cloud around the 40m height - also promptly reported:


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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57 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I'm out flying around tonight and I run into this spinning over someone's houseboat:



I report that and continue flying.  A bit later, I run into this snowstorm - with an actual huge storm cloud around the 40m height - also promptly reported:


Thanks for doing that, Lil! Also, WTF, is that snow cloud over SAND??

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