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Linking piercings to ears problem


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Hi! I hope I'm asking this in the right place, please let me know if I'm not!

I have the Canis Bento head by Cerberus/BBMM and am trying to attach some unrigged piercings to the ears that come with it. I have done this in the past and have been successful, but I'm having some trouble this time. I placed all the piercings where I want them to go (see pic one) and have gone into edit and linked them all to each other, then to the ears. But when I attach them to my head, they are not where I have attached them (see pic two). Instead, they are floating in space to the side of my head (see pic three).

Is there something I've done wrong? Or is there something I need to do instead to make this work?

pierced ears.png

not pierced.png

floating piercings.png

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3 answers to this question

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The placement of the mesh while not attached to an avatar is not accurate, because they are rigged and so their visual placement is based on the avatar's "skeleton," which is affected by your shape. You need to adjust the piercings after you have linked and worn the ears. (Your piercings won't move with the ears either, if they are animated, because your piercings aren't rigged to the ears. They might follow one of the ears, if the attachment point itself is animated.)

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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I haven't tried to do this with mesh items, so Wulfie may be right.

But, even with ordinary prims, 1) I don't think you can link or unlink objects while one of them is being worn, and 2) by linking them, you may have changed the object's "center", which is what the system uses to determine an object's position relative to an attachment point.

If Wulfie's method doesn't work, try this...

  1. Make a copy of the ears (if they are copiable).
  2. Drag the copy from inventory and place on the ground or a surface.
    1. By inspection, determine if the ears have an invisible root prim, or prims.  If so, unlink it/them.  Don't discard it, though.
  3. Rez your hardware and edit it into position.  Move the hardware, not the ears.
  4. When all is arranged to your liking, re-link the assembly.  Select the root prim LAST.  If there is no invisible root prim, select the ear last.
  5. Take the modified ears back into inventory.  Re-name as desired.
  6. Right click and Add the ears to the desired attachment point(s).  The jewelry and the ears should all be together, but the position on your head could be considerably off.
  7. Use the Edit tools to edit the ears into the correct position.  Right click and Detach.  They should return to that position in the future.
Edited by Lindal Kidd
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16 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I haven't tried to do this with mesh items, so Wulfie may be right.

Yes, Wulfie is right. You could attach those ears to the feet, but they would still show up on and follow the head.

21 hours ago, JhaelynStar said:

Is there something I've done wrong? Or is there something I need to do instead to make this work?

Try this: atach the unmodified ears first, then attach each piercing separately (not linked together) to their intended ear's attachment point. After this, they will need to be moved into position. Attachment points are children of the ears, so any animation on the main ear bones will be reflected in those attachments and, therefore, your unrigged piercing will follow.

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