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Our Weirdness

Beth Macbain

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2 minutes ago, Eva Knoller said:

Laughing for the folder names, not the headache. Imagine if we could pay someone to organize our inventory... they’d be so SL rich!

That would be amazzzzzzzzzzzzing!

And those folders don't even include the freaking "objects" folder, and the other folder names "shizz to do whatever with from objects folder". 

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8 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

In theory, I move all new items into my "new shizz to sort" folder. Within that folder are hundreds of things just sitting there, as well as folders and subfolders and have things in them. There is also the "old new stuff" folder, and the "old older new stuff folder". 

It gives me a headache just thinking about it. 

although I don't move new items into any folder like that, i often end up with such folders when I want to rearrange my inventory. Sometime ago I discovered a series of nested folders in my Home & Garden main folder: Things to sort / Deco / All unsorted deco / deco to sort / I don't know what is in there / new deco


I also like to shop alone, going clockwise. I am never fully satisfied with my land / home / skybox and usually when I am around 90% done with decorating, I remove everything and redecorate or change places. I hate having a tall avatar because it bothers me when my height is not realistic and I hate that I am too small to use most of furniture like a normal person (thankfully, some are mod). I never do events which are hunts, I just don't and I don't know why. And there is probably more.


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I'm like @Eva Knoller and @janetosilio - I have been a box hoarder since the very beginning of my time in SL.  Sometimes I tell myself I should just delete the backups folder since I very rarely have to go back and re-open anything. But I can't do it.  Just like it's really hard for me to delete anything, even things I don't like. I'm just a pack rat I guess. I still have almost everything I ever bought. The nearest I can get to deleting is the "meh" folder of things I know I will most likely never wear or use. I am trying to cure myself of this with new purchases because my inventory is totally unmanageable right now.  I have monthly folders in my "new" folder going back 2 years of things I have not put away yet.

On the other hand, I'm very flexible when it comes to shopping.  I can do it with people although I mostly do it by myself.  Sometimes I cam, sometimes I walk.  My fave is when all the vendors are approximately the same height and I can walk with a shift arrow and see everything as i stroll along. Sometimes I go right sometimes I go left, and sometimes I just dive in at the middle and run around here and there as I see things that I want to look at more closely. I mostly use marketplace when I know exactly what I want. For browsing, I prefer to shop in world.

I do most of my shopping while I host.  I see people wearing things I like, I inspect them, and then off to the marketplace to get it. either that or I wait til my shift is over and then off to the in-world site to get it and see what else I might like.

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19 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

In theory, I move all new items into my "new shizz to sort" folder. Within that folder are hundreds of things just sitting there, as well as folders and subfolders and have things in them. There is also the "old new stuff" folder, and the "old older new stuff folder". 

It gives me a headache just thinking about it. 

Sounds kind of like my inventory.


Some things do not get upacked right away - those go into a semi-structured "To Sort" folder - I say 'semi-structured' because there are sub-folders and sub-sub-folders, organized kind of like my main inventory.

Some things I unpack as soon as I get them - and if I do unpack them, they will get properly filed and, in most case, the box deleted.  Exception to the box deletes are things that I might not be able to get a redelivery on and actually care - Premium gifts are now in that list since I regretted deleted a few older boxes a while back.

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Reading all these posts from people who shop clockwise made me stop to think about what I do, which turns out to be pretty random.  I can turn either right or left without upsetting my sense that one direction is "better" than the other. 

However, I have always been frustrated by the fact that my global sense of direction is completely bonkers in SL.  One direction may not be "better," but I can't tell you which direction it is either.   I have to keep my minimap open all the time so that I don't ... get lost.  It's a really weird feeling.

I have been blessed with a strong sense of direction in RL, to the extent that I almost always refer to places as "east of X" or "three miles southwest of Y" rather than saying "take a right turn at Z".  I was well into my teens before I realized that people weren't joking when they said that they get lost.  I always know which way I am facing .... in RL.  So it frustrates me to have almost no sense of direction in SL.

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This topic just made me realize: I think I have always shopped every RL grocery store ever in a counterclockwise direction! I know when I'm shopping with someone else who starts "backwards" it has always made me feel off! Good grief. More need for therapy sessions...

Edited by Seicher Rae
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9 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Good grief. More need for therapy sessions...

   Pops on his spectacles and leans back, notepad and pen in hand. So, tell me how you felt when last you went shopping with someone whom you thought did so backwards, and how you handled the situation ...

   ... Okay, I'm not great, but I'm affordable!

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15 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

This topic just made me realize: I think I have always shopped every RL grocery store ever in a counterclockwise direction! I know when I'm shopping with someone else who starts "backwards" it has always made me feel off! Good grief. More need for therapy sessions...

I do shop RL grocery stores counterclockwise, but in SL I sometimes go one way and sometimes the other.  I will get quite frustrated if the layout of something in SL is such that any sort of clockwise/counterclockwise is difficult.

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   To be fair, when I go shopping for groceries I tend to run back and forth like a lost pinball. Mostly because I'll stroll half-way through the store before having decided on what I'll want to get for dinner. Then I realize I'll want sausages, which are at the front, so I run back there, then I want hotdog buns, so I run to the bread department which is half-way through the store, then I realize I need mustard which is also by the entrance. Then I figure I'll need some milk, so I run to the dairy section at the far back of the store, but then I realize I want cheese, which is all the way back where the sausages were, then I'll want something to drink which is next to the dairy section again, and then I realize that I need blackpepper which is just opposite to the mustard shelf ...

   When I go shopping with my classmate, she usually loses track of me within 30 seconds as I've ran off to look for olives that are by the exit of the store, then I'll zoom past her as I double back for noodles, and a few moments later she'll find me trying to fit more bottles of Julmust in my basket even when it's past full.

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3 hours ago, Amina Sopwith said:

Could someone tell me a bit more about this face skewing thing? Is this how I can lose that cold, overly perfect supermodel look that I don't like? 

There are a couple of sliders for this. The best one (I think) in in the HEAD tab, I believe it's the last one called "Face Shear" I add ten point to the default (50) - to my face is *very subtly) skewer toward my left. eyes are centered, but as it goes down to my mouth, the lips very so slightly to the left and if you look closely, you can see it in my left eye (slightly less-open and slightly higher than my right eye) and my mouth is not centered  under my *eyes* - think of the straight line dividing your face in half. The bottom of that line is shifted when you do a "face shear".

Edit to update: Just checked: Head Tab, sixth slider down, below Head Length and above Forehead Angle. And I have it set to 55 in this picture, not 60 :)

In this picture, rather than shifted to one side, it appears that the left side of my face is "higher" than the right side. Can you see it? (This is what only 10 points will do (60 on slider) - it's very subtle, but now that you know it's there, you should be able to see it LOL:

Feng Shui 01

You also can shift only part of your face, if desired: Eyes Pop (one larger than the other), Nose: Shift, Lips shift. When you do those then only that facial part is affected. Face Shear affect the whole face in a balanced, natural way. Of course the idea is to be *very subtle*. Though you can do a full "deformity" if you want to go that route.

As for the slider - adding point shifts it to your left, subtracting points shifts it to your right.


I reset my face-shear to 60 points and figured I'd take a new picture (with facial AO off) so you can see it better. I put on a pair of glasses (that are perfectly-fit, because SL) so you can see the difference in the eyes also.

Face Shear Example


Edited by Alyona Su
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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:


That's freaking BRILLIANT! ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG. I'm going to start doing this!! I love it!! For realsies!! 

It helps a little, If I know I just bought something recently, it cuts way down on how much stuff I have to look at before I find it.

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2 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:


That's freaking BRILLIANT! ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG. I'm going to start doing this!! I love it!! For realsies!! 

I buy stuff, I unpack asap,  and create an outfit asap. I record the outfit on my word file of outfits, listed numerically. I file the purchase in the appropriate folder. In the case of hair, I change the name to reflect the style and mark out of five.

I move on. OCD has benefits. 😜

Edited by BelindaN
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I mostly look up anything I need on Flickr, add it to my wishlists there, go to said events, area search > title of the item > right click > buy > bye

lol i mostly buy from the mainstream creators of sl, no use in demoing anything from them. stuff like blueberry will never disappoint. i just grab fatpacks and go. lol

also sometimes i go to events on my animesh horse, some would think because i want to be fancy, but it's actually much easier to run around lol. and also because i want to be fancy :3 



p.s. to my shame  i never sort anything in my inventory. i just use the vendor pics and upload them to my cts visual wardrobe. i also have a stupid good memory and just remember titles by heart. also, more or less known inventory hack. always keep your Recent tab on a custom setting where you input the start date like 9999 days and it automatically sorts your items from the latest, most recent one (at the top) to the first one you ever bought (at the bottom) also if you right click folders (properties) it will show you the date of purchase sooo that's how you sort the items by date foreverrr. lol

p.s. II also to my shame yet again i have no patience with collecting gifts or hunt items the way they should be. i just tp in, area search > title of gift box > cam out reaally far > wait like 30 sec for all items to show > ctrl+a > touch > collect them as they spam me rushing in > tp out and unbox in peace. lol


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When I log into SL the first thing I do is go to all my properties and check them out.  Don't know why I do this , it's not like anyone can take anything (unless you are LL of course) , but I still have to go there and make sure all is well.  And I ALWAYS have to log out at one of my homes.

I am also one that likes to shop by myself.  I do cam shop, but I also do like walking around and checking things out.  Either one will depend on where I am and how many people are there.  Sometimes I will wait till an event is almost over before going so that I can walk around and buy things that way.

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I can’t stand hunts. A long time ago Ricielli used to just have items all around the store you could just pick up for free. It’d be a normal color, but just that one item.

Now....ugh I’m not doing area searches and going into wireframe mode to find some odd colored pants that I’ll never wear.

Just can’t bring myself to do them anymore.

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9 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

A long time ago Ricielli used to just have items all around the store you could just pick up for free.

   These days they at least have all their old hunts gathered in one place, so that you can pick them up for cheap. It's in one of their 'old stuff outlet' buildings opposite to the main store.

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12 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   These days they at least have all their old hunts gathered in one place, so that you can pick them up for cheap. It's in one of their 'old stuff outlet' buildings opposite to the main store.

No, no I love Ricielli and still shop there. I’m just saying they did hunts in a way I enjoyed and it didn’t feel like I was wasting my time getting someone’s failed texture experiment.

I think I’m being weird because people loooove hunts. When I hear about them, I throw up in my mouth a little.

Edited by janetosilio
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