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How are you feeling today?

Beth Macbain

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23 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:







I wish I had such dainty snakes! It's in the 80s here in my neck of the woods and my backyard is currently overtaken with very large but mostly harmless rat snakes. I don't kill them, but I do put out a snake deterrent mix to keep them away from the back of my home.  My house is between a field and a water supply so they are always trekking between the two places. 

Edited by Gage Wirefly
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My sweetheart just sent me this and I'm seeing a lot of myself in it. For introverts, lockdown is a chance to play to our strengths.


This mess isn't easy on any of us, but I can't imagine how awful it would be to be an extrovert right now. They have my sympathies, but also... hahahahahahaha. 

The article gave me a little boost for the day - hopefully it might help some of you feel a little better as well.

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5 hours ago, Gage Wirefly said:

I wish I had such dainty snakes! It's in the 80s here in my neck of the woods and my backyard is currently overtaken with very large but mostly harmless rat snakes. I don't kill them, but I do put out a snake deterrent mix to keep them away from the back of my home.  My house is between a field and a water supply so they are always trekking between the two places. 

I live right on the lake so we get all kinds of critters here. Mostly, our snakes are harmless, except ones like massasauga, which is pretty venomous (and not actually supposed to be this far north, but it is).  In the last couple of years they found a super venomous snake (I forgot the name, lol) here that definitely doesn't even belong in the US, much less HERE. We don't even have the right environment or weather..but, alas, it's made home here anyway.  We get notices every time they find one here, because they're super dangerous and sometimes look dead when they're not. 

We do have a ton of garter snakes who try to pretend they're vicious, but...come on, lmao.  She was still pretty young in that picture, maybe two, at most. She's not a whole lot bigger now, garters don't get that big really. She's a sweetheart of a snake though, I love her. 

But we have other critters who cause problems, more so for themselves than us (and by us I mean us humans who don't act like jackholes around animals just doing animal stuff, which sadly doesn't include a lot of the population). We even have lockdown procedures for things like bears (because yes, that happens, and people are stupid when they see bears) and other animals. The wild turkey are jerks but, kinda in their nature to be so. The deer wander like they own the joint...and they do. They're the main reason our side gate is left open because when they try to jump the fence they get hurt...because they're not smart, and we have wild grape vines on the far back fence they love to eat. 

The insects and spiders are more problematic than any animal here though. Brown recluse are a huge issue, and the skeeters are just ...well...me, in insect form...obnoxious af. 


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Yup, this. And to burn off some steam I've crossed Forum swords with some real... [insert expletive of choice] today.  All the while thinking to myself, "Why? Why are you annoying yourself doing this?" because you know that no minds are ever changed. The only answer I could come up with is "because I feel stabby."

Basically the reasons are the same as always. Sometimes the feelings come out as hide and/or mope and sometimes... sharp and pointy.

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13 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Looks like German, possibly.

I believe it is, lol

4 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

You just give 'em some honey and snuggle with 'em, right?

The humans or the bears?

With the bears...definitely 😄

The humans, on the other hand..require some choice words...a group of angry folks...some darts....some blindfolds and a long ride down a dark dusty highway...cool wind in...ffs self....get it together......a long ride somewhere remote, and no way back. 

or......yeah, something like that

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Mildly angry.  Someone decided to pick a fight with me.  Long story I won't go into.  Yesterday I was highly amused by it but ignored it.  I know he wants a reaction and the sensible thing is to ignore it as that will annoy him more because he likes to feel important but I have sort of slept since and want to rip his man parts off and feed them to him with an audience but I don't think theres an animation for this yet :D  I need to be clever about this.   I don't often encounter these things but when I do, I  normally walk away and don't give them what they want but the world is different right now and its affecting my ability to keep my gob shut.  🤐

It's Sunday so I should get to hang out with my best friend and he has a clever knack of  talking me down.   It's a listen to rock kind of day.

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5 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Mildly angry.  Someone decided to pick a fight with me.  Long story I won't go into.  Yesterday I was highly amused by it but ignored it.  I know he wants a reaction and the sensible thing is to ignore it as that will annoy him more because he likes to feel important but I have sort of slept since and want to rip his man parts off and feed them to him with an audience but I don't think theres an animation for this yet :D  I need to be clever about this.   I don't often encounter these things but when I do, I  normally walk away and don't give them what they want but the world is different right now and its affecting my ability to keep my gob shut.  🤐

It's Sunday so I should get to hang out with my best friend and he has a clever knack of  talking me down.   It's a listen to rock kind of day.

Oh, I hate that feeling of knowing you should walk away but really really really wanting to do otherwise. I hate the situation because in some ways it is lose-lose. Sure, walking away might get them to shut up and move along, but then you're left feeling somewhat powerless to express your anger, hurt or whatever. Express those thoughts and feelings and you're still giving the tw4twaffle power, and often prolonging things. grrrrr

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5 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Mildly angry.  Someone decided to pick a fight with me.  Long story I won't go into.  Yesterday I was highly amused by it but ignored it.  I know he wants a reaction and the sensible thing is to ignore it as that will annoy him more because he likes to feel important but I have sort of slept since and want to rip his man parts off and feed them to him with an audience but I don't think theres an animation for this yet :D  I need to be clever about this.   I don't often encounter these things but when I do, I  normally walk away and don't give them what they want but the world is different right now and its affecting my ability to keep my gob shut.  🤐

It's Sunday so I should get to hang out with my best friend and he has a clever knack of  talking me down.   It's a listen to rock kind of day.

Yes. It is a listen to rock kind of day 😃 (Dude looks like a lady just came on the radio and I am going to go and dance with the floor mop.)

And yes, some men are deserving of having their balls nailed to a table. But leave him/them to karma, my darling. Your energy and time is better used elsewhere. 

Edited by Marigold Devin
dude looks like a lady came on the radio
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13 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Feeling sad and disturbed because I really didn't need to see the disgusting animal abuse spam, at any time let alone first thing in the morning. I wish the moderators would wake up (literally) and get to it. I hate people.

My report post finger went into overdrive with all that and  I have vaped far more CBD than I probably should. 

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Just now, Marigold Devin said:

I have also submitted a support ticket

When I did that last time they sorted it right away once support opened even though many people jumped on me and told me it wasn't the right place to report it 🙄

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24 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

When I did that last time they sorted it right away once support opened even though many people jumped on me and told me it wasn't the right place to report it 🙄

Yep, no doubt I would be jumped on too. 

I can take it.

THE SPAMMER HAS GONE - at least for now. 


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So back to business.

How am I feeling today?

Disgusted mainly, obviously, BUT uplifted by some exceptionally wonderful friends, who have supported me these past few weeks. I could have so easily have hanged myself from my second floor balcony about 5 weeks ago, for absolutely ridiculous reasons, that I have been able to see. It is vile to feel so down, but I know I went through much worse things in my life, and the perpetrator(s) of my misery, just like previous perpetrators of my misery, are/shall facing/face karma.  

And when my time does come, that will be meant to be, but I do not envisage that to be until at least 41 more years have passed.

Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we are so cluttered in our minds that is is hard to see.

COVID-19 has had a happy side effect for me, giving me breathing space and thinking time. I have never been so mellow and clear-headed in my entire life. Long may that continue!

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2 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

Feeling sad and disturbed because I really didn't need to see the disgusting animal abuse spam, at any time let alone first thing in the morning. I wish the moderators would wake up (literally) and get to it. I hate people.

I woke up to that in my email and was like WTF????? I'm so glad it was taken down and the person who posted should have the same thing happen to him and we'll see who's laughing then. *shakes my head and sighs*

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And now to how I'm feeling. Alone, vulnerable, just plain yucky. I don't even have the energy to get out of my pajamas or do anything. IF I could sleep all night it would be a wonderful thing. 2 to 3 hours and I'm up. I hate this! I just wanna cry and rail against everything and slam my fists on something. I feel like I'm slowly and quietly going crazy..........*sighs*

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1 hour ago, Annie Nova said:

And now to how I'm feeling. Alone, vulnerable, just plain yucky. I don't even have the energy to get out of my pajamas or do anything. IF I could sleep all night it would be a wonderful thing. 2 to 3 hours and I'm up. I hate this! I just wanna cry and rail against everything and slam my fists on something. I feel like I'm slowly and quietly going crazy..........*sighs*

Cat nap if you can at some point. It's how I got back into a half-decent sleeping pattern, sleeping when my body and mind told me to, not when society/family dictated it.  

Your emotions are normal - it isn't YOU that's going crazy, it really is the rest of the world. 

If it's any consolation, I have been wearing my nightdress all day, and the sky hasn't fallen in. I even took a bag of recycling out to the collection point, in full view of about 70 other properties, and the clothing police did not come along and arrest me.

Be comfortable, be kind to yourself, and do try for some cat naps.  

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I'm still feeling stabby. I guess that goes to my AR button finger, too. Not only about the recent idiot with the site-wide spam, but I've ARed a few others and they... remain. This leaves me feeling particularly stabby, because in all of my years in the SL Forum I have rarely ever ARed anything (except like the blatant spam we just had). So to have crap still up that I wasted my good finger jabs at "report"... sigh and grr. The problem with living alone is there is no one to stab. Virtual stabbing isn't as satisfying. I'm thinking all sorts of politically incorrect things, and wishing all sorts of karmic bad things (which will no doubt boomerang).

The local store with delivery service finally showed that flour was available. I've been watching. I bake sourdough, and have before it got to be what people do when locked up in confinement. My poor starter is ailing. So anyway, I didn't really need more groceries but I ordered flour and added a few things. Guess what they were out of? Flour. And a lot of other things, some of which I got substitutions on some I didn't. This isn't helping my stabbiness. I do have a big package of TP though, from an earlier delivery, but that's not helping my sourdough starter.

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