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How are you feeling today?

Beth Macbain

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4 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

You want a massage, some morphine, or both?

Unfortunately I can provide neither, but I would if I could!

/me waves arms frantically in air

"Me! Me! Me! Both please!" Hot stone massage and a gallon of morphine on a drip please.

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1 hour ago, Selene Gregoire said:

I'll take accupressure and morphine for $500 Alex


5 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

"Me! Me! Me! Both please!" Hot stone massage and a gallon of morphine on a drip please.

I’d totally take care of both of you, and @kali Wylder, too, but I threw my back out.


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1st of May *muted yay*  I should be getting excited that I would be going on my first holiday abroad to Spain in 10 years in 3 weeks time but instead we have this thing.  I am just hoping the airline will cancel my flights which they are only doing on a rolling weekly basis.  Once THEY actually cancel, I can claim my money back.  I have had the ransom emails offering me a voucher if I cancel but to be used within 12 months.  Its a lot of money; over £1600 plus more for the airport parking I paid for because its a peak time period (school holidays).  I don't want a voucher because I don't know when in the next 12 months I can book  again.  

I had the weirdest dream last night too. One of those where you wake up with a shock thinking you are still in the dream.  I was trying to escape all these wild animals that were going to kill me and were mutating and doubling every time I escaped one.  Today is the first day I have really felt I need to get out of this house and do something normal.  I wasn't on the higher risk 12 week lockdown list just on the high risk but initially decided I was going to do and could do the 12 weeks anyway.  Just over halfway and nah I was wrong.  I am not going to last another 6 weeks without going somewhere, anywhere.  Maybe I would feel better if it wasn't so dull, overcast and cold.  My condition reacts to the weather, worsens when its bad and improves when its warm.  We had some great weather recently and I was feeling ok.  *Sighs*  Spain at the end of May would have been so warm and sunny and vibrant and full of life.  

I want to rant at everyone, stamp my foot and throw a diva flounce.  I better sit on my fingers before firing off responses to some forum posts 😇

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Feeling kinda 💩 today :( 

I tried dying my hair dark blue irl (my hair is naturally dark brown but I had blonde highlights put in about 6/7 months ago & by this point they’re mostly all washed out) so I thought why not. 
Only the tips of my hair have turned blue though :((

Oh how I cannot wait for lockdown to be done with.

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1 hour ago, InventedSuicide said:

Feeling kinda 💩 today :( 

I tried dying my hair dark blue irl (my hair is naturally dark brown but I had blonde highlights put in about 6/7 months ago & by this point they’re mostly all washed out) so I thought why not. 
Only the tips of my hair have turned blue though :((

Oh how I cannot wait for lockdown to be done with.

if it makes you feel better, at least you HAVE hair to dye!  I've been shaving my head for 20 years+  !

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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Turns out I have the flu! 

I didn't respond with a sad face, because while having the flu sucks... I know you were worried about it being coronavirus. So flu is rather good news. Sucky good news. I hope you feel better soon.

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I really thought I was not going to be terribly affected by the whole social isolation thing because my normal life is so incredibly isolated. I was wrong. I'm going stir crazy like everyone else. My mood and sleep are affected like everyone else's. sigh

It isn't all coronavirus related angst. My guess is about 30% is COVID-19 and the rest is just "normal" meh.

Physically I'm feeling craptastic. I have not completely recovered from whatever it was/wasn't that sent me to the ER last week. There is physical pain... even more than normal of my legs/left arm! Oh joy. I did get some prescriptions to help with the pain and symptoms, and they do work, but they make me so sleepy and groggy and mind foggy. We've also just had months and months of miserable gray days, and even my "happy" light can't combat all of that gloom.

Edited by Seicher Rae
I can no longer do noun/verb agreement. Ever.
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I, too, am considering ordering some Manic Panic in some outrageous purple shade and just being a freak with it. I've done wild colors before but also applied by my niece, the professional stylist. Alas, her shop is in another county, hairdressers are still closed down, AND she's pregnant. I don't dare consider telling her what I'm considering doing. She'd be horrified... lol. I haven't even confessed that I trimmed my own hair last week. My favorite was when she gave me "oil slick" hair... 


(not me but it was very close to this... my hair is longer and curlier)

I'm still moody, but not quite as bad as I was, and I don't think I'm alone in this isolated boat - a peek at other threads shows that others are a bit testy right now, too. I think it's to be expected and is perfectly reasonable that we're all a bit snappish right now. I'm trying hard not to let it color my opinion of anyone because we're all there. Except that one dude. He's an ass, but that was also my opinion of him before this virus mess. 

I'm thankful that the mods seem to understand, and I'm sure they're all feeling in themselves in various ways as well, and are letting us be unless things take a really ugly turn. The world is icky right now and we deserve to be a little bit b*tchy. If ever a situation warranted it, its being stuck in the bloody middle of this bloody pandemic. 

I think most of us have shown that we can have disagreements on here, even pretty heated ones, and still not absolutely hate each other when it's all over and done. 

I've been overly sentimental and introspective, too. Too much time to think. I burst into tears yesterday because I was recording a donation in our database, and the donor wrote "hang in there" in the memo field. I don't know why it made me cry, but I was full on blubbering. Felt good to just not hold it in and let the tears flow. And then I decided I needed some classic rock... "Alexa, play the Beatles". "She's Leaving Home by the Beatles"... and Beth sobs again. "Okay, Alexa, play the Rolling Stones..." "Goooooooooooooooodbye, Ruby Tuesday, who could hang a name on you..." "Alexa, next!" "It is the evening of the daaaaaaaaay... I sit and watch the children plaaaaaaay... smiling faces I can see, but not for me... I sit and watch as tears go by..." "FRICK! Alexa, play Queen!" "I'll soon be turning, round the corner now, outside the dawn is breaking, but inside in the dark I'm aching to be free..." 


I'm worried sick about some people, both in RL and here in SL. @Alyona Su ... @Orwar... even @Luna Bliss, who I've probably had the biggest most awful fights with, wasn't around for a while and it freaked me out. Now is just not the time for people to be disappearing, damn it. Won't they think about me?? Seriously, though... I hope everyone is well and safe. 

I just tried making a grocery delivering order because I don't want to go out even though it's sunny and beautiful. Then i deleted it because I just wasn't happy with it. I'll order something for delivery tonight and try again tomorrow. 

It's just all a big cluster of thoughts, and feelings, and emotions. I want this Merry Go Round to freaking stop. I want some stability. No, it's not a Merry Go Round... it's one of those rides where the floor moves below you and you can't get your balance. I have trouble balancing on the very best of days, and this being unbalanced while the entire world is unbalanced is just exhausting. 

I'm tired of being tired.

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I woke up thinking about this thread, which is weird.

What I was thinking was not weird, however, so I think I'll share.

I have a love/hate relationship with Forums, especially SL Forums, whether official or not. They are beneficial for me and they can be so not.

Like any computer, virtual, community forum, it is easy to forget that there are people behind the monitors. It is like abstract thoughts just float onto the monitors. Sure, different posters have different styles, different beliefs, and all of that, but there's still a sense of the other in the whole thing. (At least for me.)

Now, intellectually I think most of us know there are humans making the posts, and I think the majority care about that. I just think in the day-to-day posting, reading, responding, processing, we're more focused on our own human's words/thoughts/being than the humanity of who is slapping up other comments.

This thread reminds us of the humanity of people not us. <--- Main point

I worry sometimes that people who do not post are reading things here, and I wonder what they are doing with the information I've posted... but that lasts about 37 seconds. Eff 'em if they want to mock and feel superior. If I really cared about those unseen judgey folks then I would not post. Posting in this thread has made me kinder in the other threads. Kinda kinder, this thread isn't a miracle worker, there shall always be amusing, articulate snarks to people who are really tw4twaffles on both sides of the screen.

Every person is living a story. So many stories... I try to remember that my belief is to come at everybody with respect until proven the person doesn't deserve it.

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14 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

My favorite was when she gave me "oil slick" hair... 



Ooooooh. Dooo eeet! Love this. If I did this I'd look like I have more mental issues than I actually do, but I'd love to do this. That kinda is my hair, although mine is much finer. :::envy:::

And yes, the missing folks are worrisome.

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35 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I, too, am considering ordering some Manic Panic in some outrageous purple shade and just being a freak with it. I've done wild colors before but also applied by my niece, the professional stylist. Alas, her shop is in another county, hairdressers are still closed down, AND she's pregnant. I don't dare consider telling her what I'm considering doing. She'd be horrified... lol. I haven't even confessed that I trimmed my own hair last week. My favorite was when she gave me "oil slick" hair... 


(not me but it was very close to this... my hair is longer and curlier)

I'm still moody, but not quite as bad as I was, and I don't think I'm alone in this isolated boat - a peek at other threads shows that others are a bit testy right now, too. I think it's to be expected and is perfectly reasonable that we're all a bit snappish right now. I'm trying hard not to let it color my opinion of anyone because we're all there. Except that one dude. He's an ass, but that was also my opinion of him before this virus mess. 

I'm thankful that the mods seem to understand, and I'm sure they're all feeling in themselves in various ways as well, and are letting us be unless things take a really ugly turn. The world is icky right now and we deserve to be a little bit b*tchy. If ever a situation warranted it, its being stuck in the bloody middle of this bloody pandemic. 

I think most of us have shown that we can have disagreements on here, even pretty heated ones, and still not absolutely hate each other when it's all over and done. 

I've been overly sentimental and introspective, too. Too much time to think. I burst into tears yesterday because I was recording a donation in our database, and the donor wrote "hang in there" in the memo field. I don't know why it made me cry, but I was full on blubbering. Felt good to just not hold it in and let the tears flow. And then I decided I needed some classic rock... "Alexa, play the Beatles". "She's Leaving Home by the Beatles"... and Beth sobs again. "Okay, Alexa, play the Rolling Stones..." "Goooooooooooooooodbye, Ruby Tuesday, who could hang a name on you..." "Alexa, next!" "It is the evening of the daaaaaaaaay... I sit and watch the children plaaaaaaay... smiling faces I can see, but not for me... I sit and watch as tears go by..." "FRICK! Alexa, play Queen!" "I'll soon be turning, round the corner now, outside the dawn is breaking, but inside in the dark I'm aching to be free..." 


I'm worried sick about some people, both in RL and here in SL. @Alyona Su ... @Orwar... even @Luna Bliss, who I've probably had the biggest most awful fights with, wasn't around for a while and it freaked me out. Now is just not the time for people to be disappearing, damn it. Won't they think about me?? Seriously, though... I hope everyone is well and safe. 

I just tried making a grocery delivering order because I don't want to go out even though it's sunny and beautiful. Then i deleted it because I just wasn't happy with it. I'll order something for delivery tonight and try again tomorrow. 

It's just all a big cluster of thoughts, and feelings, and emotions. I want this Merry Go Round to freaking stop. I want some stability. No, it's not a Merry Go Round... it's one of those rides where the floor moves below you and you can't get your balance. I have trouble balancing on the very best of days, and this being unbalanced while the entire world is unbalanced is just exhausting. 

I'm tired of being tired.

lordy Beth, is this "let's remind adam we have hair as he's almost bald" thread now? 🤣   ^^

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15 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Ooooooh. Dooo eeet! Love this. If I did this I'd look like I have more mental issues than I actually do, but I'd love to do this. That kinda is my hair, although mine is much finer. :::envy:::

I loved it and I would love to do it again, but I think my niece would strangle me. It took hours. Because my natural hair is so dark (with quite a bit of gray these days), she had to do an all over color, and that takes longer because of the grays, then bleach the individual pieces that were going to get the pretty colors, then do the color on them. Oh, and cut it all as well. And then we had to style it because we wanted to see how it looked all finished and dried and prettied up. 

It looked absolutely gorgeous but she hates doing color, especially something as intricate as that. She doesn't mind doing a little purple here and then, but the purple... and pink... and blue... and green... and gold... had her quite exasperated and wanting to just cut my entire head off. It took so long she had to move her next appointment back two hours. I think it was about four hours in total. There's a reason she's my favorite niece (and my namesake!)

3 minutes ago, Adamburp Adamczyk said:

lordy Beth, is this "let's remind adam we have hair as he's almost bald" thread now? 🤣   ^^

Sorry! FWIW, I think bald is absolutely gorgeous! 

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1 minute ago, Beth Macbain said:

I loved it and I would love to do it again, but I think my niece would strangle me. It took hours. Because my natural hair is so dark (with quite a bit of gray these days), she had to do an all over color, and that takes longer because of the grays, then bleach the individual pieces that were going to get the pretty colors, then do the color on them. Oh, and cut it all as well. And then we had to style it because we wanted to see how it looked all finished and dried and prettied up. 

It looked absolutely gorgeous but she hates doing color, especially something as intricate as that. She doesn't mind doing a little purple here and then, but the purple... and pink... and blue... and green... and gold... had her quite exasperated and wanting to just cut my entire head off. It took so long she had to move her next appointment back two hours. I think it was about four hours in total. There's a reason she's my favorite niece (and my namesake!)

Sorry! FWIW, I think bald is absolutely gorgeous! 

hey! I said ALMOST!!!!! not entirely yet y'know!

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1 minute ago, Beth Macbain said:

Are you well?

   Quite well, thanks. Just taking a little break from SL due to boredom. How about yourself?

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2 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Quite well, thanks. Just taking a little break from SL due to boredom. How about yourself?

What does boredom feel like? I don't get it. I get information overload often, and I don't know what to do next, and sometimes I just have to sit with my eyes closed and... relax!

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2 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Quite well, thanks. Just taking a little break from SL due to boredom. How about yourself?

Oh, you know, just trying to find some sanity in an insane world. 

You may go back to your break now, but next time you have to tell us first! We are delicate, fragile creatures...

Stop laughing.

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I took the day off work - partly because I have all this freakin vacation time and we can only carry over one week at the end of the year, so I have to use it somehow -- and just because I needed to break the current monotony of SSDD. While I worked from home a WHOLE LOT before this, working from home EVERY FREAKIN DAY is totally different and somewhat oppressive feeling.

So anyway, I slept late -- till almost 9:00 -- then got up and sat on the couch watching TV and drinking coffee until noon. Finally ate and then got into the shower; popped out to the grocery store to get my week's worth of misc items.  They actually had real Kleenex tissues, but still only a few packages of some off brand of TP.  I got home, put the groceries away and then vegged in front of the TV for the next many, many hours.  Finally popped inworld and here to the forums to catch up a bit -- had 4 pages of Notifications to get through.

Not in the mood for much inworld stuff though, so will probably finishing catching up on the forums and then go read a bit before heading to bed.

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Sick and tired of being ;LISHRNAUIPEHTNGR;ONFDO;GNDS;LKNREIOH;GN;OIWNFPUENGPI;BVOM*&(^)qye&*gpbljx :kjnfOA sick and tired...

(that's one really long swear word there...)

Ok actually I'm not tired, but I am still sick. I'm pretty sure it's not going away this time, lol...I laugh because...I have no idea

Still, there's some good stuff this week, and I said I'd focus on good for the week (and today ends the week so I can get back to my cranky self tomorrow) sooooo

We has daffodils in our yard, they've been MIA for a few years, but they came back this year. I never did plant them, they've just always been here,  being what they are.  They're all over the place, but there are some up near the house too.They're sort of by the one window, and it's been a bit windy on and off every day for the last week or two. So if you look out the window at the right moment, they look like they're waving their arms in the air. They're all..."YAY....", they look like wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men...but they're flowers..so that's cool.




Stevie, the garter snake we rehabbed a few (ok more than a few) years ago is actually still alive, and she still lives in our backyard. I only know it's her because of a mark on her underside where she got hurt (and the reason we took her in, in the first place, was because of her being hurt).  I like seeing her out there. Oh., here's a picture of her, aint she perty? (this isn't a new picture, but she's pretty much the same, just a wee bit bigger now)



Umm, what else..ummmmm....weather's nice today :D I like opening the doors and windows when it's nice, even when it's rainy but not cold. 

I'm thinking...I'm thinking...I'm thinking....

Ok that's all I've got for now. 

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