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How are you feeling today?

Beth Macbain

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44 minutes ago, Maryanne Solo said:

Most would say I don't have a life.
I don't mix much with others, I do research on (public) places my friends go to regularly before I accept an invite and then rarely do.
Don't invite me to a gathering unless its the invitation is a like... a month before - lol.

I truly do not have a life.  Nor do I have any friends that might invite me anywhere.  Any invitations that I have to consider, and seldom accept, are invites to my husband where I'm either explicitly or implicitly invited along - and the occasional invite directed at us both from another couple that is primarily friends with my husband.  It does simplify things - I seldom have to worry about hurting anyone's feelings over invitations.

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58 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Lindal... like Da5id, I'm feeling a bit stabby. I know you meant this kindly and as help. But.  I've had these kinds of helpful suggestions both here and in RL, and each time they make me want to scream, "How stupid do you think I am?" I think I have at least normal intelligence, and after dealing with knee injuries for years, and their limiting effects, I think I kind of know the options for stairs. Stairs are not only physically difficult for me but as I have mentioned many times, I have PTSD around them... for good reason. I have mentioned, even in the post to which your comment referred, that a year ago I had a tremendously bad fall,  down a flight of stairs, that destroyed my left arm. My left arm is pretty much useless. Hold a railing with both hands? Of course, but realize only one of them does anything. Every time I see those stairs I flash upon that fall. I have a panic attack. And yet I have to deal with them all the time. As bad as that fall was (and it was caused by lack of balance due to my knee injuries), had I not landed as I did on my left arm but landed on my right instead, I would be unable to live on my own as I am extremely right hand dominant. If I had landed on my face instead of my arm, I would be dead. There is no surprise on my PTSD. After all of this time I do what I can. I have to plan for the stairs. When I fell I was doing a quick trip to my car and then back to the apartment and so I didn't have my phone with me. I now carry my phone every effing time. I do the stairs as a meditation. Etc. It still doesn't help that just going up and down the stairs is a nightmare for me, even when I don't have things to carry. Carrying trash, packages, mail, groceries...anything... is just another level of difficulty. And no, going down on my bum is not an option as they are public stairs usually covered in dirt, water, mud, leaves...

Again, I know people will read this as a b1tchy reply, and I know you meant well. I could have just shut up. But this is a thread to vent and since I have been hearing a lot of this stuff lately in RL and cannot (for various reasons) respond as I wish to, I have done it here.

ETA: I did not mean this as a pile-on with Lindal. I wrote it before reading other comments on this thread.

It's OK, Seicher...you (and the others) can pile on.  I didn't mean to poke you in your stabbiness, either!

Here...have another kitten.


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OMG, goofing off in the forums before I travel to work. (start anytime cause of covid19/just a flying visit for updates).
Suspect flat tyre as its been losing pressure over the last few days...

And it just started wissing down with rain.......... noooooooooooo! 

Edit: Ok we have an air compressor. I had to change it from jewellery stuffs to be a tyre pressure gauge, roll it to the door and unravel a huge/long air hose, connect the hose & tyre pressure gauge, start up the compressor, pump up the tyre in the rain, put it all away again. Before I got changed into nice clothes for work.

Nightmare avoided mostly. 😬

Edited by Maryanne Solo
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I'm glad you are posting again @LexxiXhan.  and a big thank you to @Seicher Rae for reaching out to you.  I think all families have their own particular brand of weirdness and dysfunction, although some leave much more painful scars on our psyches.  I was lucky in that I felt safe and loved growing up.  I still wound up broken, but stuff happens. Hugs to both of you.

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29 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

I still wound up broken, but stuff happens.

The more I get to know the people I love, the more I learn to see and soothe their cracks and wounds, or just be in awe of the beauty and grace with which they've kept going.

Hugs to you too x

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The good....

My health..on the med, well, getting there, sort of, a little bit, ok ffs, it's not but I'm pretending it is, ok? Let me have my lie

My friend's health (this is the actual good). The friend I mentioned previously in this thread is, well, still struggling with the same things she was before, try as I might, I can't drag her out of that one little corner where she dances alone, usually quietly, sigh.....but this isn't about that (I'll mumble under my breath about those people later..). She is a cancer survivor, she had her first brush with it a while back after dealing with some other benign tumors...and it's been an uphill battle ever since for her (complications and other issues, some unrelated, but problematic). ANYHOO....she got her first full year of NED yesterday and I'm so excited for her (and she does actually know I'm posting this, because I asked her if it was okay, because...personal, and all that).  Oh and NED is simply "no evidence of disease", not necessarily considered remission in her case, but as close as she's ever been. In her case that means no new tumors, no new growth at all, and no, currently, detectable cancer cells in any of her tests...that's the short version. I'm so excited for her, I know, I said that, but I needed to say it again. This girl has been through hell and back, even long before this issue, so...this is monumental.....sooooooooo

HAPPY ONE YEAR CANCER FREE BETHANY (I'd give you her name in sl, but I don't think we allowed to name drop here...and she might actually hurt me....but, if you ever happen to go for a dance by a river, you'll find her hiding in plain sight, she's going to kick my ass for that) !!!!!!  I baked her a cake btw..yes, in rl, lmao.   I'm a little miffed that some folks who pretend to like her couldn't possibly care about this because....(mutters something about selfish douchecanoes).....I can be happy enough for the entire world though. 

The bad...

I still am loathing a lot of people in general, for all kinds of reasons, some valid, some not so valid. Most directly related to this particular friend, still...nto her of course, she's s gem...but, alas...the good outweighs the bad today, and I'm going to try and make it outweigh the bad for at least this entire week. 

So back to good we go

My family is healthy, mostly, we're doing okay, we've got food, we've got asspaper, and we're enjoying the wonderfully maddening weather mother nature is throwing our way. 


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9 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

Every time I see those stairs I flash upon that fall. I have a panic attack.

I understand what you mean there.  I feel that every morning getting out of bed. Every time I get to the point my legs are over the bed about to stand, I get that churning feeling thinking is this the day it will happen again.  Will I try to jump (as the old days) out of bed and my legs just have no feeling there and suddenly I am lying on the floor.  It flashes back to that day; being on the floor, dragging myself to the bathroom on my elbows with dead weight legs behind me.    Somehow pulling myself onto the toilet then back to the bedroom, the ambulance, the hospital....

I understand your feelings with the stairs.  Over time mine is not so much a panic attack as an acute awareness and some deep breaths most days.  I have the aids in place like a higher bed and a bed rail but as you say none of that really helps the actual feelings.  

How do I feel today? Well I slept for 5 hours for the first time in a while and just got up.  It's not raining.  The builders haven't started yet next door.  So we will see how it goes.  

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On 12/5/2019 at 4:21 PM, Beth Macbain said:

I know the month of December can be hard for a lot of people, myself included, and thought maybe we could have a tiny little spot right here where we could check in and maybe be empathetic to each other and not try to force good cheer down each other's throats. 

It's okay to not be okay. 

So... how're you feeling today? 

not good  yes  witeh corona

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13 minutes ago, Klaineanderson said:

I don- t had much time together in SL or just talking in messanger with Jan,i feel like he got used to it.  tired to message him firts in last 1,5 year. 

It is extra difficult for everyone while there is uncertainty about the future, because of COVID-19. It has added extra problems - extra emotional upset - to everyone. Maybe Jan has cooled off with you, but maybe there is something real life more worrying than what we all have in Second Life.  

I know it is hard for you, such connection you had with Jan, and for it to cool off like it has.

Try to be patient.  If you have made contact via IM, all you can do is offer your friendship and care, but then the ball is in Jan's court. 

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16 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I truly do not have a life.  Nor do I have any friends that might invite me anywhere.  Any invitations that I have to consider, and seldom accept, are invites to my husband where I'm either explicitly or implicitly invited along - and the occasional invite directed at us both from another couple that is primarily friends with my husband.  It does simplify things - I seldom have to worry about hurting anyone's feelings over invitations.

Oh, but you DO have a life. It might not be a "conventional" one, where you have to fulfil social obligations. It has evolved to where you are now. Would you change anything that you have done so far in your life? Or are you basically happy with the small things?

I recently had a friend out here in my real life who insinuated, because I do not have a calendar full of quiz nights, meals out, gym sessions, that I had no life. He said that Second Life "is pointless" on more than one occasion, and yet I could (but don't) think or say that sitting in a pub talking twaddle with a load of superficial people is also a waste of time. My life, for sure, is taken up full time plus hours with looking after a very disabled brother, but outside of that, I consider my life to be as fulfilling and as important as everyone else's.

Ask yourself how much difference the COVID-19 lockdown situation has made to you personally.  It has totally shown those who fill/kill their time being social butterflies how little they really had in their life, because they are the ones who are having the biggest struggle to hold it together while having to maintain social distancing. 

You. Do. Have. A. Life. Your life is important, even if you are just sitting being mindful with a favourite drink and a puzzle book. 

And your life was created for a reason. 

You. Do. Have. A. Life. 

Edited to add, because I have been feeling mithered about this for an hour or two now.

And this goes for ANYONE on this thread/forum...

IF someone ever attempts to put you down, intimates, insinuates, or downright accuses you of having no life, don't respond or retaliate in any way, just take a good hard look at that person's life - I have no doubt they are only projecting their own insecurities onto you.  

Edited by Marigold Devin
feeling so strongly about this, had to add more
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1) I had old sink in my bathroom and 1 year ago it started to have 3 tiny cracks which made triangle ,and everythong was all good loong time, all i had to do it cover it with   

duct tape. But today this triangle thong judt fell down with very loud sound. SO my sink now  officially  broken .And now it s again the best moment for that.

2) Grandmothers cat(female,9 years) started to have a weird thing on her belly and it doeasnt look normal.It can be everything,anything from just infected spot ,tumor or even cat nipple(breats??) cancer. Gradnmother don t want to take her to the vet because she knows hr cat will need a surgery, and many cats after surgery in our city just died , and owners  had to deal with their loss and money,which they paid to save their pets.so mother and grandmopther are with same opinion:ok, if she will start to suffer in pain, we will put down her. 


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Feeling mixed, Yesterday I spent time with the family I made on here and it was great. But the day before and  yesterday had either an overwhelming or undercurrent of anger and  depression over a very... upsetting  situation. A thing I can't really go into detail on the fourms due to my  own principals and the fact that it's such a  public setting.


But I feel like I could explode in rage  and  sorrow over it.

I can't even go to my usual support spaces due to this pandemic.

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1 hour ago, AylinVali said:

Feeling mixed, Yesterday I spent time with the family I made on here and it was great. But the day before and  yesterday had either an overwhelming or undercurrent of anger and  depression over a very... upsetting  situation. A thing I can't really go into detail on the fourms due to my  own principals and the fact that it's such a  public setting.


But I feel like I could explode in rage  and  sorrow over it.

I can't even go to my usual support spaces due to this pandemic.

Whoever has caused you - that upsetting situation - is doing what right now? Are they upset/bothered - or even happy - that they may have caused the upsetting situation. Some people have a strange way of exerting "power" over others, their intention to lower the mood of others. Take back the power. Use the rage, punch a few cushions, have a bloody good cry, do whatever you need to do to make you feel better. 

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32 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

feel horrible.  overslept, forgot my meds yesterday, had weird dreams that woke me up, trying to work is not working, came over here for some comfort.

Obviously, don't forget your meds today! BUT do try to have a nap this afternoon/evening, even for 20 minutes. It will perk up that part of your brain that currently is still asleep, causing the negative unproductive part of your brain to take over.  

I think you know what works for you though.  And you will hopefully feel somewhat better when you get your meds and sleep back on track.

Sending a massive hug to you, kali.

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35 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

feel horrible.  overslept, forgot my meds yesterday, had weird dreams that woke me up, trying to work is not working, came over here for some comfort.

I feel much the same as you except that I barely slept at all last night. I feel like poo, my temper is flaring at nothing, I ran out of all my meds except one (the most important one, thankfully), and won't get them until tomorrow when I go into the office for a couple of hours (I get my meds at the pharmacy at work). Yes, I could go get them today, but... meh. Too much trouble. 

Work? Today? I've put in a couple of hours... I have a brief video (ugh) meeting in 10 minutes, then I'm planning on opening my email and Teams on my phone so I don't miss something that needs an immediate response and moving to the couch with the leftover pizza from last night and shutting TF down for the rest of the day. 

I was talking to my boss this morning - she's feeling much the same as us. I feel like we're stuck in the middle right now. No end, no beginning. Can't move forwards, can't move backwards. 

It's all sh*t. 

... hugs you and gives you a slice of pizza and a warm fluffy blanket ... 

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9 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

Oh, but you DO have a life. It might not be a "conventional" one, where you have to fulfil social obligations. It has evolved to where you are now. Would you change anything that you have done so far in your life? Or are you basically happy with the small things?

I recently had a friend out here in my real life who insinuated, because I do not have a calendar full of quiz nights, meals out, gym sessions, that I had no life. He said that Second Life "is pointless" on more than one occasion, and yet I could (but don't) think or say that sitting in a pub talking twaddle with a load of superficial people is also a waste of time. My life, for sure, is taken up full time plus hours with looking after a very disabled brother, but outside of that, I consider my life to be as fulfilling and as important as everyone else's.

Ask yourself how much difference the COVID-19 lockdown situation has made to you personally.  It has totally shown those who fill/kill their time being social butterflies how little they really had in their life, because they are the ones who are having the biggest struggle to hold it together while having to maintain social distancing. 

You. Do. Have. A. Life. Your life is important, even if you are just sitting being mindful with a favourite drink and a puzzle book. 

And your life was created for a reason. 

You. Do. Have. A. Life. 

Edited to add, because I have been feeling mithered about this for an hour or two now.

And this goes for ANYONE on this thread/forum...

IF someone ever attempts to put you down, intimates, insinuates, or downright accuses you of having no life, don't respond or retaliate in any way, just take a good hard look at that person's life - I have no doubt they are only projecting their own insecurities onto you.  

Thank you.  

You are a true gem.

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Update: I still don't feel so great but my meds are working and I just finished work with a sense of relief because I'm taking a personal day tomorrow. *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*Yayyyyyyy!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'* @Selene Gregoire I'm sorry your back hurts, mind does too.  Sucks, doesn't it?  I've had a stiff neck for about two weeks now and today as I was sitting and working I seem to have wrenched my back in an odd way and it doesn't feel right at all now.... I think I might need to see a chiropractor maybe,  I'll have to research how to do that and stay socially distant, sounds kind of impossible. 

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4 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

I think I might need to see a chiropractor maybe,

Please see a medical doctor before you let a chiropractor start cracking and popping things that may exacerbate an issue instead of fixing it. Your spine is too important. One bad crack and you’re f**cked forever.

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