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How are you feeling today?

Beth Macbain

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Given all that can go wrong with a hand shake, why on Earth would we want to go back to that?  I'm all for the subtle bow of the head while my hands are lightly pressed to each other, no excess pressure or moisture or pickle juice involved. 

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4 hours ago, kali Wylder said:

Sometimes I feel that's true.  But, we will eventually acclimate to a new normal.  It won't ever be the way it was before.  Just like the whole Free Sex Movement (phenomena for dates between the 50s when birth control pills were suddenly available and the 80s when Aids arrived)  was never the same after Aids, the COVID19 plague will change the way world is.  But people will get used to it. I don't think people shaking hands is going to come back into style. 

Um... I was born in 59, not yesterday. :P

No, no, no, no, no. He must go back to working outside the home or ... cut.gif.88923c313a62da23a2a2b50263e70a93.gif.

Call me selfish, after 60 years of being the caretaker, I don't care. I need the me time.

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yeah, I have to admit, touching people has it's good points.  But not a handshake upon first meeting.  Later, much later, after we've verified the health of the individuals to be touched and confirmed that they have neither cooties nor pickle juice nor an ulterior desire to crush us to prove their manliness.  grouphug.gif.e6b9a507dc1a2e948be47b91864a96fd.gif

Edited by kali Wylder
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8 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I like to touch people! 

... well, some people... certainly not all people... some people are icky... 

Joking (or sexuality) aside... touch is hugely important. One of the most heartbreaking aspects of this sh***tshow, I think, is families not allowedto hug their loved ones who might be about to die, or people not being able to hug each other for comfort. Touch matters a hell of a lot.    

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At this point, I'm getting terribly frustrated about the Covid-19 numbers being expressed as absolute numbers (786 deaths today!!), whether it be deaths, cases, recoveries or what not. Sure, it's more dramatic that way, and that's what sells news, but surely it's more important to understand the magnitude of the disease, so that it can be better…well, not sure controlled is the right word, but we need to try.

Also I get pretty scared when I read about what we learn about how the virus affects the body - it is NOT like a bad flu. It potentially affects several critical area of the body besides the lungs - like the digestive track and the kidneys for example, and even for survivors might cause long term damage. And - as some people have mentioned here or in other threads, I don't know which - it doesn't always trigger an immune system response, which is bound to make it trickier to invent a vaccine. So even if the actual death rate is - oh, I don't know - 0.5% or less than that (I just pulled out that number out of thin air by the way), it's still terrifying.

On the other hand, what's also terrifying is the other health crisis that's unfolding (people scared to go to hospital for any other condition, no matter how life threatening, or treatments for other life threatening illnesses being slowed down or suspended, etc etc), not to mention the rates of domestic violence/ child abuse going up, and of course how much impact the mother of all recession we're walking into is going to have (and for the record, I think lockdowns were absolutely the right thing to do, and I'm glad they happened, but still… that's scary too).

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1 hour ago, kali Wylder said:

yeah, I have to admit, touching people has it's good points.  But not a handshake upon first meeting.  Later, much later, after we've verified the health of the individuals to be touched and confirmed that they have neither cooties nor pickle juice nor an ulterior desire to crush us to prove their manliness.  grouphug.gif.e6b9a507dc1a2e948be47b91864a96fd.gif

MOOOOOMMMM!! She's touching meeeeeee!!

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8 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I'm feeling rather apathetic about everything right now.  Even though I seldom go out, the fact that I'm not really supposed to makes it feel like the world is sort of on hold.  So I just kind of feel like I'm stuck in some odd waiting mode.

I know how you feel, I'm feeling that way too. Kinda blah..... On the upside I just love that little mouse that signs your name.


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15 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

It's 2 a.m. Thursday morning and I just got home.* Y'all are gonna be so jealous when you learn that I got to go to THE best place to go during a pandemic...

The Emergency Room at the hospital! What could go wrong? Yeesh. 

First, I'm mostly ok. I thought I might have appendicitis. They mostly think that I don't. Mostly. I was in very bad shape when I made the decision to go to the ER. I decided I wasn't fit to drive, even though I don't live too far away, so I went by ambulance. One of the EMTs was one of the ones who scraped me off the concrete when I fell and broke my arm, so we caught up. I'm making a friend?  I went to the ER around 7 pm Wednesday, so do the math that it is 2 when I got home.

Part of that is: I arrived by ambulance, alone. I didn't have anyone to pick me up when I was discharged. No big deal, I'd just get a cab... Ruh Roh... there are no cabs working in this small town because of the pandemic. I did get home but it involved getting a cab from a town 20 miles away... Yeah. No. Yeah.

I did get totally stoned on morphine and that was fun. I think I was amusing the techs who did the CT scan. And, y'all... that hospital had REAL toilet paper! On rolls! Like... I'd forgotten what those looked like!

There were a lot of possibilities for what this episode could be. I was smart to go in. I'm glad I didn't have to have surgery. The weird thing is, I was kind of mad that it wasn't in need of surgery, ya know? Like I had "wasted" a trip. Brains are weird.

*Ok, I just got home and typed this after I showered, washed washed washed, burned (not literally) my clothes, cleaned the door handles... I went from being probably the lowest risk person in the world for getting COVID to walking into the lion's den. 


What a scary-sounding 'adventure'. Have you got a grumbling appendix or something? I hope you don't have to go through that again. I hope this pandemic f*cks off soon, so we can get back to our own individual what-passes-for-normality.

I picked "sad", but you made me laugh - about the toilet rolls - you must have been hallucinating! ;) 

I can imagine how hard you washed. I only called into a shop on my way home today and I was in the bath for an hour and a half after disinfecting my keys, door handles, and everything I'd bought. I usually have an obsession on the go, but my skin can't take any more of this.

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9 hours ago, Panteleeva said:

There s nothing female in you- | my mother said. and no matter how often i scream on you, nothing changes,only sht. 

this is just... eh

You are exceptionally feminine. I can tell that by the lovely photos of your avatar on other thread. And you have a heart of gold. 

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8 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Took my eye off the ball today.  5 weeks in lockdown and the youngest child had his first moment where it all got to him.  He came in from where he was doing the online school work and just looked at me before jumping onto my lap for a cuddle.  Never easy with a skinny 14 year old all arms and legs like a baby giraffe.    We talked over why are in lockdown (again)  He gets it.  He listed all the things he misses; his friends (though they all talk constantly online every night), school,  going to the sweet shop,  days out, chippy tea....   So I turned off the pc, made a picnic lunch, grabbed some lolly ices and off we went to the garden.  I think it helped.  We laughed and chatted.  Oddly when I spoke to some friends in our whatsapp group they all said their children of varying ages were feeling similar today and weren't doing school stuff but other more fun distracting things.  He is now happily playing on nis nintendo switch for a while before we go out and check our seedlings we planted a couple of weeks ago.  Obviously I feel crap for plodding along thinking we were all doing ok.

I find I am deeply moved by the fact your teenage son wanted a cuddle, and I know you are so right about children - and adults - of all ages feeling similar today. Only this evening, I was talking to an older teenager, who was politely giving me some space in a small shop, and we were talking about emotions. He said he found himself crying uncontrollably at Jurassic Park, and he just didn't know where the emotions had suddenly come from! 

One thing is for sure, when we are looking back at these weirdest of times, those cuddles are going to be remembered. Maybe this has brought some families a lot closer. I hope so. 

School work is not the be all and end all. I think I learned more from going to stay with my aunties in Manchester for the long summer holidays. I miss their wisdom. I wonder what they would have made of all this. 

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5 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

Men. An aggressive strong handshake is a sign of their manliness. Handshaking isn't going to stop for that very reason. It's the caveman in them. 

Personally, I think there will be more physical contact once we finally get the all clear. I'm going to hug everyone I see... even strangers. Hug 'em right into my bosom. I'm hoping we're all sort of learning to maybe appreciate each other a little more. 

Today is an oogie day. Cold and rainy and dark. Both cats threw up after snarfing down their breakfast. I just want to crawl back into bed and start all over with some sunshine. 

I have got out of the habit of hugging.  When we get the all clear, I may have to lie low for another week until everyone gets the hugging out of their system. One of my neighbours - a dear old chap called Al - gave me a random hug one day and I simply could not breathe! 

I hope your day got better. 

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"We are never going to meet in real life" * is the sentence I thought upon reading about the hugging. :/ I'm so not a hugger. Funny story though, I'm a licensed massage therapist, among other things. I worked clinically and for things like repetitive strain injuries, people living with cancer and Parkinson's. I'm ok touching people clinically BUT patients always wanted to give me thank you hugs (when they were dressed, ffs, get your minds out of the gutter) for making them feel better. :/ Boy, did I have to work through that. Cringing and going "ew ew ew get away" wasn't an option. :)

Yeah, clammy limp handshakes are the worst. 

I'm feeling better today, but still off. Napping a lot. The medication they gave me last night helped (yay morphine!...yay anti-nausea...yay antispasmodic). I'm basically a lump though, napping and doing nothing.


* "We Are Never Going to Meet in Real Life" is the title of a collection of essays by Irby. Funny (imo) book.


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11 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

I'm ok touching people clinically BUT

You sound exactly like a wonderful lady who used to teach at the same dojo I did.. When there was a need to touch she never hesitated, I even saw her once, without batting an eye, step in to somebody writhing on the ground, put her heel in their armpit at the same time as grabbing their wrist and reduce a dislocation before the shock had time to wear off. And you seriously did not EVER want to take a fight with this lady into a grappling match. She sure mopped up the mat with me every time I let her inside my guard that far anyway!

But off the mat she was only ever remotely tactile with one person, her partner. Everyone else she'd much rather nod or, in formal situations, bow, than even a perfunctory shake of the hand. Somehow this managed to not seem at odds with her warm and friendly personality - it was just who she was and it was ok.

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50 minutes ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

You sound exactly like a wonderful lady who used to teach at the same dojo I did.. When there was a need to touch she never hesitated, I even saw her once, without batting an eye, step in to somebody writhing on the ground, put her heel in their armpit at the same time as grabbing their wrist and reduce a dislocation before the shock had time to wear off. And you seriously did not EVER want to take a fight with this lady into a grappling match. She sure mopped up the mat with me every time I let her inside my guard that far anyway!

But off the mat she was only ever remotely tactile with one person, her partner. Everyone else she'd much rather nod or, in formal situations, bow, than even a perfunctory shake of the hand. Somehow this managed to not seem at odds with her warm and friendly personality - it was just who she was and it was ok.

Ha! This made me laugh (thank you). Well, in a fight I'd be useless but that doesn't mean I don't wanna stick people in their legs with forks upon occasion. :)

My non-hugging comes from a lot of reasons, and I'm ok with not being a hugger—or now a modified-non-hugger.  Oddly, though, in addition to being an LMT, I'm a highly tactile person, which I learned when my sister and I were shopping ages ago and we both realized that we touch everything (we then termed it petting) and no one else was doing that. :) I love hugs and snuggles and "other things" in a relationship, like you said your friend did. Random people? ew ew ew get away!

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