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How are you feeling today?

Beth Macbain

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38 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

In the US, we are not just dealing with the virus disaster but the avoidable results of catastrophic and often deliberate mismanagement by those with power. The first is hard to bear but the latter is much worse. It is terrible that people are dying, but unendurable that so many of them could have been saved. Even now, nine states have no lockdown orders. Georgia just reopened the beaches they closed just the other day. It is all madness, or spite, and that is what is so hard to endure. 

For those not listening to Gov. Cuomo’s daily briefings, they are inspiring. Gov Cuomo has begged for national rolling deployment* of medical resources for when states are peaking, instead of individual states bidding against each other AND FEMA, then when the peak is over, being left with a glut of equipment. This makes perfect sense, but the admin says no, states are on their own. 

*“Calling New York a hot spot in the fight to stop the spread of the coronavirus, the governor urged President Donald Trump to consider a “rolling deployment” of ventilators and medical personnel first to this state before moving to other regions.

“We can take the equipment, we can take the personnel, we can take the lessons to the next area in need,” Gov. Cuomo said.”



16 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

I am trying a new sleep tactic, by pretending I meant to wake up, and having little tasks to perform, instead of lying there ruminating. Last night at 2am, I soaked in a tub of hot water. At 4:30 I logged into SL and fixed a toaster a customer had requested. Each time, I was able to go back to sleep for a bit. 

I used to easily sleep through the night with the aid of a cannabutter cookie, but I can’t do THC at all because it makes me ruminate. By the time the first covid patient arrived in this country I had already ruminated the Apocalypse we are in now. I don’t want to go there anymore, however prescient.

It's baffling to me (but I am a thicko at pleb level obviously) how different political leaders are not synchronising on how best to deal with this worldwide pandemic. Baffling and terrifying, like the worst nightmare ever. 

I like your sleep tactic. I've been cat-napping whenever I can, then sitting over-thinking things. The latter I can swap for tidying out drawers and tackling those little tasks that have been put off for so long. Thanks. 

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Am I allowed to tell someone eff them and the horse they rode in on, or is this still considered polite society and such actions therefore frowned upon?

If the latter, I'm gonna have to put in my two weeks for polite society.

Bunch of frick fracken ducking bullspit


I don't feel better, I demand a refund

Of what I don't know, but I demand one anyway....I hear demanding ***** is in. 



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29 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

Am I allowed to tell someone eff them and the horse they rode in on, or is this still considered polite society and such actions therefore frowned upon?

If the latter, I'm gonna have to put in my two weeks for polite society.

Bunch of frick fracken ducking bullspit


I don't feel better, I demand a refund

Of what I don't know, but I demand one anyway....I hear demanding ***** is in. 



I think if we are playing by the "Live for today" rule, then you can definitely tell someone to eff off, but play it out in your head first. Will it make you feel better, and more to the point, what will be the consequence of you telling that person what you really think?



Edited to add, if it were me you were urged to tell, I'd urge you to do so. Hopefully I can gauge when I've effed someone off, and hopefully succeed in not effing most people off. Sorry if I've effed anyone off enough to tell me to be effed. 




Edited by Marigold Devin
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27 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

Am I allowed to tell someone eff them and the horse they rode in on, or is this still considered polite society and such actions therefore frowned upon?

If the latter, I'm gonna have to put in my two weeks for polite society.

Bunch of frick fracken ducking bullspit


I don't feel better, I demand a refund

Of what I don't know, but I demand one anyway....I hear demanding ***** is in. 



How about a code word. Unless it’s me!

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I have a habit - not sure if it is a good or a bad habit, but today it's made me feel a bit more annoyed about the current situation.  

They used to say, didn't they - certainly in the UK - yesterday's newspapers are tomorrow's chip papers. I'd get the worst case of indigestion if I ate my chips out of the one I read today.

While I don't buy newspapers all that often, I tend to skim read them and pop them in a pile for a proper re-read later in the week. Lately, that week has turned into several weeks or even months.

I've just put my hand on the Sunday Express from February 16th, in which on page 13, was a "Warning for Britain".

Quotes from:

"Europe saw its first death from coronavirus yesterday as experts warned the NHS would not have the capacity to treat a full-scale epidemic. 

"While eight of the nine patients who tested positive for the virus in the UK have been discharged, public health experts said the odds are that coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, will become a global pandemic.

"Professor Robert Dingwall, of Nottingham Trent University, said: 'In the worst case scenario of widespread infection, and we cannot rule this out, the NHS would not have the capacity to properly treat everyone ..."

However, the previous day, our Health Secretary, Matt Hancock claimed the successful treatment and discharge of the eight patients was "evidence of how well prepared our NHS to deal with coronavirus".

Beyond angry and frustrated at how we didn't go into lock down until 13 days ago. We could have nipped this a-hole virus in the bud. I don't know where our so-called health secretary is right now, but I bet he's never even managed to keep a pot plant alive.  

My man friend does not like "angry Mari" - neither do I - but sometimes angry is all I've got, and with bloody good reason. Angry doesn't fix anything, but it sure as hell is a motivator. 

Thank you all for letting me rant. Again. 

Edited by Marigold Devin
Back I go to Enid Blyton Malory Towers on the BBC iPlayer - hashtag safer lock down
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Until today I was unaware of what appears to be a sporadic forum troll (not in this thread) and because I am depressed and snarky and wanting to call idiot trolls idiot trolls... I did. Unlike @Tari Landar I didn't ask permission first. I wish people would remember to not feed trolls, especially ones who have blatantly said "I'm in it for the arguing and drama." That would include me as a person not to feed said idiot trolls. Sigh. I am weak. I want to read the forums, mainly this thread, but then I get sucked into parts of it where I should not let me be. Sigh. I can't take me anywhere.  I understand we (overly broad generalization) are grumpier now that before, but it would be nice if idiot trolls weren't idiot trolls and using the pandemic to foist their idiot trolliness onto others. Sigh. Giving in to the urge to correct the Internet, while it felt good for about 37 seconds, has now left me completely drained. Who is the idiot now? I'm going back to bed. I'm sometimes glad I'm poor and my pain meds are strictly regulated, otherwise I would be tempted to self-medicate with booze—that I can't afford—and pills—that I have too few of—inappropriately. Instead, I get to enjoy depression sober.

internet fight.gif

Edited by Seicher Rae
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19 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Beyond angry and frustrated at how we didn't go into lock down until 13 days ago.

I suggest you don't read todays papers then. Picnics in parks and  sunbathing on the beach does not look like a lockdown to me.  Maybe the terminology confuses these people but what made me so mad was seeing Vitamin D trending on social media.  Apparently these people are suddenly worried about their vitamin D and so they need to go out and sunbathe in public.   I am going to be worried about Vitamin D when it there are empty shelves next week because suddenly its popular and I can't get my supplements for myself and my boys as advised by my neurologist to help with my condition and reduce the chance of them being prone to it in the future.   <end rant and damn I was taking a break from posting in this and failed>  

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I have typed replies and then deleted them before submission, more times than I remember and in multiple threads today.  Apparently, I'm right on that edge of cranky/snarky/bitchy.

Maybe I should go do my bills. No matter how much I detest paying bills, it is probably better than letting myself get all worked up over forums posts.  

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27 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Until today I was unaware of what appears to be a sporadic forum troll (not in this thread) and because I am depressed and snarky and wanting to call idiot trolls idiot trolls... I did. Unlike @Tari Landar I didn't ask permission first. I wish people would remember to not feed trolls, especially ones who have blatantly said "I'm in it for the arguing and drama." That would include me as a person not to feed said idiot trolls. Sigh. I am weak. I want to read the forums, mainly this thread, but then I get sucked into parts of it where I should not let me be. Sigh. I can't take me anywhere.  I understand we (overly broad generalization) are grumpier now that before, but it would be nice if idiot trolls weren't idiot trolls and using the pandemic to foist their idiot trolliness onto others. Sigh. Giving in to the urge to correct the Internet, while it felt good for about 37 seconds, has now left me completely drained. Who is the idiot now? I'm going back to bed. I'm sometimes glad I'm poor and my pain meds are strictly regulated, otherwise I would be tempted to self-medicate with booze—that I can't afford—and pills—that I have too few of—inappropriately. Instead, I get to enjoy depression sober.

internet fight.gif

You're not an idiot - far from it. You are just human. The pitiful troll is not only an idiot, but probably has a nasty boil on their arse that plays up every time they pish off Karma - here's hoping, girl! 


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7 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I suggest you don't read todays papers then. Picnics in parks and  sunbathing on the beach does not look like a lockdown to me.  Maybe the terminology confuses these people but what made me so mad was seeing Vitamin D trending on social media.  Apparently these people are suddenly worried about their vitamin D and so they need to go out and sunbathe in public.   I am going to be worried about Vitamin D when it there are empty shelves next week because suddenly its popular and I can't get my supplements for myself and my boys as advised by my neurologist to help with my condition and reduce the chance of them being prone to it in the future.   <end rant and damn I was taking a break from posting in this and failed>  

Thank you for the warning.

To be honest, I haven't bought a newspaper since we went into lock down, and I have been heckling (quietly behind my windows) the little old blokes who go out every single morning for their newspaper. GET THE BUGGERS DELIVERED IF YOU HAVE TO HAVE ONE !!!! Hardly essential shopping really. One newspaper. 

The ones that are fit and able enough to get out, can still get their vitamin D fix by a jog around their own garden, or a stand by the wheelie bin for 15 minutes. Aren't they just plain maddening when they pootle off to the seaside and the country parks. Why don't they get the point - the sooner they stop mixing, the sooner the virus can't mix either. Not. Rocket. Science. 

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24 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I suggest you don't read todays papers then. Picnics in parks and  sunbathing on the beach does not look like a lockdown to me.  Maybe the terminology confuses these people but what made me so mad was seeing Vitamin D trending on social media.  Apparently these people are suddenly worried about their vitamin D and so they need to go out and sunbathe in public.   I am going to be worried about Vitamin D when it there are empty shelves next week because suddenly its popular and I can't get my supplements for myself and my boys as advised by my neurologist to help with my condition and reduce the chance of them being prone to it in the future.   <end rant and damn I was taking a break from posting in this and failed>  

Actually, the police should taser the lot of them and while they are writhing on the ground, tell them if they contract the coronavirus, that little bolt of electricity will feel like a walk in the park!


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I have the distinct impression that natural selection will have its way. They were warned.

As for red state governors, i just can’t for the life of me understand why they would want to throw their citizens and themselves into the volcano.

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1 minute ago, Pamela Galli said:

I have the distinct impression that natural selection will have its way. They were warned.

As for red state governors, i just can’t for the life of me understand why they would want to throw their citizens and themselves into the volcano.

Indeed - and themselves! Just a couple of days ago, some footage of our House of Commons was shown on TV, and the ministers were certainly not keeping to the two metre social distancing rule they were telling us we must adhere to, and as a result, our prime minister and some of his sidekicks are currently avec virus! They don't need, in this day and age of video conferencing, to even leave their own homes. I wonder how many underlings have got the virus from them now! 

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18 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

Actually, the police should taser the lot of them and while they are writhing on the ground, tell them if they contract the coronavirus, that little bolt of electricity will feel like a walk in the park!


I saw a quote today.  I can't locate it right now but I will try. Regarding sunbathing a nurse said,  I wish these people could hear the sound of the click when we have to turn off the life support of someone in hospital isolation with no family around. Then maybe they would stay at home. 

Edited by Cindy Evanier
missed a word
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11 minutes ago, Pamela Galli said:

As for red state governors, i just can’t for the life of me understand why they would want to throw their citizens and themselves into the volcano.

Pffft, living in a red state I've spent far more time than I probably should have trying to understand them. Now that I have free time I can really get into psychoanalyzing them...lol.

It appears they exhibit a kind of defense where they believe they have more control in a dangerous situation than they actually do.  It scares them so much they deny reality. You could see this in Trumpies reactions early on.

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Breathe a bit, folks... through a mask if necessary but take a breath.

We're in a better state, socially speaking, than a lot of folks who have never found SL or any other online social platform less toxic than the fail-whale and farcebook.

I know it would feel just so darn good to go out and taser all those idiots right in the junk but they are safe from your righteous and holy retribution, because you're doing the right thing and staying at home, right?

And don't mind the spammers or the trolls, they are like the obnoxiously loud guy with the high irritating laugh that you find in the kitchen at even the best of parties.... You always get one or two, you just don't let them spoil it all

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Honestly, I don't have an answer for how I am today. A slight headache, but, other than that, existing in this dystopian reality we call 2020. Bored and waiting to get started with what I'm wanting to do, since a certain pandemic seems to want to take its time going away.

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24 minutes ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

Breathe a bit, folks... through a mask if necessary but take a breath.

We're in a better state, socially speaking, than a lot of folks who have never found SL or any other online social platform less toxic than the fail-whale and farcebook.

I know it would feel just so darn good to go out and taser all those idiots right in the junk but they are safe from your righteous and holy retribution, because you're doing the right thing and staying at home, right?

And don't mind the spammers or the trolls, they are like the obnoxiously loud guy with the high irritating laugh that you find in the kitchen at even the best of parties.... You always get one or two, you just don't let them spoil it all

We're heading into another full moon, Da5id, so are starting to bark already.

Thank you for your words of wisdom.

I was actually thinking just now, while taking a bath and breathing deeply, I may dig out some yoga videos. 

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