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How are you feeling today?

Beth Macbain

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I’m exhausted. It’s not necessarily a bad exhaustion, but I certainly didn’t expect it.

We’re using Teams to stay in work contact. My family is using FB messenger, other friends are using Skype. SL friends are using Discord. Oh, and there’s regular work email, too. Each makes a different notification sound. I don’t know which is which. I wasn’t expecting isolation to be so damn noisy.

I’ve found that when 5:00 hits and I’m okay to close down email and Teams, my introvert level of stress is higher than when I’m in the office all day, and I can’t bear the thought of logging into SL and getting pinged with more noises. 

However long this craziness lasts... it’s too damn long. I support and understand what we’re doing. I understand the need to flatten that infernal curve. Right now I’m in the 80% protecting the 20%, and that’s a great thing, but how long until we have to start weighing the mental health of the 80% against the physical health of the 20%? How long can we realistically live like this?

I want a good night of sleep. Today was lovely, sunny and warm, and we’re all taking care of each other.

Why does it have to be so damn loud, though?

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Just fine. Taking the time out to be sluggish, but I'm also talking to family via webcam and phone. Keeping an eye on the news. Playing video games and trying to spread a good sense of morale and humor. It's a trying time, of that I'm not downplaying, but say these were your last few weeks, do you want to spend them worried sick or would you rather laugh a little? 

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Two of my 4 college kids have birthdays next week, so I had taken the week off to just enjoy being with them, but my vacation was canceled today.  We'll have to wing it somehow.  I'm glad they're older.  

 I now have to be available to work 7 days a week which is 4 days on/3 days on call.  I didn't hear all of the news on my drive home, but it sounds like Oregon is now on shutdown.   I'll have to figure out what that means after some sleep.  So tired.

On a positive note my neighborhood is doing a "chalk walk" for the bored younger kids stuck at home with no school.  I bought a bunch of sidewalk chalk and will help my older kids decorate a few sidewalk panels before I leave for work tomorrow, then leave all the extra chalk for the younger neighbor kids to draw with.  I hope my entire corner is filled with color when I get home.

The next neighborhood down the road is planning a walking scavenger hunt.  The theme is spring.  Everyone will hang a cutout or picture in their windows like a flower or bunny and families can walk around and find all the signs of spring to check off their list.  They just have to keep a 6ft distance between families.

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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

I’m exhausted. It’s not necessarily a bad exhaustion, but I certainly didn’t expect it.

We’re using Teams to stay in work contact. My family is using FB messenger, other friends are using Skype. SL friends are using Discord. Oh, and there’s regular work email, too. Each makes a different notification sound. I don’t know which is which. I wasn’t expecting isolation to be so damn noisy.

I’ve found that when 5:00 hits and I’m okay to close down email and Teams, my introvert level of stress is higher than when I’m in the office all day, and I can’t bear the thought of logging into SL and getting pinged with more noises. 

However long this craziness lasts... it’s too damn long. I support and understand what we’re doing. I understand the need to flatten that infernal curve. Right now I’m in the 80% protecting the 20%, and that’s a great thing, but how long until we have to start weighing the mental health of the 80% against the physical health of the 20%? How long can we realistically live like this?

I want a good night of sleep. Today was lovely, sunny and warm, and we’re all taking care of each other.

Why does it have to be so damn loud, though?

I have turned off sound notification for many things and just rely on seeing the little bottom icon flash or periodically checking.  I kept notifications on only for the things that I considered most critical - team chat notices from my boss and team.  Everyone else has to wait until I check on things.  I cannot stand the constant communication to rule me and drive me crazy.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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51 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I have turned off sound notification for many things and just rely on seeing the little bottom icon flash or periodically checking.  I kept notifications on only for the things that I considered most critical - team chat notices from my boss and team.  Everyone else has to wait until I check on things.  I cannot stand the constant communication to rule me and drive me crazy.

I’m going to have to try this next week, and silence my phone as well. And iPad. So many dings from so many devices.

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@Arquet  welcome to the thread :)  Hope it helps you like it has helped most of us over the last 3 months.

Today my roller coaster life feels its on the upward climb.  I have food to last until the next delivery next week 🤞  In the most part I am glad they have shut the school and I can keep 2 out of my 3 man babies with me.  I just wonder how much effect on the youngests education this might have though school have set up some online learning programmes.  


3 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

I’m going to have to try this next week, and silence my phone as well. And iPad. So many dings from so many devices.

I watched a report yesterday that said how many of us are washing our hands as told and then instantly just pick up our "unwashed" phone, game controller etc without thinking.  I know I do.  

I need to get my bum in gear and log in and clear the final bits of the region before that has to go next wednesday.  Been avoiding SL for the last 3 days but have a hugfest date with my bestie tomorrow (or so he promises 🙄) I'll get him to help me find all the fun stuff floating unexpected around the place eating my LI for the last 4 years.  I found a hair using up over 50 LI dropped and buried under landscaping.


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I am feeling much better today. Last night was rough, the bed felt like a sauna (and it didn't help that my partner was trying to hug me in his sleep) so I didn't get to sleep at all and I just stayed up until I started feeling a bit better. Finally went to bed about 7am and slept solidly, without coughing, for about 3 hours until I woke up needing to pee. Now busy texting friends and family to let them know I am ok :)


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Slept around 4 hours at night,felt uckin heavy heart . And woke up like i never slept before, bought my medicines for heart.Also got news that one 15 years old dude brought  coronavirus in my city,this is what we needed,yes. Holidays for students are till 12 th April, also saw antiseptic auto-boxes in Malls,but no one use it.Had good meal at burger king because there was just 5 people more with me.And saw how mall guards kicked out school boys,they wanted to sit and maybe eat( 15 dudes!). It was funny))

Grandma don t have her free mins on her phone(it s normal because she talked a looooot) and  ucked whole family brain with that.Also she came to mobile operator office and screamed at worker there (lol she tells her what she see in program,she is not a god to do magic). There was screams, maaany rude words ,etc. But in result she can talk as long as she wants till april...i m so happy i don t saw that. 

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I woke with the false alarm of sneezes and a scratchy throat but it’s not getting worse. 62 cases in my state, 2 in my immediate area. I was very relieved to read about the medicines helping some of the secondary illnesses after the virus, that’s a big part of what had me so worried. I’m not in a risk group and we stocked the fridge and freezer so we can avoid any contact via eating out or meals delivered and have quarantined ourselves for the duration. I’ve re-started my KonMari project, I’m still drafting along on my art project, I’m setting up a photo area to practice photographing some of my dolls a bit and concentrating on positive things.

in SL, I dressed up for the forum meetup tomorrow and I was a fun distraction. Gonna try to spend at least 1hr in SL per day simply having fun! Since we are actively doing the best we can, I’m really going to try to relax and concentrate on pleasant things. I need to find my yoga mat and clear off the clothes draped over my ballet barre! 😉

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My ex texted me today to say our youngest daughter (8) has the first symptoms. The three of them are going into two week's minimum quarantine. I spent this afternoon shopping round for the supplies and medicines they don't already have, and had to drop round and leave them in the conservatory without getting to cuddle my babies. I'll be talking to them every day though, and finding online games and activities as a way of 'being with them' as much as I can xx

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1 hour ago, LexxiXhan said:

My ex texted me today to say our youngest daughter (8) has the first symptoms. The three of them are going into two week's minimum quarantine. I spent this afternoon shopping round for the supplies and medicines they don't already have, and had to drop round and leave them in the conservatory without getting to cuddle my babies. I'll be talking to them every day though, and finding online games and activities as a way of 'being with them' as much as I can xx

So sorry to hear that.  *Hugs*

Take comfort in the fact that children generally have the absolute best chance of having a milder case and bouncing back really well from this.

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Had a really good night's sleep, and my symptoms are completely gone now. I'll be cleared to return to work on Thursday.  I also discovered that I'm counted as a "key worker", due to the industry I work in, so even if other businesses are forced to close, mine will stay operational no matter how bad it gets.

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In spite of my seemingly upbeat demeanour this day, it started with great annoyance, with my ground floor neighbours, who have, yet again, had one of their Frosty Jack induced games of tip taps which has led to a 999 call and our already overworked paramedics having to come out to stick band aids on them.  The cost to the rest of society because of these two overgrown toddlers (they are in their 40s!!!) runs into thousands of pounds. They woke me at 3am, drunken door banging.  They will not be remotely aware of COVID-19 crisis. Their self-destructive lifestyle choices mean they live in their own selfish little bubble, and to the rest of us they are just like a party popper - but without the fun - spreading their misery and mayhem.

/me breathes.

Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.

I think I need to go and shoot some zombies in world now!!!


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A thought just came into my head. The way that makeup and fashion and body shapes generally have evolved (in real as well as in Second Life), and if masks become every day wear, they will also become a fashion accessory.  Heck! Imagine (and if there are any creative people in this thread, you can have that piece of 'inspiration' from me - and make mine a pretty sheep-themed mask, just for lower face please.

Also reminds me of this great ventriloquist. Hope this cheers a few people up. 


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I'm doing ok! Still sleeping too much (and I don't care), still a little quick to cry at nothing, like songs (and I don't care), and the new apartment still looks like a tsunami went through it and... I don't care! Sometimes not caring about stuff is a bad sign of depression, but not this time. Right now not caring, which also means not stressing, is a good thing. I have food and toilet paper and stuff. I live in social isolation anyway, which normally is something to be concerned about, but it turns out to be a blessing because *having* to do it is no big deal.


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30 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

I'm doing ok! Still sleeping too much (and I don't care), still a little quick to cry at nothing, like songs (and I don't care), and the new apartment still looks like a tsunami went through it and... I don't care! Sometimes not caring about stuff is a bad sign of depression, but not this time. Right now not caring, which also means not stressing, is a good thing. I have food and toilet paper and stuff. I live in social isolation anyway, which normally is something to be concerned about, but it turns out to be a blessing because *having* to do it is no big deal.


You obviously care very much, or you wouldn't be aware of all of these things. You aren't sleeping too much. You are sleeping for as much as you need to - and I envy you that (I find it so hard to sleep always).  Sleep and rest is the key to everything else. 

House moving is MASSIVELY stressful. 

And I'm totally with you about the "social isolation" thing - it is much easier for us who are used to it.  I feel a bit (a lot) selfish that I am actually enjoying having a reason not to go out and mix with the 3D people. 

It's good to cry at (seemingly) absolutely nothing - I do it often and always feel better for it. Doing this, I think, prevents us from bigger health issues, such as strokes, and cleans the crap out of our nostrils and eyes! 

When life give you lemons ... !

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14 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Sometimes not caring about stuff is a bad sign of depression, but not this time. Right now not caring, which also means not stressing, is a good thing. I have food and toilet paper and stuff. I live in social isolation anyway, which normally is something to be concerned about, but it turns out to be a blessing because *having* to do it is no big deal.

Sometimes we just need a break from caring, especially when there's been an overwhelming amount to care about ❤️

I went to my two social outlets to see the closed until further notice signs. It helped me feel more grounded in this new reality that I'm only sort of experiencing. Both are short walks so it was a way of giving purpose to some exercise.

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We've been trying to get toilet tissue for a week now. Seeing people panicking like spooked cattle stampeding buying up t-tissue (and other necessities) to sell on E-bay and Amazon for pennies a roll only to charge you ridiculously high delivery fees is only serving to deepen my misanthropy. Especially when I see crap like this (referring to the fight not Davis' words).

Order online? Yeah, ok. If I could just remember where I hid those piles of $100 bills that never existed.

What really gets me is, the next time it happens (and it will happen again) people will do the same damn thing, only worse.

I know who I blame for all of it. He should never have disbanded the NSC pandemic unit and he should have gotten off his fat butt and reacted immediately instead of denying Covid-19's existence. Every American's death due to Covid-19 is on his head. It won't bother him though. He does not care how many of us he murders as long as he can fill his pockets with our hard earned cash.

Right now I am far more angry than I am scared and I'm scared that if what I had last month wasn't Covid-19 (which both the SO and I are 99.9% positive it was based on symptoms) that I will end up with it and pneumonia, so it will likely kill me. And these idiots are fighting over toilet tissue when there is plenty to go around (patience!) and no one need do without.


Edited by Selene Gregoire
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2 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

We've been trying to get toilet tissue for a week now. Seeing people panicking like spooked cattle stampeding buying up t-tissue (and other necessities) to sell on E-bay and Amazon for pennies a roll only to charge you ridiculously high delivery fees is only serving to deepen my misanthropy. Especially when I see crap like this (referring to the fight not Davis' words).



This happens every time a hurricane comes tword Florida........

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23 minutes ago, Tarina Sewell said:

This happens every time a hurricane comes tword Florida........

Lived most of the first 40 years of my life in Lousyana. Even before/during/after Camille and Katrina people didn't buy up all the t-tissue to sell online for $100 per roll. We bought what we needed to get us through so there was enough for everyone to have what they needed. Granted, we usually didn't need supplies for more than a week but when power is out for that week you can't store perishables (no power, no ice). It's one thing to be prepared, it's something else to try to capitalize off those who just can't afford to stockpile (and/or have room to store) and leave nothing for those who do have room and can afford to buy a little extra to get them through. 

I'll use rags before I even think of paying an outrageous amount for t-tissue. At least those can be washed and reused.

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Just now, Selene Gregoire said:

Lived most of the first 40 years of my life in Lousyana. Even before/during/after Camille and Katrina people didn't buy up all the t-tissue to sell online for $100 per roll. We bought what we needed to get us through so there was enough for everyone to have what they needed. Granted, we usually didn't need supplies for more than a week but when power is out for that week you can't store perishables (no power, no ice). It's one thing to be prepared, it's something else to try to capitalize off those who just can't afford to stockpile (and/or have room to store) and leave nothing for those who do have room and can afford to buy a little extra to get them through. 

I'll use rags before I even think of paying an outrageous amount for t-tissue. At least those can be washed and reused.

I worked in retail and trust me, they did buy up all the water and paper products. Not near to this extent but then again, everyone in the world is buying these things now. I was lucky enough to have a large stash of wet wipes before this all started so, even if I do run out.. My parts will be clean.. you know finally something to use those old mixed single socks for. I just do not understand the whole toilet paper issue,  I saw a few videos circulating on FB about people being called out for buying all the stuffs.. One lady had a pickup trucked filled with boxes of toilet papers from dollar store... sad sad sad. Even when the stores replenish, people come in buy their 2 allowed then send their kids in to get 2 more and so on and so on.

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24 minutes ago, Tarina Sewell said:

I worked in retail and trust me, they did buy up all the water and paper products. Not near to this extent but then again, everyone in the world is buying these things now. I was lucky enough to have a large stash of wet wipes before this all started so, even if I do run out.. My parts will be clean.. you know finally something to use those old mixed single socks for. I just do not understand the whole toilet paper issue,  I saw a few videos circulating on FB about people being called out for buying all the stuffs.. One lady had a pickup trucked filled with boxes of toilet papers from dollar store... sad sad sad. Even when the stores replenish, people come in buy their 2 allowed then send their kids in to get 2 more and so on and so on.

My first job was in retail. 

In 60 years, this is the first time I have ever gone to the store on a daily basis, 7 days in a row for one item only to find the shelves bare. Thankfully, soap doesn't expire and I do have 5 bars of Olay that I bought a few years ago. Hopefully, people won't get really stupid and we'll keep power and water. I'm still waiting to hear people have been shot/killed over t-tissue. It will happen if people don't stop being so damn selfish and uncaring.

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