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How are you feeling today?

Beth Macbain

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57 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

Oooooooh... interesting! I didn't realize that you were actually referring to a compounded estrogen cream. I wonder what the advantages vs. disadvantages are of the cream over the pills.

I actually hadn't thought about the difference - just now researching that.  My current compound is Biest, which is an 80/20 combo of estriol and estradiol.

Before I talked to my doctor about the BHRT, a few friends tried the injected pellets.  Two had great success, one so-so, and one horrid.  My doctor had mentioned that the injected pellets can be more difficult and problematic.  The injection hurts and the injection site can be sore for days.  If you have bad results or a reaction, then the removal of the pellet is also painful.  She also said that my doctor's office does not do the pellets, so I would have to be referred and they would insist on a full lab workup rather than taking anything my doctor's office sent over -- and that particular lab workup likely would not be covered by my insurance.  My insurance doesn't cover my compound either - my understanding is that most do not cover estriol and many do not cover compounds.  Not sure if they would cover a prescribed pill - they do cover the prescribed progesterone.

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Today i was at Burger king waiting for my combo(lol). And near me was a girl,i felt like i know her.And then i relized thats current gf of my long tine ago ex (with who i had 2 painful break-ups).and my mood felt down to total sadness,brr. I started to feel nervous and even shaking because there must be my ex somewhere  ,so she grabbed her coffee and i even watched where she sits and yes he was there.She looked nice,tired and ...pregnant. While i was leaving i looked where they seat lol ,he ate giant whopper and she just had coffee.I m very happy he don t saw me, but this weird scene made me feel broken. I runned away as fast as i can. 

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 I haven't posted here before, I think. It feels like my ears are bleeding. 2 elderly relatives has just left after their Sunday visit. They both have a hearing impairment. They have got hearing-aid, but one of them isn't using it because she say it does not help. Her husband sits and tries to speak, but she talks (yells) over him. They should see a tv-program they did not see many years ago, but it is on internet. The sound had to be turned up so it blasted through the house. My son found out it was a good idea to play some piano. He has Asperger, plus some other diagnoses, so he isn't always understanding why what he want is a bad idea. He left for his room.

It did not help that I couldn't sleep before 01 AM and woke up 05 AM, because I have a lot of pain. It is worse at night. So I was tired. I can't go to bed now, because then I sleep even less at night.

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It's been a horrible week.  10 days.  When I have finished all the practical SL stuff I fear that is it for me in SL.  I have no passion left.  It was him and me for almost 11 years.  Of course I have friends and had other interests outside of us but that all feels like i was killing time until he had finished rl work and logging in.  Then we were together for the next 6-8 hours.   We'll see at the end of the month when tier runs out.  


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33 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

It's been a horrible week.  10 days.  When I have finished all the practical SL stuff I fear that is it for me in SL.  I have no passion left.  It was him and me for almost 11 years.  Of course I have friends and had other interests outside of us but that all feels like i was killing time until he had finished rl work and logging in.  Then we were together for the next 6-8 hours.   We'll see at the end of the month when tier runs out.  


So heart wrenching, Cindy. I  am so sorry.

If you take a break of any length from SL, however long, I hope you will stay in this forum.

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I'm feeling better than I have in a while.  Both of the last 2 nights I managed to get 5 solid hours of sleep before waking up.  Granted it took 2 sleeping pills and a a few melatonin tablets, which is not something I can get away with during the week, but I'll still take it.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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2 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

It's been a horrible week.  10 days.  When I have finished all the practical SL stuff I fear that is it for me in SL.  I have no passion left.  It was him and me for almost 11 years.  Of course I have friends and had other interests outside of us but that all feels like i was killing time until he had finished rl work and logging in.  Then we were together for the next 6-8 hours.   We'll see at the end of the month when tier runs out.  


You're going through so much, Cindy, and for sure life - and Second Life - are never going to be quite the same again.  You have to allow yourself as much time to grieve as you need, but I guarantee, if you take a break from Second Life, you will grieve so much for that too, you will return. I did. I have. Not in the same capacity, and for sure I am still very fragile, because of real life/second life. 

Whether your avatar logs in or not though, Cindy, you've touched a lot of people's lives in Second Life, so you will ALWAYS exist here. Love. Does. Not. Die. 

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8 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I'm feeling better than I have in a while.  Both of the last 2 nights I managed to get 5 solid hours of sleep before waking up.  Granted it took 2 sleeping pills and a a few melatonin tablets, which is not something I can get away with during the week, but I'll still take it.

However you get the sleep, doesn't it make a massive difference to how you feel?  Five solid hours is much better than eight of fiddly faddly broken sleep.  Glad you are feeling bits better today compared to sometimes. 

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3 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

 I haven't posted here before, I think. It feels like my ears are bleeding. 2 elderly relatives has just left after their Sunday visit. They both have a hearing impairment. They have got hearing-aid, but one of them isn't using it because she say it does not help. Her husband sits and tries to speak, but she talks (yells) over him. They should see a tv-program they did not see many years ago, but it is on internet. The sound had to be turned up so it blasted through the house. My son found out it was a good idea to play some piano. He has Asperger, plus some other diagnoses, so he isn't always understanding why what he want is a bad idea. He left for his room.

It did not help that I couldn't sleep before 01 AM and woke up 05 AM, because I have a lot of pain. It is worse at night. So I was tired. I can't go to bed now, because then I sleep even less at night.

Well, I'm going to welcome you into this thread, Marianne.  What a day you have had, extra difficult by the sounds of it.  No wonder you feel like your ears are bleeding.  

I hope you get some better sleep tonight - you'll probably still be able to hear all the blooming noise from today for hours - like when you take roller/ice skates off after a session, you still feel like you've got them on for a good hour afterwards. 

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4 hours ago, Panteleeva said:

Today i was at Burger king waiting for my combo(lol). And near me was a girl,i felt like i know her.And then i relized thats current gf of my long tine ago ex (with who i had 2 painful break-ups).and my mood felt down to total sadness,brr. I started to feel nervous and even shaking because there must be my ex somewhere  ,so she grabbed her coffee and i even watched where she sits and yes he was there.She looked nice,tired and ...pregnant. While i was leaving i looked where they seat lol ,he ate giant whopper and she just had coffee.I m very happy he don t saw me, but this weird scene made me feel broken. I runned away as fast as i can. 

I call that The Power That Is Bigger Than All of Us up to mischief, messing with your head.  I don't know what to say to alleviate your sadness. I hope you enjoyed your food though. I had a Big Mac and fries with a massive chocolate shake today.  I am comfort eating, and it was delicious. 

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Not a good nights sleep for me last night for a variety of reasons. Mother is out of hospital, but doesn't even remember being in hospital. She's stone deaf and refuses hearing aids. She's partially sighted, and losing her sight fast now as a result of macular degeneration and diabetes. I got carers arranged from tomorrow, and the nurse calls every morning now to administer insulin. I still have to organise her meds to be delivered in a nomad dispensing tray, so the carers can deal with it. She needs meds three times a day, which is tough for me to manage, especially as I'm 40 miles away for three days a week. Just hoping for a good outcome tomorrow at the pharmacy. Self medication is now impossible, as her memory has gone completely.

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5 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

Not a good nights sleep for me last night for a variety of reasons. Mother is out of hospital, but doesn't even remember being in hospital. She's stone deaf and refuses hearing aids. She's partially sighted, and losing her sight fast now as a result of macular degeneration and diabetes. I got carers arranged from tomorrow, and the nurse calls every morning now to administer insulin. I still have to organise her meds to be delivered in a nomad dispensing tray, so the carers can deal with it. She needs meds three times a day, which is tough for me to manage, especially as I'm 40 miles away for three days a week. Just hoping for a good outcome tomorrow at the pharmacy. Self medication is now impossible, as her memory has gone completely.

Please try and get some good quality sleep; I know, easier said than done, when you have so much on your plate. 

Wishing you lots of luck and mental strength, it is so hard to watch our nearest and dearest suffer with health problems, very frustrating in so many ways.  You are doing all that you can. You are a good daughter, BelindaN.

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Today I filled 3 garbage bags of clothes from my closet that I haven't worn for over two years.  Felt good. My sleep cycle is so mixed up. I try to get to sleep before ten so I can get up early to work Monday - Friday and then on Friday and Saturday nights I stay up sometimes til 4 or 5 am and have little naps during the day.  Then Sunday night I try to reverse it again to start another work week.

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11 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

I call that The Power That Is Bigger Than All of Us up to mischief, messing with your head.  I don't know what to say to alleviate your sadness. I hope you enjoyed your food though. I had a Big Mac and fries with a massive chocolate shake today.  I am comfort eating, and it was delicious. 

Yes,food fixed it all. The problem was that i didnt saw him for more than 2 years and never saw her in real and so close. I was staring at her realizing if it s her or not. Like i was able just to turn around and then run away much earlier . But no, it was stronger than me. Good i saw him that far from me.  situation just scratched my old wound, but it doeasnt  hurt like it was before.  But now after good sleep it feels behind. 


Big Mac and  fries is ma fav.YUM

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Just stumbled upon this thread and I like it.

I'm feeling good today! Kinda euphoric, since it's the first real sunny day since - idk - November..?! So very happy about that, because I kinda felt depressed lately. I will definitely go outside for a bit to soak up the sun and enjoy my sea of crocuses which are BLOOMING today. 🌷☀️

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14 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Overall it has been an okay day, but I am now sitting here biting my lip to keep from crying  - and I cannot give you any reason as to why I want to cry.

I am so very, very tired of this crap.

Well there are always good reasons to cry. 🙂

All my life I have not been much of a crier. Not any more. Every act of kindness I see makes me cry now. With the world quickly devolving into an increasingly dangerous @#$& show it makes me more grateful for simple kindness. If anything can save us, it’s kindness. 

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"... rainy days and Mondays always get me down..."

I'm actually not really down as much as I am just a bit short-tempered today (and probably an indication that I shouldn't be on the forums). Yesterday it was in the 60s and sunny and gorgeous. Today it's cold and pouring down rain. My sinuses don't quite know what to do. I know I didn't sleep great last night because every time I moved, the sinus pressure shifted and breathing solely through one nostril is just not good enough. 

The goofy thread about LL limiting creators and how consumers need to educate themselves about polygons and crap is annoying the bejesus out of me for some reason and reading it made me want to punch at least three people. Stupid, I know. I've been doing well just not reading that thread but since it's rainy, and Monday, and I'm not feeling terribly motivated to do much actual work today, I read it. Lesson learned. 

I did just donate blood, though, something I feel very strongly and passionately that all people who are able to donate should do. Transfusions have saved the lives of people I love, and the sting from the little ***** (heh) is a small price to pay for paying it forward. I've been donating for years and today was the first time the phlebotomist told me that I have a rare blood type, though. She didn't know what it was that made my type rare, but I guess I carry some sort of special antigen or something that makes my blood especially valuable. I'm pretty freaking ordinary in absolutely every other way so that actually made me feel really good to hear and I'm going to treat myself to a big protein-filled lunch of some sort since I'm now a pint short. 

I also, incredibly stupidly, neglected to take my happy pills over the weekend. I never intentionally skip, but on Saturdays and Sundays my routine is off and I always think, "oh, I'll go take them in a minute" and somehow never do, so I'm paying the price for that today as well (see: short-tempered). 

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