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How are you feeling today?

Beth Macbain

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13 minutes ago, Fauve Aeon said:

There’s an inworld mud-wrestling game and plenty of strip scripts. just saying.

Today I’m feeling better emotionally but very rotten physically, I’ve caught a nasty, gooey cold. 
Pizza might be my answer to many things today as well! 

Pizza is always the answer. I recommend deep dish just to be safe and a nice glass of wine. 

Now I have to run to that mud-wrestling pit.... wish me luck...

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Let's see... I can already tell that this is a TL/DR post, which actually gives me a lot more leeway...

I'm feeling better than yesterday, thanks in part to spending several hours in SL yesterday with my bff&e. He never comes inworld any more (he's my ex SL partner), basically hates SL (for mostly stupid reasons), and generally isn't happy inworld when he does visit and so makes me feel a combination of irked and guilty. But NOT last night. We had a blast. Whether he was gritting his teeth through all of it or not I don't know nor do I care.

It is snowing, which sucks. I used to like snow. I love most of the things about New England. Snow is a given. Now, because of "stuff" snow makes life a lot more difficult. But I do have my relatively new "happy" light, which I'm basking in right now, which helps combat seasonal affective disorder, which is a good thing because we will not see the sun for another (looks at watch) six months.

I was woken up by a sharp, insistent, loud knock on my front door. I scrambled as quickly as I could to get to... no one there. No one in the hall. Nada. Now my whole day will be off because some jerk woke me up and startled me out of bed.

I'm feeling engaged enough to start a forum project. This might even be a Pro Tip. I find it sometimes useful to jot down notes about posters, especially ones who aren't as prolific as others. Thanks to a recently closed thread, and some kind folk just coming out and simply stating a few things, this new list has saved me a lot of trouble in the future. In the past the little few word blurbs have been useful. I feel like a Santa's elf, making a list, checking it twice, finding out who is naughty or nice... (or just an a**hole, not that there are any of those).

I'm also still feeling self-destructive and have been toying with how to start a troll thread. Settle down, contrary to popular belief I don't actually do that. (Usually my OPs fizzle so fast they don't get to two pages.) So should anyone else want to do it for me, I think a lovely OP would be "What didn't you get to say?" and the topic would be: Didn't quite make it in before the lock and had a great one-liner that was so, so witty? Type it there. Had a thing with someone the day before and didn't say anything pithy but you thought up the perfect remark 12 hours later? Type it there. No back stories, no names, no pointing to specific threads, just random and hopefully funny and snarky (yes please) comments.

I think I'm being trolled inworld and I'm being evil enough to quietly play along with it, like I don't know what is going on. I assume this will blow up in my face.

My fingers are cold. My injuries hurt and I ran out of over-the-counter pain meds and I don't want to take oxy if I can help it. Contrary to popular belief (she now says again), if you actually need the stuff for pain and are a lawful-good person and so is your doctor, the stuff is ridiculously difficult to get. There are pages of forms to read, sign, agree to and cups to pee in. Then the amount given is a teeny tiny amount in strength and in numbers are so few as to not cover three weeks. So there's that. This makes me feel angry. Chronic physical pain is not for sissies.

I think I may have been doing stuff in SL where I'm actually punishing my avatar. Um. What? Yep. How weird is that? I talked to the bff&e about that and he concurred that it was cray cray. Poor lil SR!

Cool, this is a blog post, and no one ever reads those, so I'm golden. No one will be the wiser.





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3 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

There’s an inworld mud-wrestling game and plenty of strip scripts. just saying.

Today I’m feeling better emotionally but very rotten physically, I’ve caught a nasty, gooey cold. 
Pizza might be my answer to many things today as well! 

I've always found that pizza and beer cure 90% of all problems

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19 hours ago, Talligurl said:

I just want to scream.

I assume that's not a scream of orgasmic pleasure, but a scream of frustration and rage?

/me pulls out a couple of the cookies he bought the office staff and passes them to her.  "Chocolate chip makes everything better"

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2 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

... stuff I read every single word of...

I am so glad you got to have some fun last night! 

People knocking on my door freaks me the hell out. I always assume it's something awful waiting for me on the other side unless I know it's the Amazon delivery dude, or the grocery delivery dude. And if someone wakes me up by knocking on the door?? I'd be a basket case all freaking day. 

I completely agree with you about pain medicine. I worked in a pharmacy for 15 years. I quit because I had started to assume that every single person that got pain medicine (and there were A LOT of them in Las Vegas) was a junkie, and had lost my empathy for both the possibility that they were in real pain, or that they were trapped in the disease of addiction. The truth is, though, that when you are in serious, real pain, your quality of life is nil without some help from some really freaking strong pain killers. 

About 10 years ago, I had some back pain. Over the course of a few months, I went through hell because all the doctors I saw assumed I was looking for pills. Immediate care center put me on bed rest for a couple days. Emergency room refused to give me anything very strong because I drove myself there and was driving myself home. The next morning (7 hours later) I was in my primary care doctor's office. She didn't take me seriously because I wasn't in horrifying pain because the ER had given me a shot of anti-inflammatory drugs in my butt and a nice muscle relaxer. It wasn't until a week later, when I called my doctor back and asked to be referred to a pain management clinic because I couldn't live in the pain I was feeling, that she took me even semi-seriously. She sent me to a neurosurgeon. Neurosurgeon wouldn't see me until I had an MRI. Doc finally, finally, FREAKING FINALLY ordered an MRI. I remember going in and climbing on the bed-thingie to be put in the machine, and people were pretty chill, and then afterwards when it was time for me to get up, I had like 4 people coming in to assist me. I knew they'd seen something. The neurosurgeon called me the next day to come in immediately. I hadn't even realized that my left leg from the knee down was dead because my right leg was compensating for it. I had a severely herniated disc and was in surgery 3 days later. 

All that to say that if someone had freaking taken me seriously when I said I was in pain, I might have been able to avoid the nerve damage (it never entirely came back) through physical therapy, medications, etc., instead of having to go straight to surgery. Pain is real and it means something is wrong. And there isn't a damn thing wrong with giving someone who is in pain some strong medication. 

The addiction issue isn't the fault of the oxy anymore than tequila is the fault of alcoholism. It got out of hand because doctors don't actually doctor their patients, and that's because insurance companies have effed everything up so badly and doctors have to see four patients an hour. 

I'm sorry that you're in such pain, though, and that you have to go through such ridiculous hoops to get even a little bit of relief. 

I would start your troll thread for you, but approximately 95% of the posters on here already think I'm a troll because I'm not shy with my opinion, and then the passive-aggressive "smoking out the trolls one at a time" posts would start up. 

Also, how are you punishing your avi? I might want to do some of that, too!

The forced potluck wasn't terrible. In our white elephant gift exchange, I scored this lava lamp...


... and I can't stop laughing. 

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2 minutes ago, Katt Dragoone said:

How I feel today? Nervous. My grandmother is having a 4th surgery to remove cancer in her body. Throughout the course of her life, the disease comes and go no matter what treatment she gets. I hope this is the last :( 

Wishing her, and you, the very best outcome!

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18 minutes ago, Eva Knoller said:

Hey @Beth Macbain I got a Himalayan salt rock lamp at my work white elephant. Fist bumps for random lamps!  (excuse my ugly office sill)

I work in state government and we were just told that the governor is giving us extra days off. So my day has gone from crappy to better.

Ohhhhh a marble shelf... Fancy.. 

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5 hours ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

I assume that's a scream of frustration and rage?


5 hours ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

/me pulls out a couple of the cookies and passes them to her.  "Chocolate chip makes everything better"

i do feel much better now, thank you

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11 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

There’s an inworld mud-wrestling game and plenty of strip scripts. just saying.

I think that this is kind of a brilliant idea for ending flaming and fighting here. It has the additional benefit of ensuring that no one ever contradicts me, as they'll be terrified of the prospect of mud wrestling with me. I plan to put this into action the next time I start a thread.

11 hours ago, Marut72 said:

Pizza is always the answer. I recommend deep dish just to be safe and a nice glass of wine.

Deep dish pizza in an utter abomination, and hateful in the eyes of the Lord, and any self-respecting pizza chef. A glass of wine is a nice idea, however, please.

(There. That should start a bit of flaming.)

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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40 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I think that this is kind of a brilliant idea for ending flaming and fighting here. It has the additional benefit of ensuring that no one ever contradicts me, as they'll be terrified of the prospect of mud wrestling with me. I plan to put this into action the next time I start a thread.

Deep dish pizza in an utter abomination, and hateful in the eyes of the Lord, and any self-respecting pizza chef. A glass of wine is a nice idea, however, please.

(There. That should start a bit of flaming.)

Pffft, blasphemy!  Your thin, foldable New York style is Old Testament - true salvation came from the Midwestern US, where the New Testament of deep dish pizza was born!

Does this mean I get to mud wrestle you to establish pizza dominance?

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I'm weak, bruised and exhausted, but happy as always. I didn't have to go to hospital yesterday and now I'm safely tucked up in my warm bed resting, reading, drawing, knitting. So I'm thankful. 

Im also in a kind of "I really don't care what anyone thinks of me" kind of mood which isn't wholly unpleasant.

Mostly, I'm just thankful for my loved ones and the unconditional love I get from them. Plus I keep thinking in less than two years, I'll be having all my future Christmases in rl with my sl hubby finally. That is the best thing of all. So overall, I'm thankful. :D

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