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How are you feeling today?

Beth Macbain

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1 minute ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

The Winter darkness is catching up with me.  Now each day I just want to hibernate.  I've heard people recommend lightboxes to counter that but I have no idea what's good and what isn't.  On the other hand perhaps I should just give in and stay under the duvet feeling sorry for myself.

I think it's perfectly okay to hibernate and feel sorry for yourself every once in a while. Sometimes we need that, so if that's what you feel like doing, go right ahead! Just remember that you do have to get up eventually and get back to living! 

I understand there are some pretty inexpensive lightboxes on Amazon. I like the dark so it's not really something I've ever looked into, but, hey, it's worth a shot! 


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Okay, we've made it to December 9th, but it's a Monday.

How are we all doing today?

I'm tired, but feeling pretty good. I'm about to get lost in Excel spreadsheets for a few hours. I know that sounds like hell to some people, but I actually enjoy it, so that'll be nice. It's rainy and overcast, though, and I forgot to bring my lunch and noticed that one of my tires needs air so I'll be going out and spending money at lunch that I didn't plan to spend. Yuck. 

All in all, I think I'm pretty chill today.  

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52 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

Okay, we've made it to December 9th, but it's a Monday.

How are we all doing today?

I'm tired, but feeling pretty good. I'm about to get lost in Excel spreadsheets for a few hours. I know that sounds like hell to some people, but I actually enjoy it, so that'll be nice. It's rainy and overcast, though, and I forgot to bring my lunch and noticed that one of my tires needs air so I'll be going out and spending money at lunch that I didn't plan to spend. Yuck. 

All in all, I think I'm pretty chill today.  

I’m having a similar day. I’m back at work after a whirlwind of a weekend. It is very much overcast here as well, but at least the roads are dry which is a huge win. 

As far as Monday’s go, I love them. I’ve learned to love them. They are still tough at times, but I love the routine and the discipline of getting after what I want to get after. 

A good day here.

I am hoping the rest of the Second Life Forum citizenry has a good day as well. 

Edited by Marut72
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It's Monday?  Oh right, that's why the traffic is busy.  No wait, it's always busy except between 3 and 4 am.  Pretty quiet then.  I'm watching the weather to see how it's going to be on election day (Thursday).  So far so good, and I might even manage to walk to the polling station instead of taking a taxi.  I'm feeling optimistic. :)

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So far, so good.  Monday means nothing to us retirees, but it's interesting to watch the rest of the world waking up ... kids walking to school, sounds of increased traffic (?) on the roads in this small town.  The morning paper arrived, I didn't slip in the shower, the outside temperature is higher than they said it might be -- already 16F! -- and most other signs are good for the day. My only immediate concern is this lovely computer, which has been complaining about something since the last Win 10 update, but I can't figure out what it is complaining about.  I'm sure it will tell me.

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1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

Okay, we've made it to December 9th, but it's a Monday.

How are we all doing today?

   Well, after a migraine-y weekend that messed up my circadian rhythm, I slept until 13.30. I didn't really mind, until I heard that lunch today was Sjömansbiff. Oh well. Toast isn't all bad though, I guess.

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On 12/5/2019 at 10:47 AM, Beth Macbain said:

Thank you for sharing that... I really enjoyed it! I'll be sharing it with my family, too!

We do a thing here at work at the start of every meeting we have. It's called a "community meeting" and we go around the room and ask each other three questions:

  • How are you feeling today?
  • What are your goals for the day?
  • Who will you go to if you need help? 

Ohgod. If I had to do this at any place I worked, with the people I worked with, I would die. Just... fall over, clasp my chest, and die. They were the last folks I'd ever open up to!

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20 minutes ago, Orwar said:


... heads to Google...

Oooooooh... that both looks and sounds delicious! I'd be mad if I missed that, too!

... bookmarks the recipe...

I managed to make it all the way to 11:15 without wanting to kill someone. I want to kill someone now at 11:16, though. That thing where you ask a coworker a simple question, and they know they effed up somewhere so they double-talk all around actually answering the question... JUST ANSWER MY EFFING QUESTION, JACKIE!

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37 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

I have a toothache.  But I'm also sad that a thread was deleted before Storm got my hug.  I really thought what he needed was a hug and it didn't look like anyone else was going to hug him. Oh well.

If the hug had worked, I'd have been very surprised. It seemed to be quickly heading to a Very Bad Place when I checked out and went to bed!

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On 12/7/2019 at 5:42 PM, Garnet Psaltery said:

The Winter darkness is catching up with me.  Now each day I just want to hibernate.  I've heard people recommend lightboxes to counter that but I have no idea what's good and what isn't.  On the other hand perhaps I should just give in and stay under the duvet feeling sorry for myself.

Sleeping Black Cat.jpg

OHHHHH. Awwww! I just want to reach through the monitor and hug this kitteh!

As for light therapy, I started it a few months ago and it seems to be working. It isn't a HUGE difference, but a good, noticeable one. My doctor gave me a list of things to look for and I bought this one on Amazon. I like it. I like how you can arrange the light in different ways. I thought it a good value for the price. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01IU9MMPI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


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Hey, I can always be the Debbie Downer of a thread! Let's do it in music! Despite the upbeat tempo, here's one, especially the hook line:

or for some reason I've been playing this over and over... (besides the fact that the singer's voice and rendition literally gives me goosebumps):

Or just more succinctly:


And I'm out of wine.

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On 12/7/2019 at 11:05 AM, Conall DeCuir said:

So far, so good. I just got word that we adults do not gift us anything anymore .. we are too many and it was already a mess last year. Gifts are now only for the kids anymore. And now i am sitting here with 8 bottles of fine scottish whisky and it's all for myself. So if i write nonsense during the next months, you all know why. :)

/me holds out large glass in your direction

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I started off productively with some Christmas prep.  I got fed up of the lame contents of Christmas crackers so decided to do something myself.  I have put together little gift bags instead with a decent small present,  Christmas hats/reindeer ears that won't rip like those paper things you normally get,  a joke and a little chocolate and lots of sequins and silver shred.  They will also double up as name tags for place settings. 

So pleased with myself I was feeling good and its not raining so I got all coated up and took a coffee out in the garden for a bit. I was enjoying watching 2 robins at the bird feeder.  All lovely and relaxing until TWO BLOODY PHONE CALLS ONE AFTER THE OTHER. First trying to scam me into pressing one to cancel my amazon prime subscription (that I don't have) and the second wanting me to just answer a few questions from a very persistent lady.  (I put the phone down on her and she rang straight back!)  Both different legitimate looking numbers which I answered instead of letting them go to answerphone because I am waiting on an important call.   Totally ruined my mood and set me off on one of those if it stays still long enough I am going to eat it rampages *sighs*  and I haven't stopped munching since.  :/ 

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I really wish these forums had these post reaction buttons: Hug, surprise (not confused), and wtf? (better than the confused button). (Also want an eat s88t and die button, but that's probably just me in my current mood.)

ETA: An angry face, prompted by Cindy's post just now about phone crap.

Edited by Seicher Rae
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12 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

I really wish these forums had these buttons: Hug, surprise (not confused), and wtf? (better than the confused button). (Also want an eat s88t and die button, but that's probably just me in my current mood.)

ETA: An angry face, prompted by Cindy's post just now about phone crap.

We also need the option of using more than one. Sometimes a post will make me feel everything. 


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Today is another good day mentally wise; otherwise I am feeling good and planning a photo with a close friend for a photo challenge then we do her photo for same challenge; we met because of this person who hosts these monthly challenges. So I look forward to see what her idea comes out like as I'm excited about mine too! :)


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4 minutes ago, Saskia Rieko said:

Counting the days to the weekend, and then starting a four-week holiday break. Coming back to work middle January, couldn't be happier.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous. 

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52 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

... bookmarks the recipe...

   The great thing about Sjömansbiff is that, being what we call 'Husmanskost' in Sweden, it's not actually very complex. It has the 'Swedish Holy Trinity of Not Starving' (i.e. Potatoes, onions and meat). The trick to the dish is doing it the right way! I thus give you ...

Orwar's Sjömansbiff


  • Potatoes (waxy or half-waxy, else they'll just turn into mush)
  • Onions. Lots, and lots of onions.
  • Meat. You'll want a fatty or marbled piece of beef, as a too lean cut will easily get dry. Thin slices!
  • A bay leaf. Or two, if you're feeling adventurous.
  • White pepper corns. Whole.
  • Allspice corns, also whole.
  • A little bit of plain wheat flour (to coat the potatoes).
  • Optionally, you can add a little bit of leek, but that's much too fancy for most occasions.
  • Most important of all: Dark ale, porter or stout.
  • Butter (or, preferably, beef tallow).
  • Salt & Pepper.
  • And the secret Orwarian ingredient: bone marrow.


  1. Start off by searing the meat in beef tallow (or butter). Obviously salt and pepper. Put the seared meat in a dutch oven.
  2. Slice up the onions, and fry them in butter (or tallow) until soft and golden. Add to the dutch oven.
  3. Slice the potatoes into quarter-inch slices, coat with flour and fry them (in butter), before adding them to the dutch oven.
  4. Put a couple of white pepper and allspice corns into the pot, along with a bay leaf.
  5. Put the bone marrow in the pot (works best if you've got the bone sliced).
  6. Cover with your choice of brew - a common Carnegie's porter works fine (any leftover beer goes to the chef!).
  7. Put the dutch oven in your oven, and cook it for at least one hour, give it a gentle stir every now and then.

Serve with salted or pickled gherkins.

   "But Orwar! You haven't put any weights or amounts in there, what do I do?!" - it depends on how hungry you are. And remember the #1 cooking rule - taste, taste, taste.


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3 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   "But Orwar! You haven't put any weights or amounts in there, what do I do?!" - it depends on how hungry you are. And remember the #1 cooking rule - taste, taste, taste.

Bloody hell, I'm hungry now. I have all the ingredients except the beer and a big slab o'meat. Got any I can borrow?

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2 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

Bloody hell, I'm hungry now. I have all the ingredients except the beer and a big slab o'meat. Got any I can borrow?



   ... You should know better than to ask to borrow a man's meat!

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