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Fake-Leg shoes (well, actually boots!) are in Real Life...did they get inspired from SL?!!

Poenald Palen

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I guess it is for the ugly feet in real life, though it really seems not to be a 100% painted up replacement BUT with a log log dress...well, maybe they would work like that from a distance lol. But basically, they have flesh colored leather with a shoe outline in a different color sewed up to make a boot that looks like mary "jane style" shoes lol. These are also a brand name, not a sort of home made novelty at all!! We are talking internationally known brand as well. I am not really into fashion adn I even have heard of this favorite brand of the devil(it was in a book title that kept popping..no, I didn't read the book either but knew the brand before that from heck knows where...just hearing people talk about it I guess. 

Even though I am not a huge fashion fan I saw these and had to mention it here because I thought some might get a chuckle out of this who are into fashion at the very least. Pretty looking feet for RL? Not exactly but more like Pretty-legs-at-a-distanc. But hey, with some latex and a decent airbrush artist....who knows! lol.

I am not sure if I can mention the name and don't feel like looking up all the rules they have made at these forums. But a search for "Fake-Leg Footwear" in your favorite popular search engine should lead you in the right direction ;)

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Poenald Palen wrote:


I am not sure if I can mention the name and don't feel like looking up all the rules they have made at these forums. But
a search for "Fake-Leg Footwear" in your favorite popular search engine should lead you in the right direction

No brand name! :smileyvery-happy:

But a pic cannot hurt!


ETA: These are the most horrible boots I've ever seen! :smileysurprised:

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I think they look a little weird, but I do think their is something behind the design....I can only think stuff like SL + the newer fabric under strap shoes thing and extend it to a boot. But I would have though they would have went with something like the blue fabric ones someone posted. Those are really more where I think the design would have went and not with flesh colored leather. But really, it is not only they are flesh colored BUT they also mention Fake-Leg everywhere I saw these! (I thought it might have been a hoax and I was being fooled by something left over from April Fools Day ;P )

Only SL comes to mind as a influence! Is it a sort of historic element, to become collectors and sort of a capture of the times. I know the fabric on the foot thing is obviously due to the viens ect. people might get and it is also a slight bit warmer. You can imagine the thousands of heels in cold climates, I know many women are seen in Moscow and Russia with heels (I watch some TV online now and then lol, otherwise I am so out of the loop on fashion it is very funny) so...fabric makes sense. BUT, the leather that is flesh colored! Has to be a sort of joke or statement of the times with the fabric covering skin...it is like they are afraid to show skin...so, hence the joke with skin colored under leather boot stuff? They are so wealthy and release so many designs they can make a joke and sell it for that much!! Wow, to be a brand name so strong and wealthy! lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is such a funny thread, not because of the odd boots pic BUT....no one has really delved into the thought I was expressing in the title or maybe answered it by showing a growing trend of SL mimiced items.

Clarisa Llowell sort of got at what I was wondering when she said: (qoute) "That first pair could be good for someone with a leg injury, skin condition or prosthesis. Well, there must be a reason it was created."

I was thinking they might have made them as a sort of laugh or to express the times. But, yeah...people with bad legs of prothesis! Since there are military females that might have fake legs but still want to go out and look pretty? Those girls are few and many times rougher or more into jeans and t shirts lol. Well, it might have been from a request they recieved from a person with leg injuries? Who knows, but the designer! I don't know, BUT...people collect shoes, right?

So, I think this is a hint at capturing the times and it might be directly inspired by investigating SL's Stilleto Moody news story that circulated about millions in sales of fake world shoes! OR possibly a hint at the times and the plastic surgery that is so much well known and transhumanism...the material girl over the true deeper meaning shoes came into existance...as armour and protection from the elements....BUT, the most protecting shoes don't show off the healthy skin or the legs. So, transhumism almost starts with heels, as well as plastic surgery! It makes you legs look longer, makes you look taller!! Fake, not true height and it was very early way of working around a flaw....these shoes go back to the basics of what was seen as healthy...clear skin was sort of youthfull, but not zitty so the women was not a young young women. She was clean and was healthy and young. Then, from shelters and basic clothing comes shoes! Eventually it is NOT about preservation of healthy skin that already exists, it becomes about long distance signaling! It becomes abour face to face manipulation of reality! Heels are early ways you created an "virtual reality" of your height! You are not tall, BUT you are Virtually taller because of the shoes! Since SL could have been part of the study...well, they chuckle at the feet they see in a news article, viola...we have fake person skin looking boot shoe things!

Since many companies have people who watch news for industry upstarts, new trends and news on thier own brand (ironically, one of them might be reading this...uh...HI! :P ) well..you see, if they read of Stilleto Moody and then look at the shoes in SL they would see the feet sculpts! A world where they sell the feet to fit the shoes! So, you can get new FEET if you don't like the ones you where born with! What a funny thought about what people will do for fashion! Then the thinking and talks continue, viola....these boots are born with flesh color leather, like the ones in the picture first seen in this post thread!

I am surprised though. Am I the only one who sees a deeper story, that wonders really and truly "What where they thinking? Seriously, I think it must be something more than that they look good" and..well, nope. People see the thread and figure it is a critique thread lol.

Are you all such material girls (and guys) that you did not see something funny in it, something commenting on the times BUT..just saw ugly and had to post they where ugly!? lol. Anyway, yeah...they look uncanny!

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