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Tetris puzzle: Smallest square

Wulfie Reanimator

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Small disclaimer: This is a little group project I'm working on outside of SL. I think it's interesting enough to share.

  • You're given a list of 1-26 Tetris pieces (aka Tetrimino). (Valid input is assumed.)
    • We get the Tetriminoes from a text file, where a 4x4 grid contains one piece. Basically a string. This isn't important for an SL implementation, just context.
  • What is the smallest "square" (holes allowed) that these Tetriminoes can fit in?
  • Rotating the given pieces is not allowed.
  • Each piece should be as close to the top and to the left as possible.

For example (ordered A to H):









Results in:


Additionally, we prioritize the order that the pieces appear in the input file, when the smallest solution allows it. For example:



Results in:


This is a very short and simplified version of the full project. I could add more specific requirements but LSL is what it is.

Here's some reference solutions I created by hand for 26 pieces of the same type. I at least wasn't able to find a smaller solution for any of them.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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